Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 592 - 611, 01.09.2020



  • [1] Becchio, C., Corgnati, S. P., Delmastro, C., Fabi, V., Lombardi, P., “The role of nearly-zero energy buildings in the transition towards Post-Carbon Cities”, Sustain. Cities Soc., vol. 27:324–337, (2016).
  • [2] IEA Joint SHC Task 40 / ECBCS Annex 52, “Solution Sets and Net Zero Energy Buildings: A review of 30 Net ZEBs case studies worldwide”, retrieved from, (2014).
  • [3] Belussi, L., Barozzi, B., Bellazzi, A., Danza, L., Devitofrancesco, A., Fanciulli, C., Ghellere, M., Guazzi, G., Meroni, I., Salamone, F., Scamoni, F., Scrosati, C., “A review of performance of zero energy buildings and energy efficiency solutions”, J. Build. Eng., 25: 100772, (2019).
  • [4] Birinci, F., “Türkiye’nin Depremselliği ve Yapı Stoğu Yönünden Mevzuat ve Mali Politikalarının Kentsel Dönüşümü Zorlaştıran Unsurları”, Proceedings of the II.Turkey Earthquake and Seismology Conference (2. Türkiye Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı), Hatay, Turkey, 2:3–13, (2013)
  • [5] AFAD, “Disaster Management and Natural Disaster Statistics in Turkey”, Turkey Disaster and Emergency Management Authority, Ankara, 46-47, (2018).
  • [6] Bibbee, A., Gönenç, R., Jacobs, S., Konvitz, J., Price, R, “Economic Effects of the 1999 Turkish Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development, (2000).
  • [7] Pacific Consultants International / OYO Corporation, “The Study on A Disaster Prevention / Mitigation Basic Plan In Istanbul Including Microzonation In The Republic of Turkey”, Retrieved from, Istanbul, (2002).
  • [8] Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı - Turkey Ministry of Environment and Cities, “2018-2022 Stratejik Plan”, Ankara, (2017).
  • [9] IEA, “Turkey: Indicators for 2015”, International Energy Agency, retrieved from http://www Indicators, Accessed: 24-Jul-2018, (2018).
  • [10] IEA, “Turkey: Balace of 2015”, International Energy Agency retrieved from Balances, Accessed: 27-Jul-2018, (2018).
  • [11] UNFCCC, “Republic of Turkey - Intended Nationally Determined Contribution”, United Nations, (2015).
  • [12] The Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey, “Report on Turkey’s Initial Steps towards the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, Ankara, (2016).
  • [13] Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey, “National Climate Change Action Plan”, Ankara, (2011).
  • [14] Official Gazette, “Binalarda Enerji Performansı Yönetmeliği”, Sayı: 27075, Ankara, (2008).
  • [15] Official Gazette, “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Alanları Yönetmeliği”, Sayı: 29852 ,Ankara, (2016).
  • [16] Official Gazette, “Enerji Kaynaklarının ve Enerjinin Kullanılmasında Verimliliğin Artırılmasına Dair Yönetmelik”, Sayı: 28097, (2011).
  • [17] Kocabas, A., “The Emergence of Istanbul’s Fifth Urban Planning Period: A Transition to Planning for Sustainable Regeneration?”, J. Urban Technol., 12(2): 27–48, (2005).
  • [18] Kocabas, A., “The transition to low carbon urbanization in Turkey: Emerging policies and initial action”, Habitat Int., 37:80–87, (2013).
  • [19] Bütçe ve Mali Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, “Orta Vadeli Mali Plan (Fiscal Report) of 2019-2021”, Haizne ve Maliye Bakanlığı, Ankara, (2018).
  • [20] Presidency of Strategy and Budget, “On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023) - 11.Development Plan of Turkey for 2019-2023”, Ankara, (2019).
  • [21] Uzun, B., Simsek, N. C., “Upgrading of illegal settlements in Turkey; the case of North Ankara Entrance Urban Regeneration Project”, Habitat Int., 49:157–164, (2015).
  • [22] Uzun, B., Çete, M., Palancıoğlu, H. M., “Legalizing and upgrading illegal settlements in Turkey”, Habitat Int., 34(2):204–209, (2010).
  • [23] Güzey, Ö., “Urban regeneration and increased competitive power: Ankara in an era of globalization”, Cities, 26(1):27–37, (2009).
  • [24] Demirli, M. E., Ultav, Z. T., Demirtaş-Milz, N., “A socio-spatial analysis of urban transformation at a neighborhood scale: The case of the relocation of Kadifekale inhabitants to TOKİ Uzundere in İzmir”, Cities, 48:140–159, (2015).
  • [25] Güzey, Ö., “The last round in restructuring the city: Urban regeneration becomes a state policy of disaster prevention in Turkey”, Cities, 50:40–53, (2016).
  • [26] TS 825, “Binalarda Isı Yalıtım Kuraları-Thermal insulation requirements for buildings”, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2013).
  • [27] Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı - Turkey Ministry of Environment and Cities, “2017 Yılı İdare Faaliyet Raporu - 2017 Annual Report”, Ankara, (2018).
  • [28] Mangan, S. D., Oral, G. K., “Assessment of residential building performances for the different climate zones of Turkey in terms of life cycle energy and cost efficiency”, Energy Build., 110:362–376, (2016).
  • [29] Kalaycıoğlu, E., Yılmaz, A. Z., “A new approach for the application of nearly zero energy concept at district level to reach EPBD recast requirements through a case study in Turkey”, Energy Build., 152:680–700 (2017).
  • [30] Coutts, A. M., Beringer, J., Tapper, N. J., “Impact of Increasing Urban Density on Local Climate: Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Surface Energy Balance in Melbourne, Australia”, J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 46(4):477–493, (2007).
  • [31] Strømann-Andersen, J., Sattrup, P.A., “The urban canyon and building energy use: Urban density versus daylight and passive solar gains”, Energy Build., 43(8): 2011-2020, 2011.
  • [32] Tereci, A., Kesten, D., Eicker, U., “The Impact of the Urban Form on Heating, Cooling and Lighting Demand of Cities”, Proceedings of the 1. International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, Hong Kong, China, 2010.
  • [33] Niachou, K., Livada, I., Santamouris, M., “Experimental study of temperature and airflow distribution inside an urban street canyon during hot summer weather conditions. Part II: Airflow analysis”, Build. Environ., 43(8):1393–1403, (2008).
  • [34] Santamouris, M., Papanikolaou, N., Livada, I., Koronakis I., Georgakis, C., Argiriou, A., Assimakopoulos, D. N., “On the impact of urban climate on the energy consumption of buildings”, Sol. Energy, 70(3):201–216, (2001).
  • [35] Grosso, M., “Urban form and renewable energy potential”, Renew. Energy, 15(1–4):331–336, (1998).
  • [36] Ali-Toudert, F., Mayer, H., “Numerical study on the effects of aspect ratio and orientation of an urban street canyon on outdoor thermal comfort in hot and dry climate”, Build. Environ., 41(2):94–108, (2006).
  • [37] Johansson, E., “Influence of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort in a hot dry climate: A study in Fez, Morocco”, Build. Environ., 41(10):1326–1338, (2006).
  • [38] Oke, T. R., “Street design and urban canopy layer climate”, Energy Build., 11(1–3):103–113, (1988).
  • [39] Laski. L., Schellekens. S., “The State of World Population 2007 Youth Suplement”, United Nations, (2007).
  • [40] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision”, United Nations, New York, (2012).
  • [41] Oke T. R., “The energetic basis of the Urban Heat Island”, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 108(455):1–24, (1982).
  • [42] Hassid, S., Santamouris, M., Papanikolaou, N., Linardi, A., Klitsikas, N., Georgakis, C., Assimakopoulos, D. N., “The effect of the Athens heat island on air conditioning load”, Energy Build., 32(2): 131–141, (2000).
  • [43] Taha, H., Akbari, H., Rosenfeld, A., Huang, J., “Residential cooling loads and the urban heat island—the effects of albedo”, Build. Environ., 23(4):271–283, (1988).
  • [44] Fung, W. Y., Lam, K. S., Hung, W. T., Pang, S. W., Lee, Y. L., “Impact of urban temperature on energy consumption of Hong Kong”, Energy, vol. 31(14):2623–2637, (2006).
  • [45] Loga, T., Stein, B., Diefenbach, N., “TABULA building typologies in 20 European countries—Making energy-related features of residential building stocks comparable”, Energy Build., 132:4–12, (2016).
  • [46] Dascalaki, E. G., Droutsa, K. G., Balaras, C. A., Kontoyiannidis, S., “Building typologies as a tool for assessing the energy performance of residential buildings – A case study for the Hellenic building stock”, Energy Build., 43(12):3400–3409, (2011).
  • [47] Kragh, J., Wittchen, K. B., “Development of two Danish building typologies for residential buildings”, Energy Build., 68:79–86, (2014).
  • [48] Ballarini, I., Corgnati, S. P., Corrado, V., “Use of reference buildings to assess the energy saving potentials of the residential building stock: The experience of TABULA project”, Energy Policy, 68:273–284, (2014).
  • [49] Ballarini, I., Corrado, V., Madonna, F., Paduos, S., Ravasio, F., “Energy refurbishment of the Italian residential building stock: energy and cost analysis through the application of the building typology”, Energy Policy, 105: 148–160, (2017).
  • [50] Filogamo, L., Peri, G., Rizzo, G., Giaccone, A., “On the classification of large residential buildings stocks by sample typologies for energy planning purposes”, Appl. Energy, 135:825–835, (2014).
  • [51] Horváth, M., Kassai-Szoó, D., Csoknyai, T., “Solar energy potential of roofs on urban level based on building typology”, Energy Build., 111:278–289, (2016).
  • [52] Beyaztas, H., Oral, G. K., “Evaluating Energy Performance of Facades Related to Urban Texture”, in International Conferance on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies, Istanbul, 36–44 (2017).
  • [53] Beyaztas, H., Oral, G. K., “Çatı ve Cephelerde Uygulanan Güneş Panellerinden Üretilen Enerjinin Kentsel Doku Ve Bina Tipolojisi Bağlamında İncelenmesi”, Proceedings of 3. Ulusal Yapı Fiziği ve Çevre Kontrolü Kongresi, Istanbul, 287–296 (2018).
  • [54] Daniels, K., Hammann, R. E., “Energy Design for Tomorrow / Energy Design für morgen”, Axel Menges, Stuttgart, (2009)
  • [55] Kapsalaki, M., Leal, V., “Recent progress on net zero energy buildings”, Adv. Build. Energy Res., 5(1):129–162, (2011).
  • [56] Lovell, H., “The role of individuals in policy change: the case of UK low-energy housing”, Environ. Plan. C Polit. Sp., 27(3):491–511, (2009).
  • [57] California Energy Commission, “Integrated Energy Policy Report (Summary)”, 27-28, California, United States, (2007).
  • [58] European Commission, “Directive 2010/31/EU OF the European Parliment and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast)”, Off. J. Eur. Union, (2010).
  • [59] Executive Order, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance”, Order no: 13514, United States, (2009).
  • [60] National Institute of Building Sciences, “A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings”, Department of Energy, United States, (2015).
  • [61] European Commission, “Directive 2010/31/EU of the Europan Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast),” Off. J. Eur. Union, L 153/13, (2010).
  • [62] İBB Şehir Planlama Müdürlüğü, “1/100.000 Ölçekli İstanbul Çevre Düzeni Planı Raporu”, İstanbul, (2009).
  • [63] Intelligent Energy Europe, “Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy Assessment”, Retrieved from, Accessed: 15-Oct-2019, (2012).
  • [64] Ganiç, N., Yılmaz, A. Z., “Adaptation of the cost optimal level calculation method of Directive 2010/31/EU considering the influence of Turkish national factors”, Appl. Energy, 123:94–107, (2014).
  • [65] Intelligent Energy Europe, “TABULA WebTool”, Retrieved from, Accessed: 15-Oct-2019, (2016).
  • [66] TUIK, “Population and Housing Census”, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, (2011).
  • [67] TUIK, “Yapı İzin İstatistikleri”, retrieved from, Accessed: 16-May-2018, (2018).
  • [68] Gazbir, “2017 Yılı Doğal Gaz Dağıtım Sektörü Raporu”, Natural Gas Distributors Association of Turkey, Retrieved from, Accessed: 22-May-2018, (2018).
  • [69] Official Gazette, “Declaration of National Building Energy Performance Calculation Methodology (Binalarda Enerji Performansı Ulusal HesaplamaYöntemine Dair Tebliğ)”, Ankara, (2010).

Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building

Year 2020, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 592 - 611, 01.09.2020


Turkey is experiencing a massive urban renewal process to increase earthquake resistance of building mass. As a participant of Paris Agreement, Turkey also uses this process as a tool to improve energy saving performance of building mass with mandatory insulation requirements. Envelope retrofits achieves energy savings; however, this massive urban renewal process offers a greater potential since it allows a chance to optimize urban scale variables such as urban texture and building type, as well. This paper focuses on investigating the influence of building typology and urban texture on building energy performance. For this purpose, four different texture and six different building type alternatives are defined in Istanbul. Energy performance simulation analysis of 24 total alternatives are done with Existing envelope, TS-825 envelope, and proposed Near-Zero envelopes. Results of 72 simulations show that both building type and urban texture have important influence on building energy consumption and production performances for three envelope alternatives. Selection of optimized building type and urban texture alternatives with N-zero envelope maximizes building energy performance and achieve near-zero building requirements. Another important result of the study was urban scale decisions reduces energy consumption very significantly even before applying building design strategies. This is a very important input for decision-makers because energy performance of a regular building can be improved with retrofits in any time during lifetime. However, these retrofits may not be enough to achieve full potential (net-zero in future time) of the building when urban texture and building type is not optimized accurately.


  • [1] Becchio, C., Corgnati, S. P., Delmastro, C., Fabi, V., Lombardi, P., “The role of nearly-zero energy buildings in the transition towards Post-Carbon Cities”, Sustain. Cities Soc., vol. 27:324–337, (2016).
  • [2] IEA Joint SHC Task 40 / ECBCS Annex 52, “Solution Sets and Net Zero Energy Buildings: A review of 30 Net ZEBs case studies worldwide”, retrieved from, (2014).
  • [3] Belussi, L., Barozzi, B., Bellazzi, A., Danza, L., Devitofrancesco, A., Fanciulli, C., Ghellere, M., Guazzi, G., Meroni, I., Salamone, F., Scamoni, F., Scrosati, C., “A review of performance of zero energy buildings and energy efficiency solutions”, J. Build. Eng., 25: 100772, (2019).
  • [4] Birinci, F., “Türkiye’nin Depremselliği ve Yapı Stoğu Yönünden Mevzuat ve Mali Politikalarının Kentsel Dönüşümü Zorlaştıran Unsurları”, Proceedings of the II.Turkey Earthquake and Seismology Conference (2. Türkiye Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı), Hatay, Turkey, 2:3–13, (2013)
  • [5] AFAD, “Disaster Management and Natural Disaster Statistics in Turkey”, Turkey Disaster and Emergency Management Authority, Ankara, 46-47, (2018).
  • [6] Bibbee, A., Gönenç, R., Jacobs, S., Konvitz, J., Price, R, “Economic Effects of the 1999 Turkish Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development, (2000).
  • [7] Pacific Consultants International / OYO Corporation, “The Study on A Disaster Prevention / Mitigation Basic Plan In Istanbul Including Microzonation In The Republic of Turkey”, Retrieved from, Istanbul, (2002).
  • [8] Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı - Turkey Ministry of Environment and Cities, “2018-2022 Stratejik Plan”, Ankara, (2017).
  • [9] IEA, “Turkey: Indicators for 2015”, International Energy Agency, retrieved from http://www Indicators, Accessed: 24-Jul-2018, (2018).
  • [10] IEA, “Turkey: Balace of 2015”, International Energy Agency retrieved from Balances, Accessed: 27-Jul-2018, (2018).
  • [11] UNFCCC, “Republic of Turkey - Intended Nationally Determined Contribution”, United Nations, (2015).
  • [12] The Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey, “Report on Turkey’s Initial Steps towards the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, Ankara, (2016).
  • [13] Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey, “National Climate Change Action Plan”, Ankara, (2011).
  • [14] Official Gazette, “Binalarda Enerji Performansı Yönetmeliği”, Sayı: 27075, Ankara, (2008).
  • [15] Official Gazette, “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Alanları Yönetmeliği”, Sayı: 29852 ,Ankara, (2016).
  • [16] Official Gazette, “Enerji Kaynaklarının ve Enerjinin Kullanılmasında Verimliliğin Artırılmasına Dair Yönetmelik”, Sayı: 28097, (2011).
  • [17] Kocabas, A., “The Emergence of Istanbul’s Fifth Urban Planning Period: A Transition to Planning for Sustainable Regeneration?”, J. Urban Technol., 12(2): 27–48, (2005).
  • [18] Kocabas, A., “The transition to low carbon urbanization in Turkey: Emerging policies and initial action”, Habitat Int., 37:80–87, (2013).
  • [19] Bütçe ve Mali Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, “Orta Vadeli Mali Plan (Fiscal Report) of 2019-2021”, Haizne ve Maliye Bakanlığı, Ankara, (2018).
  • [20] Presidency of Strategy and Budget, “On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023) - 11.Development Plan of Turkey for 2019-2023”, Ankara, (2019).
  • [21] Uzun, B., Simsek, N. C., “Upgrading of illegal settlements in Turkey; the case of North Ankara Entrance Urban Regeneration Project”, Habitat Int., 49:157–164, (2015).
  • [22] Uzun, B., Çete, M., Palancıoğlu, H. M., “Legalizing and upgrading illegal settlements in Turkey”, Habitat Int., 34(2):204–209, (2010).
  • [23] Güzey, Ö., “Urban regeneration and increased competitive power: Ankara in an era of globalization”, Cities, 26(1):27–37, (2009).
  • [24] Demirli, M. E., Ultav, Z. T., Demirtaş-Milz, N., “A socio-spatial analysis of urban transformation at a neighborhood scale: The case of the relocation of Kadifekale inhabitants to TOKİ Uzundere in İzmir”, Cities, 48:140–159, (2015).
  • [25] Güzey, Ö., “The last round in restructuring the city: Urban regeneration becomes a state policy of disaster prevention in Turkey”, Cities, 50:40–53, (2016).
  • [26] TS 825, “Binalarda Isı Yalıtım Kuraları-Thermal insulation requirements for buildings”, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2013).
  • [27] Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı - Turkey Ministry of Environment and Cities, “2017 Yılı İdare Faaliyet Raporu - 2017 Annual Report”, Ankara, (2018).
  • [28] Mangan, S. D., Oral, G. K., “Assessment of residential building performances for the different climate zones of Turkey in terms of life cycle energy and cost efficiency”, Energy Build., 110:362–376, (2016).
  • [29] Kalaycıoğlu, E., Yılmaz, A. Z., “A new approach for the application of nearly zero energy concept at district level to reach EPBD recast requirements through a case study in Turkey”, Energy Build., 152:680–700 (2017).
  • [30] Coutts, A. M., Beringer, J., Tapper, N. J., “Impact of Increasing Urban Density on Local Climate: Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Surface Energy Balance in Melbourne, Australia”, J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 46(4):477–493, (2007).
  • [31] Strømann-Andersen, J., Sattrup, P.A., “The urban canyon and building energy use: Urban density versus daylight and passive solar gains”, Energy Build., 43(8): 2011-2020, 2011.
  • [32] Tereci, A., Kesten, D., Eicker, U., “The Impact of the Urban Form on Heating, Cooling and Lighting Demand of Cities”, Proceedings of the 1. International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, Hong Kong, China, 2010.
  • [33] Niachou, K., Livada, I., Santamouris, M., “Experimental study of temperature and airflow distribution inside an urban street canyon during hot summer weather conditions. Part II: Airflow analysis”, Build. Environ., 43(8):1393–1403, (2008).
  • [34] Santamouris, M., Papanikolaou, N., Livada, I., Koronakis I., Georgakis, C., Argiriou, A., Assimakopoulos, D. N., “On the impact of urban climate on the energy consumption of buildings”, Sol. Energy, 70(3):201–216, (2001).
  • [35] Grosso, M., “Urban form and renewable energy potential”, Renew. Energy, 15(1–4):331–336, (1998).
  • [36] Ali-Toudert, F., Mayer, H., “Numerical study on the effects of aspect ratio and orientation of an urban street canyon on outdoor thermal comfort in hot and dry climate”, Build. Environ., 41(2):94–108, (2006).
  • [37] Johansson, E., “Influence of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort in a hot dry climate: A study in Fez, Morocco”, Build. Environ., 41(10):1326–1338, (2006).
  • [38] Oke, T. R., “Street design and urban canopy layer climate”, Energy Build., 11(1–3):103–113, (1988).
  • [39] Laski. L., Schellekens. S., “The State of World Population 2007 Youth Suplement”, United Nations, (2007).
  • [40] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision”, United Nations, New York, (2012).
  • [41] Oke T. R., “The energetic basis of the Urban Heat Island”, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 108(455):1–24, (1982).
  • [42] Hassid, S., Santamouris, M., Papanikolaou, N., Linardi, A., Klitsikas, N., Georgakis, C., Assimakopoulos, D. N., “The effect of the Athens heat island on air conditioning load”, Energy Build., 32(2): 131–141, (2000).
  • [43] Taha, H., Akbari, H., Rosenfeld, A., Huang, J., “Residential cooling loads and the urban heat island—the effects of albedo”, Build. Environ., 23(4):271–283, (1988).
  • [44] Fung, W. Y., Lam, K. S., Hung, W. T., Pang, S. W., Lee, Y. L., “Impact of urban temperature on energy consumption of Hong Kong”, Energy, vol. 31(14):2623–2637, (2006).
  • [45] Loga, T., Stein, B., Diefenbach, N., “TABULA building typologies in 20 European countries—Making energy-related features of residential building stocks comparable”, Energy Build., 132:4–12, (2016).
  • [46] Dascalaki, E. G., Droutsa, K. G., Balaras, C. A., Kontoyiannidis, S., “Building typologies as a tool for assessing the energy performance of residential buildings – A case study for the Hellenic building stock”, Energy Build., 43(12):3400–3409, (2011).
  • [47] Kragh, J., Wittchen, K. B., “Development of two Danish building typologies for residential buildings”, Energy Build., 68:79–86, (2014).
  • [48] Ballarini, I., Corgnati, S. P., Corrado, V., “Use of reference buildings to assess the energy saving potentials of the residential building stock: The experience of TABULA project”, Energy Policy, 68:273–284, (2014).
  • [49] Ballarini, I., Corrado, V., Madonna, F., Paduos, S., Ravasio, F., “Energy refurbishment of the Italian residential building stock: energy and cost analysis through the application of the building typology”, Energy Policy, 105: 148–160, (2017).
  • [50] Filogamo, L., Peri, G., Rizzo, G., Giaccone, A., “On the classification of large residential buildings stocks by sample typologies for energy planning purposes”, Appl. Energy, 135:825–835, (2014).
  • [51] Horváth, M., Kassai-Szoó, D., Csoknyai, T., “Solar energy potential of roofs on urban level based on building typology”, Energy Build., 111:278–289, (2016).
  • [52] Beyaztas, H., Oral, G. K., “Evaluating Energy Performance of Facades Related to Urban Texture”, in International Conferance on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies, Istanbul, 36–44 (2017).
  • [53] Beyaztas, H., Oral, G. K., “Çatı ve Cephelerde Uygulanan Güneş Panellerinden Üretilen Enerjinin Kentsel Doku Ve Bina Tipolojisi Bağlamında İncelenmesi”, Proceedings of 3. Ulusal Yapı Fiziği ve Çevre Kontrolü Kongresi, Istanbul, 287–296 (2018).
  • [54] Daniels, K., Hammann, R. E., “Energy Design for Tomorrow / Energy Design für morgen”, Axel Menges, Stuttgart, (2009)
  • [55] Kapsalaki, M., Leal, V., “Recent progress on net zero energy buildings”, Adv. Build. Energy Res., 5(1):129–162, (2011).
  • [56] Lovell, H., “The role of individuals in policy change: the case of UK low-energy housing”, Environ. Plan. C Polit. Sp., 27(3):491–511, (2009).
  • [57] California Energy Commission, “Integrated Energy Policy Report (Summary)”, 27-28, California, United States, (2007).
  • [58] European Commission, “Directive 2010/31/EU OF the European Parliment and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast)”, Off. J. Eur. Union, (2010).
  • [59] Executive Order, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance”, Order no: 13514, United States, (2009).
  • [60] National Institute of Building Sciences, “A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings”, Department of Energy, United States, (2015).
  • [61] European Commission, “Directive 2010/31/EU of the Europan Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast),” Off. J. Eur. Union, L 153/13, (2010).
  • [62] İBB Şehir Planlama Müdürlüğü, “1/100.000 Ölçekli İstanbul Çevre Düzeni Planı Raporu”, İstanbul, (2009).
  • [63] Intelligent Energy Europe, “Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy Assessment”, Retrieved from, Accessed: 15-Oct-2019, (2012).
  • [64] Ganiç, N., Yılmaz, A. Z., “Adaptation of the cost optimal level calculation method of Directive 2010/31/EU considering the influence of Turkish national factors”, Appl. Energy, 123:94–107, (2014).
  • [65] Intelligent Energy Europe, “TABULA WebTool”, Retrieved from, Accessed: 15-Oct-2019, (2016).
  • [66] TUIK, “Population and Housing Census”, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, (2011).
  • [67] TUIK, “Yapı İzin İstatistikleri”, retrieved from, Accessed: 16-May-2018, (2018).
  • [68] Gazbir, “2017 Yılı Doğal Gaz Dağıtım Sektörü Raporu”, Natural Gas Distributors Association of Turkey, Retrieved from, Accessed: 22-May-2018, (2018).
  • [69] Official Gazette, “Declaration of National Building Energy Performance Calculation Methodology (Binalarda Enerji Performansı Ulusal HesaplamaYöntemine Dair Tebliğ)”, Ankara, (2010).
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Halit Beyaztaş 0000-0001-9572-7816

Gül Koçlar Oral 0000-0002-9795-6871

Publication Date September 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 33 Issue: 3


APA Beyaztaş, H., & Koçlar Oral, G. (2020). Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building. Gazi University Journal of Science, 33(3), 592-611.
AMA Beyaztaş H, Koçlar Oral G. Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building. Gazi University Journal of Science. September 2020;33(3):592-611. doi:10.35378/gujs.654664
Chicago Beyaztaş, Halit, and Gül Koçlar Oral. “Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building”. Gazi University Journal of Science 33, no. 3 (September 2020): 592-611.
EndNote Beyaztaş H, Koçlar Oral G (September 1, 2020) Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building. Gazi University Journal of Science 33 3 592–611.
IEEE H. Beyaztaş and G. Koçlar Oral, “Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 592–611, 2020, doi: 10.35378/gujs.654664.
ISNAD Beyaztaş, Halit - Koçlar Oral, Gül. “Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building”. Gazi University Journal of Science 33/3 (September 2020), 592-611.
JAMA Beyaztaş H, Koçlar Oral G. Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2020;33:592–611.
MLA Beyaztaş, Halit and Gül Koçlar Oral. “Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 33, no. 3, 2020, pp. 592-11, doi:10.35378/gujs.654664.
Vancouver Beyaztaş H, Koçlar Oral G. Optimizing Urban Texture and Building Typology for the Goal of Achieving Near-Zero Mid-Rise Residential Building. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2020;33(3):592-611.