New Zero Cross-Correlation Codes Based on Zech Method’s for OCDMA Systems
Year 2023,
Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 238 - 247, 01.03.2023
Bensaad Abdellah
Garadi Ahmed
Beloufa Abbes
Bensaad Zouaoui
A new structure code for Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access (SAC–OCDMA) system with zero cross-correlation (ZCC) is presented in this paper. The principle idea of this method is based on the use of Zech logarithms in the construction of the code sequences to ensure orthogonality and compare their performances with previously reported codes. The maximum cross-correlation of this code is zero signifying that Multi-Access Interference (MAI) and Phase-Induced intensity noise (PIIN) effects are eliminated thus the system performances are improved. The BER simulation results against the total number of active users show a significant improvement in the performance of the proposed code over preceding reported codes. The system can accommodate more than 90 simultaneous users compared to other codes at a bit error rate of 10^(-9). Furthermore, the construction method offers good flexibility in the choice of the number of users, the weight, and the code length.
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Year 2023,
Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 238 - 247, 01.03.2023
Bensaad Abdellah
Garadi Ahmed
Beloufa Abbes
Bensaad Zouaoui
- [1] Abd, T. H., Aljunid, S. A., Fadhil, H. A., Ahmad, R. B., “A New Algorithm for Development of Dynamic Cyclic Shift Code for Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access Systems”, Fiber and Integrated Optics, 31(6): 397-416, (2012).
- [2] Rashidi, C. B. M., Aljunid, S. A., Ghani, F., Fadhil, H. A., Anuar, M. S., “Cardinality Enhancement Using Flexible Cross-Correlation (FCC) Code for Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access Systems”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(12): 5614-5626, (2012).
- [3] Panda, S., Bhanja, U., “Performance Analysis of a Novel Coding Technique for SAC-OCDMA”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 6(6): 2079-8407, (2015).
- [4] Kaur, R., Kaler, R. S., “Performance and security analysis of novel ZCCRW codes in lower earth orbit based MDM-OWC incorporating hybrid modulations”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 72(1): 46–52, (2021).
- [5] Bertarini, P. L., Sanches, A. L., Borges, B. H. V., “Optimal Code Set Selection and Security Issues in Spectral Phase-Encoded Time-Spreading (SPECTS) OCDMA Systems”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(12): 1882–1890, (2012).
- [6] Wei, Z., Ghafouri-Shiraz, H., “Codes for Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Optical CDMA Systems”, Lightwave Technology, 50(8): 1209–1212, (2002).
- [7] Anuar, M. S., Aljunid, S. A., Badlishah, R., Saad, N. M., Andonovic, I., “Performance Analysis of Optical Zero Cross-Correlation in OCDMA System”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(23): 3819-3822, (2007).
- [8] Alhassan, A. M., Badruddin, N., Saad, N. M., Aljunid, S. A., “Enhancing the performance of coherent sources SAC OCDMA networks via spatial multiplexing”, Journal of Optical Society Korea, 17: 471–80, (2013).
- [9] Kaur, S., Singh, S., “Review on developments in all-optical spectral amplitude coding techniques”, Optical Engineering, 57(11): 116102, (2018).
- [10] Mostafa, S., Mohamed, A., E., N., A., El-Samie, F., E., A., Rashed, A., N., Z., “Performance Evaluation of SAC-OCDMA System in Free Space Optics and Optical Fiber System Based on Different Types of Codes”, Wireless Personal Communications, 96(2): 2843–2861, (2017).
- [11] Bensaad, A., Bensaad, Z., Garadi, A., Beloufa, A., “An Efficient Zero Cross-Correlation Codes for OCDMA Networks”, IEEE, International Communication on Advanced Electrical Engineering, Algiers, Algeria, (2019).
- [12] Xinyu, Z., “Analysis of M-sequence and Gold-sequence in CDMA system’’, IEEE, 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, Xi'an, China, (2011).
- [13] Salehi, J. A., “Code-division multiple access techniques in optical fiber networks, part 1. fundamental principles”, IEEE, Transactions on Communications, 37: 824–833, (1989).
- [14] Alderson, T. L., “n-Dimensional Optical Orthogonal Codes, Bounds and Optimal Constructions”, Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing’’, 30(4): 373-386, (2019).
- [15] Li, X., Lu, L., “General Construction Method of Multi length Optical Orthogonal Codes With Arbitrary Cross-Correlation Constraint for OCDMA Multimedia Network”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 7(3): 156-163, (2015).
- [16] Bhanja, U., Panda, S., “Comparison of novel coding techniques for a fixed wavelength hopping SAC-OCDMA”, Photonic Network Communications, 33(2): 179–193, (2017).
- [17] Morsy, M. A., Alsayyar, A. S., “Performance analysis of OCDMA wireless communication system based on double length modified prime code for security improvement”, IET Communications, 14(7): 1139-1146, (2020).
- [18] Kumawat, S., Kumar, M. R., “new code construction algorithm based on Double Weight codes for SAC-OCDMA systems”, IEEE, International Conference on Computer Communications and Electronics (Comptelix), Jaipur, India, (2017).
- [19] Fadhil, H. A., Aljunid, S. A., Ahmed, R. B., “Effect of random diagonal code link parameters on the performance of an OCDMA scheme for high-speed access networks”, Journal of Optical Fiber Technology, 15: 237–241, (2009).
- [20] Kaur, A., Singh, G., “Performance Comparison of various detection techniques for SAC-OCDMA system using DW and MDW code”, International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON), Vancouver, Canada, (2015).
- [21] Fadhil, H. A., Aljunid, S. A., Ahmed, R. B., “Effect of random diagonal code link parameters on the performance of an OCDMA scheme for high-speed access networks”, Journal of Optical Fiber Technology, 15: 237–241, (2009).
- [22] Wei, Z., Shalaby, H. N. M., Ghafouri-Shiraz, H., “Modified quadratic congruence codes for fiber Bragg-grating-based spectral-amplitude-coding optical CDMA systems”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 19(9): 1274–1281, (2001).
- [23] Ghafouri-Shiraz, H., Shi, “Performance Analysis of Two New code families for Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Optical CDMA Systems”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(17): 4005-4014, (2016).
- [24] Morsy, M. A., Alsayyar, A. S., “Performance analysis of OCDMA wireless communication system based on double length modified prime code for security improvement”, IET Communications, ISSN 1751-8628, 14(7): 1139-1146, 2020.
- [25] Abhijit, D., Veni Madhavan C. E., “Public-key Cryptography: Theory and Practice”, Pearson Education, India, (2009).
- [26] Ahmed, N., Aljunid, S. A., Ahmad, R. B., Rashid, M. A., “Novel OCDMA Detection Technique based on Modified Double Weight Code for Optical Access Network”, Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika, 18(8): 117-121, (2012).
- [27] Kumawat, S., Kumar, M. R., “Generalized optical code construction for enhanced and Modified Double Weight like codes without mapping for SAC–OCDMA systems”, Optical Fiber Technology, 30: 72–80, (2016).
- [28] Aljunid, S. A., Ismail, M., Ramli, A. R., Ali, B. M., Abdullah, M. K., “A new family of optical code sequences for spectral-amplitude-coding optical CDMA systems”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(10): 2383-2385, (2004).
- [29] Anuar, M. S., Aljunid, S. A., Saad, N. M., Hamzah, S. M., “New design of spectral amplitude coding in OCDMA with zero cross-correlation”, Optics Communications, 282(14): 2659-2664, (2011).
- [30] Nisar, K. S., “Construction of zero cross-correlation code using a type of anti-diagonal identity column block matrices”, Optik, International Journal of Light and Electron Optics,125(21): 6586–6588, (2014).
- [31] Nisar, K. S., “Construction Zero Cross-Correlation Code using Permutation Matrix for SAC-OCDMA Systems”, International Journal of Open Information Technologies, 4(3): 51-54, (2016).
- [32] Nisar, K. S., Sarangal, H., Thapar, S., S., “Performance evaluation of newly constructed NZCC for SAC-OCDMA using direct detection technique”, Photonic Network Communications, 37: 75–82, (2018).
- [33] Alayedi, M., Cherifi, A., Hamida, A. F., Rashidi, C. B. M., Bouazza, B. S., “Performance improvement of multi-access OCDMA system based on a new zero cross-correlation code”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 767(1): 1-7, (2020).
- [34] Kaur, S., Singh, S., “A Novel Zero Cross-correlation Diagonal Identity Matrix Code”, 6th Edition of International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON), Punjab, India, (2018).
- [35] Majeed, M. H., Ahmed, R. K., “Performance Enhancement of Encoding–Decoding Multidiagonal and Walsh Hadamard Codes for Spectral Amplitude Coding-Optical Code Division Multiple Access (SAC-OCDMA) Utilizing Dispersion Compensated Fiber”, Journal of Optical Communications, (2020).
- [36] Bharti, M., Sharma, A., Kumar, M., “Simulative analysis of 2-code keying approach using Walsh Hadamard codes to enhance security and reduce dispersion in OCDMA system”, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing, Delhi, India, (2014).
- [37] Garadi, A., Djebbari, A., Abdelmalik, T. A., “Exact analysis of signal-to-noise ratio for SAC-OCDMA system with direct detection”, Optik, 145: 89–94, (2017).
- [38] Gumaste, A., Antony, T., “DWDM Network Designs and Engineering Solutions”, Cisco Press, Indianapolis, USA, (2002).