Ozmotik Distilasyonda Polisülfon-g-Polistiren/Selüloz/Poli (etilen teraftalat) Kompozit Membranların Kullanılması
Year 2020,
, 529 - 541, 27.09.2020
Gülşen Taşkın Çakıcı
Oya Şanlı
Bu çalışmada fruktoz çözeltileri ozmotik distilasyon yöntemi kullanılarak, polisülfon-g-polistiren (PSf-g-PS) aşı kopolimerlerinin selüloz/poli(etilen teraftalat) (CV/PET) ile hazırlanmış olan kompozit membranlarla deriştirilmesi çalışılmıştır. Membranlar faz dönüşümü yöntemi ile hazırlanmış ve Taramalı Elektron Mikroskopisi (SEM) ile karakterize edilmiştir. Besleme ve brine çözeltileri sirkülasyon hızları ve derişimleri, brine çeşidi ve sıcaklık gibi çeşitli proses parametrelerinin akı üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Besleme ve brine çözeltisi sirkülasyon hızlarındaki artış akıyı önce belirli bir sirkülasyon hızına kadar artırıp, daha sonra azaltmıştır. Brine çözelti derişiminde en yüksek akı doygunluğa yakın olan derişimde gözlenmiştir. En yüksek akarım MgCl2’ de elde edilmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Gazi Üniversitesi
Project Number
- M. Homayoonfala, A. Akbaria, M. R. Mehrnia, Preparation of polysulfone nanofiltration membranes by UV-assisted graftingpolymerization for water softening, Desalination 263 (2010) 217-225.
- H. Yua, Y. Caoa, G. Kanga, J. Liua, M. Lia, Q. Yuan, Enhancing antifouling property of polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane bygrafting zwitterionic copolymer via UV-initiated polymerization, J. Membr. Sci. 342 (2009) 6-13.
- W.-W. Yuea, H.-J. Lia, T. Xianga, H. Qina, S.-D. Suna, C.-S. Zhao, Grafting of zwitterion from polysulfone membraneviasurface-initiated ATRP with enhanced antifoulingproperty and biocompatibility, J. Membr. Sci. 446 (2013) 79-91.
- H. Yamagishi, J.V. Crivello, G. Belfort, Development of a novel photochemical technique for modifying poly (arylsulfone) ultrafiltration membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 105 (1995) 237-247.
- T.G. Bilongo, J.C. Remigy, M.J. Clifton, Modification of hollow fibers by UV surface grafting, J. Membr. Sci. 364 (2010) 208-304.
- S. Béquet, J. Remigy, J. Rouch, J. Espenan, From ultrafiltration to nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes: a continuous UV-photografting process, Desalination 144 (2002) 9-14.
- N.K. Saha, M. Balakrishnan, M. Ulbricht, Fouling control in sugarcane juice ultrafiltration with surface modified polysulfone and polyethersulfone membranes, Desalination 249 (2009) 1124-1131.
- H. Yamagishi, J. Crivello, G. Belfort, Evaluation of photochemically modified poly (aryl sulfone) ultrafiltration membranes J. Membr. Sci. 105 (1995) 249-259.
- Kunz, W., Benhabiles A. And Ben-Aim, R., “ Osmotic evaporation through macroporous hydrophobic membranes: a survey of current research and applications’’, J. Mem. Sci., 121: 25-36 (1996).
- Feng, C., Shi, B., Li, G., Wu, Y., “Preparation and properties of microporous membrane from poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene) (F2.4) for membrane distillation”, J. Mem. Sci., 237: 15–24 (2004).
- Babu, B. R., Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., “Effect of process parameters on transmembrane flux during direct osmosis”, J. Mem. Sci., 280: 185–194 (2006).
- Loeb, S., Titelman, L., Korngold, E., Freiman, J., “Effect of porous support fabric on osmosis through a Loeb-Sourirajan type asymmetric membrane”, J. Mem. Sci., 129: 243-249 (1997).
- Nagaraj, N., Patil, G., Babu, B. R., Hebbar, U.H., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., Nene, S., “Mass transfer in osmotic membrane distillation’’, J. Mem. Sci., 268: 48-56 (2006 ).
- Babu, B. R., Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., “Mass transfer in osmotic membrane distillation of phycocyanin colorant and sweet-lime juice’’, J. Mem. Sci., 272: 58-69 (2006).
- Lai, J. Y., Chen, R. Y., Lee, K. R., ‘Polyvinyl alcohol γ-ray grafted nylon 4 membrane for pervaporation and evapomeation’, Sep. Sci. Tech., 28 (7): 1437-1452 (1993).
- Rhim, J. W., Yoon, S. W., Kim, S. W., Lee, K. H., “Pervaporation separation and
swelling measurement of acetic acid-water mixtures using crosslinked PVA membranes”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 63: 521-527 (1997).
- Uragami, T., Morikawa, T., “Studies on synthesis and permiabilities of special polymer membranes, 70, Permeation and separetion characteristics for aqueous alcoholic solutions by evapomeation and pervaporation through polystyrene membranes”, Makromol. Chem.,190: 399 (1989)
- Wang, K.Y., Chung, T-S., Qin, J-J., “Polybenzimidazole (PBI) nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes applied in forward osmosis process”, J. Mem. Sci., 300: 6-12 (2007).
- Nady, N., Franssen, M. C. R., Zuilhof, H., Eldin, M. S. M., Boom, R., Schroën K., “Modification methods for poly(arylsulfone) membranes: A mini-review focusing on surface modification”, Desalination, 275: 1–9 (2011).
- Peng, M., Li, H., Wu, L., Zheng, Q., Chen, Y., Gu, W., “Porous Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membrane with Highly Hydrophobic Surface”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 98: 1358–1363 (2005).
- Shah, P., Murthy, C. N., “Studies on the porosity control of MWCNT/polysulfone composite membrane and its effect on metal removal”, J. Mem. Sci., 437: 90–98 (2013).
- Petrotos, K. B., Quantick, P., Petropakis, H., “A study of the direct osmotic concentration of tomato juice in tubular membrane - module configuration. I. The effect of certain basic process parameters on the process performance”, J. Mem. Sci., 150: 99-110 (1998).
- Kujawski, W., Sobolewska, A., Jarzynka, K., Güell, C., Ferrando, M., Warczok, J., “Application of osmotic membrane distillation process in red grape juice concentration”, J. Food. Eng., 116: 801-808 (2013).
- Onsekizoglu, P., Bahceci, K. S., Acar, J., “The use of factorial design for modeling membrane distillation”, J. Mem. Sci., 349: 225–230 (2010).
- Wang, L., Min, J., “Modeling and analyses of membrane osmotic distillation using non-equilibrium thermodynamics”, J. Mem. Sci., 378: 462– 470 (2011).
- Varavuth, S., Jiraratananon, R., Atchariyawut, S., “Experimental study on dealcoholization of wine by osmotic distillation process’’ , Sep. Pur. Tech., 66: 313–321 (2009).
- Welty, J. R., Wicks, C. E., Wilson, R. E., Rorrer, G. L., “Fundamentals of momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer”, fifth ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. P. 711
- Thanedgunbaworn, R., Jiraratananon, R., Nguyen, M.H., “Mass and heat transfer analysis in fructose concentrationby osmotic distillation process using hollow fibre module”, J. Food Eng., 78: 126–135 (2007).
- Wrolstad, R. E., McDaniel, M. R., Durst, R. W., Micheals, N., Lampi, K. A.,
Beaudry, E.G., “Composition and sensory characterization of red raspberry juice concentrated by direct-osmosis or evaporisation”, J. Food Sci., 58 (3): 633-637 (1993).
- Beaudry, E. G., Lampi, K. A., “Osmotic concentration of fruit juices”, Flussiges Obst., 57 : 652-656; 663-664(1990).
- Asman, G., Şanlı, O., Tuncel, D., “pH- and Temperature-Sensitive In Vitro Release of Salicylic Acid through Poly(vinyl alcohol-g-acrylamide) Membranes”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 107: 3005–3012 (2008).
- J.A. Prince, D. Rana, G. Singh, T. Matsuura, T. Jun Kai, T.S. Shanmugasundaram, “Effect of Hydrophobic Surface Modifying Macromolecules on Differently Produced PVDF Membranes for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation”, Chem. Eng. J., (2013), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2013.11.039
- Ge, Q., Ling, M., Chung, T.-S., “Draw solutions for forward osmosis processes: Developments, challenges, and prospects for the future”, J. Mem. Sci., 442: 225–237 (2013).
- Tan, C. H., Ng, H. Y., “A novel hybrid forward osmosis–nanofiltration (FO– NF) process for sea water desalination: draw solution selection and system configuration”, Desalination Water Treat., 13: 356–361 (2010).
Year 2020,
, 529 - 541, 27.09.2020
Gülşen Taşkın Çakıcı
Oya Şanlı
Project Number
- M. Homayoonfala, A. Akbaria, M. R. Mehrnia, Preparation of polysulfone nanofiltration membranes by UV-assisted graftingpolymerization for water softening, Desalination 263 (2010) 217-225.
- H. Yua, Y. Caoa, G. Kanga, J. Liua, M. Lia, Q. Yuan, Enhancing antifouling property of polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane bygrafting zwitterionic copolymer via UV-initiated polymerization, J. Membr. Sci. 342 (2009) 6-13.
- W.-W. Yuea, H.-J. Lia, T. Xianga, H. Qina, S.-D. Suna, C.-S. Zhao, Grafting of zwitterion from polysulfone membraneviasurface-initiated ATRP with enhanced antifoulingproperty and biocompatibility, J. Membr. Sci. 446 (2013) 79-91.
- H. Yamagishi, J.V. Crivello, G. Belfort, Development of a novel photochemical technique for modifying poly (arylsulfone) ultrafiltration membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 105 (1995) 237-247.
- T.G. Bilongo, J.C. Remigy, M.J. Clifton, Modification of hollow fibers by UV surface grafting, J. Membr. Sci. 364 (2010) 208-304.
- S. Béquet, J. Remigy, J. Rouch, J. Espenan, From ultrafiltration to nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes: a continuous UV-photografting process, Desalination 144 (2002) 9-14.
- N.K. Saha, M. Balakrishnan, M. Ulbricht, Fouling control in sugarcane juice ultrafiltration with surface modified polysulfone and polyethersulfone membranes, Desalination 249 (2009) 1124-1131.
- H. Yamagishi, J. Crivello, G. Belfort, Evaluation of photochemically modified poly (aryl sulfone) ultrafiltration membranes J. Membr. Sci. 105 (1995) 249-259.
- Kunz, W., Benhabiles A. And Ben-Aim, R., “ Osmotic evaporation through macroporous hydrophobic membranes: a survey of current research and applications’’, J. Mem. Sci., 121: 25-36 (1996).
- Feng, C., Shi, B., Li, G., Wu, Y., “Preparation and properties of microporous membrane from poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene) (F2.4) for membrane distillation”, J. Mem. Sci., 237: 15–24 (2004).
- Babu, B. R., Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., “Effect of process parameters on transmembrane flux during direct osmosis”, J. Mem. Sci., 280: 185–194 (2006).
- Loeb, S., Titelman, L., Korngold, E., Freiman, J., “Effect of porous support fabric on osmosis through a Loeb-Sourirajan type asymmetric membrane”, J. Mem. Sci., 129: 243-249 (1997).
- Nagaraj, N., Patil, G., Babu, B. R., Hebbar, U.H., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., Nene, S., “Mass transfer in osmotic membrane distillation’’, J. Mem. Sci., 268: 48-56 (2006 ).
- Babu, B. R., Rastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S.M.S., “Mass transfer in osmotic membrane distillation of phycocyanin colorant and sweet-lime juice’’, J. Mem. Sci., 272: 58-69 (2006).
- Lai, J. Y., Chen, R. Y., Lee, K. R., ‘Polyvinyl alcohol γ-ray grafted nylon 4 membrane for pervaporation and evapomeation’, Sep. Sci. Tech., 28 (7): 1437-1452 (1993).
- Rhim, J. W., Yoon, S. W., Kim, S. W., Lee, K. H., “Pervaporation separation and
swelling measurement of acetic acid-water mixtures using crosslinked PVA membranes”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 63: 521-527 (1997).
- Uragami, T., Morikawa, T., “Studies on synthesis and permiabilities of special polymer membranes, 70, Permeation and separetion characteristics for aqueous alcoholic solutions by evapomeation and pervaporation through polystyrene membranes”, Makromol. Chem.,190: 399 (1989)
- Wang, K.Y., Chung, T-S., Qin, J-J., “Polybenzimidazole (PBI) nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes applied in forward osmosis process”, J. Mem. Sci., 300: 6-12 (2007).
- Nady, N., Franssen, M. C. R., Zuilhof, H., Eldin, M. S. M., Boom, R., Schroën K., “Modification methods for poly(arylsulfone) membranes: A mini-review focusing on surface modification”, Desalination, 275: 1–9 (2011).
- Peng, M., Li, H., Wu, L., Zheng, Q., Chen, Y., Gu, W., “Porous Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membrane with Highly Hydrophobic Surface”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 98: 1358–1363 (2005).
- Shah, P., Murthy, C. N., “Studies on the porosity control of MWCNT/polysulfone composite membrane and its effect on metal removal”, J. Mem. Sci., 437: 90–98 (2013).
- Petrotos, K. B., Quantick, P., Petropakis, H., “A study of the direct osmotic concentration of tomato juice in tubular membrane - module configuration. I. The effect of certain basic process parameters on the process performance”, J. Mem. Sci., 150: 99-110 (1998).
- Kujawski, W., Sobolewska, A., Jarzynka, K., Güell, C., Ferrando, M., Warczok, J., “Application of osmotic membrane distillation process in red grape juice concentration”, J. Food. Eng., 116: 801-808 (2013).
- Onsekizoglu, P., Bahceci, K. S., Acar, J., “The use of factorial design for modeling membrane distillation”, J. Mem. Sci., 349: 225–230 (2010).
- Wang, L., Min, J., “Modeling and analyses of membrane osmotic distillation using non-equilibrium thermodynamics”, J. Mem. Sci., 378: 462– 470 (2011).
- Varavuth, S., Jiraratananon, R., Atchariyawut, S., “Experimental study on dealcoholization of wine by osmotic distillation process’’ , Sep. Pur. Tech., 66: 313–321 (2009).
- Welty, J. R., Wicks, C. E., Wilson, R. E., Rorrer, G. L., “Fundamentals of momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer”, fifth ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. P. 711
- Thanedgunbaworn, R., Jiraratananon, R., Nguyen, M.H., “Mass and heat transfer analysis in fructose concentrationby osmotic distillation process using hollow fibre module”, J. Food Eng., 78: 126–135 (2007).
- Wrolstad, R. E., McDaniel, M. R., Durst, R. W., Micheals, N., Lampi, K. A.,
Beaudry, E.G., “Composition and sensory characterization of red raspberry juice concentrated by direct-osmosis or evaporisation”, J. Food Sci., 58 (3): 633-637 (1993).
- Beaudry, E. G., Lampi, K. A., “Osmotic concentration of fruit juices”, Flussiges Obst., 57 : 652-656; 663-664(1990).
- Asman, G., Şanlı, O., Tuncel, D., “pH- and Temperature-Sensitive In Vitro Release of Salicylic Acid through Poly(vinyl alcohol-g-acrylamide) Membranes”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 107: 3005–3012 (2008).
- J.A. Prince, D. Rana, G. Singh, T. Matsuura, T. Jun Kai, T.S. Shanmugasundaram, “Effect of Hydrophobic Surface Modifying Macromolecules on Differently Produced PVDF Membranes for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation”, Chem. Eng. J., (2013), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2013.11.039
- Ge, Q., Ling, M., Chung, T.-S., “Draw solutions for forward osmosis processes: Developments, challenges, and prospects for the future”, J. Mem. Sci., 442: 225–237 (2013).
- Tan, C. H., Ng, H. Y., “A novel hybrid forward osmosis–nanofiltration (FO– NF) process for sea water desalination: draw solution selection and system configuration”, Desalination Water Treat., 13: 356–361 (2010).