Year 2005,
Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 375 - 380, 13.08.2010
Servet Çete
Fatma Arslan
Ahmet Yaşar
In this study, the antimicrobial effect of water, alcohol, choloroform extracts of aloe vera and nerium oleander were investigated on ten different strains of bacteria and yeast. Aloe vera has an antimicrobial effect more than nerium oleander. Xanthine oxidase activity of both control tissue and liver tissue treated with cyclosporin and then, the effect of aloe vera and nerium oleander on this enzyme activity were investigated. Xanthine oxidase activity in control liver tissue was decreased by aloe vera whereas nerium oleander was slightly increased it. It was shown that xanthine oxidase activity in liver tissue was inhibited by cyclosporine but, the inhibition was not prevented by aloe vera and nerium oleander.
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- Öztürk,A.İ., Yılmaz, Ö., Kırbağ, S., Arslan, M., “Antimicrobial and biological effects of ipemphos and amphos on bacterial and yeast strains”, Cell Biochemistry and Function,00,117-126,2000.
- Konar, V., Yılmaz, Ö., Öztürk, A.,İ., Kırbağ, S., Arslan, M., “ Antimicrobial and biological effects of bomphos and phombhos on bacterial and yeast cells”, Bioorganic Chemistry, 28,214-225,2000.
- Frankel, E.,N., Huang, S., W., Aeschbach,R., Pirior,E., “Antioxidant activity of a rosemary and its constituents,carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid, in bulk oil and oil-in-water emulsion”,J.Agric. Food Chemistry,44,131-135,1996.
- Mau,J.,L., Chen,C.,P.,Hsieh,P.,C., “Antimicrobial effect of extracts from Chinese chive, cinnamon, and corni fructus”, J.Agric.Food Chemistry, 49,183-188,2001.
- Tuğlacı,Pars,Okyanus,İstanbul,3,3080,1974.
- Kalıpçı,A.,Kalıpçı,S.,Varoluştan sonsuzluğu yaşamın sırrı aloe vera,CS Sağlık Estetik Danışmanlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri,1,5-6,2003.
- Pei J., Li X., “Xanthine and hypoxanthine sensors based on xanthine oxidase immobilized on a CuPtCl6 chemically modified electrode and liquid chromatography electrochemical detection”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 414:205-213 ,2000.
- Stredonsky M., Pizzariello A., Miertus S., Suore J., “Selective and sensitive biosensor for theophylline based on xanthine oxidase electrode”, Analytical Biochemistry, 258: 225-229,2000.
- Hu S., Liu C.C., “Amperometric sensor for fish freshness based on immobilized multi-enzyme modified electrode”, Electroanalysis, 9:1229-1231 (1998
- Hu S., Xu C., Luo J., Cui D., “Biosensor for detection of hypoxanthine based on xanthine oxidase immobilized on chemically modified carbon paste electrode”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 412: 55-61 (2000).
- Mulchandani,A., Luong,J.H.T., Male,K.B., “Development and application of a biosensor for hypoxanthine in fish extract”, Analtica Chimica Acta, 221,215-222,1989.
- Pacli, S.S.,Chepra,K., “Salvage of cyclosporine A induced oxidative stress and renal dysfunction by carvedilol”,Nephron,92:3,685-692,2002.
- Berg,K.J:,Forre,O.,Bjerkhoel,F.,Amundsen,E.,Djoseland,D.,Rugta,H.E.,Westre,B., “Side effects of cyclosporine A treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritıs”,Kidney İnt.,29,1180-1187,1986.
- Clark,C.L.,Jacobs,M.R.,Appelbaum, “P.C.,Antipneumococcal activities of levofloxacin and clarithromycin as determined by agar dilution, microdilution, e-test,and disk diffusion methodologies”,Journal of Clinical,Microbiology,36:12,3579-3584,1998.
Year 2005,
Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 375 - 380, 13.08.2010
Servet Çete
Fatma Arslan
Ahmet Yaşar
Bu çalışmada aloevera ve nerium oleander bitkilerinin alkol, su ve kloroform fazlarına alınan ürünlerinin 8 farklı bakteri ve 2 maya olmak üzere 10 mikroorganizmaya karşı antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri araştırıldı. Aloe vera’nın nerium oleandere göre daha fazla antimikrobiyal aktivite gösterdiği görüldü. Kontrol ve siklosporinli karaciğer dokularındaki ksantin oksidaz enzim aktivitesi araştırıldı ve aloe vera ile nerium oleander’in bu enzim aktivitesine etkisi incelendi. Kontrol karaciğer dokusundaki ksantin oksidaz enzim aktivitesini aloe veranın azalttığı, nerium oleanderin ise az oranda artırdığı gözlendi. Siklosporinin karaciğer dokusundaki ksantin oksidaz enzim aktivitesini inhibe ettiği ve aloe vera ile nerium oleander’in bu inhibisyonu kaldıramadığı görüldü
- Chang, H.W., “ Antibacterial effect of spices and vegetables”, Food Ind. (Roc), 27:9, 53-61,1995.
- Öztürk,A.İ., Yılmaz, Ö., Kırbağ, S., Arslan, M., “Antimicrobial and biological effects of ipemphos and amphos on bacterial and yeast strains”, Cell Biochemistry and Function,00,117-126,2000.
- Konar, V., Yılmaz, Ö., Öztürk, A.,İ., Kırbağ, S., Arslan, M., “ Antimicrobial and biological effects of bomphos and phombhos on bacterial and yeast cells”, Bioorganic Chemistry, 28,214-225,2000.
- Frankel, E.,N., Huang, S., W., Aeschbach,R., Pirior,E., “Antioxidant activity of a rosemary and its constituents,carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid, in bulk oil and oil-in-water emulsion”,J.Agric. Food Chemistry,44,131-135,1996.
- Mau,J.,L., Chen,C.,P.,Hsieh,P.,C., “Antimicrobial effect of extracts from Chinese chive, cinnamon, and corni fructus”, J.Agric.Food Chemistry, 49,183-188,2001.
- Tuğlacı,Pars,Okyanus,İstanbul,3,3080,1974.
- Kalıpçı,A.,Kalıpçı,S.,Varoluştan sonsuzluğu yaşamın sırrı aloe vera,CS Sağlık Estetik Danışmanlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri,1,5-6,2003.
- Pei J., Li X., “Xanthine and hypoxanthine sensors based on xanthine oxidase immobilized on a CuPtCl6 chemically modified electrode and liquid chromatography electrochemical detection”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 414:205-213 ,2000.
- Stredonsky M., Pizzariello A., Miertus S., Suore J., “Selective and sensitive biosensor for theophylline based on xanthine oxidase electrode”, Analytical Biochemistry, 258: 225-229,2000.
- Hu S., Liu C.C., “Amperometric sensor for fish freshness based on immobilized multi-enzyme modified electrode”, Electroanalysis, 9:1229-1231 (1998
- Hu S., Xu C., Luo J., Cui D., “Biosensor for detection of hypoxanthine based on xanthine oxidase immobilized on chemically modified carbon paste electrode”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 412: 55-61 (2000).
- Mulchandani,A., Luong,J.H.T., Male,K.B., “Development and application of a biosensor for hypoxanthine in fish extract”, Analtica Chimica Acta, 221,215-222,1989.
- Pacli, S.S.,Chepra,K., “Salvage of cyclosporine A induced oxidative stress and renal dysfunction by carvedilol”,Nephron,92:3,685-692,2002.
- Berg,K.J:,Forre,O.,Bjerkhoel,F.,Amundsen,E.,Djoseland,D.,Rugta,H.E.,Westre,B., “Side effects of cyclosporine A treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritıs”,Kidney İnt.,29,1180-1187,1986.
- Clark,C.L.,Jacobs,M.R.,Appelbaum, “P.C.,Antipneumococcal activities of levofloxacin and clarithromycin as determined by agar dilution, microdilution, e-test,and disk diffusion methodologies”,Journal of Clinical,Microbiology,36:12,3579-3584,1998.