Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 28 Issue: 4, 609 - 621, 16.12.2015



  • Sakaoğlu, N., Çeşm-i Cihan AMASRA. Kültür Bakanlığı, Tarih Vakfı Yay., (Turkish book), İstanbul; 1999.
  • Vitruvius, Mimarlık Üzerine On Kitap. Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı Yay., (Turkish book) İstanbul; 2005.
  • Ünsal, B., Mimari Tarihi. İDMMA, Yay, (Turkish book) İstanbul; p.541, 1973.
  • Sanchez-Moral, S., Lugue, J., Canaveras, J.C., Soler, V., Garcia-Guinera, J., Aparicio, A., “Lime pozzolana composition, structures and restoration”, Cement and concrete Research, 35, 1555-1565, 2005.
  • Moropoulou, A., Polikreti, K., Bakolas, A., and Michailidis, P., “Correlation of physicochemical and mechanical properties of historical mortars and classification by multivariate statistics”,. Cem. Con.Research, 33, 891–898, 2003.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 14579. Natural Stone Test Methods - Determination of sound speed propagation. TSE, Ankara, October 2006.
  • European Standard EN 1936, Natural Stone Test Methods. Determination of Real Density and Apparent Density, and of total and open Porosity. Brussels, December 2006.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 13755, Natural stone test methods - Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure. Ankara, January 2003.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 1015-11 Methods of Test Mortar for Masonry – Part 11 Determination of compressive and flexure strength of hardened mortars. TSE, Ankara, October 2000.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 12390-6. Testing hardened concrete - Part 6: Tensile splitting strength of test specimens. TSE, Ankara, April 2002.
  • Böke, H., Çizer, Ö., İpekoğu, B., Uğurlu, E., Şerifaki, K., Toprak, G., “Characteristics of lime produced from limestone containing diatoms”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 866–874, 2008.
  • Banfill, P.F.G., Forrester, A.M., “A relationship between hydraulicity and permeability of hydraulic lime” Proceedings of the International RILEM workshop: Historic mortars: characteristics and tests”, 173–83, Paisley, 2000.
  • Callebaut, K., Elsen, J., Van Balen, K., and Viaene, W., “Nineteenth century hydraulic restoration mortars in the Saint Michael's Church (Leuven. Belgium) Natural hydraulic lime or cement?”, Cement and Concrete Research, 397-403, 2001.
  • Davidovits,. Les Mortiers de pouzzolanes artificielles chez Vitruve evolution et historique architecturale. These de D.E.A Les Cultures de L’Antiquite Classique. Universite Paris X-Nanterre France, 1995.
  • Pavia, S. and Caro, S., “An investigation of Roman mortar technology through the spectrographic analysis of archeological material”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 1807–1811, 2008. [16] Moropoulou, A., Bakolas, A. and Anagnostopoulou, S., “Composite Materials in Ancient Structures”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 27, 295-300; 2005..
  • Tunçoku, S.S. and Caner-Saltık, E.N., “Opal-A rich additives used in ancient lime mortars”, Cement and Concrete Research, 36, 1886–1893, 2006.
  • Zamba, L.C., Stamatakis, M.G., Cooper, F.A., Themelis, “Characterization of mortars used for the construction of Saithidai Heroon Podium (1st century AD) in ancient Messene, Peloponnesus, Greece”, Materials Characterization, 58, 1229– 1239, 2007.
  • Elsen, J., Brutsaert, A., Deckers, M. and Brulet, R., “Microscopical study of ancient mortars from Tournai (Belgium)”, Materials Characterization, 53, 289-294, 2004.
  • Hughes, J. and Leslie, A.B., “The petrography of lime inclusions in historic lime based mortars”, Proc 8th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials. September 4–7 Athens, 359– 364, 2001.
  • Plinius, M.A., Historia Natural, Facsimile, ITGE, 2 vols, (1629), 1998.
  • Güleç, A. And Tulun, T., “Physico-chemical and petrographical studies of old mortars and plasters of Anatolia”, Cem. Concr. Res, 27, 227-234, 1997.
  • Riccardi, M.P., Duminuco, P., Tomasi, C. and Ferloni, P., “Thermal, microscopic and X-Ray diffraction studies on some ancient mortars”, Therm. Acta, 321, 207-214, 1998.
  • Elsen, J., “Microscopy of historic mortars-A review, “Cement and Concrete Research, 36, 1416–1424 2006.
  • Aardt, J.H.P. and Visser, S., “Calcium Hydroxide Attack on Feldspars and Clays: Possible Relevance to Cement-Aggregate Reactions”, Cement and Concrete Research, 7, 643-648, 1977.
  • Baronio, G. and Binda, L., “Study of the pozzolanicity of some bricks and clays” Construction and Building Materials, 11(1), 70-78, 1997.
  • Özkaya, Ö.A. and Böke, H., “Properties of Roman bricks and mortars used in Serapis temple in the city of Pergamon”, Materials Characterizations, 60, 995–1000, 2009.
  • Lawrence, R.M.M., A Study of Carbonation in Non-Hydraulic Lime Mortars. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University Bath, Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, UK, October 2006.
  • Stewart, J., Glover, R., Houston, J., Seeley, N. and Proudfoot, T., “Field and laboratory assessment of lime-based mortars”, Journal of Architectural Conservation , 7 (1), 7-41, 2001.
  • Thomson, M., Lindqvish, E.J., Elsen, J. and. Groot, C.J.W.P., Proceedings of the 13 th Int. Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Amsterdam, 1-10, 2004.
  • ASTM C 593-95. Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Other Pozzolans for Use with Lime (Reapproved 2000).

Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey

Year 2015, Volume: 28 Issue: 4, 609 - 621, 16.12.2015


In this study, physicochemical, petrographic and mechanical properties of original lime mortars from a Roman Period basilica in Amasra dated to the 1st or 2nd centuries are examined. The study of mortar samples has been performed through polarising and stereo microscope observations, mineralogical (XRD) analyses, chemical (ICP-ES), physical and mechanical analyses. The micro structure and semi-quantitative chemical composition of the binding media and aggregate phases were determined by Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive (SEM-EDS) analysis. This mortar possessed its hydraulic characteristic is due to the addition of volcanic rock with pozzolanic nature. Mechanical tests revealed that the average compressive strength of mortars is 6,1 N/mm2 and flexural strength is about 3,3 N/mm2. Pull-off tests for determining the adhesion properties proved that a good adhesion is established between mortar and andesite stone owing to its pozzolanic nature.


  • Sakaoğlu, N., Çeşm-i Cihan AMASRA. Kültür Bakanlığı, Tarih Vakfı Yay., (Turkish book), İstanbul; 1999.
  • Vitruvius, Mimarlık Üzerine On Kitap. Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı Yay., (Turkish book) İstanbul; 2005.
  • Ünsal, B., Mimari Tarihi. İDMMA, Yay, (Turkish book) İstanbul; p.541, 1973.
  • Sanchez-Moral, S., Lugue, J., Canaveras, J.C., Soler, V., Garcia-Guinera, J., Aparicio, A., “Lime pozzolana composition, structures and restoration”, Cement and concrete Research, 35, 1555-1565, 2005.
  • Moropoulou, A., Polikreti, K., Bakolas, A., and Michailidis, P., “Correlation of physicochemical and mechanical properties of historical mortars and classification by multivariate statistics”,. Cem. Con.Research, 33, 891–898, 2003.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 14579. Natural Stone Test Methods - Determination of sound speed propagation. TSE, Ankara, October 2006.
  • European Standard EN 1936, Natural Stone Test Methods. Determination of Real Density and Apparent Density, and of total and open Porosity. Brussels, December 2006.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 13755, Natural stone test methods - Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure. Ankara, January 2003.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 1015-11 Methods of Test Mortar for Masonry – Part 11 Determination of compressive and flexure strength of hardened mortars. TSE, Ankara, October 2000.
  • Turkish Standard TS EN 12390-6. Testing hardened concrete - Part 6: Tensile splitting strength of test specimens. TSE, Ankara, April 2002.
  • Böke, H., Çizer, Ö., İpekoğu, B., Uğurlu, E., Şerifaki, K., Toprak, G., “Characteristics of lime produced from limestone containing diatoms”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 866–874, 2008.
  • Banfill, P.F.G., Forrester, A.M., “A relationship between hydraulicity and permeability of hydraulic lime” Proceedings of the International RILEM workshop: Historic mortars: characteristics and tests”, 173–83, Paisley, 2000.
  • Callebaut, K., Elsen, J., Van Balen, K., and Viaene, W., “Nineteenth century hydraulic restoration mortars in the Saint Michael's Church (Leuven. Belgium) Natural hydraulic lime or cement?”, Cement and Concrete Research, 397-403, 2001.
  • Davidovits,. Les Mortiers de pouzzolanes artificielles chez Vitruve evolution et historique architecturale. These de D.E.A Les Cultures de L’Antiquite Classique. Universite Paris X-Nanterre France, 1995.
  • Pavia, S. and Caro, S., “An investigation of Roman mortar technology through the spectrographic analysis of archeological material”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 1807–1811, 2008. [16] Moropoulou, A., Bakolas, A. and Anagnostopoulou, S., “Composite Materials in Ancient Structures”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 27, 295-300; 2005..
  • Tunçoku, S.S. and Caner-Saltık, E.N., “Opal-A rich additives used in ancient lime mortars”, Cement and Concrete Research, 36, 1886–1893, 2006.
  • Zamba, L.C., Stamatakis, M.G., Cooper, F.A., Themelis, “Characterization of mortars used for the construction of Saithidai Heroon Podium (1st century AD) in ancient Messene, Peloponnesus, Greece”, Materials Characterization, 58, 1229– 1239, 2007.
  • Elsen, J., Brutsaert, A., Deckers, M. and Brulet, R., “Microscopical study of ancient mortars from Tournai (Belgium)”, Materials Characterization, 53, 289-294, 2004.
  • Hughes, J. and Leslie, A.B., “The petrography of lime inclusions in historic lime based mortars”, Proc 8th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials. September 4–7 Athens, 359– 364, 2001.
  • Plinius, M.A., Historia Natural, Facsimile, ITGE, 2 vols, (1629), 1998.
  • Güleç, A. And Tulun, T., “Physico-chemical and petrographical studies of old mortars and plasters of Anatolia”, Cem. Concr. Res, 27, 227-234, 1997.
  • Riccardi, M.P., Duminuco, P., Tomasi, C. and Ferloni, P., “Thermal, microscopic and X-Ray diffraction studies on some ancient mortars”, Therm. Acta, 321, 207-214, 1998.
  • Elsen, J., “Microscopy of historic mortars-A review, “Cement and Concrete Research, 36, 1416–1424 2006.
  • Aardt, J.H.P. and Visser, S., “Calcium Hydroxide Attack on Feldspars and Clays: Possible Relevance to Cement-Aggregate Reactions”, Cement and Concrete Research, 7, 643-648, 1977.
  • Baronio, G. and Binda, L., “Study of the pozzolanicity of some bricks and clays” Construction and Building Materials, 11(1), 70-78, 1997.
  • Özkaya, Ö.A. and Böke, H., “Properties of Roman bricks and mortars used in Serapis temple in the city of Pergamon”, Materials Characterizations, 60, 995–1000, 2009.
  • Lawrence, R.M.M., A Study of Carbonation in Non-Hydraulic Lime Mortars. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University Bath, Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, UK, October 2006.
  • Stewart, J., Glover, R., Houston, J., Seeley, N. and Proudfoot, T., “Field and laboratory assessment of lime-based mortars”, Journal of Architectural Conservation , 7 (1), 7-41, 2001.
  • Thomson, M., Lindqvish, E.J., Elsen, J. and. Groot, C.J.W.P., Proceedings of the 13 th Int. Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Amsterdam, 1-10, 2004.
  • ASTM C 593-95. Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Other Pozzolans for Use with Lime (Reapproved 2000).
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Sedat Kurugöl

Ahmet Güleç This is me

Publication Date December 16, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 28 Issue: 4


APA Kurugöl, S., & Güleç, A. (2015). Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science, 28(4), 609-621.
AMA Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science. December 2015;28(4):609-621.
Chicago Kurugöl, Sedat, and Ahmet Güleç. “Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars Used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey”. Gazi University Journal of Science 28, no. 4 (December 2015): 609-21.
EndNote Kurugöl S, Güleç A (December 1, 2015) Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science 28 4 609–621.
IEEE S. Kurugöl and A. Güleç, “Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 609–621, 2015.
ISNAD Kurugöl, Sedat - Güleç, Ahmet. “Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars Used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey”. Gazi University Journal of Science 28/4 (December 2015), 609-621.
JAMA Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2015;28:609–621.
MLA Kurugöl, Sedat and Ahmet Güleç. “Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars Used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 28, no. 4, 2015, pp. 609-21.
Vancouver Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Physico-Chemical, Petrographical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars used in an Ancient Roman Basilica in Amasra/Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2015;28(4):609-21.