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Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 32 - 42, 21.03.2022


Giriş: Plantar fasiit (PF) toplumda çok sık görülen bir rahatsızlıktır. PF’de ayak tabanında ve topukta ağrı şikâyeti bulunmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda hastaların fonksiyonel düzeyleri ve günlük yaşamı olumsuz etkilenmektedir. İnsanların %10’ unu etkileyebilen bir hastalıktır. Amaç: Bugüne kadar yapılmış araştırmalarda, PF’ de transvers friksiyon masajının (TFM) yaşam kalitesine olan etkileri araştırılmamıştır. Fonksiyonel düzeye etkilerine ilişkin araştırmalarda ise anket ve ölçeklerle değerlendirme yapılmış, fonksiyonel testler ile değerlendirme yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, TFM’nin PF hastalarında fonksiyonel düzey ve yaşam kalitesine olan etkilerini araştırmaktır.
Yöntem: Çalışmaya, PF tanısı almış, 3 aydır ağrısı olan yetişkin 20 hasta alınmıştır. Hastalar randomize olarak bilgisayarlı sistem ile TFM ve egzersiz grubuna ayrılmıştır. TFM grubuna (n=10) 3 hafta süresince, haftada 3 gün, 15 dakika TFM uygulanmıştır. Egzersiz grubuna (n=10) germe ve kuvvetlendirme egzersizleri 3 hafta süresince verilmiştir. Veri kayıt formu ile hastaların sosyodemografik bilgileri toplanmıştır. Ayak fonksiyonel durumu mesafeli üçlü hoplama testi ile, yaşam kalitesi ise SF-36 ölçeği ile değerlendirilmiştir. Tedaviden önce ve tedavi bitiminden 3 gün sonra bu değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Her iki grubun sosyodemografik özellikleri benzer bulunmuştur (p>0,05). Tedavi sonrası egzersiz uygulamasının SF-36 alt parametrelerinden; fiziksel fonksiyon, fiziksel rol güçlüğü, ağrı parametrelerinde anlamlı artış sağladığı belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). TFM uygulamasının ise egzersiz grubundakilere ek olarak enerji, sosyal işlevsellik, emosyonel rol güçlüğü parametrelerinde de artış sağladığı görülmüştür (p<0,05). Tedavi sonrası her iki grupta da ayak fonksiyonel seviyesinin anlamlı derecede arttığı görülmüştür (p<0,05). Tedavi sonrası TFM grubundaki SF-36 yaşam kalitesi fiziksel fonksiyon, fiziksel rol güçlüğü, ağrı, sosyal işlevsellik alt parametrelerindeki artış egzersiz grubundan anlamlı düzeyde daha fazla bulunmuştur (p<0,05).
Sonuç: PF’li hastalarda TFM ya da egzersiz uygulaması yaşam kalitesini ve ayak fonksiyonelliğini geliştirmektedir. PF'li hastalarda yaşam kalitesini geliştirmede TFM egzersizden daha etkindir. Ayak fonksiyonelliğini artırmada ise iki uygulama da benzer etkiye sahiptirler. PF’li hastalarda yaşam kalitesini çok yönlü ve daha fazla artırmak için TFM uygulaması kullanılabilir.


  • KAYNAKLAR 1. Dwivedi A, Kumar A. Plantar fasciitis. Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;4(1):8-11
  • 2. Cornwall MW, McPoil TG. Plantar fasciitis: etiology and treatment. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (1999); 29(12), 756-760.
  • 3. Bartold, S. J. Plantar heel pain syndrome: overview and management. Journal of Bodywork and movement Therapies. (2004); 8, 214-226.
  • 4. Latt LD, Jaffe DE, Tang Y, Taljanovic MS. Evaluation and treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics. (2020);5(1), 1-11.
  • 5. Cutts S, Obi N, Pasapula C, Chan W. Plantar fasciitis. The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. (2012);94(8), 539-542.
  • 6. Moshrif A, Elwan M, Daifullah OS. Deep friction massage versus local steroid injection for treatment of plantar fasciitis: a randomized controlled trial. Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation. (2020); 47(1), 1-5.
  • 7. Gala M, Kulkarni P, Kumar A. Comparison of Immediate Effect of Plantar Fascia Release by Roller Massager and Transverse Friction Massage on Hamstring Flexibility in Desk Job Workers. Int J Physiother Res. (2021);9(4), 3954-59.
  • 8. Rittu SB. A Comparative study on the Effectiveness of Myofascial Release and Deep Friction Massage in the Management of Foot Function and Flexibility among Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Patients (Doctoral dissertation, RVS College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore). (2016).
  • 9. Kamonseki DH, Gonçalves GA, Liu CY, Junior IL. Effect of stretching with and without muscle strengthening exercises for the foot and hip in patients with plantar fasciitis: a randomized controlled single-blind clinical trial. Manual therapy. (2016);23, 76-82.
  • 10. Cinar E, Saxena S, Akkurt HE, Uygur F. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the management of plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial. The Foot. (2020);44, 101679.
  • 11. Yelverton C, Rama S, Zipfel B. Manual therapy interventions in the treatment of plantar fasciitis: A comparison of three approaches. Health SA Gesondheid. (2019); 24.
  • 12. Burton I. The Effectiveness of Combined Shockwave Therapy and Exercise for Plantar Heel Pain: A Systematic Review Protocol. (2020).
  • 13. Alt ekstremite kuvvet ve güç testleri. Editör Güzel, N.A. ve Kafa N. Sporcu Sağlığı, 1. Baskı, Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara 2017 s:45-46.
  • 14. Wheeler PC, Tattersall C. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy plus rehabilitation for patients with chronic plantar fasciitis might reduce pain and improve function but still not lead to increased activity: a case-series study with multiple outcome measures. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. (2018);57(2), 339-345.
  • 15. Krishna HS, Mallya U, Pandey P. Effectiveness of hamstring stretching on plantar fasciitis: A pilot study. (2020);5(2): 88-91.
  • 16. Trojian T, Tucker AK. Plantar fasciitis. American family physician. (2019);99(12), 744-750.
  • 17. Chamberlain GJ. Cyriax's friction massage: a review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (1982);4(1), 16-22.
  • 18. Egzersiz planlama. Editör: Karaduman, A. A. ve Yılmaz, Ö. T. Fizyoterapi rehabilitasyon 1, 1. Baskı, Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara 2017 s:194-195.
  • 19. Farooq N, Aslam S, Bashir N, Awan WA, Shah M, Irshad A. Effectiveness of transverse friction massage of Flexor digitorum brevis and Calf muscle stretching in Plantar fasciitis on foot function index scale: A randomized control trial. Isra Med J. (2019);1(4), 305-309.
  • 20. Molund M, Husebye EE, Hellesnes J, Nilsen F, Hvaal K. Proximal medial gastrocnemius recession and stretching versus stretching as treatment of chronic plantar heel pain. Foot & ankle international. (2018);39(12), 1423-1431.
  • 21. Gamba C, Serrano-Chinchilla P, Ares-Vidal J, Solano-Lopez A, Gonzalez-Lucena G, Ginés-Cespedosa A. Proximal medial gastrocnemius release versus open plantar fasciotomy for the surgical treatment in recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. Foot & ankle international. (2020);41(3), 267-274.
  • 22. Tezel N, Umay E, Bulut M, Cakci A. Short-term efficacy of kinesiotaping versus extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis: A randomized study. Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. (2020);8(3), 181.
  • 23. Formosa G, Smith G. Transverse frictional massage for plantar fasciitis: a clinical pilot trial. International Musculoskeletal Medicine. (2011);33(3), 107-114.

Investigation of the Efficacy of Transverse Friction Massage in Plantar Fasciitis-Pilot Study

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 32 - 42, 21.03.2022


Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a very common disorder in society that causes a pain in the sole of the foot and in the heel. As a result, the functionality levels and daily life of the patients are adversely affected. It is a disease that can affect 10% of people.
Aim: In the studies conducted to date, the effects of transverse friction massage (TFM) on the quality of life in plantar fasciitis have not been investigated. In studies on the level of functionality, evaluation was made with questionnaires and scales, but not with functional tests. Our aim in this study is to investigate the effects of transverse friction massage on the level of functionality and quality of life.
Method: Twenty adult patients who were diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and had pain for 3 months or more were included in the study. The patients were divided into 2 groups as randomized controlled. In the 1st group (n=10), transverse friction massage was applied for 15 minutes 3 days a week for 3 weeks. The 2nd group (n=10) was given stretching and strengthening exercises for 3 weeks as the control group. Sociodemographic information of the patients was collected with the data registration form. Foot functional status was evaluated with the triple hop test. Quality of life was evaluated with the SF-36. These evaluations were made before the treatment and 3 days after the end of the treatment.
Results: The mean age of the patients in Group 1 was 47.80±8.28 years; it was 44.50±7.01 years in Group 2. 7 male and 13 female patients participated in the study. Sociodemographic characteristics of the patients in both groups were similar (p>0.05). When the SF-36 sub-parameters were compared before and after the treatment, a statistically significant difference was found for Group 1 in the parameters of physical function, physical role difficulty, pain, energy, social functionality, and emotional role difficulty (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference was found in physical function, physical role difficulty, pain and sub-parameters for group 2 (p<0.05). When the mean change in SF-36 scores was compared, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of Group 1 in the sub-parameters of physical function, physical role difficulty, pain, and social functionality (p<0.05). The mean distance in the triple hop test after treatment increased statistically significantly in Group 1 and Group 2 (p<0.05). The mean change in the scores of this test before and after treatment was found to be statistically significant in favor of Group 1 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, it was found that TFM application or exercise improved the quality of life and foot functionality in patients with plantar fasciitis. In this disease group, TFM was found to be more effective in improving the quality of life, but no significant difference was found in foot functionality.


  • KAYNAKLAR 1. Dwivedi A, Kumar A. Plantar fasciitis. Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;4(1):8-11
  • 2. Cornwall MW, McPoil TG. Plantar fasciitis: etiology and treatment. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (1999); 29(12), 756-760.
  • 3. Bartold, S. J. Plantar heel pain syndrome: overview and management. Journal of Bodywork and movement Therapies. (2004); 8, 214-226.
  • 4. Latt LD, Jaffe DE, Tang Y, Taljanovic MS. Evaluation and treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics. (2020);5(1), 1-11.
  • 5. Cutts S, Obi N, Pasapula C, Chan W. Plantar fasciitis. The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. (2012);94(8), 539-542.
  • 6. Moshrif A, Elwan M, Daifullah OS. Deep friction massage versus local steroid injection for treatment of plantar fasciitis: a randomized controlled trial. Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation. (2020); 47(1), 1-5.
  • 7. Gala M, Kulkarni P, Kumar A. Comparison of Immediate Effect of Plantar Fascia Release by Roller Massager and Transverse Friction Massage on Hamstring Flexibility in Desk Job Workers. Int J Physiother Res. (2021);9(4), 3954-59.
  • 8. Rittu SB. A Comparative study on the Effectiveness of Myofascial Release and Deep Friction Massage in the Management of Foot Function and Flexibility among Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Patients (Doctoral dissertation, RVS College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore). (2016).
  • 9. Kamonseki DH, Gonçalves GA, Liu CY, Junior IL. Effect of stretching with and without muscle strengthening exercises for the foot and hip in patients with plantar fasciitis: a randomized controlled single-blind clinical trial. Manual therapy. (2016);23, 76-82.
  • 10. Cinar E, Saxena S, Akkurt HE, Uygur F. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the management of plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial. The Foot. (2020);44, 101679.
  • 11. Yelverton C, Rama S, Zipfel B. Manual therapy interventions in the treatment of plantar fasciitis: A comparison of three approaches. Health SA Gesondheid. (2019); 24.
  • 12. Burton I. The Effectiveness of Combined Shockwave Therapy and Exercise for Plantar Heel Pain: A Systematic Review Protocol. (2020).
  • 13. Alt ekstremite kuvvet ve güç testleri. Editör Güzel, N.A. ve Kafa N. Sporcu Sağlığı, 1. Baskı, Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara 2017 s:45-46.
  • 14. Wheeler PC, Tattersall C. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy plus rehabilitation for patients with chronic plantar fasciitis might reduce pain and improve function but still not lead to increased activity: a case-series study with multiple outcome measures. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. (2018);57(2), 339-345.
  • 15. Krishna HS, Mallya U, Pandey P. Effectiveness of hamstring stretching on plantar fasciitis: A pilot study. (2020);5(2): 88-91.
  • 16. Trojian T, Tucker AK. Plantar fasciitis. American family physician. (2019);99(12), 744-750.
  • 17. Chamberlain GJ. Cyriax's friction massage: a review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (1982);4(1), 16-22.
  • 18. Egzersiz planlama. Editör: Karaduman, A. A. ve Yılmaz, Ö. T. Fizyoterapi rehabilitasyon 1, 1. Baskı, Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara 2017 s:194-195.
  • 19. Farooq N, Aslam S, Bashir N, Awan WA, Shah M, Irshad A. Effectiveness of transverse friction massage of Flexor digitorum brevis and Calf muscle stretching in Plantar fasciitis on foot function index scale: A randomized control trial. Isra Med J. (2019);1(4), 305-309.
  • 20. Molund M, Husebye EE, Hellesnes J, Nilsen F, Hvaal K. Proximal medial gastrocnemius recession and stretching versus stretching as treatment of chronic plantar heel pain. Foot & ankle international. (2018);39(12), 1423-1431.
  • 21. Gamba C, Serrano-Chinchilla P, Ares-Vidal J, Solano-Lopez A, Gonzalez-Lucena G, Ginés-Cespedosa A. Proximal medial gastrocnemius release versus open plantar fasciotomy for the surgical treatment in recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. Foot & ankle international. (2020);41(3), 267-274.
  • 22. Tezel N, Umay E, Bulut M, Cakci A. Short-term efficacy of kinesiotaping versus extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis: A randomized study. Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. (2020);8(3), 181.
  • 23. Formosa G, Smith G. Transverse frictional massage for plantar fasciitis: a clinical pilot trial. International Musculoskeletal Medicine. (2011);33(3), 107-114.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ozan Orhun Çalışkan 0000-0001-5953-7097

Seyit Çıtaker 0000-0002-4215-6797

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Mart 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 7 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çalışkan, O. O., & Çıtaker, S. (2022). Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 32-42.
AMA Çalışkan OO, Çıtaker S. Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Sağlık Bil. Mart 2022;7(1):32-42. doi:10.52881/gsbdergi.1036188
Chicago Çalışkan, Ozan Orhun, ve Seyit Çıtaker. “Plantar Fasiit’ Te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma”. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7, sy. 1 (Mart 2022): 32-42.
EndNote Çalışkan OO, Çıtaker S (01 Mart 2022) Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7 1 32–42.
IEEE O. O. Çalışkan ve S. Çıtaker, “Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma”, Gazi Sağlık Bil, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 32–42, 2022, doi: 10.52881/gsbdergi.1036188.
ISNAD Çalışkan, Ozan Orhun - Çıtaker, Seyit. “Plantar Fasiit’ Te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma”. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7/1 (Mart 2022), 32-42.
JAMA Çalışkan OO, Çıtaker S. Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Sağlık Bil. 2022;7:32–42.
MLA Çalışkan, Ozan Orhun ve Seyit Çıtaker. “Plantar Fasiit’ Te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma”. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 32-42, doi:10.52881/gsbdergi.1036188.
Vancouver Çalışkan OO, Çıtaker S. Plantar Fasiit’ te Transvers Friksiyon Masajının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi-Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Sağlık Bil. 2022;7(1):32-4.