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Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 167 - 181, 16.08.2010



In this study, results and 265 Spalax specimens obtained from the field studies performed between 1994 and 2002 were used. According to these data, reproduction period of Turkish Spalax Guldenstaedt, 1770 lasted from February to July. Turkish Spalax was distributed in areas from sea level up to 2900 meters such as cultivated areas, sparse woodland, steppes, mountain slopes where ground was suitable for burrowing, but not in dense forest. They were not distributed around Kırklareli in Thrace, costal part of Black Sea region and Antalya district, southern and southeastern parts of Van Lake. Their burrows consisted of a nest chamber, toilet room, storage room, and feeding galleries close to surface. They were feed on carrot, potato, onion, wheat seeds and clover in laboratory conditions. When they found in cultivated areas, they can cause damage especially to potatoes, onion, carrot, garlic and sugar beet. Blind mole rats were feed on underground parts and sometimes leaves of plants. Population density could reach up to 6 animals in an area of 1000 m2. Sex ratio was determined as 40.77 % for males and 59.23 % for females based on 260 specimens identified sexually.


  • Nevo, E., “Evolutionary theory and processes of active speciation and adaptive radiation in subterranean mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel” Evol. Biol. 25: 1 - 125 (1991)
  • Kıvanç, E., Türkiye Spalax`larının Coğrafik Varyasyonları Ankara 72, Teksir, 88 Sayfa (1988)
  • Sözen, M., Çolak, E., Yiğit, N., Özkurt, Ş. and R. Verimli, “Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Z. Säugetierkunde, 64, 210-219 (1999).
  • Sözen, M., Yiğit, N. and E. Çolak, “A study on karyotypic evolution of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Isr. J. Zool., 46, 239-242 (2000a).
  • Sözen, M., Çolak, E. and N. Yiğit, “Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of Spalax leucodon nehringi Satunin, 1898 and Spalax leucodon armeniacus Mehely, 1909 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Z. Säugetierkunde, 65: 309- 312 (2000b).
  • Nevo, E., “Observations on Israeli populations of mole rat S. e. ehrenbergi Nehring 1989” Mammalia, 25: 127-144 (1961).
  • Mursaloğlu, B. Ankara çevresindeki körfarelerin (Spalax) biyolojisi ve bunlarla savaş usulleri A. Ü. Basımevi, VI+115, Ankara (1955).
  • Rado, R., Woolberg, Z. and Terkel, J., “Dispersal of young mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) from the natal burrow” J. Mamm., 73 (4): 885 - 890 (1992).
  • Gazit, I., Sahanas, U. and Terkel, J., “First successful breeding of the blind mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) in captivity” Isr. J. Zool., 42: 3 –13 (1996).
  • Savic, I.R., “Ecology of the mole rat Spalax leucodon Nordm. In Yugoslavia” Proc. Nat. Sci., 44: 5 – 7 (1973).
  • Shanas, U., Heth, G., Nevo, E., Shalgi, R. and Terkel, J., “Reproductive behaviour in the female blind mole rat (Spalax ehregbergi)” J. Zool. Lond., 237: 195 - 210 (1995).
  • Nevo, E., Heth, G. and Beiles, A., “Population structure and speciation in mole rats” Evolution, 36: 1283-1289 (1982).
  • Heth, G., “Evidence of aboveground and age determination of the preyed, in subterranean mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) in Israel” Mammalia, 55 (4): 529-541 (1991).
  • Mikes, M., Habijan, V. and Savic, I. R., “Distribution and dispersion of the species Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840” Sond. aus Säugetierk. Mitt., 30 (3): 161-170 (1982).
  • Mohr, E., “Zur Lebenweise von Spalax monticola Nehring” Der Zool. Garten, Leipzig. (1931).
  • Dahl. S.K., The Animal World of the Armenian S.S.R Vol. 1., Vertebrates Pt ii. Mammals. Zool. Inst. Yerevan Publ. 415 pp., (1954).
  • Heth, G., “Burrow patterns of mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi in two soil types (terra-rosa and rendziana) in Mount Carmel, Israel” J. Zool. (London), 217: 39 – 56 (1989).
  • Harrison,D.L. and Bates, P.J.J., Mammals of Arabia Second Edition. Harr. Zool. Mus.Pub. 1 – 353 (1991).
  • Reed, C. A., “Observations on the burrowing rodent Spalax in Iraq” J. Mamm., 39, (3): 386-389 (1958).
  • Nevo, E., Simson, S., Heth, G. and Beiles, A., “Adaptive pacifistic behaviour in subterranean mole rats in the Sahara Desert, contrasting to the originating from polymorphic aggression in Israeli species” Behaviour, 123 (1-2): 70 - 76 (1992).


Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 167 - 181, 16.08.2010


Bu çalışmada 1994 – 2002 yılları arasında yapılan arazi çalışmalarında elde edilen bulgular ve bu süre içinde yakalanan 265 Spalax Guldenstaedt, örnelerinden elde edilen veriler kullanıldı. Bu verilere göre Türkiye Spalax’larının üreme mevsimi özellikle yüksekliğe bağlı olarak Şubat ayından Temmuz ayına kadar sürmektedir. Ortalama yavru sayısı 2,2’dir. Türkiye Spalax’ları deniz seviyesinden yüksek dağ tepelerine (2900 m’ye dek) kadar uzanan tarım alanları, seyrek ağaçlı ormanlık alanlar, dağ yamaçları, step alanları gibi toprak yapısı yuvalanmaya elverişli pek çok alanda yayılış göstermekte, yoğun orman içlerine girmemektedirler. Türkiye’de Trakya’nın Kırklareli bölgesi, Antalya’nın sahil bölgesi, Karadeniz bölgesinin sahil şeridi ve Van Gölü’nün doğu ve güneydoğusunda bulunmamaktadır. Yuvaları bir ana oda, dışkı odası, besin depo odası ve yüzeysel beslenme galerilerinden oluşmaktadır. Laboratuvar şartlarında havuç, patates, soğan, buğday ve yonca yaprakları ile beslenmişlerdir. Tarım alanlarında bulunduğu taktirde özellikle patates, soğan, sarmısak, havuç, şeker pancarı gibi soğanlı ve yumrulu bitkilere zarar verebilmektedir. Kör fareler bitkilerin toprak altı yapıları ile beslenmekte, zaman zaman da yapraklarını besin olarak almaktadırlar. Populasyon yoğunluğu 1000 m2’de 6 bireye kadar yükselebilmektedir. Eşeyi bilinen 260 örneğe göre eşey oranı % 40,77 erkekler, % 59,23 dişiler şeklindedir


  • Nevo, E., “Evolutionary theory and processes of active speciation and adaptive radiation in subterranean mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel” Evol. Biol. 25: 1 - 125 (1991)
  • Kıvanç, E., Türkiye Spalax`larının Coğrafik Varyasyonları Ankara 72, Teksir, 88 Sayfa (1988)
  • Sözen, M., Çolak, E., Yiğit, N., Özkurt, Ş. and R. Verimli, “Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Z. Säugetierkunde, 64, 210-219 (1999).
  • Sözen, M., Yiğit, N. and E. Çolak, “A study on karyotypic evolution of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Isr. J. Zool., 46, 239-242 (2000a).
  • Sözen, M., Çolak, E. and N. Yiğit, “Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of Spalax leucodon nehringi Satunin, 1898 and Spalax leucodon armeniacus Mehely, 1909 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey,” Z. Säugetierkunde, 65: 309- 312 (2000b).
  • Nevo, E., “Observations on Israeli populations of mole rat S. e. ehrenbergi Nehring 1989” Mammalia, 25: 127-144 (1961).
  • Mursaloğlu, B. Ankara çevresindeki körfarelerin (Spalax) biyolojisi ve bunlarla savaş usulleri A. Ü. Basımevi, VI+115, Ankara (1955).
  • Rado, R., Woolberg, Z. and Terkel, J., “Dispersal of young mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) from the natal burrow” J. Mamm., 73 (4): 885 - 890 (1992).
  • Gazit, I., Sahanas, U. and Terkel, J., “First successful breeding of the blind mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) in captivity” Isr. J. Zool., 42: 3 –13 (1996).
  • Savic, I.R., “Ecology of the mole rat Spalax leucodon Nordm. In Yugoslavia” Proc. Nat. Sci., 44: 5 – 7 (1973).
  • Shanas, U., Heth, G., Nevo, E., Shalgi, R. and Terkel, J., “Reproductive behaviour in the female blind mole rat (Spalax ehregbergi)” J. Zool. Lond., 237: 195 - 210 (1995).
  • Nevo, E., Heth, G. and Beiles, A., “Population structure and speciation in mole rats” Evolution, 36: 1283-1289 (1982).
  • Heth, G., “Evidence of aboveground and age determination of the preyed, in subterranean mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) in Israel” Mammalia, 55 (4): 529-541 (1991).
  • Mikes, M., Habijan, V. and Savic, I. R., “Distribution and dispersion of the species Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840” Sond. aus Säugetierk. Mitt., 30 (3): 161-170 (1982).
  • Mohr, E., “Zur Lebenweise von Spalax monticola Nehring” Der Zool. Garten, Leipzig. (1931).
  • Dahl. S.K., The Animal World of the Armenian S.S.R Vol. 1., Vertebrates Pt ii. Mammals. Zool. Inst. Yerevan Publ. 415 pp., (1954).
  • Heth, G., “Burrow patterns of mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi in two soil types (terra-rosa and rendziana) in Mount Carmel, Israel” J. Zool. (London), 217: 39 – 56 (1989).
  • Harrison,D.L. and Bates, P.J.J., Mammals of Arabia Second Edition. Harr. Zool. Mus.Pub. 1 – 353 (1991).
  • Reed, C. A., “Observations on the burrowing rodent Spalax in Iraq” J. Mamm., 39, (3): 386-389 (1958).
  • Nevo, E., Simson, S., Heth, G. and Beiles, A., “Adaptive pacifistic behaviour in subterranean mole rats in the Sahara Desert, contrasting to the originating from polymorphic aggression in Israeli species” Behaviour, 123 (1-2): 70 - 76 (1992).
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Biology

Mustafa Sözen

Publication Date August 16, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Sözen, M. (2010). A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA). Gazi University Journal of Science, 18(2), 167-181.
AMA Sözen M. A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA). Gazi University Journal of Science. August 2010;18(2):167-181.
Chicago Sözen, Mustafa. “A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA)”. Gazi University Journal of Science 18, no. 2 (August 2010): 167-81.
EndNote Sözen M (August 1, 2010) A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA). Gazi University Journal of Science 18 2 167–181.
IEEE M. Sözen, “A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA)”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 167–181, 2010.
ISNAD Sözen, Mustafa. “A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA)”. Gazi University Journal of Science 18/2 (August 2010), 167-181.
MLA Sözen, Mustafa. “A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA)”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 2, 2010, pp. 167-81.
Vancouver Sözen M. A BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON TURKISH SPALAX GULDENSTAEDT, 1770 (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA). Gazi University Journal of Science. 2010;18(2):167-81.