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Kentsel morfoloji ve planlama: Hermann Jansen’in planlama anlayışına yönelik bir çözümleme

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 154 - 183, 19.04.2024


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi planlama pratiklerinde etkin bir yeri olan Hermann Jansen’in kentsel mekanı biçimlendirmeye yönelik ilkelerine yönelik morfolojik bir çözümleme geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede kentsel morfoloji perspektifi ile bir değerlendirme yöntemi geliştirilmiş ve Jansen’in üretmiş olduğu farklı planlarda kentsel mekanın biçimlendirilmesine yönelik tutumu tartışılmıştır. Jansen’in salt Türkiye’de değil dünyanın birçok kentinde planlar ürettiği dönem, aynı zamanda kentsel morfolojinin geliştiği dönemdir. Jansen’in kentsel morfoloji alanı ile herhangi bir ilişkisinin olduğuna yönelik bir bulgu bulunmamakla birlikte, Jansen kentsel morfolojinin sunmuş olduğu kuramsal ve metodolojik çerçeve içinde, kenti parça bütün ilişkisi içinde üretilen tutarlı bir bütünlük olarak ele almış ve alt, orta ve üst ölçeklerde farklı kararlık düzeylerinde kentsel örüntüler öngörmüştür. Camillo Sitte’nin yaklaşımı ve Bahçe Kent hareketinin etkisinde özgün bir planlama yaklaşımı geliştiren Jansen, tarihi şehirde pitoresk etkinin güçlendirilmesi ve yeni gelişme alanlarında geniş bahçeler içinde müstakil evlerin bulunduğu az yoğunluklu bir yerleşimin oluşturulmasına yönelik bir arayış içinde olmuştur. Plancının, plan kararı geliştirirken, üretimine katkıda bulunduğu mekanın nasıl bir ürün olacağının, hangi nitelikleri taşıyacağının farkında olması gerektiğine yönelik önemli katkılar yapmıştır. Bu çerçevede Jansen ve dönemin planlama pratikleri günümüzde mekan üretme süreçlerine yabancılaşan plancılar için önemli bir kavrayış sunmaktadır. Mekanın değişim ve dönüşümüne yönelik plancının gerçekleştireceği morfolojik incelemeler, plancı için mekanı bir araştırma nesnesi haline getirirken aynı zamanda hakkında karar üreteceği mekanı tanıması, tanımlaması ve mekana yönelik bilgi biriktirmesini sağlayacaktır. Bu durum, planlama süreçlerinde araştırma ile uygulama arasında ilişkinin kurulmasına da katkı yapacaktır.


  • Akcan, E. (2012). Architecture in translation: Germany, Turkey and the modern house. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Bacon, E.N. (1967) Design of Cities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT.
  • Barke, M. (1982). Beyond the urban growth map: suggestions for more analytical work in urban morphology. Teaching Geography, 7, 111-15.
  • Barke, M. (2019). The Importance of Urban Form as an Object of Study. Oliveira, V. (Der.) Teaching Urban Morphology içinde, 11-30. Cham:Springer.
  • Beyhan, B., Uğuz, S. (2012). Planning as a Tool for Modernization in Turkey: The Case of Hermann Jansen’s Plan for Mersin. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 29(2), 1-34.
  • Bilsel, C. (1996). Ideology and urbanism during the early Republican period: two master plans for İzmir and scenarios of modernization. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 16, 13-30.
  • Bobek, H. (1927) Grundfragen der Stadtgeographie. Geogr. Anz. 28, 213-24.
  • Borsi, K. (2015). Drawing the region: Hermann Jansen’s vision of Greater Berlin in 1910. The Journal of Architecture, 20(1), 47-72.
  • Bozdoğan, S. (2001). Modernism and Nation Building. Seattle:University of Washington Press.
  • Braunfels, W. (1988). Urban design in Western Europe: Regime and architecture, 900-1900. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Buder, S. (1990). Visionaries and Planners: Garden City Movement and the Modern Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Cassirer E. (2020) Rousseau, Kant, Goethe. 3. Basım, İstanbul: İş Bankası.
  • Collins G. R. and Collins, C. C. (1986). Camillo Sitte: the Birth of Modern City Planning. New York: Rizzoli.
  • Conzen, M.R.G. (1969). Alnwick, Northumberland: a study in town-plan analysis. Institute of British Geograpers Publication 27, 2nd edn. London: Institute of British Geographers.
  • Engels F. (2011) Ludwig Feuerbach ve Klasik Alman Felsefesinin Sonu. 5. Basım, Ankara: Sol.
  • Engels, F. (2013) İngiltere'de Emekçi Sınıfların Durumu. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Fritz J (1894) Deutsche Stadtanlangen. In: Beilage zum Programm 520 edes Lyzeums Strassburg. Heitz, Strassburg.
  • Geisler W (1924) Die deutsche Stadt: ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Kulturlandschaft. Stuttgart: Engelhorn.
  • Goethe J. W. (1952) Goethe’s Botanical Writings, Ox Bow Press.
  • Goethe, J.W. (1988) Scientific Studies, New York:Suhrkamp.
  • Jansen, H. (1917) Die grossstadt der neuzeit. İstanbul: Ahmed İhsan &Co.
  • Hass-Klau, C. (1990) The pedestrian and city traffic, London: Belhaven.
  • Herscher, A. (2003). Städtebau as Imperial Culture: Camillo Sitte's Urban Plan for Ljubljana. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 62(2), s.212-227.
  • Howard, E. (1898). To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, London: Swann Sonnenschein.
  • Keskinok, Ç. (2006). 1930’larda Türkiye’de şehircilik, Keskinok Ç. Kentleşme Siyasaları içinde (s.23-49). İstanbul: Kaynak.
  • Keskinok, Ç. (2010). Urban planning experience of Turkey in the 1930s. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 27, s.173-188.
  • Kostof, S. (1992). The city assembled. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Kropf, K. (2014). Ambiguity in the definition of urban form. Urban Morphology, 18(1), s.41-57.
  • Kropf, K. (2017). The Handbook on Urban Morphology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley
  • Kropf, K., Malfroy, S. (2013). What is urban morphology supposed to be about? Specialization and the growth of a discipline. Urban Morphology, 17 (2), s.128-131.
  • Kühn, M., Gailing, L. (2008). From Green Belts to Regional Parks: History and Challenges of Suburban Landscape Planning in Berlin. Amati, M. (Der.) Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century. Ashgate, Hampshire, s.186-202.
  • Larkham, P., Jones A. N. (1991). A Glossary of Urban Form. Historical Geography Research Series no:26, Urban Morphology Research Group. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
  • Loius, H. (1936). Die geographische Gliederung von Gross-Berlin’, in Louis, H. and Panzer, W. (er.) Landerkundliche Forschung: Krebs-Festschrift içinde (s.146-171), Stuttgart: Engelhorn.
  • Moudon, A.V. (1997). Urban morphology as an emerging interdisciplinary field. Urban Morphology, 1, s.3–10.
  • Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule, J. C. & Samuels, I. (2004). Urban forms: the death and life of the urban block. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  • Rasmussen, S. E. (1951) Towns and buildings. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Rykwert, J. (2010). The Seduction of Place. Oxford: University of Oxford Press.
  • Saban Okesli, D. (2009). Hermann Jansen’s planning principles and his urban legacy in Adana. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 26(2), s.45-67.
  • Scheer, B. C. (2016). The epistemology of urban morphology, Urban Morphology, 20 (1), s.5-17.
  • Schlüter, O. (1899). Bemerkungen zur Siedelungs- geographie. Geographische Zeitschrift, 5, s.65–84.
  • Simms A. (2016) Johannes Fritz and the origins of urban morphology. Urban Morphology 20(1), s.62-64.
  • Sitte, C. (1889). Stadte-Bau Nach Seinen Künstlerischen Grundsatzen. Wien: Carl Graeser.
  • Southall A. (2000) The city in time and space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tankut G. (1993) Bir başkentin imarı. İstanbul: Anahtar.
  • Unwin, R. (1909). Town planning in practice. London: Unwin.
  • Ünlü, T. (2013). Thinking about urban fringe belts: a Mediterranean perspective. Urban Morphology, 17(1), s.5‒20.
  • Ünlü, T. (2017) “Mekanın Biçimlendirilmesi, Kentsel Planlama ve Plancı", Özdemir, S. S., Özdemir Sarı, Ö. B., Uzun, N. (eds), Kentsel Planlama: Kavramlar, Konular ve Güncel Tartışmalar. Ankara: İmge, s.95-126.
  • Ünlü, T., Baş, Y. (2016). Multi-nuclear growth patterns in a rapidly changing Turkish city: a fringe-belt perspective. Urban Morphology, 20(2), s.107-21.
  • Ünlü, T., Baş Y. (2017). Morphological processes and the making of residential forms: morphogenetic types in Turkish cities, Urban Morphology, 21(2), s.105-122.
  • Ünlü T., Levent T. (2005). "Mersin'de Kentsel Mekanın Biçimlenmesinde Jansen Planı'nın Etkileri", Mersin in History: Colloquium and Exhibition-II, 160-175, Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Ward, S. (1992). The Garden City introduced. Ward, S. (Der.) The Garden City: Past, present and future içinde. Oxon: Spon.
  • Whitehand, J.W.R. (1981). Conzenian ideas: extension and development. Whitehand, J.W.R. (Der.) The urban landscape: historical development and management. Papers by M. R. G. Conzen içinde (s.127-152). Institute of British Geographers Special Publication 13. London: Academic Press.
  • Whitehand, J. W. R. (1988) ‘Urban fringe belts: development of an idea’, Planning Perspectives 3, s.47-58.
  • Whitehand, J.W.R. (2001). British urban morphology: the Conzenian tradition. Urban Morphology, 5(2), s.103-109.
  • Whitehand. J.W.R, Larkham, P. (1992). The Urban Landscape: Issues and Perspectives. Whitehand. J.W.R, Larkham, P. (Der.) Urban Landscapes: International Perspectives içinde (s.1-22). London: Routledge.

Urban morphology and planning: The analysis of Hermann Jansen’s planning approach

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 154 - 183, 19.04.2024


This study aims at developing a morphological analysis on the planning principles of Hermann Jansen, who influenced the planning practice of Early Republican Period in Turkey. Jansen’s approach to the shaping of urban space is discussed through a morphological perspective, based on different plans he prepared. The period Jansen produced plans was an era in which urban morphology stemmed out. Although there is no evidence that Jansen has relations with the field of urban morphology, he had a morphological perspective that enabled him to develop urban patterns at minor, medium and major scales at different level of resolution. In this perspective, he conceived the city as a consistent whole within the part-to-whole relationship within the conceptual and methodological framework urban morphology provides. Jansen developed his planning principles under the influence of Camillo Sitte and Garden City movement. He was in pursue of a picturesque effect in historical cities, while proposing an urban pattern, consisting of large gardens with single-family houses in newly developing areas. Jansen and the planning practice of the period provides insights for today’s planners, who are alienated to their work in the processes of shaping urban space. The morphological inquiries that analyses the formation and transformation of urban space would make the built environment a subject of investigation for the planners. This is conducive for planners to be aware of the qualities of the urban space that they are dealing with, and to make contributions to build strong relationships between research and practice.


  • Akcan, E. (2012). Architecture in translation: Germany, Turkey and the modern house. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Bacon, E.N. (1967) Design of Cities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT.
  • Barke, M. (1982). Beyond the urban growth map: suggestions for more analytical work in urban morphology. Teaching Geography, 7, 111-15.
  • Barke, M. (2019). The Importance of Urban Form as an Object of Study. Oliveira, V. (Der.) Teaching Urban Morphology içinde, 11-30. Cham:Springer.
  • Beyhan, B., Uğuz, S. (2012). Planning as a Tool for Modernization in Turkey: The Case of Hermann Jansen’s Plan for Mersin. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 29(2), 1-34.
  • Bilsel, C. (1996). Ideology and urbanism during the early Republican period: two master plans for İzmir and scenarios of modernization. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 16, 13-30.
  • Bobek, H. (1927) Grundfragen der Stadtgeographie. Geogr. Anz. 28, 213-24.
  • Borsi, K. (2015). Drawing the region: Hermann Jansen’s vision of Greater Berlin in 1910. The Journal of Architecture, 20(1), 47-72.
  • Bozdoğan, S. (2001). Modernism and Nation Building. Seattle:University of Washington Press.
  • Braunfels, W. (1988). Urban design in Western Europe: Regime and architecture, 900-1900. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Buder, S. (1990). Visionaries and Planners: Garden City Movement and the Modern Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Cassirer E. (2020) Rousseau, Kant, Goethe. 3. Basım, İstanbul: İş Bankası.
  • Collins G. R. and Collins, C. C. (1986). Camillo Sitte: the Birth of Modern City Planning. New York: Rizzoli.
  • Conzen, M.R.G. (1969). Alnwick, Northumberland: a study in town-plan analysis. Institute of British Geograpers Publication 27, 2nd edn. London: Institute of British Geographers.
  • Engels F. (2011) Ludwig Feuerbach ve Klasik Alman Felsefesinin Sonu. 5. Basım, Ankara: Sol.
  • Engels, F. (2013) İngiltere'de Emekçi Sınıfların Durumu. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Fritz J (1894) Deutsche Stadtanlangen. In: Beilage zum Programm 520 edes Lyzeums Strassburg. Heitz, Strassburg.
  • Geisler W (1924) Die deutsche Stadt: ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Kulturlandschaft. Stuttgart: Engelhorn.
  • Goethe J. W. (1952) Goethe’s Botanical Writings, Ox Bow Press.
  • Goethe, J.W. (1988) Scientific Studies, New York:Suhrkamp.
  • Jansen, H. (1917) Die grossstadt der neuzeit. İstanbul: Ahmed İhsan &Co.
  • Hass-Klau, C. (1990) The pedestrian and city traffic, London: Belhaven.
  • Herscher, A. (2003). Städtebau as Imperial Culture: Camillo Sitte's Urban Plan for Ljubljana. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 62(2), s.212-227.
  • Howard, E. (1898). To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, London: Swann Sonnenschein.
  • Keskinok, Ç. (2006). 1930’larda Türkiye’de şehircilik, Keskinok Ç. Kentleşme Siyasaları içinde (s.23-49). İstanbul: Kaynak.
  • Keskinok, Ç. (2010). Urban planning experience of Turkey in the 1930s. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 27, s.173-188.
  • Kostof, S. (1992). The city assembled. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Kropf, K. (2014). Ambiguity in the definition of urban form. Urban Morphology, 18(1), s.41-57.
  • Kropf, K. (2017). The Handbook on Urban Morphology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley
  • Kropf, K., Malfroy, S. (2013). What is urban morphology supposed to be about? Specialization and the growth of a discipline. Urban Morphology, 17 (2), s.128-131.
  • Kühn, M., Gailing, L. (2008). From Green Belts to Regional Parks: History and Challenges of Suburban Landscape Planning in Berlin. Amati, M. (Der.) Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century. Ashgate, Hampshire, s.186-202.
  • Larkham, P., Jones A. N. (1991). A Glossary of Urban Form. Historical Geography Research Series no:26, Urban Morphology Research Group. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
  • Loius, H. (1936). Die geographische Gliederung von Gross-Berlin’, in Louis, H. and Panzer, W. (er.) Landerkundliche Forschung: Krebs-Festschrift içinde (s.146-171), Stuttgart: Engelhorn.
  • Moudon, A.V. (1997). Urban morphology as an emerging interdisciplinary field. Urban Morphology, 1, s.3–10.
  • Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule, J. C. & Samuels, I. (2004). Urban forms: the death and life of the urban block. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  • Rasmussen, S. E. (1951) Towns and buildings. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Rykwert, J. (2010). The Seduction of Place. Oxford: University of Oxford Press.
  • Saban Okesli, D. (2009). Hermann Jansen’s planning principles and his urban legacy in Adana. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 26(2), s.45-67.
  • Scheer, B. C. (2016). The epistemology of urban morphology, Urban Morphology, 20 (1), s.5-17.
  • Schlüter, O. (1899). Bemerkungen zur Siedelungs- geographie. Geographische Zeitschrift, 5, s.65–84.
  • Simms A. (2016) Johannes Fritz and the origins of urban morphology. Urban Morphology 20(1), s.62-64.
  • Sitte, C. (1889). Stadte-Bau Nach Seinen Künstlerischen Grundsatzen. Wien: Carl Graeser.
  • Southall A. (2000) The city in time and space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tankut G. (1993) Bir başkentin imarı. İstanbul: Anahtar.
  • Unwin, R. (1909). Town planning in practice. London: Unwin.
  • Ünlü, T. (2013). Thinking about urban fringe belts: a Mediterranean perspective. Urban Morphology, 17(1), s.5‒20.
  • Ünlü, T. (2017) “Mekanın Biçimlendirilmesi, Kentsel Planlama ve Plancı", Özdemir, S. S., Özdemir Sarı, Ö. B., Uzun, N. (eds), Kentsel Planlama: Kavramlar, Konular ve Güncel Tartışmalar. Ankara: İmge, s.95-126.
  • Ünlü, T., Baş, Y. (2016). Multi-nuclear growth patterns in a rapidly changing Turkish city: a fringe-belt perspective. Urban Morphology, 20(2), s.107-21.
  • Ünlü, T., Baş Y. (2017). Morphological processes and the making of residential forms: morphogenetic types in Turkish cities, Urban Morphology, 21(2), s.105-122.
  • Ünlü T., Levent T. (2005). "Mersin'de Kentsel Mekanın Biçimlenmesinde Jansen Planı'nın Etkileri", Mersin in History: Colloquium and Exhibition-II, 160-175, Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Ward, S. (1992). The Garden City introduced. Ward, S. (Der.) The Garden City: Past, present and future içinde. Oxon: Spon.
  • Whitehand, J.W.R. (1981). Conzenian ideas: extension and development. Whitehand, J.W.R. (Der.) The urban landscape: historical development and management. Papers by M. R. G. Conzen içinde (s.127-152). Institute of British Geographers Special Publication 13. London: Academic Press.
  • Whitehand, J. W. R. (1988) ‘Urban fringe belts: development of an idea’, Planning Perspectives 3, s.47-58.
  • Whitehand, J.W.R. (2001). British urban morphology: the Conzenian tradition. Urban Morphology, 5(2), s.103-109.
  • Whitehand. J.W.R, Larkham, P. (1992). The Urban Landscape: Issues and Perspectives. Whitehand. J.W.R, Larkham, P. (Der.) Urban Landscapes: International Perspectives içinde (s.1-22). London: Routledge.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Tolga Ünlü 0000-0002-4068-5927

Publication Date April 19, 2024
Submission Date April 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Ünlü, T. (2024). Kentsel morfoloji ve planlama: Hermann Jansen’in planlama anlayışına yönelik bir çözümleme. GRID - Architecture Planning and Design Journal, 7(1), 154-183.