Research Article
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Year 2019, , 225 - 235, 24.03.2019



  • Farhangi, H. The path of the smart grid. IEEE power and energy magazine, 8:1 (2010).
  • Amin, M. The Case for Smart Grid. PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY (2015).
  • Bayindir, R., Colak, I., Fulli, G. ve Demirtas, K. Smart grid technologies and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, (499-516), (2016).
  • Bayindir R., Demisbas S., Irmak, E., Cetinkaya, U., Ova, A., ve Yesil, M. Effects of renewable energy sources on the power system. IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, (2016).
  • Cappers, P., Goldman, C., ve Kathan, D. Demand response in US electricity markets: Empirical evidence. Energy , 35:4, (1526-1535), (2010).
  • Bayram, I.S., ve Ustun, T. A survey on behind the meter energy management systems in smart grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, (1208-1232), (2017).
  • Bayram, I.S., ve Tajer, A. (2017) Plug-in electric vehicle grid integration, London: Artech House.
  • Arnold, G. W. Challenges and opportunities in smart grid: A position article. Proceedings of the IEEE, 99:6, (922-927), (2011).
  • U.S. GRID ENERGY STORAGE FACTSHEET, Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan, 2018. [Online]. Available:
  • Kim. I. ve Kim, D. Optimal capacity of shared energy storage and photovoltaic system for cooperative residential customers. IEEE Information and Communications, (293-297), (2017).
  • Arghandeh, R., Woyak, J., Onen, A., Jung, J., ve Broadwater. R. Economic optimal operation of Community Energy Storage systems in competitive energy markets. Applied Energy, 135, (71-80), (2014).
  • Parra, D., Norman, S., Walker, G., ve Gilliott, M. Optimum community energy storage system for demand load shifting. Applied Energy, 174, (130-143), (2016).
  • Stelt, S., AlSkaif, T., ve Van Sark, W. Techno-economic analysis of household and community energy storage for residential prosumers with smart appliances. Applied Energy, 209, (266-276), (2018).
  • Song, J., Krishnamurthy, V., Kwasinski, A., and Sharma R. Development of a Markov-chain-based energy storage model for power supply availability assessment of photovoltaic generation plants. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4:2, (491-500), (2013).
  • Dong, J., Gao, F., Guan, X., Zhai Q., ve Wu, J. Storage-Reserve Sizing With Qualified Reliability for Connected High Renewable Penetration Micro-Grid. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7:2, (732-743), (2016).
  • Kong, C., Bayram, I. S., ve Devetsikiotis, M. Revenue Optimization Frameworks for Multi-Class PEV Charging Stations. IEEE Access, 3, (2140-2150), (2015).
  • Vardakas, J. S., Nizar Z., and Verikoukis, C. V. Scheduling policies for two-state smart-home appliances in dynamic electricity pricing environments. Energy, 69, (455-469), (2014).
  • Richardson, I., Thomson, M., Infield, D., ve Clifford, C. Domestic electricity use: A high-resolution energy demand model, Energy and Buildings, 42:10, (878-1887), (2010).
  • Ardakanian, O., Keshav, S., ve Rosenberg, C. Markovian models for home electricity consumption. ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Green networking, (2011).
  • Ahn, K., Dadlani, A., Kim, K. and Saad, W., Revenue Maximization of Multi-Class Charging Stations with Opportunistic Charger Sharing, IEEE International Conference on Communications, (2018).
  • Stewart, W. (1994) Introduction to the numerical solution of Markov chains, Princeton University Press.
  • Qiu, T., Bolun X., Yishen W., Yury D., ve Kirschen, D. Stochastic multistage coplanning of transmission expansion and energy storage. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,32:1, (643-651), (2017).
  • Khan, F.A., Pal, N. ve Saeed, S.H. Review of solar photovoltaic and wind hybrid energy systems for sizing strategies optimization techniques and cost analysis methodologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92, (937-947), (2018).

Akıllı Şebekelerde Rassal Modelleme ile Enerji Depolama Sistemi Kapasite Hesaplaması

Year 2019, , 225 - 235, 24.03.2019


Dünyada elektrik sektörleri, hızla entegrasyonu
artan yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile elektrik üretiminden kaynaklanan
karbon ayak izini azaltmaya yönelik yapılan çevresel ve ekonomik baskılar ile karşı
karşıya gelmektedir. Enerji depolama sistemleri şebeke altyapı güvenliğini arttıran,
şebekeye çalışma esnekliği sağlayan ve çevresel etkileri azaltan çözümler olarak
büyük ilgi görmektedir. Bu nedenle, enerji depolama sistemleri kompleks
elektrik şebeke operasyonlarında anahtar rol oynamaktadır. Bu makalede, tüketicilerin
elektrik talepleri, elektrik şebekesinden çekilen güç ve enerji depolama ünitesinden
oluşan bir sistem için Stokastik bir model sunularak, aralarındaki etkileşimler
incelenmiştir. Enerji depolama sisteminin onlarca meskenden oluşan rezidans,
villalardan oluşan site veya kampüs gibi yerlerde bir grup kullanıcı tarafından
ortaklaşa kullanıldığı varsayılmaktadır. Geliştirilen Stokastik model, iki
boyutlu sürekli zamanlı Markov zinciri tabanlı olup, sistem durumlarının rassal
dağılımları nümerik metotlar ile hesaplanmıştır. Dikkate alınması gereken diğer
bir husus ise, enerji depolama sisteminin yoğun zamanlarda pik talebi azaltmak
için kullanılması ve müşteri talebinin azaldığı dönemlerde ise şebeke gücü
tarafından iskontolu elektrik enerjisi ile doldurulmasıdır. Şebeke güvenliğinin
sağlanması için müşteri talepleri, sınırlı miktardaki şebeke elektriği ve
enerji depolama ünitesi tarafından karşılanmakta ancak bu seviyenin üstündeki
taleplere cevap verilememektedir. Bu nedenle kesinti olasılığı doğal olarak
sistem performans metriği olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Enerji depolama sistem kapasitesi,
değişen kesinti olasılıkları ve sistem parametreleri altında hesaplanmıştır. Sunulan
hesaplamalara göre enerji depolama sistemi optimum kapasitesinin
belirlenmesinde tüketici talep istatistiklerinin büyük önem taşıdığı ortaya
konulmuştur. Son olarak, geliştirilen ekonomik fayda modeli ile, sistem parametreleri
ekonomik değişkenlerle ilişkilendirip, sistem operatörüne finansal dinamikleri
göz önüne en iyi çalışma aralığını seçmesine olanak sağlamaktadır.


  • Farhangi, H. The path of the smart grid. IEEE power and energy magazine, 8:1 (2010).
  • Amin, M. The Case for Smart Grid. PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY (2015).
  • Bayindir, R., Colak, I., Fulli, G. ve Demirtas, K. Smart grid technologies and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, (499-516), (2016).
  • Bayindir R., Demisbas S., Irmak, E., Cetinkaya, U., Ova, A., ve Yesil, M. Effects of renewable energy sources on the power system. IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, (2016).
  • Cappers, P., Goldman, C., ve Kathan, D. Demand response in US electricity markets: Empirical evidence. Energy , 35:4, (1526-1535), (2010).
  • Bayram, I.S., ve Ustun, T. A survey on behind the meter energy management systems in smart grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, (1208-1232), (2017).
  • Bayram, I.S., ve Tajer, A. (2017) Plug-in electric vehicle grid integration, London: Artech House.
  • Arnold, G. W. Challenges and opportunities in smart grid: A position article. Proceedings of the IEEE, 99:6, (922-927), (2011).
  • U.S. GRID ENERGY STORAGE FACTSHEET, Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan, 2018. [Online]. Available:
  • Kim. I. ve Kim, D. Optimal capacity of shared energy storage and photovoltaic system for cooperative residential customers. IEEE Information and Communications, (293-297), (2017).
  • Arghandeh, R., Woyak, J., Onen, A., Jung, J., ve Broadwater. R. Economic optimal operation of Community Energy Storage systems in competitive energy markets. Applied Energy, 135, (71-80), (2014).
  • Parra, D., Norman, S., Walker, G., ve Gilliott, M. Optimum community energy storage system for demand load shifting. Applied Energy, 174, (130-143), (2016).
  • Stelt, S., AlSkaif, T., ve Van Sark, W. Techno-economic analysis of household and community energy storage for residential prosumers with smart appliances. Applied Energy, 209, (266-276), (2018).
  • Song, J., Krishnamurthy, V., Kwasinski, A., and Sharma R. Development of a Markov-chain-based energy storage model for power supply availability assessment of photovoltaic generation plants. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4:2, (491-500), (2013).
  • Dong, J., Gao, F., Guan, X., Zhai Q., ve Wu, J. Storage-Reserve Sizing With Qualified Reliability for Connected High Renewable Penetration Micro-Grid. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7:2, (732-743), (2016).
  • Kong, C., Bayram, I. S., ve Devetsikiotis, M. Revenue Optimization Frameworks for Multi-Class PEV Charging Stations. IEEE Access, 3, (2140-2150), (2015).
  • Vardakas, J. S., Nizar Z., and Verikoukis, C. V. Scheduling policies for two-state smart-home appliances in dynamic electricity pricing environments. Energy, 69, (455-469), (2014).
  • Richardson, I., Thomson, M., Infield, D., ve Clifford, C. Domestic electricity use: A high-resolution energy demand model, Energy and Buildings, 42:10, (878-1887), (2010).
  • Ardakanian, O., Keshav, S., ve Rosenberg, C. Markovian models for home electricity consumption. ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Green networking, (2011).
  • Ahn, K., Dadlani, A., Kim, K. and Saad, W., Revenue Maximization of Multi-Class Charging Stations with Opportunistic Charger Sharing, IEEE International Conference on Communications, (2018).
  • Stewart, W. (1994) Introduction to the numerical solution of Markov chains, Princeton University Press.
  • Qiu, T., Bolun X., Yishen W., Yury D., ve Kirschen, D. Stochastic multistage coplanning of transmission expansion and energy storage. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,32:1, (643-651), (2017).
  • Khan, F.A., Pal, N. ve Saeed, S.H. Review of solar photovoltaic and wind hybrid energy systems for sizing strategies optimization techniques and cost analysis methodologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92, (937-947), (2018).
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Tasarım ve Teknoloji

İslam Safak Bayram 0000-0001-8130-5583

Publication Date March 24, 2019
Submission Date December 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Bayram, İ. S. (2019). Akıllı Şebekelerde Rassal Modelleme ile Enerji Depolama Sistemi Kapasite Hesaplaması. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 7(1), 225-235.

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