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Taguchi ve ANOVA Analizi Kullanılarak Fotovoltaik Enerji Santrallerinde Dizi Tasarımının Optimizasyonu

Year 2023, , 1195 - 1208, 28.12.2023


Mevcut enerji taleplerinin karşılanmasında ağırlıklı olarak kullanılan fosil yakıtlar, küresel ısınmaya neden olmakta ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına doğru küresel bir yönelime yol açmaktadır. Bunlar arasında fotovoltaik (PV) güneş enerjisi santralleri büyük ilgi görmüş ve kurulu güç kapasitesinde hızlı bir artış yaşanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, PV güneş enerjisi santrallerinin kayda değer bir dezavantajı, önemli alansal ayak izleridir; bu da, tasarımlarında verimli alan kullanımının ve gölgelemenin azaltılmasının önemli rolünü vurgulamaktadır. Özellikle hatve mesafesi, dizi tasarımı ve PV tipi, bu enerji santrallerinin kurulum sırasında performansını etkileyen kritik parametreler olarak ortaya çıkıyor. Bu çalışmada, dört farklı PV dizi konfigürasyonunu (2P-3P-2L-3L) ve iki PV tipini (tek yüzlü-çift yüzlü) içeren ve her biri belirli yönelimlere (portre-manzara) sahip sekiz farklı PV güneş enerjisi santrali tasarımı kavramsallaştırıldı. Diğer parametreler tasarımlarda sabit tutuldu. PVsyst yazılımından yararlanılarak her tasarım için simülasyonlar gerçekleştirildi ve şebekeye iletilen yıllık enerji çıkışı (E-şebeke), performans oranı (PR) ve ilgili CO2 emisyonları dahil olmak üzere önemli performans ölçümleri elde edildi. Daha sonra, bir Taguchi analizi bu sonuçlara dayalı optimizasyonu kolaylaştırdı. Bu analizin sonucu, en uygun PV dizisi tasarımını 3 boyutlu ve en uygun PV tipini iki yüzeyli olarak tanımladı. ANOVA analizi yoluyla daha fazla bilgi elde edildi ve parametrelerin genel değişkenliğe önemli katkıları ortaya çıktı. Spesifik olarak, PV tipi %65,27'lik önemli bir katkı sergilerken, PV dizi konfigürasyonu tesis performansında gözlenen değişkenliğe %34,72 oranında katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu bulgular yalnızca PV enerji santrali tasarımının karmaşıklıklarının anlaşılmasını geliştirmekle kalmıyor, aynı zamanda yüksek verimlilik ve sürdürülebilirliğe ulaşmada dizi tasarımının büyük öneminin altını çiziyor.


  • [1] Tedeschi, M., Foglia, M., Bouri, E., and Dai, P., “How does climate policy uncertainty affect financial markets? Evidence from Europe” Economics Letters, vol. 234, p. 111443, 2023.
  • [2] Mahmood, N. S., Ajmi, A. A., Sarip, S., Kaidi, H. M., Suhot, M. A., Jamaludin, K. R., and Talib, H. H. A., “Modeling energy management sustainability: Smart integrated framework for future trends,” Energy Reports, vol. 8, pp. 8027-8045, 2022.
  • [3] Crespi, E., Colbertaldo, P., Guandalini, G., and Campanari, S., “Design of hybrid power-to-power systems for continuous clean PV-based energy supply,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 46, no.26, pp. 13691-13708, 2021.
  • [4] Mehmood, A., Ren, J., and Zhang, L., “Achieving energy sustainability by using solar PV: System modelling and comprehensive techno-economic-environmental analysis,” Energy Strategy Reviews, vol. 49, p. 101126, 2023.
  • [5] Liu, D., Kang, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, X., and Wu, Y., “Bi-objective Pareto optimization for clustering-based hierarchical power control in a large-scale PV power plant,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 57, p. 103283, 2023.
  • [6] Veríssimo, P. H. A., Campos, R. A., Guarnieri, M. V., Veríssimo, J. P. A., Do Nascimento, L. R., and Rüther, R., "Area and LCOE Considerations in Utility-scale, Single-axis Tracking PV Power Plant Topology Optimization." Solar Energy, vol. 211, pp. 433-445, 2020.
  • [7] Safarzadeh Ravajiri, E., Jalali, A., and Houshfar, E., "Multi-objective Optimization and 4E Analysis of an Integrated System Based on Waste-to-energy, Solar PV, Power-to-gas, and HDH-RO Desalination." Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 277, p. 116677, 2023.
  • [8] Mateo Romero, H. F., Hernández-Callejo, L., González Rebollo, M. Á., Cardeñoso-Payo, V., Alonso Gómez, V., Morales Aragonés, J. I., and Moyo, R. T., "Optimized Estimator of the Output Power of PV Cells Using EL Images and I–V Curves." Solar Energy, vol. 265, p. 112089, 2023.
  • [9] Cox, J. L., Hamilton, W. T., and Newman, A. M., "Parametric Analysis on Optimized Design of Hybrid Solar Power Plants." Solar Energy, vol. 252, pp. 195-217, 2023.
  • [10] Hu, S., Wu, Z., Li, S., Xu, B., Wu, J., and Liu, W., "Research on Dust Deposition of PV Modules Based on Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation and Its Application in Installation Parameter Optimization." Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 423, p. 138743, 2023.
  • [11] Kowsar, A., Hassan, M., Rana, M. T., Haque, N., Faruque, M. H., Ahsan, S., and Alam, F., "Optimization and Techno-economic Assessment of 50 MW Floating Solar Power Plant on Hakaluki Marsh Land in Bangladesh., "Renewable Energy, vol. 216, p. 119077, 2023.
  • [12] Tashtoush, B., Alalul, K., and Najjar, K. "Designing Sustainable Living: Optimizing on/Off-Grid PV Systems for Carbon-Reduced Residential Buildings in Jordan." Energy and Buildings, vol. 297, p. 113441, 2023.
  • [13] Irshad, A. S., Ludin, G. A., Masrur, H., Ahmadi, M., Yona, A., Mikhaylov, A., Krishnan, N., and Senjyu, T., "Optimization of Grid-photovoltaic and Battery Hybrid System with Most Technically Efficient PV Technology After the Performance Analysis." Renewable Energy, vol. 207, pp. 714-730, 2023.
  • [14] Ihaddadene, R., Jed, M. E. H., and Ihaddadene, N., "Assessing the Effectiveness of a PV Power Plant and Its Subfields in Algeria: Case Study Tamanrasset." Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 77, p. 101348, 2023.
  • [15] Ashok Kumar L., Indragandhi V., and Uma Maheswari Y., "PVSYST." Software Tools for the Simulation of Electrical Systems, Academic Press, ch. 9, pp. 349-392, 2020.
  • [16] Çinici, O. K., Canlı, M. E., Çakıroğlu, R., and Acır, A., "Optimization of Melting Time of Solar Thermal Energy Storage Unit Containing Spring Type Heat Transfer Enhancer by Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis." Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 47, p. 103671, 2022.
  • [17] Qasim, A., Nisar, S., Shah, A., Khalid, M. S., and Sheikh, M. A., "Optimization of Process Parameters for Machining of AISI-1045 Steel Using Taguchi Design and ANOVA." Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 59, pp. 36-51, 2015.
  • [18] Çakıroğlu, Ramazan, and Adem Acır., "Optimization of Cutting Parameters on Drill Bit Temperature in Drilling by Taguchi Method." Measurement, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 3525-3531, 2013.
  • [19] Sahoo, S., Dalei, R. K., Rath, S. K., and Sahu, U. K., "Selection of PSO Parameters Based on Taguchi Design-ANOVA- ANN Methodology for Missile Gliding Trajectory Optimization." Cognitive Robotics, vol. 3, pp. 158-172, 2022.
  • [20] Acır, A., Canlı, M. E., Ata, İ., and Çakıroğlu, R., "Parametric Optimization of Energy and Exergy Analyses of a Novel Solar Air Heater with Grey Relational Analysis." Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 122, pp. 330-338, 2017.
  • [21] Hong, Y., Beltran, A. A., and Paglinawan, A. C., "A Robust Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Taguchi Method for Stand-alone PV System." Applied Energy, vol. 211, pp. 50-63, 2018.
  • [22] Çinici, O. K., Karaca, B., and Acır, A., “Comparison Study in Terms of The Results of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Designed with PVsyst and MATLAB Simulink Software.” Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1635-1649, 2023.
  • [23] Kazemian, A., Parcheforosh, A., Salari, A., and Ma, T., "Optimization of a Novel Photovoltaic Thermal Module in Series with a Solar Collector Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis." Solar Energy, vol. 215, pp. 492-507, 2021.
  • [24] Bayyiğit, A., Çinici, O. K., and Acir, A., “Tek yüzeyli ve çift yüzeyli fotovoltaik panellerin performans analizi.” Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 407-420, 2023.
  • [25] T. Khatib, A. Mohamed, and K. Sopian, “A software tool for optimal sizing of PV systems in Malaysia,” Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, vol. 1, p. 969248, 2012.
  • [26] “PVsyst – Logiciel Photovoltaïque.” (accessed Nov. 29, 2023).
  • [27] “Photovoltaic Geographical Information System.” (accessed Nov. 29, 2023).
  • [28] Silva, Miguel, Rui Castro, and Mário Batalha., "Technical and Economic Optimal Solutions for Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Parks." Electronics, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 400, 2020.
  • [29] Prasad M. and Prasad R., “Bifacial vs monofacial grid-connected solar photovoltaic for small islands: A case study of Fiji.” Renew Energy, vol. 203, pp. 686–702, 2023.
  • [30] Fan, W., Kokogiannakis, G., and Ma, Z., "A Multi-objective Design Optimisation Strategy for Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (PVT)-solar Air Heater (SAH) Systems with Fins." Solar Energy, vol. 163, pp. 315-328, 2018.
  • [31] Omidi, B., Rahbar, N., Kargarsharifabad, H., and Poolaei Moziraji, Z., "Performance Evaluation of a Solar Desalination-hot Water System Using Heat Pipe Vacuum Tube Parabolic Trough Solar Collector – An Experimental Study with Taguchi Analysis." Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 292, p. 117347, 2023.
  • [32] Xie, B., Peng, Q., E, J., Tu, Y., Wei, J., Tang, S., Song, Y., and Fu, G., “Effects of CO addition and multi-factors optimization on hydrogen/air combustion characteristics and thermal performance based on grey relational analysis.” Energy, vol. 255, p. 124573, 2022.
  • [33] Ata İ. and Acır A, “Hava akışkanlı güneş kollektöründe ısı transferi iyileştirmesine etki eden parametrelerin taguchi metodu ile optimizasyonu.” Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 527-535, 2020.
  • [34] Xie, B., Peng, Q., E, J., Tu, Y., Wei, J., Tang, S., Song, Y., and Fu, G., "Numerical Investigation on Thermal Performance Improvement of Hydrogen-fueled Tube with Rib/Fins for Micro Thermophotovoltaic." Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 233, p. 121107, 2023.
  • [35] Zhao, S., Wei, Y., Yu, P., Nie, Y., Hu, R., He, W., Zhu, N., Li, Y., Ji, D., and Guo, K., "High Throughput Millifluidics Mixer with Double Triangle Baffle for Improvement of Mixing Performance and Reduction of Flow Resistance Designed by Grey Relational Analysis." Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, vol. 181, p. 109166, 2022.
  • [36] Tang, X., Wan, W., Zhang, Z., Gao, W., and Wang, Y., "Residual Deformation of Coal Gangue Subgrade Filler under Multi-vibration Cyclic Loading." Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2023.
  • [37] Gao, F., Tian, L., Meng, F., Xia, Y., Shi, C., Zhang, Z., Cui, Y., Liu, S., and Li, J., "A Novel Dynamic Model and Simulations on Abnormal Wear of a Space Shaft Cage Worked at Low Temperature Environment." Tribology International, vol. 189, p. 108952, 2023.
  • [38] Tanürün H.E, “Improvement of vertical axis wind turbine performance by using the optimized adaptive flap by the Taguchi method.” Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 46. No. 1, pp. 71-90, 2023.
  • [39] Emziane, M., and Al Ali, M, “Performance assessment of rooftop PV systems in Abu Dhabi.” Energy and Buildings, vol. 108, pp. 101-105, 2015.
  • [40] Sharma, V., and Chandel, S. “Performance analysis of a 190 kWp grid interactive solar photovoltaic power plant in India.” Energy, vol. 55, pp. 476-485, 2013.
  • [41] Anang, N., Syd Nur Azman, S., Muda, W., Dagang, A., and Daud, M. Z, “Performance analysis of a grid-connected rooftop solar PV system in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.” Energy and Buildings, vol. 248, p.111182, 2021.
  • [42] Okello, D., Van Dyk, E., and Vorster, F. “Analysis of measured and simulated performance data of a 3.2 kWp grid-connected PV system in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 100, pp. 10-15, 2015.

Optimization of Array Design in Photovoltaic Power Plants Using the Taguchi and ANOVA Analysis

Year 2023, , 1195 - 1208, 28.12.2023


Fossil fuels, predominant in fulfilling current energy demands, are implicated in global warming, prompting a global shift towards renewable energy sources. Among these, photovoltaic (PV) solar power plants have garnered significant attention, experiencing a rapid surge in installed power capacity. However, a notable drawback of PV solar power plants is their considerable spatial footprint, emphasizing the pivotal role of efficient space utilization and shading mitigation in their design. Notably, pitch distance, array design, and PV type emerge as critical parameters influencing the performance of these power plants during installation. In the present study, eight distinct PV solar power plant designs were conceptualized, incorporating four different PV array configurations (2P-3P-2L-3L) and two PV types (monofacial-bifacial), each with specified orientations (portrait-landscape). Other parameters were held constant across designs. Leveraging PVsyst software, simulations were conducted for each design, yielding crucial performance metrics, including the annual energy output delivered to the grid (E-grid), performance ratio (PR), and associated CO2 emissions. Subsequently, a Taguchi analysis facilitated optimization based on these results. The outcome of this analysis identified the optimal PV array design as 3D and the optimal PV type as bifacial. Further insight was gained through an ANOVA analysis, revealing the substantial contributions of parameters to overall variability. Specifically, PV type exhibited a significant contribution of 65.27%, while PV array configuration contributed 34.72% to the observed variability in plant performance. These findings not only enhance the understanding of PV power plant design intricacies but also underscore the paramount significance of array design in achieving heightened efficiency and sustainability.


  • [1] Tedeschi, M., Foglia, M., Bouri, E., and Dai, P., “How does climate policy uncertainty affect financial markets? Evidence from Europe” Economics Letters, vol. 234, p. 111443, 2023.
  • [2] Mahmood, N. S., Ajmi, A. A., Sarip, S., Kaidi, H. M., Suhot, M. A., Jamaludin, K. R., and Talib, H. H. A., “Modeling energy management sustainability: Smart integrated framework for future trends,” Energy Reports, vol. 8, pp. 8027-8045, 2022.
  • [3] Crespi, E., Colbertaldo, P., Guandalini, G., and Campanari, S., “Design of hybrid power-to-power systems for continuous clean PV-based energy supply,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 46, no.26, pp. 13691-13708, 2021.
  • [4] Mehmood, A., Ren, J., and Zhang, L., “Achieving energy sustainability by using solar PV: System modelling and comprehensive techno-economic-environmental analysis,” Energy Strategy Reviews, vol. 49, p. 101126, 2023.
  • [5] Liu, D., Kang, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, X., and Wu, Y., “Bi-objective Pareto optimization for clustering-based hierarchical power control in a large-scale PV power plant,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 57, p. 103283, 2023.
  • [6] Veríssimo, P. H. A., Campos, R. A., Guarnieri, M. V., Veríssimo, J. P. A., Do Nascimento, L. R., and Rüther, R., "Area and LCOE Considerations in Utility-scale, Single-axis Tracking PV Power Plant Topology Optimization." Solar Energy, vol. 211, pp. 433-445, 2020.
  • [7] Safarzadeh Ravajiri, E., Jalali, A., and Houshfar, E., "Multi-objective Optimization and 4E Analysis of an Integrated System Based on Waste-to-energy, Solar PV, Power-to-gas, and HDH-RO Desalination." Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 277, p. 116677, 2023.
  • [8] Mateo Romero, H. F., Hernández-Callejo, L., González Rebollo, M. Á., Cardeñoso-Payo, V., Alonso Gómez, V., Morales Aragonés, J. I., and Moyo, R. T., "Optimized Estimator of the Output Power of PV Cells Using EL Images and I–V Curves." Solar Energy, vol. 265, p. 112089, 2023.
  • [9] Cox, J. L., Hamilton, W. T., and Newman, A. M., "Parametric Analysis on Optimized Design of Hybrid Solar Power Plants." Solar Energy, vol. 252, pp. 195-217, 2023.
  • [10] Hu, S., Wu, Z., Li, S., Xu, B., Wu, J., and Liu, W., "Research on Dust Deposition of PV Modules Based on Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation and Its Application in Installation Parameter Optimization." Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 423, p. 138743, 2023.
  • [11] Kowsar, A., Hassan, M., Rana, M. T., Haque, N., Faruque, M. H., Ahsan, S., and Alam, F., "Optimization and Techno-economic Assessment of 50 MW Floating Solar Power Plant on Hakaluki Marsh Land in Bangladesh., "Renewable Energy, vol. 216, p. 119077, 2023.
  • [12] Tashtoush, B., Alalul, K., and Najjar, K. "Designing Sustainable Living: Optimizing on/Off-Grid PV Systems for Carbon-Reduced Residential Buildings in Jordan." Energy and Buildings, vol. 297, p. 113441, 2023.
  • [13] Irshad, A. S., Ludin, G. A., Masrur, H., Ahmadi, M., Yona, A., Mikhaylov, A., Krishnan, N., and Senjyu, T., "Optimization of Grid-photovoltaic and Battery Hybrid System with Most Technically Efficient PV Technology After the Performance Analysis." Renewable Energy, vol. 207, pp. 714-730, 2023.
  • [14] Ihaddadene, R., Jed, M. E. H., and Ihaddadene, N., "Assessing the Effectiveness of a PV Power Plant and Its Subfields in Algeria: Case Study Tamanrasset." Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 77, p. 101348, 2023.
  • [15] Ashok Kumar L., Indragandhi V., and Uma Maheswari Y., "PVSYST." Software Tools for the Simulation of Electrical Systems, Academic Press, ch. 9, pp. 349-392, 2020.
  • [16] Çinici, O. K., Canlı, M. E., Çakıroğlu, R., and Acır, A., "Optimization of Melting Time of Solar Thermal Energy Storage Unit Containing Spring Type Heat Transfer Enhancer by Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis." Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 47, p. 103671, 2022.
  • [17] Qasim, A., Nisar, S., Shah, A., Khalid, M. S., and Sheikh, M. A., "Optimization of Process Parameters for Machining of AISI-1045 Steel Using Taguchi Design and ANOVA." Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 59, pp. 36-51, 2015.
  • [18] Çakıroğlu, Ramazan, and Adem Acır., "Optimization of Cutting Parameters on Drill Bit Temperature in Drilling by Taguchi Method." Measurement, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 3525-3531, 2013.
  • [19] Sahoo, S., Dalei, R. K., Rath, S. K., and Sahu, U. K., "Selection of PSO Parameters Based on Taguchi Design-ANOVA- ANN Methodology for Missile Gliding Trajectory Optimization." Cognitive Robotics, vol. 3, pp. 158-172, 2022.
  • [20] Acır, A., Canlı, M. E., Ata, İ., and Çakıroğlu, R., "Parametric Optimization of Energy and Exergy Analyses of a Novel Solar Air Heater with Grey Relational Analysis." Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 122, pp. 330-338, 2017.
  • [21] Hong, Y., Beltran, A. A., and Paglinawan, A. C., "A Robust Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Taguchi Method for Stand-alone PV System." Applied Energy, vol. 211, pp. 50-63, 2018.
  • [22] Çinici, O. K., Karaca, B., and Acır, A., “Comparison Study in Terms of The Results of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Designed with PVsyst and MATLAB Simulink Software.” Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1635-1649, 2023.
  • [23] Kazemian, A., Parcheforosh, A., Salari, A., and Ma, T., "Optimization of a Novel Photovoltaic Thermal Module in Series with a Solar Collector Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis." Solar Energy, vol. 215, pp. 492-507, 2021.
  • [24] Bayyiğit, A., Çinici, O. K., and Acir, A., “Tek yüzeyli ve çift yüzeyli fotovoltaik panellerin performans analizi.” Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 407-420, 2023.
  • [25] T. Khatib, A. Mohamed, and K. Sopian, “A software tool for optimal sizing of PV systems in Malaysia,” Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, vol. 1, p. 969248, 2012.
  • [26] “PVsyst – Logiciel Photovoltaïque.” (accessed Nov. 29, 2023).
  • [27] “Photovoltaic Geographical Information System.” (accessed Nov. 29, 2023).
  • [28] Silva, Miguel, Rui Castro, and Mário Batalha., "Technical and Economic Optimal Solutions for Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Parks." Electronics, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 400, 2020.
  • [29] Prasad M. and Prasad R., “Bifacial vs monofacial grid-connected solar photovoltaic for small islands: A case study of Fiji.” Renew Energy, vol. 203, pp. 686–702, 2023.
  • [30] Fan, W., Kokogiannakis, G., and Ma, Z., "A Multi-objective Design Optimisation Strategy for Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (PVT)-solar Air Heater (SAH) Systems with Fins." Solar Energy, vol. 163, pp. 315-328, 2018.
  • [31] Omidi, B., Rahbar, N., Kargarsharifabad, H., and Poolaei Moziraji, Z., "Performance Evaluation of a Solar Desalination-hot Water System Using Heat Pipe Vacuum Tube Parabolic Trough Solar Collector – An Experimental Study with Taguchi Analysis." Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 292, p. 117347, 2023.
  • [32] Xie, B., Peng, Q., E, J., Tu, Y., Wei, J., Tang, S., Song, Y., and Fu, G., “Effects of CO addition and multi-factors optimization on hydrogen/air combustion characteristics and thermal performance based on grey relational analysis.” Energy, vol. 255, p. 124573, 2022.
  • [33] Ata İ. and Acır A, “Hava akışkanlı güneş kollektöründe ısı transferi iyileştirmesine etki eden parametrelerin taguchi metodu ile optimizasyonu.” Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 527-535, 2020.
  • [34] Xie, B., Peng, Q., E, J., Tu, Y., Wei, J., Tang, S., Song, Y., and Fu, G., "Numerical Investigation on Thermal Performance Improvement of Hydrogen-fueled Tube with Rib/Fins for Micro Thermophotovoltaic." Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 233, p. 121107, 2023.
  • [35] Zhao, S., Wei, Y., Yu, P., Nie, Y., Hu, R., He, W., Zhu, N., Li, Y., Ji, D., and Guo, K., "High Throughput Millifluidics Mixer with Double Triangle Baffle for Improvement of Mixing Performance and Reduction of Flow Resistance Designed by Grey Relational Analysis." Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, vol. 181, p. 109166, 2022.
  • [36] Tang, X., Wan, W., Zhang, Z., Gao, W., and Wang, Y., "Residual Deformation of Coal Gangue Subgrade Filler under Multi-vibration Cyclic Loading." Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2023.
  • [37] Gao, F., Tian, L., Meng, F., Xia, Y., Shi, C., Zhang, Z., Cui, Y., Liu, S., and Li, J., "A Novel Dynamic Model and Simulations on Abnormal Wear of a Space Shaft Cage Worked at Low Temperature Environment." Tribology International, vol. 189, p. 108952, 2023.
  • [38] Tanürün H.E, “Improvement of vertical axis wind turbine performance by using the optimized adaptive flap by the Taguchi method.” Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 46. No. 1, pp. 71-90, 2023.
  • [39] Emziane, M., and Al Ali, M, “Performance assessment of rooftop PV systems in Abu Dhabi.” Energy and Buildings, vol. 108, pp. 101-105, 2015.
  • [40] Sharma, V., and Chandel, S. “Performance analysis of a 190 kWp grid interactive solar photovoltaic power plant in India.” Energy, vol. 55, pp. 476-485, 2013.
  • [41] Anang, N., Syd Nur Azman, S., Muda, W., Dagang, A., and Daud, M. Z, “Performance analysis of a grid-connected rooftop solar PV system in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.” Energy and Buildings, vol. 248, p.111182, 2021.
  • [42] Okello, D., Van Dyk, E., and Vorster, F. “Analysis of measured and simulated performance data of a 3.2 kWp grid-connected PV system in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 100, pp. 10-15, 2015.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Solar Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Resources
Journal Section Tasarım ve Teknoloji

Oğuz Kaan Çinici 0000-0001-5260-623X

Adem Acır 0000-0002-0046-9728

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date December 4, 2023
Acceptance Date December 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çinici, O. K., & Acır, A. (2023). Optimization of Array Design in Photovoltaic Power Plants Using the Taguchi and ANOVA Analysis. Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, 11(4), 1195-1208.

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