Entrepreneurship in hyper-diverse neighborhoods: An exploratory study in 13 European cities
Year 2023,
Volume: 6 , 67 - 87, 28.03.2023
Ayda Eraydın
The relationship between neighbourhood diversity and entrepreneurship has been discussed concerning neighbourhoods where immigrants with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are concentrated. Recently, these immigrant neighbourhoods experienced further demographic changes not only in social and ethnic terms but also concerning lifestyles and attitudes and they have become the incubation zones of various types of enterprises. Understanding the effects of neighbourhood diversification on entrepreneurship, however, is still a new field of inquiry. This paper explores the changes in entrepreneurship patterns in ethnic, immigrant and deprived neighbourhoods turning into socially diversified environs and draws upon the findings of research conducted within a cross-national EU project entitled DIVERCITIES that focused on the role of neighbourhood diversity on entrepreneurship in 18 neighbourhoods in 13 European cities. The findings show the coexistence of different types of enterprises including existing ones that adapt themselves to new conditions and creative and innovative enterprises that try to get the benefits of population diversity and a tolerant environment. The findings highlight that the existing categories are temporary and shift into new business fields and adaptive processes are continual due to neighbourhood diversity that generates new market conditions and attracts not only visitors from different parts of the city but also national and foreign tourists.
Supporting Institution
EU Seventh Framework Frogramme
Project Number
Grant Agreement No 319970 – DIVERCITIES
- Aldrich, H. and Zimmer, C. (1986). Entrepreneurship through social networks. In: Sexton DL and Smilor RW (eds) The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, pp.3-23.
- Alexandre-Leclair, L. (2014). Diversity as a motive for entrepreneurship? The case of gender, culture and ethnicity, Innovations, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 14(2), 157-175.
- Ambrosini, M. (2012). Migrants' entrepreneurship in transnational social fields: research in the Italian context, International Review of Sociology, 22(2): 273–292.
- Aytar, V. and Rath, J. (2012). Selling ethnic neighbourhoods: the rise of neighbourhoods as places of leisure and consumption. New York: Routledge.
- Bailey, N. (2015). The place of neighbourhood in entrepreneurship: attitudes, resources and sorting. In: Mason, C. M., Reuschke, D., Syrett, S. and van Ham, M. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Cities: Neighbourhoods, Households and Homes. Series: Entrepreneurship, space and place. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 19-38.
- Baker, T. and Welter, F. (2017). Come on out of the ghetto, please! – Building the future of entrepreneurship research, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23 (2), 170-184.
- Balampanidis, D., Souliotis, N. and Maloutas, T. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Athens (Greece). Athens: EKKE.
- Barberis, E. (2017). Diversity, entrepreneurship and local embeddedness. A case study in Milan, Italy, Argomenti, terza serie, 7, 15-39
- Barberis, E. and Angelucci, A. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Milan (Italy). Urbino: DESP – University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
- Barberis, E., Angelucci, A., Jepson, R. and Kazepov, Y. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Milan. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geoscience
- Bereitschaft, B. and Camack, R. (2015). Neighbourhood diversity and the creative class in Chicago, Applied Geography, 63, 166-183
- Boros, L., Horváth, D., Fabula, S.Z. and Kovács, Z. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Budapest (Hungary). Szeged: University of Szeged.
- Budnik, M., Grossmann, K., Haase, A., Haid, C., Hedke, C., Kullmann, K., Wolff, M. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Living with Urban Diversity – The Case of Leipzig, Germany. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences.
- Bynner, C. (2019). Intergroup relations in a super-diverse neighbourhood: The dynamics of population composition, context and community, Urban Studies, 56 (2), 335-351
- Chapple, K. and Jacobus, R. (2009). Retail Trade as a Route to Neighborhood Revitalization, In Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press, pp.19-68.
- Clifton, N. (2008). The ‘creative class’ in the UK: an initial analysis. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography 90(1): 63–82.
- Curran, W. (2007). ‘From the frying pan to the oven’: Gentrification and the experience of industrial displacement in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Urban Studies 44(8): 1427–1440.
- Deener, A. (2007). Commerce as the Structure and Symbol of Neighborhood Life: Reshaping the Meaning of Community in Venice, California. City & Community 6(4): 291-314.
- DIVERCITIES (2016). Diversity in Entrepreneurship, POLICY BRIEF NO.5, https://www.urbandivercities.eu/ publications/policy-briefs/
- Doucet, B. (2014). A process of change and a changing process: Introduction to the Special Issue on contemporary gentrification. Tijdschrift von Economische en Sociale Geografie 105(2): 125–139.
- Eraydin, A., Yersen, Ö., Güngördü, N. and Demirdağ, İ. (2016). Fieldwork Entrepreneurs. Ankara: METU.
- Fabula, S., Boros, L. Horváth, D. and Kovács, Z. (2017). Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Budapest. Szeged: University of Szeged.
- Fainstein, S. (2005). Cities and diversity: should we want it? Can we plan for it? Urban Affairs Review 41(1): 3-19.
- Faist, T. (2009). Diversity–a new mode of incorporation? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(1), 171-190
- Ferm, J. (2016). Preventing the displacement of small businesses through London commercial gentrification: are affordable workspace policies the solution? Planning Practice and Research, 31(4), 402-419
- Florida, R. (2005). Cities and the creative class. New York: Routledge.
- Florida, R. and Gates, G. (2003). Technology and tolerance: the importance of diversity to high-technology growth, in Clark TN (ed) The City as an Entertainment Machine, Emerald, Bingley, pp. 199-219.
- Folmer, E. (2013). Entrepreneurship in the neighbourhood: shifting patterns of economic activities in residential neighbourhoods in five Dutch cities. Journal of Urban Affairs 36(4), 742-759
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- Gonzalez, S. and Waley, P. (2012). Traditional Retail Markets: The New Gentrification Frontier? Antipode 45(4), 965-983
- Greve, A. and Salaff, J.W. (2003). Social networks and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28(1), 1-22
- Hackler, D. and Mayer, H. (2008). Diversity, entrepreneurship, and the urban environment, Journal of Urban Affairs, 30(3), 273-307
- Haisch, T. and Klöpper, C. (2015). Location choices of the creative class: does tolerance make a difference? Journal of Urban Affairs, 37(3), 233-254
- He, J.L. and Gebhardt, H. (2014) Space of Creative Industries: A Case Study of Spatial Characteristics of Creative Clusters in Shanghai. European Planning Studies 22(11), 2351-2368.
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- Howkins, J. (2001). Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas, UK: Penguin Books.
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Aşırı çeşitliliğin olduğu mahallelerde girişimcilik: 13 Avrupa kentinde keşif çalışması
Year 2023,
Volume: 6 , 67 - 87, 28.03.2023
Ayda Eraydın
Kentsel çeşitlilik ve girişimcilik ilişkisi uzun yıllar etnik ve kültürel açıdan farklılık gösteren ve göçmenlerin yoğunlaştığı mahalleler özelinde tartışıldı. Son yıllarda göçmenlerin yoğunlaştığı mahallelerde demografik dönüşümler yaşanmakta, sosyal ve etnik çeşitlenme yanı sıra yaşam ve davranış biçimleri açısından da çeşitlilik artmakta ve nüfus yapısı değişen bu mahalleler çok farklı tipteki girişimlerin kuluçka alanları haline gelmektedir. Ancak, bu değişimin girişimcilik üzerindeki etkisi hala yeni bir çalışma alanıdır. Bu makale, etnik ve kültürel farklılıkların olduğu ve yakın geçmişte çöküntü yaşayan alanlardan sosyal ve kültürel çeşitliliğin en fazla olduğu kent parçalarına evrilen mahallelerde değişen girişimcilik örüntülerine odaklanmakta ve 13 farklı kentteki 18 mahalleyi kapsayan bir AB araştırma projesinin (DIVERCITIES) bulgularını sunmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular kentsel çeşitliliğin yeni boyutlar kazandığı bu kent parçalarında çok farklı girişimcilik türlerinin bir arada yer aldığını göstermektedir. Mevcut girişimlerin bir bölümü yeni koşullara uyum sağlarken, çeşitlenen nüfus yapısı ve bunun sağladığı özgürlük ortamından yararlanmak isteyen yeni yaratıcı ve yenilikçi girişimler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bulgular mevcut girişimcilik desenlerinin geçici olduğunu ve kentsel çeşitliliğin yeni piyasa koşulları yaratması nedeniyle yeni iş alanlarına kayışın süreceğini ve bu kent parçalarının hem kentin değişik bölgelerinde yaşayan hem de ulusal ve yabancı ziyaretçiler için çekiciliğinin artacağını göstermektedir.
Project Number
Grant Agreement No 319970 – DIVERCITIES
- Aldrich, H. and Zimmer, C. (1986). Entrepreneurship through social networks. In: Sexton DL and Smilor RW (eds) The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, pp.3-23.
- Alexandre-Leclair, L. (2014). Diversity as a motive for entrepreneurship? The case of gender, culture and ethnicity, Innovations, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 14(2), 157-175.
- Ambrosini, M. (2012). Migrants' entrepreneurship in transnational social fields: research in the Italian context, International Review of Sociology, 22(2): 273–292.
- Aytar, V. and Rath, J. (2012). Selling ethnic neighbourhoods: the rise of neighbourhoods as places of leisure and consumption. New York: Routledge.
- Bailey, N. (2015). The place of neighbourhood in entrepreneurship: attitudes, resources and sorting. In: Mason, C. M., Reuschke, D., Syrett, S. and van Ham, M. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Cities: Neighbourhoods, Households and Homes. Series: Entrepreneurship, space and place. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 19-38.
- Baker, T. and Welter, F. (2017). Come on out of the ghetto, please! – Building the future of entrepreneurship research, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23 (2), 170-184.
- Balampanidis, D., Souliotis, N. and Maloutas, T. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Athens (Greece). Athens: EKKE.
- Barberis, E. (2017). Diversity, entrepreneurship and local embeddedness. A case study in Milan, Italy, Argomenti, terza serie, 7, 15-39
- Barberis, E. and Angelucci, A. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Milan (Italy). Urbino: DESP – University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
- Barberis, E., Angelucci, A., Jepson, R. and Kazepov, Y. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Milan. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geoscience
- Bereitschaft, B. and Camack, R. (2015). Neighbourhood diversity and the creative class in Chicago, Applied Geography, 63, 166-183
- Boros, L., Horváth, D., Fabula, S.Z. and Kovács, Z. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Budapest (Hungary). Szeged: University of Szeged.
- Budnik, M., Grossmann, K., Haase, A., Haid, C., Hedke, C., Kullmann, K., Wolff, M. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Living with Urban Diversity – The Case of Leipzig, Germany. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences.
- Bynner, C. (2019). Intergroup relations in a super-diverse neighbourhood: The dynamics of population composition, context and community, Urban Studies, 56 (2), 335-351
- Chapple, K. and Jacobus, R. (2009). Retail Trade as a Route to Neighborhood Revitalization, In Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press, pp.19-68.
- Clifton, N. (2008). The ‘creative class’ in the UK: an initial analysis. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography 90(1): 63–82.
- Curran, W. (2007). ‘From the frying pan to the oven’: Gentrification and the experience of industrial displacement in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Urban Studies 44(8): 1427–1440.
- Deener, A. (2007). Commerce as the Structure and Symbol of Neighborhood Life: Reshaping the Meaning of Community in Venice, California. City & Community 6(4): 291-314.
- DIVERCITIES (2016). Diversity in Entrepreneurship, POLICY BRIEF NO.5, https://www.urbandivercities.eu/ publications/policy-briefs/
- Doucet, B. (2014). A process of change and a changing process: Introduction to the Special Issue on contemporary gentrification. Tijdschrift von Economische en Sociale Geografie 105(2): 125–139.
- Eraydin, A., Yersen, Ö., Güngördü, N. and Demirdağ, İ. (2016). Fieldwork Entrepreneurs. Ankara: METU.
- Fabula, S., Boros, L. Horváth, D. and Kovács, Z. (2017). Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Budapest. Szeged: University of Szeged.
- Fainstein, S. (2005). Cities and diversity: should we want it? Can we plan for it? Urban Affairs Review 41(1): 3-19.
- Faist, T. (2009). Diversity–a new mode of incorporation? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(1), 171-190
- Ferm, J. (2016). Preventing the displacement of small businesses through London commercial gentrification: are affordable workspace policies the solution? Planning Practice and Research, 31(4), 402-419
- Florida, R. (2005). Cities and the creative class. New York: Routledge.
- Florida, R. and Gates, G. (2003). Technology and tolerance: the importance of diversity to high-technology growth, in Clark TN (ed) The City as an Entertainment Machine, Emerald, Bingley, pp. 199-219.
- Folmer, E. (2013). Entrepreneurship in the neighbourhood: shifting patterns of economic activities in residential neighbourhoods in five Dutch cities. Journal of Urban Affairs 36(4), 742-759
- Fothergill, S., Gudgin, G., Kitson, M., Monk, S. (1986). The De-industrialisation of the city, Dordrecht: Springer.
- Gonzalez, S. and Waley, P. (2012). Traditional Retail Markets: The New Gentrification Frontier? Antipode 45(4), 965-983
- Greve, A. and Salaff, J.W. (2003). Social networks and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28(1), 1-22
- Hackler, D. and Mayer, H. (2008). Diversity, entrepreneurship, and the urban environment, Journal of Urban Affairs, 30(3), 273-307
- Haisch, T. and Klöpper, C. (2015). Location choices of the creative class: does tolerance make a difference? Journal of Urban Affairs, 37(3), 233-254
- He, J.L. and Gebhardt, H. (2014) Space of Creative Industries: A Case Study of Spatial Characteristics of Creative Clusters in Shanghai. European Planning Studies 22(11), 2351-2368.
- Hoestra, M.S. and Danlvik, J. (2017). Neighbourhood participation in super-diverse contexts: comparing Amsterdam and Vienna, Urban Research & Practice 11 (4), 441-459
- Howkins, J. (2001). Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas, UK: Penguin Books.
- Hutton, T. (2009). Trajectories of the new economy: Regeneration and dislocation in the inner city. Urban Studies 46(5–6): 987–1001.
- Keatinge, B. and Martin, D.G. (2016). A ‘Bedford Falls’ kind of place: neighbourhood branding and commercial revitalisation in processes of gentrification in Toronto, Ontario. Urban Studies, 3(5), 867–883
- Kersten, J, Raco, M., Moreira De Souza, T. and Colomb, C. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, London (UK). London: UCL.
- Kloosterman, R. (2010). Matching opportunities with resources: A framework for analysing (migrant) entrepreneurship from a mixed embeddedness perspective, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 22 (1), 25-45
- Kloosterman, R. and Rath, J. (2003). Immigrant entrepreneurs: Venturing abroad in the age of globalization, Berg/University of New York Press
- Koebel, C.T. (2002). Analyzing Neighbourhood Retail and Service Change in Six Cities. Blacksburg, VA: Center for Housing Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- Korcelli-Olejniczak, E., Piotrowski, F., Dworzański, P. and Bierzyński, A. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Warsaw (Poland). Warsaw: IGSO PAS.
- Kovács, Z., Wiessner, R. and Zischner, R. (2015). Beyond gentrification: diversified neighbourhood upgrading in the inner city of Budapest. Geografie 120(2), 251-274.
- Labrianidis, L. and Hatziprokopiou, P. (2010). Migrant Entrepreneurship in Greece: Diversity of Pathways for Emerging Ethnic Business Communities in Thessaloniki. International Migration and Integration 11(2), 193–217
- Lees, L, Shin, H.B. and Lopez-Moralez, E. (2015). Global gentrifications: Uneven development and displacement. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Lees, L. (2003). Super-gentrification: The Case of Brooklyn Heights, New York City. Urban Studies 40(12), 2487–2509
- Lelévrier, C. and Rivière, C. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs. Paris: Université Paris-Est Créteil.
- Ley, D. (1994). Gentrification and the Politics of the New Middle Class. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 12 (1), 53–74.
- Meltzer, R. and Schuetz, J. (2012). Bodegas or Bagel Shops? Neighborhood Differences in Retail and Household Services. Economic Development Quarterly 26 (1), 73–94.
- Murdie, R. and Teixeira, C. (2011). The impact of gentrification on ethnic neighbourhoods in Toronto: a case study of little Portugal. Urban Studies 48(1), 61–83
- Nathan, M. (2015). After Florida? Towards an economics of diversity. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22(1), 4-19.
- Nathan, M. and Lee, N. (2013). Cultural diversity, innovation, and entrepreneurship: firm-level evidence from London, Economic Geography, 89(49), 367–394,
- Nielsen, R.S., Beckman, A.W., Blach, V. and Andersen, H.T. (2016). Fieldwork entrepreneurs, Copenhagen (Denmark). Copenhagen: Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University.
- North, D and Syrett, S. (2006). The Dynamics of Local Economies and Deprived Neighbourhoods, Department of Communities and Local Government, London,
- Oosterlynck, S., Saeys, A., Albeda, Y., Van Puymbroeck, N. and Verschraegen, G. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Antwerp. Antwerp: Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp.
- Peterson, M. (2017). Living with difference in hyper-diverse areas: How important are encounters in semi-public spaces? Social & Cultural Geography, 18, 1067–1085.
- Phillimore, S. and Pemberton, J (2016). Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches, Urban Studies 55(4), 679-701
- Plowman, J. (2014). What Happens to Retail When Neighbourhoods Gentrify? Evidence from California Metro Areas. Professional Report, University of California at Berkeley.
- Plüss, L., A. Babel, P. Abegg, J. Steiner and W. Schenkel (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity. The Case of Zurich. Zurich: Synergo.
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