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Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters

Year 2014, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 785 - 794, 27.06.2014



Concentration levels of metals (Cd, Pb, Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na and K) in the thermal waters of Karakaya-Ayaş, İçmece-Ayaş, Beypazarı, Haymana and Kızılcahamam spas containing highly complex matrices and in water standard reference materials (SRMs: Spsww-1 and 1643e) were determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer (ETAAS), flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS) and FAAS with atomic emission mode. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures, atomization and background signals of Cd and Pb by ETAAS were investigated with Ni, Ni+Ru and Ni+Ru+CA modifier mixture and without. Concentrations of analytes found in the thermal waters were compared with water quality guidelines of the World Health Organization, European Legislation, Environment Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Turkish standards and regulations.


Key Words: Ni+Ru+citric acid modifier mixture, ETAAS, FAAS, thermal waters, metals


  • [ 1] Citak, D., Tuzen, M. and Soylak, M., "Simultaneous coprecipitation of lead, cobalt, copper, cadmium, iron and nickel in food samples with zirconium(IV) hydroxide prior to their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination", Food Chem. Toxicol., 47: 2302 – 2307 (2009).
  • [ 2] Wang, F. Y., Wang, H. and Ma, J. W., "Adsorption of cadmium (II) ions from aqueous solution by a new low-cost adsorbent- bamboo charcoal", J. Hazard. Mate., 177: 300 – 306 (2010).
  • [ 3] Júnior, D. S., Júnior, F. B., De Souza, S. S. and Krug, F. J., "Cryogenic sample grinding for copper, lead and manganese determination in human teeth by slurry sampling GFAAS", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 18: 939 - 945 (2003).
  • [ 4] Niederau, C., Fischer, R., Purschel, A., Stremmel, W. and Haussinger, D., "Long-term survival in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis", Gastroenterology, 110: 1107 – 1119 (1996).
  • [ 5] WHO, Rolling revision of the WHO guidelines for drinking water quality, Nutrient minerals in drinking-water and the potential health consequences of long-term consumption of demineralized and remineralized and altered mineral content drinking-waters, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, (2003).
  • [ 6] European Community, Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (1998).
  • [ 7] WHO, Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality- 4th ed. 1. Potable water - standards. 2. Water-standards. 3. Water quality-standards. 4. Guidelines. I. World Health Organization. Geneva 27, Switzerland, (2011).
  • [ 8] Luu, T. T. G., Sthiannopkao, S. and Kim, K.-W., "Arsenic and other elements contamination in groundwater and a risk assessment study for the residents in the Kandal Province of Cambodia" Environ. Int., 35: 455 – 460 (2009).
  • [ 9] Meeravali, N. N. and Kumar, S. J., "Determination of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Mn in effluents and natural waters by a novel salt induced mixed-micelle cloud point extraction using ETAAS", Anal. Methods, 4: 2435 – 2440 (2012).
  • [10] Lelis, K. L. A., Magalhães, C. G., Rocha, C. A. and Silva, J. B. B., "Direct determination of Cr and Cu in urine samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using ruthenium as permanent modifier (R1)", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 374: 1301 – 1305 (2002).
  • [11] Souza, J. M. O. and Tarley, C. R. T., "Sorbent separation and enrichment method for cobalt ions determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in water and urine samples using multiwall carbon nanotubes", Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 89: 489 – 502 (2009).
  • [12] Lima, E. C., Barbosa, R. V., Brasil, J. L. and Santos, A. H. D. P., "Evaluation of different permanent modifiers for the determination of arsenic, cadmium and lead in environmental samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 17: 1523 – 1529 (2002).
  • [13] Acar, O., Kılıç, Z. and Türker, A. R., "Determination of bismuth, indium and lead in geological and sea water samples by Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with nickel containing chemical modifiers", Anal. Chim. Acta, 382: 329 – 338 (1999).
  • [14] Hagarová, I., Matúš, P., Bujdoš, M. and Kubová, J., "Analytical Application of Nano-Sized Titanium Dioxide for the Determination of Trace Inorganic Antimony in Natural Waters", Acta Chim. Slov., 59: 102 – 108 (2012).
  • [15] Caldas, N. M., Raposo, Jr J. I., Neto, J. A. G. and Barbosa, Jr F., "Effect of modifiers for As, Cu and Pb determinations in sugar-cane spirits by GFAAS", Food Chem., 113: 1266 – 1271 (2009).
  • [16] Lima, E. C., Barbosa Jr, F., Krug, F. J. and Taravers, A., "Copper determination in biological materials by ETAAS using W–Rh permanent modifier", Talanta, 57: 177 – 186 (2002).
  • [17] TS 6290, "Water quality-Determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method", Turkish Standard, (1989).
  • [18] Vinas, P., Martinez, M. P. and Cordoba, M. H., "Rapid determination of selenium, lead and cadmium in baby food samples using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and slurry atomization", Anal. Chim. Acta, 412: 121 – 130 (2000).
  • [19] Acar O., "Determination of cadmium and lead in biological samples by Zeeman ETAAS using various chemical modifiers", Talanta, 55: 613 – 622 (2001).
  • [20] De Castro Maciel, C. J., Miranda, G. M., De Oliveira, D. P., De Siqueira, M. E. P. B., Silveira, J.N., Leite, E. M. A. and De Silva J. B. B., "Determination of cadmium in human urine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", Anal. Chim. Acta, 491: 231 – 237 (2003).
  • [21] Tsalev, D. L. and Slaveykova, V. I., "Chemical modification in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Organization and classification of data by multivariate methods, Invited lecture", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 7: 147 – 153 (1992).
  • [22] Tsalev, D. L. and Slaveykova, V. I., "Comparative study of ruthenium, rhodium and palladium as chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Spectrosc. Lett., 25: 221-238 (1992).
  • [23] Mandjukov, P. B. and Tsalev, D. L., "Study of cerium (IV) and cerium (VI)- palladium (II) as chemical modifiers in electrothermal atomization
  • atomic absorption spectrometry", Microchem. J., 42: 339 – 348 (1990).
  • [24] Tsalev, D. L., Dimitrov, T. A. and Mandjukov, P. B., "Study of vanadium (V) as a chemical modifier in electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectometry", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 5: 189 – 194 (1990).
  • [25] Slaveykova, V. I. and Tsalev, D. L., "Stuy of some tungsten- containing chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Anal. Lett., 23: 1921 – 1937 (1990).
  • [26] Tsalev, D. L., Lampugnani, L., Georgieva, R., Chakarova, K. K. and Petrov Jr, I. I., "Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cadmium and lead with stabilized phosphate deposited on permanently modified platforms", Talanta, 58: 331 – 340 (2002).
  • [27] Imai, S., Hasegawa, N., Nishiyama, Y., Hayashi, Y. and Saito, K., "Effect of ascorbic acid and sucrose on electrothermal atomic absorption signals of indium", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 11: 601 – 606 (1996). [28] Byrne, J. P., Chakrabarti, C. L., Gilchrist, G. F. R., Lamoureux, M. M. and Bertels, P., Chemical modification by ascorbic acid and oxalic acid in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 65: 1267 – 1272 (1993).
  • [29] Havezov, I., Detcheva, A. and Rendl, J., "Study of some palladium-containing chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Mikrochim. Acta, 119: 147 – 155 (1995).
  • [30] Russeva, E., Havezov, I. and Detcheva, A., "Arsenic Speciation in Waste Waters by Extraction Chromatography Followed by Atomic Absorption Spectromety", Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 347: 320 – 323 (1993).
  • [31] Shan, X.-Q. and Wen, B., "Is palladium or palladium–ascorbic acid or palladium– magnesium nitrate a more universal chemical modifier for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry? " J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 10: 791 – 799 (1995).
  • [32] Welz, B., Schlemmer, G. and Mudakavi, J. R., "Palladium nitrate–magnesium nitrate modifier for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Part 5. Performance for the determination of 21 elements", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 7: 1257 – 1271 (1992).
  • [33] Bermejo-Barrera, P., Aboel-Somoza, M., SotoFerreiro, R.M. and Dominguez-Gonzalez, R., "Palladium -magnesium nitrate as a chemical modifier for the determination of lead in mussel slurries by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", Analyst, 118: 665 – 668 (1993).
  • [34] Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis, Spectrochim. Acta B, 33: 241 - (1978).
  • [35] US EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, Drinking Water Contaminants, List of Contaminants and their Maximum Contaminant Level (MCLs), /safewater/ contaminants/index. html, Last updated on June 5th (2008).
  • [36] US EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency, Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories EPA, 820-R-11-002: 1 – 80 (2011).
  • [37] Turkish Legislation, Đçilebilir nitelikteki suların istihsali, ambalajlanması, satısı ve denetlenmesi hakkında yönetmelik. R.G. no. 23144, Resmi Gazete (Official Newspaper of the Turkish Government) (in Turkish), (1997).
  • [38] TS 9130, Natural mineral water, Turkish Standard, (in Turkish), (2010).
  • [39] TS 266, Water intended for human consumption, Turkish Standard (in Turkish), (2005).
  • [40] Đnsani Tüketim Amaçlı Sular Hakkında Yönetmelik, 25730 sayılı Resmi Gazete (in Turkish), 17 February (2005).
  • [41] Guler, C., "Evaluation of maximum contaminant levels in Turkish bottled drinking waters utilizing parameters reported on manufacturer’s labeling and government-issued production licenses", J. Food Compos. Anal., 20: 262 – 272 (2007).
Year 2014, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 785 - 794, 27.06.2014



  • [ 1] Citak, D., Tuzen, M. and Soylak, M., "Simultaneous coprecipitation of lead, cobalt, copper, cadmium, iron and nickel in food samples with zirconium(IV) hydroxide prior to their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination", Food Chem. Toxicol., 47: 2302 – 2307 (2009).
  • [ 2] Wang, F. Y., Wang, H. and Ma, J. W., "Adsorption of cadmium (II) ions from aqueous solution by a new low-cost adsorbent- bamboo charcoal", J. Hazard. Mate., 177: 300 – 306 (2010).
  • [ 3] Júnior, D. S., Júnior, F. B., De Souza, S. S. and Krug, F. J., "Cryogenic sample grinding for copper, lead and manganese determination in human teeth by slurry sampling GFAAS", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 18: 939 - 945 (2003).
  • [ 4] Niederau, C., Fischer, R., Purschel, A., Stremmel, W. and Haussinger, D., "Long-term survival in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis", Gastroenterology, 110: 1107 – 1119 (1996).
  • [ 5] WHO, Rolling revision of the WHO guidelines for drinking water quality, Nutrient minerals in drinking-water and the potential health consequences of long-term consumption of demineralized and remineralized and altered mineral content drinking-waters, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, (2003).
  • [ 6] European Community, Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (1998).
  • [ 7] WHO, Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality- 4th ed. 1. Potable water - standards. 2. Water-standards. 3. Water quality-standards. 4. Guidelines. I. World Health Organization. Geneva 27, Switzerland, (2011).
  • [ 8] Luu, T. T. G., Sthiannopkao, S. and Kim, K.-W., "Arsenic and other elements contamination in groundwater and a risk assessment study for the residents in the Kandal Province of Cambodia" Environ. Int., 35: 455 – 460 (2009).
  • [ 9] Meeravali, N. N. and Kumar, S. J., "Determination of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Mn in effluents and natural waters by a novel salt induced mixed-micelle cloud point extraction using ETAAS", Anal. Methods, 4: 2435 – 2440 (2012).
  • [10] Lelis, K. L. A., Magalhães, C. G., Rocha, C. A. and Silva, J. B. B., "Direct determination of Cr and Cu in urine samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using ruthenium as permanent modifier (R1)", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 374: 1301 – 1305 (2002).
  • [11] Souza, J. M. O. and Tarley, C. R. T., "Sorbent separation and enrichment method for cobalt ions determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in water and urine samples using multiwall carbon nanotubes", Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 89: 489 – 502 (2009).
  • [12] Lima, E. C., Barbosa, R. V., Brasil, J. L. and Santos, A. H. D. P., "Evaluation of different permanent modifiers for the determination of arsenic, cadmium and lead in environmental samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 17: 1523 – 1529 (2002).
  • [13] Acar, O., Kılıç, Z. and Türker, A. R., "Determination of bismuth, indium and lead in geological and sea water samples by Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with nickel containing chemical modifiers", Anal. Chim. Acta, 382: 329 – 338 (1999).
  • [14] Hagarová, I., Matúš, P., Bujdoš, M. and Kubová, J., "Analytical Application of Nano-Sized Titanium Dioxide for the Determination of Trace Inorganic Antimony in Natural Waters", Acta Chim. Slov., 59: 102 – 108 (2012).
  • [15] Caldas, N. M., Raposo, Jr J. I., Neto, J. A. G. and Barbosa, Jr F., "Effect of modifiers for As, Cu and Pb determinations in sugar-cane spirits by GFAAS", Food Chem., 113: 1266 – 1271 (2009).
  • [16] Lima, E. C., Barbosa Jr, F., Krug, F. J. and Taravers, A., "Copper determination in biological materials by ETAAS using W–Rh permanent modifier", Talanta, 57: 177 – 186 (2002).
  • [17] TS 6290, "Water quality-Determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method", Turkish Standard, (1989).
  • [18] Vinas, P., Martinez, M. P. and Cordoba, M. H., "Rapid determination of selenium, lead and cadmium in baby food samples using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and slurry atomization", Anal. Chim. Acta, 412: 121 – 130 (2000).
  • [19] Acar O., "Determination of cadmium and lead in biological samples by Zeeman ETAAS using various chemical modifiers", Talanta, 55: 613 – 622 (2001).
  • [20] De Castro Maciel, C. J., Miranda, G. M., De Oliveira, D. P., De Siqueira, M. E. P. B., Silveira, J.N., Leite, E. M. A. and De Silva J. B. B., "Determination of cadmium in human urine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", Anal. Chim. Acta, 491: 231 – 237 (2003).
  • [21] Tsalev, D. L. and Slaveykova, V. I., "Chemical modification in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Organization and classification of data by multivariate methods, Invited lecture", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 7: 147 – 153 (1992).
  • [22] Tsalev, D. L. and Slaveykova, V. I., "Comparative study of ruthenium, rhodium and palladium as chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Spectrosc. Lett., 25: 221-238 (1992).
  • [23] Mandjukov, P. B. and Tsalev, D. L., "Study of cerium (IV) and cerium (VI)- palladium (II) as chemical modifiers in electrothermal atomization
  • atomic absorption spectrometry", Microchem. J., 42: 339 – 348 (1990).
  • [24] Tsalev, D. L., Dimitrov, T. A. and Mandjukov, P. B., "Study of vanadium (V) as a chemical modifier in electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectometry", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 5: 189 – 194 (1990).
  • [25] Slaveykova, V. I. and Tsalev, D. L., "Stuy of some tungsten- containing chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Anal. Lett., 23: 1921 – 1937 (1990).
  • [26] Tsalev, D. L., Lampugnani, L., Georgieva, R., Chakarova, K. K. and Petrov Jr, I. I., "Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cadmium and lead with stabilized phosphate deposited on permanently modified platforms", Talanta, 58: 331 – 340 (2002).
  • [27] Imai, S., Hasegawa, N., Nishiyama, Y., Hayashi, Y. and Saito, K., "Effect of ascorbic acid and sucrose on electrothermal atomic absorption signals of indium", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 11: 601 – 606 (1996). [28] Byrne, J. P., Chakrabarti, C. L., Gilchrist, G. F. R., Lamoureux, M. M. and Bertels, P., Chemical modification by ascorbic acid and oxalic acid in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 65: 1267 – 1272 (1993).
  • [29] Havezov, I., Detcheva, A. and Rendl, J., "Study of some palladium-containing chemical modifiers in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry", Mikrochim. Acta, 119: 147 – 155 (1995).
  • [30] Russeva, E., Havezov, I. and Detcheva, A., "Arsenic Speciation in Waste Waters by Extraction Chromatography Followed by Atomic Absorption Spectromety", Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 347: 320 – 323 (1993).
  • [31] Shan, X.-Q. and Wen, B., "Is palladium or palladium–ascorbic acid or palladium– magnesium nitrate a more universal chemical modifier for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry? " J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 10: 791 – 799 (1995).
  • [32] Welz, B., Schlemmer, G. and Mudakavi, J. R., "Palladium nitrate–magnesium nitrate modifier for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Part 5. Performance for the determination of 21 elements", J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 7: 1257 – 1271 (1992).
  • [33] Bermejo-Barrera, P., Aboel-Somoza, M., SotoFerreiro, R.M. and Dominguez-Gonzalez, R., "Palladium -magnesium nitrate as a chemical modifier for the determination of lead in mussel slurries by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry", Analyst, 118: 665 – 668 (1993).
  • [34] Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis, Spectrochim. Acta B, 33: 241 - (1978).
  • [35] US EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, Drinking Water Contaminants, List of Contaminants and their Maximum Contaminant Level (MCLs), /safewater/ contaminants/index. html, Last updated on June 5th (2008).
  • [36] US EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency, Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories EPA, 820-R-11-002: 1 – 80 (2011).
  • [37] Turkish Legislation, Đçilebilir nitelikteki suların istihsali, ambalajlanması, satısı ve denetlenmesi hakkında yönetmelik. R.G. no. 23144, Resmi Gazete (Official Newspaper of the Turkish Government) (in Turkish), (1997).
  • [38] TS 9130, Natural mineral water, Turkish Standard, (in Turkish), (2010).
  • [39] TS 266, Water intended for human consumption, Turkish Standard (in Turkish), (2005).
  • [40] Đnsani Tüketim Amaçlı Sular Hakkında Yönetmelik, 25730 sayılı Resmi Gazete (in Turkish), 17 February (2005).
  • [41] Guler, C., "Evaluation of maximum contaminant levels in Turkish bottled drinking waters utilizing parameters reported on manufacturer’s labeling and government-issued production licenses", J. Food Compos. Anal., 20: 262 – 272 (2007).
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Chemistry

Orhan Acar This is me

Orhan Kalfa This is me

Özcan Yalçınkaya This is me

Ali Türker

Publication Date June 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 27 Issue: 2


APA Acar, O., Kalfa, O., Yalçınkaya, Ö., Türker, A. (2014). Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters. Gazi University Journal of Science, 27(2), 785-794.
AMA Acar O, Kalfa O, Yalçınkaya Ö, Türker A. Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters. Gazi University Journal of Science. June 2014;27(2):785-794.
Chicago Acar, Orhan, Orhan Kalfa, Özcan Yalçınkaya, and Ali Türker. “Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters”. Gazi University Journal of Science 27, no. 2 (June 2014): 785-94.
EndNote Acar O, Kalfa O, Yalçınkaya Ö, Türker A (June 1, 2014) Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters. Gazi University Journal of Science 27 2 785–794.
IEEE O. Acar, O. Kalfa, Ö. Yalçınkaya, and A. Türker, “Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 785–794, 2014.
ISNAD Acar, Orhan et al. “Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters”. Gazi University Journal of Science 27/2 (June 2014), 785-794.
JAMA Acar O, Kalfa O, Yalçınkaya Ö, Türker A. Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2014;27:785–794.
MLA Acar, Orhan et al. “Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 27, no. 2, 2014, pp. 785-94.
Vancouver Acar O, Kalfa O, Yalçınkaya Ö, Türker A. Determination and Assessment of Metal Levels in Thermal Waters. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2014;27(2):785-94.