[1] Yeğin, H., “Din Psikolojisi Açısından Kutsal Mekan İnsan İlişkisi ”, Harran Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1-2):53-91,(2012).
[2] Eliade, M., Dinler Tarihine Giriş, (çev. L. A. Özcan), Alfa Mitoloji-Yayın,İstanbul, (2017-a).
[3] Kaynak, İ. H., “Dinlerde kutsal zaman ve mekanın tarihsel yapısının fenomenolojik algısı”, SUTAD, 39:443-455,(2016).
[4] Özel, M. K., “Dini Mimaride Merkez Kavramı”, (yayınlanmamış Y. Lisans Tezi), Mimar Sinan Güzel sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 8-21(1998).
[5] Örenç, A.. “Hadislerde Kutsal Mekan Algısı", (yayınlanmamış Dr. Tezi), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, 78-80 (2013).
[6] Arslan, M., “Modern Mekanda Kutsal Deneyimi, Kernek'te Yeniden Üretilen Kutsal Mit ve Ritüel, Birey ve Toplum, 3(6): 7-36. (2013).
[7] Yavuz, Ö. F., “Kuran'da kutsal mekan, zaman ve eşya kavramlarının sembolik değeri, Milel ve Nihal, 17(27): 37-65, (2005).
[8] UNESCO, Global Strategy (1994). https://whc.unesco.org/archive/global94.htm
[9] ICOMOS, The Nara Document on Authenticity (1994). https://www.icomos.org/charters/nara-e.pdf
[10] ICOMOS, the World Heritage List – Filling the Gaps An Action Plan For The Future. Monuments and Sites XII, Biedermann GmbH Offsetdruck, München: (2005).
[11] ICOMOS, Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Heritage Sites (2008). http://icip.icomos.org/downloads/ICOMOS_Interpretation_Charter_ENG_04_10_08pdf
[12] ICOMOS, International Conference on Religious Heritage towards Understanding the OUV of Religious Heritage (ed.ICOMOS), Korea (2015).
[13] Eliade, M., Kutsal ve Kutsal Dışı (çev. Ali Berktay), Alfa Mitoloji-Yayın,İstanbul, (2017-b).
[14] Turgut Gültekin, N. and Canbolat, A. N., “To Identification of Immovable and Intangible Cultural Values of Sacred Historical Buildings Together”, Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 8 (4), 63-84, (2018).
[16] Erzen, A., İlçağda Ankara, TTK. Basımevi, Ankara (1946).
[17] Aktüre, S., “16. yüzyıl öncesi Ankara' sı üzerine bilinenler, (ed A.Yavuz) Tarih İçinde Ankara, Ankaralılar Derneği Yayın, 1-47, (2000).
[18] Akurgal, E., Ancient civilisations and ruins of Turkey, Phoenix Press, İstanbul (2016).
[19] Akurgal, E. “Agustus Tapınağı ve Yazıtların Kraliçesi", Ankara Dergisi, 1(1):16-35,(1990).
[20] Güven, S., “Displaying the Res Gestae of Augustus: a monument of imperial image for all”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 57(1):30-45,(1998).
[21] Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., Yeğin, Y. and Şimşek, Z., “Ankara Temple restoration for Temple of Augustus”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2:55-65 (2015).
[23] Rüstow, A., “Bibliyografya-Roma İhtilali ve İmparator Augustus”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi , 5(1):1-4, (1945).
[24] Cuinet, V., La Turquie d’Asie, L'anatolie Centrale Angora, Koniah, Adana, Mamouret-ul-aziz, Sivas. Le Editions, İstanbul, (1818).
[25] Botteri, P. and Fangi, G., “The Ancyra project: The Temple of Augustus and Rome in Ankara”, International Archives of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 34 (5/W12): 84-88, (2003).
[26] Sülüner, H.S., “Roman and Byzantine Ankara Observed by Foreign Travellers”, Journal of Ankara Studies, 2 (1): 11-21,(2014).
[27] Turer, A. and Eroğlu, T., Structural analysis of historic Temple of Augustus in Ankara, Turkey, in Structural analysis of historical constructions (eds. P. B. Lourenço, P. Roca, C. Modena and S. Agrawal), Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, (2006).
[28] Aktüre, S. 19. yüzyıl sonu Anadolu kenti mekansal yapı analizi", Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara: (1981).
[29] Cebecioğlu, E., Hacı Bayram-ı Veli ve Tasavvuf Anlayışı. Altındağ Belediyesi Kültür yayın., Ankara, (2002).
[30] Kara, M., Tasavvuf ve tarikatlar Tarihi, Dergah Yayın., İstanbul, (2013).
[31] Bayramoğlu, F., Hacı Bayram-ı Veli’nin Yaşamı-Soyu-Vakfı, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınevi, Ankara, (1998).
[32] Schede, M. and Krenken, D., Der Temple in Ankara, Antike Architektur Bd., Berlin and Leipzig, (1936).
[33] Stovel, H., Introduction. Conservation of Living Religious Heritage (eds. H.Stovel, N.Stanley-Prace and R. Kilick), ICCROM-Ugo Quintily S.p.A., Rome, (2005).
[34] UNESCO,World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps - An Action Plan for the Future (2004). https://whc.unesco.org/archive/2004/whc04-28com-13e.pdf.
[35] UNESCO, Hacı Bayram District (2016). https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/6124/
[36] Yakışan, D., “Immovable Cultural Heritage Management Model on Sample of Ankara Historical City Centre”, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science, Ankara, 36-43 (2014).
[37] Kadıoğlu, M., Kutalmış G. and Stephen M., In the Roman period Ankyra, Construction-Loans Publication, İstanbul, (2011).
[38] ICCROM, Asian Buddhist Heritage-Conserving the Sacred. (Eds. G.Wijesuriya and S.Lee), ICCROM-CHA Conservation Forum Series: 1, Rome (2017).
[39] Karababa, Ö., “City and Collective Memory: Urban Projects in The Hacıbayram are”, Unpublished Master Thesis. METU, Institute of Science, Ankara, 75 (2002).
Year 2019,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 257 - 267, 28.06.2019
Historical sacred places create and
strengthen urban identity and memory as “memory carriers” with their social,
ideological, belief-related, and physical characteristics that they have
accumulated within the historical process. In this study, this relationship established
between memory, sacredness and space is explained through Hacı Bayram District
which located in ancient core also
sacred hill of Ankara City. Thus, the Temple of Augustus, which dates back to
the 2nd century BC, and the Mosque of Hacı Bayram, which built on
the ruins of this temple in the 15th century were investigated their
architectural characteristics together with their sacred values.
[1] Yeğin, H., “Din Psikolojisi Açısından Kutsal Mekan İnsan İlişkisi ”, Harran Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1-2):53-91,(2012).
[2] Eliade, M., Dinler Tarihine Giriş, (çev. L. A. Özcan), Alfa Mitoloji-Yayın,İstanbul, (2017-a).
[3] Kaynak, İ. H., “Dinlerde kutsal zaman ve mekanın tarihsel yapısının fenomenolojik algısı”, SUTAD, 39:443-455,(2016).
[4] Özel, M. K., “Dini Mimaride Merkez Kavramı”, (yayınlanmamış Y. Lisans Tezi), Mimar Sinan Güzel sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 8-21(1998).
[5] Örenç, A.. “Hadislerde Kutsal Mekan Algısı", (yayınlanmamış Dr. Tezi), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, 78-80 (2013).
[6] Arslan, M., “Modern Mekanda Kutsal Deneyimi, Kernek'te Yeniden Üretilen Kutsal Mit ve Ritüel, Birey ve Toplum, 3(6): 7-36. (2013).
[7] Yavuz, Ö. F., “Kuran'da kutsal mekan, zaman ve eşya kavramlarının sembolik değeri, Milel ve Nihal, 17(27): 37-65, (2005).
[8] UNESCO, Global Strategy (1994). https://whc.unesco.org/archive/global94.htm
[9] ICOMOS, The Nara Document on Authenticity (1994). https://www.icomos.org/charters/nara-e.pdf
[10] ICOMOS, the World Heritage List – Filling the Gaps An Action Plan For The Future. Monuments and Sites XII, Biedermann GmbH Offsetdruck, München: (2005).
[11] ICOMOS, Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Heritage Sites (2008). http://icip.icomos.org/downloads/ICOMOS_Interpretation_Charter_ENG_04_10_08pdf
[12] ICOMOS, International Conference on Religious Heritage towards Understanding the OUV of Religious Heritage (ed.ICOMOS), Korea (2015).
[13] Eliade, M., Kutsal ve Kutsal Dışı (çev. Ali Berktay), Alfa Mitoloji-Yayın,İstanbul, (2017-b).
[14] Turgut Gültekin, N. and Canbolat, A. N., “To Identification of Immovable and Intangible Cultural Values of Sacred Historical Buildings Together”, Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 8 (4), 63-84, (2018).
[16] Erzen, A., İlçağda Ankara, TTK. Basımevi, Ankara (1946).
[17] Aktüre, S., “16. yüzyıl öncesi Ankara' sı üzerine bilinenler, (ed A.Yavuz) Tarih İçinde Ankara, Ankaralılar Derneği Yayın, 1-47, (2000).
[18] Akurgal, E., Ancient civilisations and ruins of Turkey, Phoenix Press, İstanbul (2016).
[19] Akurgal, E. “Agustus Tapınağı ve Yazıtların Kraliçesi", Ankara Dergisi, 1(1):16-35,(1990).
[20] Güven, S., “Displaying the Res Gestae of Augustus: a monument of imperial image for all”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 57(1):30-45,(1998).
[21] Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., Yeğin, Y. and Şimşek, Z., “Ankara Temple restoration for Temple of Augustus”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2:55-65 (2015).
[23] Rüstow, A., “Bibliyografya-Roma İhtilali ve İmparator Augustus”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi , 5(1):1-4, (1945).
[24] Cuinet, V., La Turquie d’Asie, L'anatolie Centrale Angora, Koniah, Adana, Mamouret-ul-aziz, Sivas. Le Editions, İstanbul, (1818).
[25] Botteri, P. and Fangi, G., “The Ancyra project: The Temple of Augustus and Rome in Ankara”, International Archives of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 34 (5/W12): 84-88, (2003).
[26] Sülüner, H.S., “Roman and Byzantine Ankara Observed by Foreign Travellers”, Journal of Ankara Studies, 2 (1): 11-21,(2014).
[27] Turer, A. and Eroğlu, T., Structural analysis of historic Temple of Augustus in Ankara, Turkey, in Structural analysis of historical constructions (eds. P. B. Lourenço, P. Roca, C. Modena and S. Agrawal), Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, (2006).
[28] Aktüre, S. 19. yüzyıl sonu Anadolu kenti mekansal yapı analizi", Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara: (1981).
[29] Cebecioğlu, E., Hacı Bayram-ı Veli ve Tasavvuf Anlayışı. Altındağ Belediyesi Kültür yayın., Ankara, (2002).
[30] Kara, M., Tasavvuf ve tarikatlar Tarihi, Dergah Yayın., İstanbul, (2013).
[31] Bayramoğlu, F., Hacı Bayram-ı Veli’nin Yaşamı-Soyu-Vakfı, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınevi, Ankara, (1998).
[32] Schede, M. and Krenken, D., Der Temple in Ankara, Antike Architektur Bd., Berlin and Leipzig, (1936).
[33] Stovel, H., Introduction. Conservation of Living Religious Heritage (eds. H.Stovel, N.Stanley-Prace and R. Kilick), ICCROM-Ugo Quintily S.p.A., Rome, (2005).
[34] UNESCO,World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps - An Action Plan for the Future (2004). https://whc.unesco.org/archive/2004/whc04-28com-13e.pdf.
[35] UNESCO, Hacı Bayram District (2016). https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/6124/
[36] Yakışan, D., “Immovable Cultural Heritage Management Model on Sample of Ankara Historical City Centre”, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science, Ankara, 36-43 (2014).
[37] Kadıoğlu, M., Kutalmış G. and Stephen M., In the Roman period Ankyra, Construction-Loans Publication, İstanbul, (2011).
[38] ICCROM, Asian Buddhist Heritage-Conserving the Sacred. (Eds. G.Wijesuriya and S.Lee), ICCROM-CHA Conservation Forum Series: 1, Rome (2017).
[39] Karababa, Ö., “City and Collective Memory: Urban Projects in The Hacıbayram are”, Unpublished Master Thesis. METU, Institute of Science, Ankara, 75 (2002).
Turgut Gültekin, N., & Canbolat, A. N. (2019). TO MAINTAIN THE HISTORICAL SACRED SPACES: ANKARA-HACI BAYRAM DISTRICT. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 7(2), 257-267.