Research Article
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Year 2020, , 37 - 59, 30.06.2020


e-ticaret kullanımı çok yaygın hale gelmiştir. Küçük ölçekli firmalar da
e-ticaret sayesinde küresel pazarda rekabet edebilir bir duruma gelmiştir. E-
ticaretin yaygınlaşması müşteri memnuniyetini ve sadakatini elde etmenin de
önemini artırmıştır. Müşteri memnuniyetinde e-ticaret faaliyetlerindeki
lojistik hizmetleri de önemli bir yere sahiptir. Çünkü günümüzde müşteriler
siparişlerinin istedikleri zamanda kendilerine ulaşmasını talep etmektedir. Bu
nedenle bu çalışmada e-ticaret lojistik hizmet kalitesinin güven, memnuniyet ve
sadakat üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 423 e-ticaret
kullanıcısından anket ile veri toplanmıştır. Veriler yapısal eşitlik modeli ile
analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda e-ticaret lojistik hizmet kalitesinin
memnuniyet ve güveni pozitif yönde anlamlı olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Memnuniyet ve güvenin sadakati pozitif yönde anlamlı olarak etkilediği
bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. E-ticaret lojistik hizmet kalitesinin sadakati anlamlı
olarak etkilemediği bulgusu elde edilmiştir. 


  • Akroush M.N. ve Al-Debei M.M. (2015). An integrated model of factors affecting consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Business Process Management Journal Vol. 21 No. 6, 2015 pp. 1353-1376.
  • Al-Debei M.M., Akroush M.N. ve Ashouri M.I. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards online shopping The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality. Internet Research, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp. 707-733.
  • Barenji A.V., W.M. Li W.Z. ve Guerra-Zubiaga D.A. (2019). Intelligent E-commerce logistics platform using hybrid agent based approach. Transportation Research Part E 126 (2019) 15–31.
  • Başkol M. (2016). E-Perakende hizmet kalitesinin tekrar satın alma üzerindeki etkileri. Business and Economics Research Journal Volume 7 Number 4 2016 pp. 107-121.
  • Bozbay Z., Yaman Y. ve Özkan E. (2016). İnternet perakendeciliğinde hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyeti üzerindeki rolü: Hazır giyim ve kitap sektörü üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 1 (1), 2016 19-38.
  • Cao M., Zhang Q. ve Seydel J. (2005). B2C e-commerce web site quality: an empirical examination. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 105 No. 5, 2005 pp. 645-661.
  • Chen M.C., Wu P.J. ve Hsu Y.H. (2019). An effective pricing model for the congestion alleviation of e-commerce logistics. Computers & Industrial Engineering 129 (2019) 368–376.
  • Chiu W. ve Chou H. (2019). E-commerce brand The effect of perceived brand leadership on consumers’ satisfaction and repurchase intention on e-commerce websites. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Emerald Publishing Limited 1355-5855 DOI 10.1108/APJML-10-2018-0403.
  • Cho J.J.K., Ozment J. ve Sink H. (2008). Logistics capability, logistics outsourcing and firm performance in an e-commerce market. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Vol. 38 No. 5, 2008 pp. 336-359.
  • Ergen F.H. (2013). Algılanan lojistik hizmet düzeyi ile marka sadakati arasındaki ilişki: E- ticaret alanında bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İstanbul
  • Gianni G. ve Franceschini F. (2003). A new model to support the personalised management of a quality e-commerce service. International Journal of Service Industry Management Vol. 14 No. 3, 2003 pp. 331-346.
  • Groissberger T. ve Riedl R. (2017). Do online shops support customers’ decision strategies by interactive information management tools? Results of an empirical analysis. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 26 (2017) 131–151.
  • Gunasekaran A., Ngai E. W. T. ve Cheng T. C. E. (2007) Developing an e-logistics system: a case study, International Journal of Logistics, 10:4, 333-349.
  • He P., Zhang S. ve He C. (2019). Impacts of logistics resource sharing on B2C E-commerce companies and customers. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 34 (2019) 100820.
  • Kadłubek M. (2015). The Selected Areas of E-logistics in Polish E-commerce. Procedia Computer Science 65 ( 2015 ) 1059 – 1065.
  • Karabaş S. (2018). E-ticaret ve üniversite öğrencilerinin elektronik ticarete ilişkin tutum ve ilgilenim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi: Bir alan araştırması. Akademik Bakış Dergisi. Sayı 68, 83-104.
  • Karadeniz M. ve Işık M. (2014). Lojistik hizmet kalitesi ile müşteri memnuniyeti ilişkisi: E- ticaret üzerine bir araştırma. Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences. Year: 2014 Summer Issue:7. 1-24.
  • Kassim N. ve Abdullah N.A. (2010). The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings A cross cultural analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Vol. 22 No. 3, 2010 pp. 351-371.
  • Khan M.A., Zubair S.S. ve Malik M. (2019). An assessment of e-service quality, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty Case of online shopping in Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Emerald Publishing Limited 2398-628X DOI 10.1108/SAJBS-01-2019-0016.
  • Kim Y.S., Yum B.J., Song J. ve Kim S.M. (2005). Development of a recommender system based on navigational and behavioral patterns of customers in e-commerce sites. Expert Systems with Applications 28 (2005) 381–393.
  • Laohapensang O. (2009). Factors influencing internet shopping behaviour: a survey of consumers in Thailand. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Vol. 13 No. 4, 2009 pp. 501-513.
  • Lee G.G. ve Lin H.F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Vol. 33 No. 2, 2005 pp. 161-176.
  • Lin Y., Luo J., Cai S., Ma S. ve Rong K. (2016). Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 116 No. 3, 2016 pp. 388-415.
  • Liu F., Xiao B., Lim E.T.K. ve Tan C.W. (2017). The art of appeal in electronic commerce Understanding the impact of product and website quality on online purchases. Internet Research Vol. 27 No. 4, 2017 pp. 752-771.
  • Özgül E., Börühan G. ve Tek Ö.B. (2017). Özel alışveriş sitelerinde siparişlerin yerine getirilmesinde lojistik hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyetine etkisi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. Cilt 19 sayı 4. 629-664.
  • Palese B. ve Usai A. (2018). The relative importance of service quality dimensions in E-commerce experiences. International Journal of Information Management 40 (2018) 132–140.
  • Sarkis J., Meade L.M. ve Talluri S. (2004). E-logistics and the natural environment. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 9 · Number 4 · 2004 · pp. 303-312.
  • Sevim N. (2018), Çevrimiçi e-müşteri sadakatinin oluşumunda e-hizmet kalitesi, e-güven ve e-tatminin etkisi, BMIJ, (2018), 6(1): 107-127.
  • Sharma G. ve Lijuan W. (2015). The effects of online service quality of e-commerce Websites on user satisfaction. The Electronic Library Vol. 33 No. 3, 2015 pp. 468-485.
  • Sönmezay M. (2019). E- ticarette tüketici güvenini etkileyen faktörler ve tüketicilerin online satın ala üzerinde güvenin etkisi: Tüketiciler üzerinde bir araştırma (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Bursa
  • Suki N.M., Ramayah T. ve Suki N.M. (2008). Internet shopping acceptance Examining the influence of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivations. Direct Marketing: An International Journal Vol. 2 No. 2, 2008 pp. 97-110.
  • Tam C., Loureiro A. ve Oliveira T. (2019). The individual performance outcome behind e-commerce Integrating information systems success and overall trust. Internet Research Emerald Publishing Limited 1066-2243 DOI 10.1108/INTR-06-2018-0262.
  • Tucker S.P. (2008). E-commerce standard user interface: an E-menu system. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 108 No. 8, 2008 pp. 1009-1028.
  • Tzavlopoulos I., Gotzamani K., Andronikidis A. ve Vassiliadis C. (2019). Determining the impact of e-commerce quality on customers’ perceived risk, satisfaction, value and loyalty. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Emerald Publishing Limited 1756-669X DOI 10.1108/IJQSS-03-2019-0047.
  • Wen C., Prybutok V.R., Blankson C. ve Fang J. (2014). The role of E-quality within the consumer decision making process. International Journal of Operations & Production Management Vol. 34 No. 12, 2014 pp. 1506-1536.
  • Xu G., Qiu X., Fang M., Kou X. ve Yu Y. (2019). Data-driven operational risk analysis in E-Commerce Logistics. Advanced Engineering Informatics 40 (2019) 29–35.
  • Xu M., Tang W. ve Zhou C. (2019). Procurement strategies of E-retailers under different logistics distributions with quality- and service-dependent demand. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35 (2019) 100853.
  • Yang Y., Humphreys P. ve McIvor R. (2006). Business service quality in an e-commerce environment. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11/3 (2006) 195–201.
  • Yang Z., Jun M. ve Peterson R.T. (2004). Measuring customer perceived online service quality Scale development and managerial implications. International Journal of Operations & Production Management Vol. 24 No. 11, 2004 pp. 1149-1174.
  • Yen Y.S. (2014). A comparison of quality satisfaction between transactional and relational customers in e-commerce. The TQM Journal Vol. 26 No. 6, 2014 pp. 577-593.
  • Yu Y., Wang X., Zhong R.Y. ve Huang G.Q. (2016). E-commerce Logistics in Supply Chain Management: Practice Perspective. Procedia CIRP 52 ( 2016 ) 179 – 185.
  • Yu Y., Wang X., Zhong R.Y. ve Huang G.Q. (2017). E-commerce logistics in supply chain management Implementations and future perspective in furniture industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 117 No. 10, 2017 pp. 2263-2286.
  • Zahedi F.M. ve Song J. (2009). Do web sites change customers’ beliefs? A study of prior–posterior beliefs in e-commerce. Information & Management 46 (2009) 125–137.
  • Zuo W., Huang Q., Fan C. ve Zhang Z. (2013). Quality management of B2C e-commerce service based on human factors engineering. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 12 (2013) 309–320.
Year 2020, , 37 - 59, 30.06.2020



  • Akroush M.N. ve Al-Debei M.M. (2015). An integrated model of factors affecting consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Business Process Management Journal Vol. 21 No. 6, 2015 pp. 1353-1376.
  • Al-Debei M.M., Akroush M.N. ve Ashouri M.I. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards online shopping The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality. Internet Research, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp. 707-733.
  • Barenji A.V., W.M. Li W.Z. ve Guerra-Zubiaga D.A. (2019). Intelligent E-commerce logistics platform using hybrid agent based approach. Transportation Research Part E 126 (2019) 15–31.
  • Başkol M. (2016). E-Perakende hizmet kalitesinin tekrar satın alma üzerindeki etkileri. Business and Economics Research Journal Volume 7 Number 4 2016 pp. 107-121.
  • Bozbay Z., Yaman Y. ve Özkan E. (2016). İnternet perakendeciliğinde hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyeti üzerindeki rolü: Hazır giyim ve kitap sektörü üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 1 (1), 2016 19-38.
  • Cao M., Zhang Q. ve Seydel J. (2005). B2C e-commerce web site quality: an empirical examination. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 105 No. 5, 2005 pp. 645-661.
  • Chen M.C., Wu P.J. ve Hsu Y.H. (2019). An effective pricing model for the congestion alleviation of e-commerce logistics. Computers & Industrial Engineering 129 (2019) 368–376.
  • Chiu W. ve Chou H. (2019). E-commerce brand The effect of perceived brand leadership on consumers’ satisfaction and repurchase intention on e-commerce websites. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Emerald Publishing Limited 1355-5855 DOI 10.1108/APJML-10-2018-0403.
  • Cho J.J.K., Ozment J. ve Sink H. (2008). Logistics capability, logistics outsourcing and firm performance in an e-commerce market. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Vol. 38 No. 5, 2008 pp. 336-359.
  • Ergen F.H. (2013). Algılanan lojistik hizmet düzeyi ile marka sadakati arasındaki ilişki: E- ticaret alanında bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İstanbul
  • Gianni G. ve Franceschini F. (2003). A new model to support the personalised management of a quality e-commerce service. International Journal of Service Industry Management Vol. 14 No. 3, 2003 pp. 331-346.
  • Groissberger T. ve Riedl R. (2017). Do online shops support customers’ decision strategies by interactive information management tools? Results of an empirical analysis. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 26 (2017) 131–151.
  • Gunasekaran A., Ngai E. W. T. ve Cheng T. C. E. (2007) Developing an e-logistics system: a case study, International Journal of Logistics, 10:4, 333-349.
  • He P., Zhang S. ve He C. (2019). Impacts of logistics resource sharing on B2C E-commerce companies and customers. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 34 (2019) 100820.
  • Kadłubek M. (2015). The Selected Areas of E-logistics in Polish E-commerce. Procedia Computer Science 65 ( 2015 ) 1059 – 1065.
  • Karabaş S. (2018). E-ticaret ve üniversite öğrencilerinin elektronik ticarete ilişkin tutum ve ilgilenim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi: Bir alan araştırması. Akademik Bakış Dergisi. Sayı 68, 83-104.
  • Karadeniz M. ve Işık M. (2014). Lojistik hizmet kalitesi ile müşteri memnuniyeti ilişkisi: E- ticaret üzerine bir araştırma. Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences. Year: 2014 Summer Issue:7. 1-24.
  • Kassim N. ve Abdullah N.A. (2010). The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings A cross cultural analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Vol. 22 No. 3, 2010 pp. 351-371.
  • Khan M.A., Zubair S.S. ve Malik M. (2019). An assessment of e-service quality, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty Case of online shopping in Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Emerald Publishing Limited 2398-628X DOI 10.1108/SAJBS-01-2019-0016.
  • Kim Y.S., Yum B.J., Song J. ve Kim S.M. (2005). Development of a recommender system based on navigational and behavioral patterns of customers in e-commerce sites. Expert Systems with Applications 28 (2005) 381–393.
  • Laohapensang O. (2009). Factors influencing internet shopping behaviour: a survey of consumers in Thailand. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Vol. 13 No. 4, 2009 pp. 501-513.
  • Lee G.G. ve Lin H.F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Vol. 33 No. 2, 2005 pp. 161-176.
  • Lin Y., Luo J., Cai S., Ma S. ve Rong K. (2016). Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 116 No. 3, 2016 pp. 388-415.
  • Liu F., Xiao B., Lim E.T.K. ve Tan C.W. (2017). The art of appeal in electronic commerce Understanding the impact of product and website quality on online purchases. Internet Research Vol. 27 No. 4, 2017 pp. 752-771.
  • Özgül E., Börühan G. ve Tek Ö.B. (2017). Özel alışveriş sitelerinde siparişlerin yerine getirilmesinde lojistik hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyetine etkisi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. Cilt 19 sayı 4. 629-664.
  • Palese B. ve Usai A. (2018). The relative importance of service quality dimensions in E-commerce experiences. International Journal of Information Management 40 (2018) 132–140.
  • Sarkis J., Meade L.M. ve Talluri S. (2004). E-logistics and the natural environment. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 9 · Number 4 · 2004 · pp. 303-312.
  • Sevim N. (2018), Çevrimiçi e-müşteri sadakatinin oluşumunda e-hizmet kalitesi, e-güven ve e-tatminin etkisi, BMIJ, (2018), 6(1): 107-127.
  • Sharma G. ve Lijuan W. (2015). The effects of online service quality of e-commerce Websites on user satisfaction. The Electronic Library Vol. 33 No. 3, 2015 pp. 468-485.
  • Sönmezay M. (2019). E- ticarette tüketici güvenini etkileyen faktörler ve tüketicilerin online satın ala üzerinde güvenin etkisi: Tüketiciler üzerinde bir araştırma (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Bursa
  • Suki N.M., Ramayah T. ve Suki N.M. (2008). Internet shopping acceptance Examining the influence of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivations. Direct Marketing: An International Journal Vol. 2 No. 2, 2008 pp. 97-110.
  • Tam C., Loureiro A. ve Oliveira T. (2019). The individual performance outcome behind e-commerce Integrating information systems success and overall trust. Internet Research Emerald Publishing Limited 1066-2243 DOI 10.1108/INTR-06-2018-0262.
  • Tucker S.P. (2008). E-commerce standard user interface: an E-menu system. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 108 No. 8, 2008 pp. 1009-1028.
  • Tzavlopoulos I., Gotzamani K., Andronikidis A. ve Vassiliadis C. (2019). Determining the impact of e-commerce quality on customers’ perceived risk, satisfaction, value and loyalty. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Emerald Publishing Limited 1756-669X DOI 10.1108/IJQSS-03-2019-0047.
  • Wen C., Prybutok V.R., Blankson C. ve Fang J. (2014). The role of E-quality within the consumer decision making process. International Journal of Operations & Production Management Vol. 34 No. 12, 2014 pp. 1506-1536.
  • Xu G., Qiu X., Fang M., Kou X. ve Yu Y. (2019). Data-driven operational risk analysis in E-Commerce Logistics. Advanced Engineering Informatics 40 (2019) 29–35.
  • Xu M., Tang W. ve Zhou C. (2019). Procurement strategies of E-retailers under different logistics distributions with quality- and service-dependent demand. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35 (2019) 100853.
  • Yang Y., Humphreys P. ve McIvor R. (2006). Business service quality in an e-commerce environment. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11/3 (2006) 195–201.
  • Yang Z., Jun M. ve Peterson R.T. (2004). Measuring customer perceived online service quality Scale development and managerial implications. International Journal of Operations & Production Management Vol. 24 No. 11, 2004 pp. 1149-1174.
  • Yen Y.S. (2014). A comparison of quality satisfaction between transactional and relational customers in e-commerce. The TQM Journal Vol. 26 No. 6, 2014 pp. 577-593.
  • Yu Y., Wang X., Zhong R.Y. ve Huang G.Q. (2016). E-commerce Logistics in Supply Chain Management: Practice Perspective. Procedia CIRP 52 ( 2016 ) 179 – 185.
  • Yu Y., Wang X., Zhong R.Y. ve Huang G.Q. (2017). E-commerce logistics in supply chain management Implementations and future perspective in furniture industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems Vol. 117 No. 10, 2017 pp. 2263-2286.
  • Zahedi F.M. ve Song J. (2009). Do web sites change customers’ beliefs? A study of prior–posterior beliefs in e-commerce. Information & Management 46 (2009) 125–137.
  • Zuo W., Huang Q., Fan C. ve Zhang Z. (2013). Quality management of B2C e-commerce service based on human factors engineering. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 12 (2013) 309–320.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Bülent Yıldız 0000-0002-5368-2805

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date November 24, 2019
Acceptance Date June 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yıldız, B. (2020). E-TİCARET LOJİSTİK HİZMET KALİTESİNİN GÜVEN, MEMNUNİYET VE SADAKAT ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 37-59.

Cited By

Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi