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Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 517 - 528, 12.08.2010



The literature related to organotin compounds has been reviewed in this article. Tributyltin (TBT) has been used extensively as a biocide in antifouling paints for ship hulls. This organometallic compound is very efficient in preventing settlement of organisms on ships’ hulls, but has deleterious effects in non-target organisms. Especially gastropods and bivalves are among the most sensitive organisms. Due to their sensitive response several snail species have been used world wide as bioindicators of TBT pollution. In 1989 the European Union published a Directive (89/677/CEE) banning TBT from vessels smaller than 25 m. Following the ban on TBT-based antifouling paints in most of the developed countries, monitoring programs are currently carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of present regulation. Surveys carried out in different coastal areas and offshore waters and open seas. Monitoring data reveal that organotin compounds are ubiquitous in aquatic organisms and marine system. Therefore TBT pollution is still a major problem. In the review article, the chemical structure of organotin compounds, their detection methods in the samples which were collected from abiotic and biotic environment and produced the functional and structural changes on the bioindicator organisms have been discussed. The problems that could result from the legal regulations banning the organotin compounds in the antifouling paints have been emphasized.




  • Rüdel, H., ‘‘Case Study: bioavailability of tin and tin compounds’’, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 56: 180-189 (2003).
  • Ashby, J.R., Craig P.J., ‘‘Organometallic compounds in the environment. In: Harrison R.M (ed), Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Control, Second Edition’’, Royal Society of Chemistry, 311-320, Great Britain, (1990).
  • Geldiay, R, Kocataş, A., ‘‘Deniz Biyolojisine Giriş”. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, No: 31, Üçüncü Baskı, İzmir, (1998).
  • Diez, S., Abalos, M., Bayona, J.M., “Organotin contamination in sediments from the Western Mediterranean enclosures following 10 years of TBT regulation”, Water Research, 36: 905-918 (2002).
  • Champ, M. A., “Economic and environmental impacts on ports and harbors from the convention to ban harmful marine anti-fouling systems”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 935-940 (2003).
  • Santos, M.M, Hallers-Tjabbes, C.C, Santos, A.M, Vieira, N., “Imposexs in Nucella lapillus, a bioindicator for TBT contamination: re-survey along the Portuguese coast to monitor the effectiveness of EU regulation”, Journal of Sea Research, 48: 217-223 (2002).
  • Gibson, C.P, Wilson, S.P., “Imposex still evident in eastern Australia 10 years after tributyltin restrictions”, Marine Environmental Research, 55: 101-112 (2003).
  • Chiavarini, S., Massanisso, P., Nicolai P., Nobili C., Morabito R., “Butyltins concentration levels and imposex occurrence in snails from Sicilian coasts (Italy)”, Chemosphere, 50: 311-319 (2003).
  • Horiguchi, T, Li., Z., Uno, S, Shimizu, M., Shiraishi, H., Morita, M., Thompson, J.A.J., Levings, C.D., “Contamination of organotin compounds and imposex in molluscs from Vancouver, Canada”, Marine Environmental Research, 57: 75-88 (2004).
  • Rees, C.M, Brady, B.A., Fabris, G.J., “Incidence of imposex in Thais orbita from Port Phillip Bay (Victoria, Australia ), following 10 years of regulation on use of TBT”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 873-878 (2001).
  • Takeuchi, I., Takahashi, S., Tanabe, S., Miyazaki, N., “Butyltin concentrations along Japanase coast from 1997 to 1999 monitored by Caprella spp.(Crustacea: Amphipoda)”, Marine Environmental Research, 57: 397-414 (2004).
  • Strand, J., Jacobsen, J.A., Pedersen, B., Granmo, A., “Butyltin Compounds in sediment and molluscs from the shipping strait between Denmark and Sweden”, Environmental Pollution, 124: 7-15 (2003).
  • Strand, J., Asmund, G., “Tributyltin accumulation and effects in marine molluscs from West Greenland”, Environmental Pollution, 123: 31-37 (2003).
  • Albalat, A., Potrykus, J., Pempkowiak, J., Porte, C., “Assessment of organotin pollution along the Polish coast (Baltic Sea) by using mussels and fish as sentinel organisms”, Chemosphere, 47: 165-171 (2002).
  • Guruge, K.S, Tanabe, S., “Contamination by persistent organochlorine and butyltin compounds in the west coast of Sri Lanka”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 179-186 (2001).
  • Bech, M., “A survey of imposex in muricids from 1996 to 2000 and identification of optimal indicators of tributyltin contamination along the east of Phuket Island, Thailand”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 887-896 (2002).
  • Sidharthan, M., Young, K. S., Woul, L. H., Soon, P. K, Shin, H. W., “TBT toxicity on the marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 45: 362-371 (2002).
  • Chien, L.C., Hung, T.C., Choang, K.Y., Yeh, C.Y, Meng, P.J, Shieh, M.J, Han, B.C., “Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As fisherman in Taiwan”. The Science of the Total Environment, 285: 177-185 (2002).
  • Vella, A.J, Mintoff, B, Axiak, V., “Analytical aspects of the gas chromatographic determination of tributyltin and metabolites in environmental samples”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 81-88 (2000).
  • Hoch, M., Schwesig, D., “Parameters controlling the partitioning of tributyltin (TBT) in aquatic systems”, Applied Geochemistry, 19: 323-334 (2004).
  • Santos, M.M., Vieira, N., Reis-Henriques M.A, Santos, A.M., Gomez-Ariza, J.L, Giraldez, I., Ten, Hallers-Tjabbes, J.L., “Imposex and butyltin contamination off the Oporto coast (NW Portugal): a possible effect of the discharge of dredged material”, Environmental International, Article in press (2004).
  • Godoi, A.F.L, Montone, R. C, Santiago-Silva, M., “Determination of butyltin compounds in surface sediments from the Sao Paulo State coast (Brazil) by gas chromatography-pulsed flame photometric detection”, Journal of Chromatography, 985: 205-210 (2003).
  • Arambarri, I., Garcia, R., Millan, E., “Assessment of tin and butyltin species in estuarine superficial sediments from Gipuzkoa, Spain”, Chemosphere, 51:643-649 (2003).
  • Michel, P., Averty, B., Andral, B., Chiffolau, J. F., Galgani F., “Tributyltin along the coasts of Corsica (Western Mediterranean): a persistent problem”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 1128-1132 (2001).
  • Mora, S.J., Fowler, S. W., Cassi, R, Tolosa, I., “Assessment of organotin contamination in marine sediments and biota from the Gulf and adjacent region”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 401-409 (2003).
  • Hoch, M., Alonso-Azcarate, J., Lischick, M., “Assessment of adsorption behavior of dibutyltin (DBT) to clay-rich sediments in comparison to the highly toxic tributyltin (TBT)”, Environmental Pollution, 23: 217-227 (2003).
  • Yemenicioğlu, S., Tuğrul, S., Kubilay, N., Salihoğlu, I., “The distribution of methyltin species in different seas”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34: 739-744 (1997).
  • Saint-Louis R., Pelletier E., “Sea-to-air flux of contaminants via bubbles bursting. An experimental approach for tributyltin”, Marine Chemistry, 84: 211-224 (2004).
  • Ueno, D., Inoue, S., Takahashi, S., Ikeda, K., Tanaka, H, Subramanian, A.,N., Fillmann, G., Lam, P.,K.,S., Zheng, J., Muchtar, M., Prudente, M., Chung, K., Tanabe, S., “Global pollution monitoring of butyltin compounds using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator”, Environmental Pollution, 127: 1-12 (2004).
  • Millan, E., Pawliszyn, J., “Determination of butyltin species in water and sediment by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-flame ionization detection”, Journal of Chromatography, A 873: 63-71 (2000).
  • Durand, M.J., Thouand, G., Dancheva-Ivanova, T., Vachon, P., DuBow, M., “Specific detection of organotin compounds with a recombinant luminescent bacteria”, Chemosphere, 52: 103-111 (2003).
  • Champ, M. A., “A review of organotin regulatory strategies, pending actions, related costs and benefits”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 21-71 (2000).
  • Strandenes, S.P., “The second order effects on commercial shipping of restrictions on the use of TBT”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 111-117 (2000).
  • Konstantinou, I.K, Albanis, T.A., “Worldwide occurrence and effects of antifouling paint booster biocides in the aquatic environment: a review”, Environment International, 30: 235-248 (2004).
  • Wezel, A.P, Vlaardingen, P., “Environmental risk limits for antifouling substances”, Aquatic Toxicology, in Press (2004).
  • Evans, S.M, Birchenough, A.C, Brancato, M.S., “The TBT Ban: Out of the frying pan into the fire?”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 204-211 (2000).


Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 517 - 528, 12.08.2010


Bu derlemede organokalay bileşikleri ile ilgili kaynaklar gözden geçirilmiştir. Gemi karinalarındaki antifouling boyalarda biyosit olarak büyük ölçüde Tributilkalay (TBT) kullanılmaktadır. Bu orgonometal bileşiği gemi karinaları üzerine yerleşen organizmaların önlenmesinde çok etkilidir, fakat hedef olmayan organizmalara zararlı etkileri vardır. Özellikle gastropodlar (karından bacaklılar) ve bilvalveler (çift kabuklular) en duyarlı organizmalar arasındadır. Bütün dünyada duyarlı cevaplarından dolayı çeşitli salyangoz türleri TBT kirlenmesinde biyoindikatör olarak kullanılmaktadır. 1989’da Avrupa Birliği 25 m’den küçük deniz araçlarında TBT’i yasaklayan bir kararname çıkarmıştır (89/677/CEE). TBT bazlı antifouling boyaların yasaklanmasını takiben gelişmiş ülkelerin çoğunda mevcut düzenlemelerin etkinliğini tayin etmek için sürekli izleme programları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmalar farklı kıyı bölgeleri, kıyılardan uzak sular ve açık denizlerde yapılmıştır. İzleme sonuçları organokalay bileşiklerinin sucul organizmaların ve deniz sistemlerinin her yerinde bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Bu nedenle TBT kirlenmesi hala büyük bir problemdir. Derlemede organokalay bileşiklerinin kimyasal yapısı, biyotik ve abiyotik çevreden alınan örneklerdeki miktar tayinleri, biyoindikatör canlılarda oluşturduğu yapısal ve işlevsel değişiklikler üzerinde durulmuştur. Antifouling etkili gemi boyalarına organokalay bileşiklerinin katılmasını yasaklayan düzenlemelerin oluşturabileceği sorunlara dikkat çekilmiştir


  • Rüdel, H., ‘‘Case Study: bioavailability of tin and tin compounds’’, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 56: 180-189 (2003).
  • Ashby, J.R., Craig P.J., ‘‘Organometallic compounds in the environment. In: Harrison R.M (ed), Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Control, Second Edition’’, Royal Society of Chemistry, 311-320, Great Britain, (1990).
  • Geldiay, R, Kocataş, A., ‘‘Deniz Biyolojisine Giriş”. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, No: 31, Üçüncü Baskı, İzmir, (1998).
  • Diez, S., Abalos, M., Bayona, J.M., “Organotin contamination in sediments from the Western Mediterranean enclosures following 10 years of TBT regulation”, Water Research, 36: 905-918 (2002).
  • Champ, M. A., “Economic and environmental impacts on ports and harbors from the convention to ban harmful marine anti-fouling systems”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 935-940 (2003).
  • Santos, M.M, Hallers-Tjabbes, C.C, Santos, A.M, Vieira, N., “Imposexs in Nucella lapillus, a bioindicator for TBT contamination: re-survey along the Portuguese coast to monitor the effectiveness of EU regulation”, Journal of Sea Research, 48: 217-223 (2002).
  • Gibson, C.P, Wilson, S.P., “Imposex still evident in eastern Australia 10 years after tributyltin restrictions”, Marine Environmental Research, 55: 101-112 (2003).
  • Chiavarini, S., Massanisso, P., Nicolai P., Nobili C., Morabito R., “Butyltins concentration levels and imposex occurrence in snails from Sicilian coasts (Italy)”, Chemosphere, 50: 311-319 (2003).
  • Horiguchi, T, Li., Z., Uno, S, Shimizu, M., Shiraishi, H., Morita, M., Thompson, J.A.J., Levings, C.D., “Contamination of organotin compounds and imposex in molluscs from Vancouver, Canada”, Marine Environmental Research, 57: 75-88 (2004).
  • Rees, C.M, Brady, B.A., Fabris, G.J., “Incidence of imposex in Thais orbita from Port Phillip Bay (Victoria, Australia ), following 10 years of regulation on use of TBT”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 873-878 (2001).
  • Takeuchi, I., Takahashi, S., Tanabe, S., Miyazaki, N., “Butyltin concentrations along Japanase coast from 1997 to 1999 monitored by Caprella spp.(Crustacea: Amphipoda)”, Marine Environmental Research, 57: 397-414 (2004).
  • Strand, J., Jacobsen, J.A., Pedersen, B., Granmo, A., “Butyltin Compounds in sediment and molluscs from the shipping strait between Denmark and Sweden”, Environmental Pollution, 124: 7-15 (2003).
  • Strand, J., Asmund, G., “Tributyltin accumulation and effects in marine molluscs from West Greenland”, Environmental Pollution, 123: 31-37 (2003).
  • Albalat, A., Potrykus, J., Pempkowiak, J., Porte, C., “Assessment of organotin pollution along the Polish coast (Baltic Sea) by using mussels and fish as sentinel organisms”, Chemosphere, 47: 165-171 (2002).
  • Guruge, K.S, Tanabe, S., “Contamination by persistent organochlorine and butyltin compounds in the west coast of Sri Lanka”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 179-186 (2001).
  • Bech, M., “A survey of imposex in muricids from 1996 to 2000 and identification of optimal indicators of tributyltin contamination along the east of Phuket Island, Thailand”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 887-896 (2002).
  • Sidharthan, M., Young, K. S., Woul, L. H., Soon, P. K, Shin, H. W., “TBT toxicity on the marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 45: 362-371 (2002).
  • Chien, L.C., Hung, T.C., Choang, K.Y., Yeh, C.Y, Meng, P.J, Shieh, M.J, Han, B.C., “Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As fisherman in Taiwan”. The Science of the Total Environment, 285: 177-185 (2002).
  • Vella, A.J, Mintoff, B, Axiak, V., “Analytical aspects of the gas chromatographic determination of tributyltin and metabolites in environmental samples”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 81-88 (2000).
  • Hoch, M., Schwesig, D., “Parameters controlling the partitioning of tributyltin (TBT) in aquatic systems”, Applied Geochemistry, 19: 323-334 (2004).
  • Santos, M.M., Vieira, N., Reis-Henriques M.A, Santos, A.M., Gomez-Ariza, J.L, Giraldez, I., Ten, Hallers-Tjabbes, J.L., “Imposex and butyltin contamination off the Oporto coast (NW Portugal): a possible effect of the discharge of dredged material”, Environmental International, Article in press (2004).
  • Godoi, A.F.L, Montone, R. C, Santiago-Silva, M., “Determination of butyltin compounds in surface sediments from the Sao Paulo State coast (Brazil) by gas chromatography-pulsed flame photometric detection”, Journal of Chromatography, 985: 205-210 (2003).
  • Arambarri, I., Garcia, R., Millan, E., “Assessment of tin and butyltin species in estuarine superficial sediments from Gipuzkoa, Spain”, Chemosphere, 51:643-649 (2003).
  • Michel, P., Averty, B., Andral, B., Chiffolau, J. F., Galgani F., “Tributyltin along the coasts of Corsica (Western Mediterranean): a persistent problem”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42: 1128-1132 (2001).
  • Mora, S.J., Fowler, S. W., Cassi, R, Tolosa, I., “Assessment of organotin contamination in marine sediments and biota from the Gulf and adjacent region”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 401-409 (2003).
  • Hoch, M., Alonso-Azcarate, J., Lischick, M., “Assessment of adsorption behavior of dibutyltin (DBT) to clay-rich sediments in comparison to the highly toxic tributyltin (TBT)”, Environmental Pollution, 23: 217-227 (2003).
  • Yemenicioğlu, S., Tuğrul, S., Kubilay, N., Salihoğlu, I., “The distribution of methyltin species in different seas”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34: 739-744 (1997).
  • Saint-Louis R., Pelletier E., “Sea-to-air flux of contaminants via bubbles bursting. An experimental approach for tributyltin”, Marine Chemistry, 84: 211-224 (2004).
  • Ueno, D., Inoue, S., Takahashi, S., Ikeda, K., Tanaka, H, Subramanian, A.,N., Fillmann, G., Lam, P.,K.,S., Zheng, J., Muchtar, M., Prudente, M., Chung, K., Tanabe, S., “Global pollution monitoring of butyltin compounds using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator”, Environmental Pollution, 127: 1-12 (2004).
  • Millan, E., Pawliszyn, J., “Determination of butyltin species in water and sediment by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-flame ionization detection”, Journal of Chromatography, A 873: 63-71 (2000).
  • Durand, M.J., Thouand, G., Dancheva-Ivanova, T., Vachon, P., DuBow, M., “Specific detection of organotin compounds with a recombinant luminescent bacteria”, Chemosphere, 52: 103-111 (2003).
  • Champ, M. A., “A review of organotin regulatory strategies, pending actions, related costs and benefits”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 21-71 (2000).
  • Strandenes, S.P., “The second order effects on commercial shipping of restrictions on the use of TBT”, The Science of the Total Environment, 258: 111-117 (2000).
  • Konstantinou, I.K, Albanis, T.A., “Worldwide occurrence and effects of antifouling paint booster biocides in the aquatic environment: a review”, Environment International, 30: 235-248 (2004).
  • Wezel, A.P, Vlaardingen, P., “Environmental risk limits for antifouling substances”, Aquatic Toxicology, in Press (2004).
  • Evans, S.M, Birchenough, A.C, Brancato, M.S., “The TBT Ban: Out of the frying pan into the fire?”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 204-211 (2000).
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Chemical Engineering

Lale Kırlı This is me

Publication Date August 12, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA Kırlı, L. (2010). ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Gazi University Journal of Science, 18(3), 517-528.
AMA Kırlı L. ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Gazi University Journal of Science. August 2010;18(3):517-528.
Chicago Kırlı, Lale. “ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT”. Gazi University Journal of Science 18, no. 3 (August 2010): 517-28.
EndNote Kırlı L (August 1, 2010) ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Gazi University Journal of Science 18 3 517–528.
IEEE L. Kırlı, “ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 517–528, 2010.
ISNAD Kırlı, Lale. “ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT”. Gazi University Journal of Science 18/3 (August 2010), 517-528.
JAMA Kırlı L. ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2010;18:517–528.
MLA Kırlı, Lale. “ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 3, 2010, pp. 517-28.
Vancouver Kırlı L. ORGANOTIN POLLUTION IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2010;18(3):517-28.