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An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams

Year 2025, Early View, 1 - 1


In this study, beams produced by geopolymer concrete (GC) with different properties such as compressive strengths, stirrups ratios, and shear-span to effective depth ratio (a/d) were tested up to the failure to attain the load-deflection behaviors. Then, tested damaged beams were retrofitted using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) in both shear and flexure to examine the CFRP strengthening efficiency. A three-point flexural test was conducted on both reference and retrofitted GC beams. According to this study, applying the CFRP strengthening to damaged GC beams increased the load-carrying capacity between 4% - 72%, depending on the compressive strength, stirrups spacing, and a/d with reference to the reference GC beams. The area calculated under the load-deflection graph of the retrofitted GC beams was lower than the reference beams in all tested series. The initial stiffness in the tested retrofitted beams was generally obtained lower compared to the reference GC beams. The deflection capability of the retrofitted beams in the tested series was between 18% -80% lower than the reference beams.

Ethical Statement

This work was supported by Research Fund of the Yildiz Technical University. Project Number: FDK-2020-3820.

Supporting Institution

Yildiz Technical University

Project Number



This work was supported by Research Fund of the Yildiz Technical University. Project Number: FDK-2020-3820.


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Year 2025, Early View, 1 - 1


Project Number



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  • [11] Tanyildizi, H., Ziada, M., Uysal, M., Güngör, N. D., and Coşkun, A., “Comparison of bacteria-based self-healing methods in metakaolin geopolymer mortars”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 16:e00895, (2022). DOI:10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e00895
  • [12] Ziada, M., Tanyildizi, H., and Uysal, M., “Bacterial healing of geopolymer concrete exposed to combined sulfate and freeze-thaw effects”, Construction and Building Materials, 369: 130517, (2023). DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130517
  • [13] Ziada, M., Erdem, S., González-Lezcano, R. A., Tammam, Y., and Unkar, I., “Influence of various fibers on the physico-mechanical properties of a sustainable geopolymer mortar-based on metakaolin and slag”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 46: 101501, (2023). DOI:10.1016/j.jestch.2023.101501
  • [14] Ziada, M., Erdem, S., Tammam, Y., Kara, S., and Lezcano, R. A. G., “The Effect of Basalt Fiber on Mechanical, Microstructural, and High-Temperature Properties of Fly Ash-Based and Basalt Powder Waste-Filled Sustainable Geopolymer Mortar”, Sustainability, 13(22): 12610, (2021). DOI:10.3390/su132212610
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  • [19] Antonyamaladhas, M. R., Chachithanantham, S., and Ramaswamy, A., “Performance and Behaviour of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Imparted to Geopolymer Concrete Structural Elements and Analyzed with ANSYS”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016: 1-9, (2016). DOI:10.1155/2016/7023897
  • [20] Kumaravel, S., and Thirugnanasambandam, S., “Flexural behaviour of reinforced low calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete beam”, Global Journal of Research in Engineering, 13(8), (2013).
  • [21] Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, K., and Benmokrane, B., “Bond Stress-Slip Behavior: Case of GFRP Bars in Geopolymer Concrete”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(1): 4014116, (2015). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001046
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  • [24] Chandra Kumar, B. S., and Ramesh, K., “Analytical study on flexural behaviour of reinforced geopolymer concrete beams by ANSYS”, In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 455(1), 012065, (2018). IOP Publishing.
  • [25] Hutagi, A., and Khadiranaikar, R. B., “Flexural behavior of reinforced geopolymer concrete beams”, In 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) IEEE, 3463-3467, (2016). DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755347
  • [26] Kumar, P. U., and Kumar, B. S. C., “Flexural behaviour of reinforced geopolymer concrete beams with GGBS and metakaoline”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7(6), (2016).
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Construction Materials, Structural Engineering, Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Article

Güray Arslan 0000-0001-5004-8617

Mehdi Öztürk 0000-0003-4147-0431

Kadir Şengün 0000-0002-4893-0093

Project Number FDK-2020-3820
Early Pub Date March 8, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 11, 2024
Acceptance Date January 29, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Early View


APA Arslan, G., Öztürk, M., & Şengün, K. (2025). An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams. Gazi University Journal of Science1-1.
AMA Arslan G, Öztürk M, Şengün K. An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams. Gazi University Journal of Science. Published online March 1, 2025:1-1.
Chicago Arslan, Güray, Mehdi Öztürk, and Kadir Şengün. “An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams”. Gazi University Journal of Science, March (March 2025), 1-1.
EndNote Arslan G, Öztürk M, Şengün K (March 1, 2025) An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams. Gazi University Journal of Science 1–1.
IEEE G. Arslan, M. Öztürk, and K. Şengün, “An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams”, Gazi University Journal of Science, pp. 1–1, March 2025.
ISNAD Arslan, Güray et al. “An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams”. Gazi University Journal of Science. March 2025. 1-1.
JAMA Arslan G, Öztürk M, Şengün K. An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2025;:1–1.
MLA Arslan, Güray et al. “An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams”. Gazi University Journal of Science, 2025, pp. 1-1.
Vancouver Arslan G, Öztürk M, Şengün K. An Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthening Efficiency on The Retrofitted Damaged Geopolymer Concrete Beams. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2025:1-.