Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 916 - 935, 01.09.2021



  • [1] Nocquet, J., Mothes, P., and Alvarado, A., “Geodesia, geodinámica y ciclo sísmico en Ecuador”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 83-94, (2009).
  • [2] Witt, C., and Bourgois, J., “Relaciones entre la evolución de la cuenca del Golfo de Guayaquil-Tumbes y el escape del Bloque Nor-Andino”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 95-106, (2009).
  • [3] Segovia, M., and Alvarado, A., “Breve análisis de la sismicidad y del campo de esfuerzos en el Ecuador”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 131-149, (2009).
  • [4] Vaca, S., Régnier, M., Bethoux, N., Álvarez, V. and Pontoise, B, “Sismicidad de la región de Manta: Enjambre sísmico de Manta-2005”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 151-166, (2009).
  • [5] IGEPN, “Terremoto de Esmeraldas de 1906 - Uno de los sismos más grandes de la historia reciente”, Quito, Ecuador, recovered from[Access date: 21 November 2019], (2012).
  • [6] IGEPN, “Informe sísmico para el año 2016”, [online] Quito: Instituto Geofísico – EPN, recovered from [Access date: 2 April 2019], (2016).
  • [7] CEC, “Requisitos generales de diseño: peligro sísmico, espectros de diseño y requisitos mínimos de cálculos para diseño sismo resistente”, Código Ecuatoriano de la Construcción. Registro Oficial No. 382, (2001).
  • [8] Bakun, W. H., and Wentworth, C. M., “Erratum to Estimating earthquake locations and magnitude from seismic intensity data”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America., 89: 557, (1999).
  • [9] NEC-15, “Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción”, Registro Oficial No. 413 del 10 de enero de 2015, recovered from [Access date: 1 December 2019], (2015).
  • [10] Parra, H., Benito, M., and Gaspar-Escribano, J, “Seismic hazard assessment in continental Ecuador”, Bullentin of Earthquake Engineering, 14(8): 2129-2159, (2016).
  • [11] Beauval, C., Mariniére, J., Yepez, H., Audin, L., Nocquet, J., Alvarado, A., Baize, S., Aguilar, J., Singaucho, J. and Jomard, H., “A New Seismic Hazard Model for Ecuador”, Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America, 108(3A): 1443-1464, (2018).
  • [12] Anderson, E., “Asymptotic Properties of Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 32: 283-301, (1970).
  • [13] R Core Team., “R: A language and environment for statistical computing”, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria,[Access date 11 December 2019], (2008).
  • [14] Beauval, C., Yepes, H., Palacios, P., Segovia, M., Alvarado, A., Font, Y., Aguilar, J., Troncoso y L., and Vaca S., “An Earthquake Catalog for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Ecuador”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(1): 773-786, doi: 10.1785/0120120270, (2013).
  • [15] IGEPN, “Instituto Geofísico Escuela Politécnica Nacional”, Quito, Ecuador, [Access date 1 May 2018], (2018).
  • [16] IRIS, “Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. Interactive Earthquake Browser”, [Access date 11 May 2018], (2017).
  • [17] Parra, H., “Desarrollos metodológicos y aplicaciones hacia el cálculo de la peligrosidad sísmica en el Ecuador Continental y estudio de riesgo sísmico en la ciudad de Quito” Tesis Doctoral, Departamento de Ingeniería Topográfica y Cartografía, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, recovered from[Access date: 31 October 2020], (3): 44-54, (2016).
  • [18] Chunga, K., Gorshkov, A., and Michetti, A., Geología de Terremotos y Tsunami (1st ed), Sección Nacional del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, IPGH, Guayaquil, (2016).
  • [19] Chunga, K., Gorshkov, A., Michetti, A., Panza, G., Soloviev., and Martillo, C., “Aplicación del método de zonación morfo-estructural para identificar nudos sismogénicos en la región costera y cadenas montañosas de los andes septentrionales del Ecuador”, Acta Oceanográfica del Pacífico, (16):119-140, (2011).
  • [20] Epstein, B., and Lomnitz, C, “A model for occurrence of large earthquakes”, Nature, 211: 954–956. doi:10. 1038/211954b0, (1966).
  • [21] Kijko, A., and Sellevoll, MA. “Triple exponential distribution, a modified model for the occurrence of large earthquakes”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 71(6): 2097–2101, (1981).
  • [22] Pavlenko, V. A., “Estimation of the upper bound of seismic hazard curve by using the generalized extreme value distribution”, Natural Hazards, 89(1): 19-33. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-2950-z, (2017).
  • [23] García-Bustos, S., Landín, J., Moreno, R., Chong, A.S.E., Mulas, M., Mite, M., and Cárdenas, N., “Statistical analysis of the largest possible earthquake magnitudes on the Ecuadorian coast for selected return periods”, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards. 14(1): 56-68, doi: 10.1080/17499518.2018.1542500, (2018)
  • [24] Fréchet, M., “Sur la loi de probabilité de l'écart máximum”, Annales de la Societe Polonaise de Mathematique, Cracow, 6: 93-116, (1927).
  • [25] Fisher, R., and Tippet, L, “Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest and smallest member of a sample”, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 24(2): 180-190, doi:10.1017/s0305004100015681, (1928).
  • [26] Gnedenko, B. V., “Sur la distribution limite du terme maximum d'une série aléatoire”, Annals of Mathematics, 44(3): 423-453, (1943).
  • [27] Gumbel, E. J., “Leŝ moments des distributions finales de la premiere et de la derniere valeur”, Camptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 198(l): 41-143, (1934).
  • [28] Gumbel, E. J., “Les valeurs extremes des distributions statistiques”, Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré, 5(2): 115-158, (1935).
  • [29] Weibull, W., “A statistical distribution function of wide applicability”, Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME, 18 (3): 293-297, (1951).
  • [30] Von Mises, R., “La distribution de la plus grande de n valeurs”, American Mathematical Society, Volumen II Providence:R.I., 271-294, (1936).
  • [31] Jenkinson, A. F., “The frequency distribution of the annual maximum (or minimum) values of meteorological elements”, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1(81): 158-171, (1955).
  • [32] Ferreira, J. A., and Soares, C. G., “An application of the peaks over threshold method to predict extremes of significant wave height”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 120(3): 165-176, (1998).
  • [33] Pickands, J., “Statistical inference using extreme order statistics”, The Annals of Statistics, 3(1): 19-131, (1975).
  • [34] Balkema, A., and Haan, L., “Limit distributions for order statistics, I”, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 23(1): 77-92, (1978).
  • [35] Balkema, A., and Haan, L., “Limit distributions for order statistics, I”, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 23(1): 341-358, (1978).
  • [36] Agresti, A., Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edn), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (eds), Gainesville, Florida, 557-589, (2002).
  • [37] De Haan, L., and Ferreira, A., Extreme value theory: An introduction, Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, New York, (2006).
  • [38] Akaike, H., “On entropy maximization principle”. In: Krishnaiah, P.R. (Editor), Applications of Statistics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 27–41, (1977).
  • [39] Schwarz, E., “Estimating the dimension of a model”, Annals of Statistics, 6(2): 461–464, doi:10.1214/aos/1176344136, (1978).
  • [40] Rencher, A. C., Methods of Multivariate Analysis, Wiley Interscience, USA, (2002).
  • [41] Kuiper, F. K., and Fisher, L., “A Monte Carlo comparison of six clustering procedures”, Biometrics, 31(3): 777-783, (1975).
  • [42] Ward, J. H., “Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58(301): 236-244, (1963).
  • [43] Hartigan, J., The K-Means Algorithm, John Wiley & Sons, New York, (1974).
  • [44] Alam, M.A., Emura, K., Farnham, C., and Yuan, J., “Best-Fit Probability Distributions and Return Periods for Maximum Monthly Rainfall in Bangladesh”, Climate, 6(1):1-16, (2018).
  • [45] Starczewski, A., and Krzyżak, A., “Performance Evaluation of the Silhouette Index”, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9120. Springer, Cham, (2015).
  • [46] Calinski, T., and Harabasz, J., “A Dendrite Method for Cluster Analysis”, Communications in Statistics, 3(1): 1-27, (1974).
  • [47] Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C., “Frequency of earthquakes in California”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 34(4): 185–188, (1944).
  • [48] Wells D. L., and Coppersmith K. J., “New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002, (1994).
  • [49] Gutscher, M.-A., Malavieille, J., Lallemand, S., and Collot, J.-Y., “Tectonic segmentation of the North Andean margin: impact of the Carnegie Ridge collision”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 168(3-4): 255-270, (1999).

Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood

Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 916 - 935, 01.09.2021


This work applied the extreme value theory and Poisson regression considering maximum likelihood estimates to characterize the 5 seismicity zones of Ecuador obtained through cluster analysis. The Gumbel model was optimal in describing maximum magnitudes in these areas. The Poisson regression model was used to estimate the frequency of earthquakes as a function of magnitude (MW) for each zone. Zones 1 (portions of Esmeraldas and Manabí and their respective maritime zones) and 5 (north central of Ecuador) were the most representative in terms of recurrence and seismic magnitudes.


  • [1] Nocquet, J., Mothes, P., and Alvarado, A., “Geodesia, geodinámica y ciclo sísmico en Ecuador”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 83-94, (2009).
  • [2] Witt, C., and Bourgois, J., “Relaciones entre la evolución de la cuenca del Golfo de Guayaquil-Tumbes y el escape del Bloque Nor-Andino”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 95-106, (2009).
  • [3] Segovia, M., and Alvarado, A., “Breve análisis de la sismicidad y del campo de esfuerzos en el Ecuador”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 131-149, (2009).
  • [4] Vaca, S., Régnier, M., Bethoux, N., Álvarez, V. and Pontoise, B, “Sismicidad de la región de Manta: Enjambre sísmico de Manta-2005”, Geología y Geofísica Marina y Terrestre Del Ecuador (Comisión Nacional del Derecho del Mar, Ecuador), 151-166, (2009).
  • [5] IGEPN, “Terremoto de Esmeraldas de 1906 - Uno de los sismos más grandes de la historia reciente”, Quito, Ecuador, recovered from[Access date: 21 November 2019], (2012).
  • [6] IGEPN, “Informe sísmico para el año 2016”, [online] Quito: Instituto Geofísico – EPN, recovered from [Access date: 2 April 2019], (2016).
  • [7] CEC, “Requisitos generales de diseño: peligro sísmico, espectros de diseño y requisitos mínimos de cálculos para diseño sismo resistente”, Código Ecuatoriano de la Construcción. Registro Oficial No. 382, (2001).
  • [8] Bakun, W. H., and Wentworth, C. M., “Erratum to Estimating earthquake locations and magnitude from seismic intensity data”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America., 89: 557, (1999).
  • [9] NEC-15, “Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción”, Registro Oficial No. 413 del 10 de enero de 2015, recovered from [Access date: 1 December 2019], (2015).
  • [10] Parra, H., Benito, M., and Gaspar-Escribano, J, “Seismic hazard assessment in continental Ecuador”, Bullentin of Earthquake Engineering, 14(8): 2129-2159, (2016).
  • [11] Beauval, C., Mariniére, J., Yepez, H., Audin, L., Nocquet, J., Alvarado, A., Baize, S., Aguilar, J., Singaucho, J. and Jomard, H., “A New Seismic Hazard Model for Ecuador”, Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America, 108(3A): 1443-1464, (2018).
  • [12] Anderson, E., “Asymptotic Properties of Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 32: 283-301, (1970).
  • [13] R Core Team., “R: A language and environment for statistical computing”, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria,[Access date 11 December 2019], (2008).
  • [14] Beauval, C., Yepes, H., Palacios, P., Segovia, M., Alvarado, A., Font, Y., Aguilar, J., Troncoso y L., and Vaca S., “An Earthquake Catalog for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Ecuador”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(1): 773-786, doi: 10.1785/0120120270, (2013).
  • [15] IGEPN, “Instituto Geofísico Escuela Politécnica Nacional”, Quito, Ecuador, [Access date 1 May 2018], (2018).
  • [16] IRIS, “Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. Interactive Earthquake Browser”, [Access date 11 May 2018], (2017).
  • [17] Parra, H., “Desarrollos metodológicos y aplicaciones hacia el cálculo de la peligrosidad sísmica en el Ecuador Continental y estudio de riesgo sísmico en la ciudad de Quito” Tesis Doctoral, Departamento de Ingeniería Topográfica y Cartografía, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, recovered from[Access date: 31 October 2020], (3): 44-54, (2016).
  • [18] Chunga, K., Gorshkov, A., and Michetti, A., Geología de Terremotos y Tsunami (1st ed), Sección Nacional del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, IPGH, Guayaquil, (2016).
  • [19] Chunga, K., Gorshkov, A., Michetti, A., Panza, G., Soloviev., and Martillo, C., “Aplicación del método de zonación morfo-estructural para identificar nudos sismogénicos en la región costera y cadenas montañosas de los andes septentrionales del Ecuador”, Acta Oceanográfica del Pacífico, (16):119-140, (2011).
  • [20] Epstein, B., and Lomnitz, C, “A model for occurrence of large earthquakes”, Nature, 211: 954–956. doi:10. 1038/211954b0, (1966).
  • [21] Kijko, A., and Sellevoll, MA. “Triple exponential distribution, a modified model for the occurrence of large earthquakes”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 71(6): 2097–2101, (1981).
  • [22] Pavlenko, V. A., “Estimation of the upper bound of seismic hazard curve by using the generalized extreme value distribution”, Natural Hazards, 89(1): 19-33. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-2950-z, (2017).
  • [23] García-Bustos, S., Landín, J., Moreno, R., Chong, A.S.E., Mulas, M., Mite, M., and Cárdenas, N., “Statistical analysis of the largest possible earthquake magnitudes on the Ecuadorian coast for selected return periods”, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards. 14(1): 56-68, doi: 10.1080/17499518.2018.1542500, (2018)
  • [24] Fréchet, M., “Sur la loi de probabilité de l'écart máximum”, Annales de la Societe Polonaise de Mathematique, Cracow, 6: 93-116, (1927).
  • [25] Fisher, R., and Tippet, L, “Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest and smallest member of a sample”, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 24(2): 180-190, doi:10.1017/s0305004100015681, (1928).
  • [26] Gnedenko, B. V., “Sur la distribution limite du terme maximum d'une série aléatoire”, Annals of Mathematics, 44(3): 423-453, (1943).
  • [27] Gumbel, E. J., “Leŝ moments des distributions finales de la premiere et de la derniere valeur”, Camptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 198(l): 41-143, (1934).
  • [28] Gumbel, E. J., “Les valeurs extremes des distributions statistiques”, Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré, 5(2): 115-158, (1935).
  • [29] Weibull, W., “A statistical distribution function of wide applicability”, Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME, 18 (3): 293-297, (1951).
  • [30] Von Mises, R., “La distribution de la plus grande de n valeurs”, American Mathematical Society, Volumen II Providence:R.I., 271-294, (1936).
  • [31] Jenkinson, A. F., “The frequency distribution of the annual maximum (or minimum) values of meteorological elements”, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1(81): 158-171, (1955).
  • [32] Ferreira, J. A., and Soares, C. G., “An application of the peaks over threshold method to predict extremes of significant wave height”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 120(3): 165-176, (1998).
  • [33] Pickands, J., “Statistical inference using extreme order statistics”, The Annals of Statistics, 3(1): 19-131, (1975).
  • [34] Balkema, A., and Haan, L., “Limit distributions for order statistics, I”, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 23(1): 77-92, (1978).
  • [35] Balkema, A., and Haan, L., “Limit distributions for order statistics, I”, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 23(1): 341-358, (1978).
  • [36] Agresti, A., Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edn), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (eds), Gainesville, Florida, 557-589, (2002).
  • [37] De Haan, L., and Ferreira, A., Extreme value theory: An introduction, Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, New York, (2006).
  • [38] Akaike, H., “On entropy maximization principle”. In: Krishnaiah, P.R. (Editor), Applications of Statistics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 27–41, (1977).
  • [39] Schwarz, E., “Estimating the dimension of a model”, Annals of Statistics, 6(2): 461–464, doi:10.1214/aos/1176344136, (1978).
  • [40] Rencher, A. C., Methods of Multivariate Analysis, Wiley Interscience, USA, (2002).
  • [41] Kuiper, F. K., and Fisher, L., “A Monte Carlo comparison of six clustering procedures”, Biometrics, 31(3): 777-783, (1975).
  • [42] Ward, J. H., “Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58(301): 236-244, (1963).
  • [43] Hartigan, J., The K-Means Algorithm, John Wiley & Sons, New York, (1974).
  • [44] Alam, M.A., Emura, K., Farnham, C., and Yuan, J., “Best-Fit Probability Distributions and Return Periods for Maximum Monthly Rainfall in Bangladesh”, Climate, 6(1):1-16, (2018).
  • [45] Starczewski, A., and Krzyżak, A., “Performance Evaluation of the Silhouette Index”, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9120. Springer, Cham, (2015).
  • [46] Calinski, T., and Harabasz, J., “A Dendrite Method for Cluster Analysis”, Communications in Statistics, 3(1): 1-27, (1974).
  • [47] Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C., “Frequency of earthquakes in California”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 34(4): 185–188, (1944).
  • [48] Wells D. L., and Coppersmith K. J., “New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002, (1994).
  • [49] Gutscher, M.-A., Malavieille, J., Lallemand, S., and Collot, J.-Y., “Tectonic segmentation of the North Andean margin: impact of the Carnegie Ridge collision”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 168(3-4): 255-270, (1999).
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Statistics

Sandra Lorena García Bustos 0000-0003-2978-0330

Steven Navarrete This is me

Angel Chancay This is me

Marcos Mendoza This is me

Marcela Pincay This is me

Miguel Teran This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 34 Issue: 3


APA García Bustos, S. L., Navarrete, S., Chancay, A., Mendoza, M., et al. (2021). Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Gazi University Journal of Science, 34(3), 916-935.
AMA García Bustos SL, Navarrete S, Chancay A, Mendoza M, Pincay M, Teran M. Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Gazi University Journal of Science. September 2021;34(3):916-935. doi:10.35378/gujs.780279
Chicago García Bustos, Sandra Lorena, Steven Navarrete, Angel Chancay, Marcos Mendoza, Marcela Pincay, and Miguel Teran. “Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and Their Frequency of Occurrence Using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood”. Gazi University Journal of Science 34, no. 3 (September 2021): 916-35.
EndNote García Bustos SL, Navarrete S, Chancay A, Mendoza M, Pincay M, Teran M (September 1, 2021) Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Gazi University Journal of Science 34 3 916–935.
IEEE S. L. García Bustos, S. Navarrete, A. Chancay, M. Mendoza, M. Pincay, and M. Teran, “Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 916–935, 2021, doi: 10.35378/gujs.780279.
ISNAD García Bustos, Sandra Lorena et al. “Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and Their Frequency of Occurrence Using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood”. Gazi University Journal of Science 34/3 (September 2021), 916-935.
JAMA García Bustos SL, Navarrete S, Chancay A, Mendoza M, Pincay M, Teran M. Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2021;34:916–935.
MLA García Bustos, Sandra Lorena et al. “Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and Their Frequency of Occurrence Using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 34, no. 3, 2021, pp. 916-35, doi:10.35378/gujs.780279.
Vancouver García Bustos SL, Navarrete S, Chancay A, Mendoza M, Pincay M, Teran M. Zoning of Ecuador According to Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes and their Frequency of Occurrence using Statistical Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2021;34(3):916-35.