[1] Fatahian, E., Salarian, H., Fatahian, H., “Numerical investigation of hazardous gas dispersion over obstacles and residential Areas”, International Journal of Engineering, 33(10): 2087-2094, (2020).
[2] Ahangar, S. B., Bellur, K., Medici, E., Tajiri, K., Allen, J. S., Choi, C. K., “Optical properties and swelling of thin film perfluorinated sulfonic-acid ionomer”, ECS Transactions, 92(8): 197-212, (2019).
[3] Siala, F. F., Kamrani Fard, K., Liburdy, J. A., “Experimental study of inertia-based passive flexibility of a heaving and pitching airfoil operating in the energy harvesting regime”, Physics of Fluids, 32(1): 017101, (2020).
[4] Fatahian, H., Hosseini, E., Fatahian, E., “CFD simulation of a novel design of square cyclone with dual-inverse cone”, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(4): 1748-1758, (2020).
[5] Bayaniahangar, R., Ahangar, S. B., Zhang, Z., Lee, B. P., Pearce, J. M., “3-D printed soft magnetic helical coil actuators of iron oxide embedded polydimethylsiloxane”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 326: 128781, (2021).
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[7] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “The effect of suction jet angle on aerodynamic performance of NACA 0012 flapped airfoil–a CFD approach”, 4th International Conference on Applied researches in Science and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, (2019).
[8] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Eshagh Nimvari, M., Khaleghinia, J., “Numerical simulation of the effect of rain on aerodynamic performance and aeroacoustic mechanism of an airfoil via a two-phase flow approach”, SN Applied Sciences, 2: 1-16, (2020).
[9] Wei, B., Wu, Y., Liang, H., Su, Z., Li, Y., “Flow control on a high-lift wing with microsecond pulsed surface dielectric barrier discharge actuator”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 96: 1-20, (2020).
[10] Lei, J., Zhang, J., Niu, J., “Effect of active oscillation of local surface on the performance of low Reynolds number airfoil”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 99: 25-40, (2020).
[11] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Fatahian, H., “Numerical study of the effect of suction at a compressible and high Reynolds number flow to control the flow separation over Naca 2415 airfoil”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 19(3): 170-179, (2019).
[12] Huang, L., Huang, P. G., LeBeau, R. P., Hauser, T., “Numerical study of blowing and suction control mechanism on NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of aircraft, 41(5): 1005-1013, (2004).
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[14] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “Effects of the hinge position and suction on flow separation and aerodynamic performance of the NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(2): 1-14, (2020).
[15] Tadjfar, M., Kamari, D., “Optimization of Flow Control Parameters Over SD7003 Airfoil with Synthetic Jet Actuator”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142(2):1-22, (2020).
[16] Kim, S. H., Kim, C., “Separation control on NACA 23012 using synthetic jet”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 13(4): 172-182, (2009).
[17] Monastero, M. C., Lindstrom, A. M., Amitay, M., “Effect of Synthetic Jets Spacing on Flow Separation over Swept, Flapped Airfoils”, AIAA Journal, 57(11): 4670-4683, (2019).
[18] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “Comparative study of flow separation control using suction and blowing over an airfoil with/without flap”, Sadhana, 44(11): 220-235, (2019).
[19] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Nimvari, M. E., Khaleghinia, J., “Computational fluid dynamics simulation of aerodynamic performance and flow separation by single element and slatted airfoils under rainfall conditions”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83: 683-702, (2020).
[20] Li, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, P., “Effects of Gurney flaps on a NACA 0012 airfoil”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 68(1): 27-40, (2002).
[21] Storms, B. L., Jang, C. S., “Lift enhancement of an airfoil using a Gurney flap and vortex generators”, Journal of Aircraft, 31(3): 542-547, (1994).
[22] Hao, W., Ding, Q., Li, C., “Optimal performance of adaptive flap on flow separation control”, Computers & Fluids, 179: 437-448, (2019).
[23] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Nimvari, M. E., Khaleghinia, J., “Effect of Gurney flap on flow separation and aerodynamic performance of an airfoil under rain and icing conditions”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37: 1-19, (2020).
[24] James, S. E., Suryan, A., Sebastian, J. J., Mohan, A., Kim, H. D., “Comparative study of boundary layer control around an ordinary airfoil and a high lift airfoil with secondary blowing”, Computers & Fluids, 164: 50-63, (2018).
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[29] De Gregorio, F., Fraioli, G., “Flow control on a high thickness airfoil by a trapped vortex cavity”, In 14th International symposium on applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, (2008).
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[31] Ma, D., Li, G., Yang, M., Wang, S., “Research of the suction flow control on wings at low Reynolds numbers”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 232(8): 1515-1528, (2018).
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[33] Yousefi, K., Saleh, R., Zahedi, P., “Numerical study of blowing and suction slot geometry optimization on NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(4): 1297-1310, (2014).
[34] Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Tang, Q., “Main characteristics of suction control of flow separation of an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 65: 88-97, (2017).
[35] Lei, J., Liu, Q., & Li, T., “Suction control of laminar separation bubble over an airfoil at low Reynolds number”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(1): 81-90, (2019).
[36] Zhou, Y., Hou, L., Huang, D., “The effects of Mach number on the flow separation control of airfoil with a small plate near the leading edge”, Computers & Fluids, 156: 274-282, (2017).
[37] Ockfen, A. E., Matveev, K. I., “Aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 4412 airfoil section with flap”, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 1(1): 1-12, (2009).
[38] Menter, F. R., “Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications”, AIAA Journal, 32(8): 1598-1605, (1994).
[39] Dannenberg, R. E., Weiberg, J. A., “Section characteristics of a 10.5-percent-thick airfoil with area suction as affected by chordwise distribution of permeability”, NASA TN 2847, (1952).
[40] Critzos, C. C., Heyson, H. H., Boswinkle Jr, R. W., “Aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 0012 airfoil section at angles of attack from 0 deg to 180 deg”, No. NACA-TN-3361, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, (1955).
[41] Jacobs, E. N., Sherman, A., “Airfoil section characteristics as affected by variations of the Reynolds number”, NACA report, 586: 227-264, (1937).
[42] Schlichting, H., Gersten, K., “Boundary-layer control (suction/blowing)”, In Boundary-Layer Theory, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2000).
[43] Mazaheri, K., Nejati, A., Charlang Kiani, K., “The application of suction and blowing in performance improvement of transonic airfoils with shock control bump”, Scientia Iranica, 24(1): 274-292, (2017).
Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach
Year 2021,
Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 235 - 249, 01.03.2021
In the present research, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) investigation is carried out for analyzing the simultaneous effect of suction and cavity for controlling flow separation on NACA 0012 airfoil. Hence, a perpendicular suction jet (jet = -90°) is employed with Rjet equal to 0.15 at Ljet = 0.1c. Simultaneously, a cavity is used at 90% of chord length (0.9c) with 20 mm width and 10 mm depth. The fluid flow is assumed to be 2D turbulent, and incompressible. The results demonstrate that lift coefficient has raised by 30% and drag coefficient has decreased by 40% at α = 14° by using simultaneous suction and cavity. The flow control method improves lift to drag ratio and stall angle has increased from 14° to 22°. Consequently, the flow separation has been delayed, the recirculation zone has gone downstream and completely eliminated by utilizing simultaneous suction and cavity as an effective flow control method.
[1] Fatahian, E., Salarian, H., Fatahian, H., “Numerical investigation of hazardous gas dispersion over obstacles and residential Areas”, International Journal of Engineering, 33(10): 2087-2094, (2020).
[2] Ahangar, S. B., Bellur, K., Medici, E., Tajiri, K., Allen, J. S., Choi, C. K., “Optical properties and swelling of thin film perfluorinated sulfonic-acid ionomer”, ECS Transactions, 92(8): 197-212, (2019).
[3] Siala, F. F., Kamrani Fard, K., Liburdy, J. A., “Experimental study of inertia-based passive flexibility of a heaving and pitching airfoil operating in the energy harvesting regime”, Physics of Fluids, 32(1): 017101, (2020).
[4] Fatahian, H., Hosseini, E., Fatahian, E., “CFD simulation of a novel design of square cyclone with dual-inverse cone”, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(4): 1748-1758, (2020).
[5] Bayaniahangar, R., Ahangar, S. B., Zhang, Z., Lee, B. P., Pearce, J. M., “3-D printed soft magnetic helical coil actuators of iron oxide embedded polydimethylsiloxane”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 326: 128781, (2021).
[6] Monir, H. E., Tadjfar, M., Bakhtian, A., “Tangential synthetic jets for separation control”, Journal of fluids and structures, 45: 50-65, (2014).
[7] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “The effect of suction jet angle on aerodynamic performance of NACA 0012 flapped airfoil–a CFD approach”, 4th International Conference on Applied researches in Science and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, (2019).
[8] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Eshagh Nimvari, M., Khaleghinia, J., “Numerical simulation of the effect of rain on aerodynamic performance and aeroacoustic mechanism of an airfoil via a two-phase flow approach”, SN Applied Sciences, 2: 1-16, (2020).
[9] Wei, B., Wu, Y., Liang, H., Su, Z., Li, Y., “Flow control on a high-lift wing with microsecond pulsed surface dielectric barrier discharge actuator”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 96: 1-20, (2020).
[10] Lei, J., Zhang, J., Niu, J., “Effect of active oscillation of local surface on the performance of low Reynolds number airfoil”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 99: 25-40, (2020).
[11] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Fatahian, H., “Numerical study of the effect of suction at a compressible and high Reynolds number flow to control the flow separation over Naca 2415 airfoil”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 19(3): 170-179, (2019).
[12] Huang, L., Huang, P. G., LeBeau, R. P., Hauser, T., “Numerical study of blowing and suction control mechanism on NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of aircraft, 41(5): 1005-1013, (2004).
[13] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Nimvari, M. E., Fatahian, E., “Numerical study of suction and blowing approaches to control flow over a compressor cascade in turbulent flow regime”, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 15(2): 1-18, (2018).
[14] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “Effects of the hinge position and suction on flow separation and aerodynamic performance of the NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(2): 1-14, (2020).
[15] Tadjfar, M., Kamari, D., “Optimization of Flow Control Parameters Over SD7003 Airfoil with Synthetic Jet Actuator”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142(2):1-22, (2020).
[16] Kim, S. H., Kim, C., “Separation control on NACA 23012 using synthetic jet”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 13(4): 172-182, (2009).
[17] Monastero, M. C., Lindstrom, A. M., Amitay, M., “Effect of Synthetic Jets Spacing on Flow Separation over Swept, Flapped Airfoils”, AIAA Journal, 57(11): 4670-4683, (2019).
[18] Fatahian, E., Nichkoohi, A. L., Salarian, H., Khaleghinia, J., “Comparative study of flow separation control using suction and blowing over an airfoil with/without flap”, Sadhana, 44(11): 220-235, (2019).
[19] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Nimvari, M. E., Khaleghinia, J., “Computational fluid dynamics simulation of aerodynamic performance and flow separation by single element and slatted airfoils under rainfall conditions”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83: 683-702, (2020).
[20] Li, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, P., “Effects of Gurney flaps on a NACA 0012 airfoil”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 68(1): 27-40, (2002).
[21] Storms, B. L., Jang, C. S., “Lift enhancement of an airfoil using a Gurney flap and vortex generators”, Journal of Aircraft, 31(3): 542-547, (1994).
[22] Hao, W., Ding, Q., Li, C., “Optimal performance of adaptive flap on flow separation control”, Computers & Fluids, 179: 437-448, (2019).
[23] Fatahian, H., Salarian, H., Nimvari, M. E., Khaleghinia, J., “Effect of Gurney flap on flow separation and aerodynamic performance of an airfoil under rain and icing conditions”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37: 1-19, (2020).
[24] James, S. E., Suryan, A., Sebastian, J. J., Mohan, A., Kim, H. D., “Comparative study of boundary layer control around an ordinary airfoil and a high lift airfoil with secondary blowing”, Computers & Fluids, 164: 50-63, (2018).
[25] Bunyakin, A. V., “Laminar boundary layer in a flow past an aerofoil with a circular cavity”, Fluid dynamics, 33(2): 196-200, (1998).
[26] Vuddagiri, A., Samad, A., “Vortex trapping by different cavities on an airfoil”, Wind Engineering, 37(5): 469-482, (2013).
[27] Olsman, W. F. J., Colonius, T., “Numerical simulation of flow over an airfoil with a cavity”, AIAA Journal, 49(1): 143-149, (2011).
[28] Chernyshenko, S. I., Galletti, B., Iollo, A., Zannetti, L., “Trapped vortices and a favourable pressure gradient”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 482: 235-255, (2003).
[29] De Gregorio, F., Fraioli, G., “Flow control on a high thickness airfoil by a trapped vortex cavity”, In 14th International symposium on applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, (2008).
[30] Vuddagiri, A., Halder, P., Samad, A., Chaudhuri, A., “Flow analysis of airfoil having different cavities on its suction surface”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 16(2): 67-77, (2016).
[31] Ma, D., Li, G., Yang, M., Wang, S., “Research of the suction flow control on wings at low Reynolds numbers”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 232(8): 1515-1528, (2018).
[32] Genç, M. S., Kaynak, Ü., Yapici, H., “Performance of transition model for predicting low Re aerofoil flows without/with single and simultaneous blowing and suction”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 30(2): 218-235, (2011).
[33] Yousefi, K., Saleh, R., Zahedi, P., “Numerical study of blowing and suction slot geometry optimization on NACA 0012 airfoil”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(4): 1297-1310, (2014).
[34] Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Tang, Q., “Main characteristics of suction control of flow separation of an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 65: 88-97, (2017).
[35] Lei, J., Liu, Q., & Li, T., “Suction control of laminar separation bubble over an airfoil at low Reynolds number”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(1): 81-90, (2019).
[36] Zhou, Y., Hou, L., Huang, D., “The effects of Mach number on the flow separation control of airfoil with a small plate near the leading edge”, Computers & Fluids, 156: 274-282, (2017).
[37] Ockfen, A. E., Matveev, K. I., “Aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 4412 airfoil section with flap”, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 1(1): 1-12, (2009).
[38] Menter, F. R., “Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications”, AIAA Journal, 32(8): 1598-1605, (1994).
[39] Dannenberg, R. E., Weiberg, J. A., “Section characteristics of a 10.5-percent-thick airfoil with area suction as affected by chordwise distribution of permeability”, NASA TN 2847, (1952).
[40] Critzos, C. C., Heyson, H. H., Boswinkle Jr, R. W., “Aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 0012 airfoil section at angles of attack from 0 deg to 180 deg”, No. NACA-TN-3361, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, (1955).
[41] Jacobs, E. N., Sherman, A., “Airfoil section characteristics as affected by variations of the Reynolds number”, NACA report, 586: 227-264, (1937).
[42] Schlichting, H., Gersten, K., “Boundary-layer control (suction/blowing)”, In Boundary-Layer Theory, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2000).
[43] Mazaheri, K., Nejati, A., Charlang Kiani, K., “The application of suction and blowing in performance improvement of transonic airfoils with shock control bump”, Scientia Iranica, 24(1): 274-292, (2017).
Fatahian, E., & Fatahıan, H. (2021). Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science, 34(1), 235-249. https://doi.org/10.35378/gujs.706052
Fatahian E, Fatahıan H. Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. March 2021;34(1):235-249. doi:10.35378/gujs.706052
Fatahian, Esmaeel, and Hossein Fatahıan. “Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science 34, no. 1 (March 2021): 235-49. https://doi.org/10.35378/gujs.706052.
Fatahian E, Fatahıan H (March 1, 2021) Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science 34 1 235–249.
E. Fatahian and H. Fatahıan, “Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 235–249, 2021, doi: 10.35378/gujs.706052.
Fatahian, Esmaeel - Fatahıan, Hossein. “Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science 34/1 (March 2021), 235-249. https://doi.org/10.35378/gujs.706052.
Fatahian E, Fatahıan H. Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2021;34:235–249.
Fatahian, Esmaeel and Hossein Fatahıan. “Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 34, no. 1, 2021, pp. 235-49, doi:10.35378/gujs.706052.
Fatahian E, Fatahıan H. Simultaneous Effect of Suction and Cavity for Controlling Flow Separation on NACA 0012 Airfoil – CFD Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2021;34(1):235-49.