Research Article
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2D Investigation of a Wing Consept with a NACA 4412 Airfoil in Ground Effect Operation

Year 2021, , 548 - 561, 30.09.2021


Vehicles that operate at altitudes close to the sea surface by taking advantage of the ground effect enable us to overcome the hydrodynamic force exerted by the water on the vehicle, allowing us to reach general aviation speeds, while also making it possible to carry more cargo than an aircraft by taking advantage of the ground effect. In this article, the NACA 4412 profile, which has a wide usage area, high lift/drag ratio and a flat bottom surface, has been chosen as a wing concept for a hoverwing vehicle that operates by making use of ground effect. Turbulence modeling was carried out at flight altitudes where it would be exposed to ground effect with a speed of 22.22 m/s and Re=4,068x106. While the height to the ground was decreased by 0.1 starting from the height of 1 chord, the angle of attack was increased up to 10 degrees in increments of 2 degree, starting from 0 degrees, and computational fluid dynamics analyzes were performed in 2D in the Realizable K-Epsilon experimental model with the help of ANSYS Fluent. As a result of the analyzes made, the highest lift/drag value was obtained as 50 at an angle of attack of 4 degrees and at a height corresponding to 0.1 chord value.


  • [1] ROZHDESTVENSKY, Kirill V. Wing-in-ground effect vehicles. Progress in aerospace sciences, 2006, 42.3: 211-283.
  • [2] AHMED, Mohammed R.; TAKASAKI, T.; KOHAMA, Y_. Aerodynamics of a NACA4412 airfoil in ground effect. AIAA journal, 2007, 45.1: 37-47.
  • [3] JIA, Qing; YANG, Wei; YANG, Zhigang. Numerical study on aerodynamics of banked wing in ground effect. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2016, 8.2: 209-217.
  • [4] HAHN, Tobias, et al. Analysis of wing-in-ground-effect vehicle with regard to safety ensuring control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2014, 47.3: 863-868.
  • [5] WANG, H., et al. Computational aerodynamics and flight stability of wing-in-ground (WIG) craft. Procedia Engineering, 2013, 67: 15-24.
  • [6] WIRIADIDJAJA, Surjatin, et al. Wing In Ground Effect Craft: a Case Study in Aerodynamics. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018, 7.4: 5-9.
  • [7] ZERAATGAR, Hamid; ROSTAMI, Ali Bakhshandeh; NAZARI, Abolfazl. A study on performance of planing-wing hybrid craft. Polish Maritime Research, 2012, 16-22.
  • [8] CUI, Erjie; ZHANG, Xin. Ground effect aerodynamics. Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, 2010.
  • [9] LAO, C. T.; WONG, E. T. T. Cfd simulation of a wing-in-ground-effect uav. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2018. p. 012006.
  • [10] PILLAI, Nikhil S., et al. Investigation on airfoil operating in Ground Effect region. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2014, 3.4: 540-544.
  • [11] JAMES, Daniel; COLLU, Maurizio. Aerodynamically alleviated marine vehicle (AAMV): Bridging the Maritime-to-air domain. In: SNAME 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation. OnePetro, 2015.
  • [12] YUN, Liang; BLIAULT, Alan; DOO, Johnny. WIG craft and ekranoplan. Ground Effect Craft Technology, 2010, 2.
  • [13] CHANETZ, Bruno. A century of wind tunnels since Eiffel. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2017, 345.8: 581-594.
  • [14] UYGUN, Murat; TUNCER, Ismail. A computational study of subsonic flows over a medium range cargo aircraft. In: 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2003. p. 3661.
  • [15] NAVIN, Kumar B., et al. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA 4412 vs S809 Arifoil for Wind Turbine Applications. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 2016, 7: 168-173.
  • [16] REID, Elliott G. A full-scale investigation of ground effect. US Government Printing Office, 1927.
  • [17] SAUNDERS, George H. Aerodynamic characteristics of wings in ground proximity(Ground effect on aerodynamic characteristics of wings and lifting surface theory for finite wing of arbitrary planform). Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 1965, 11: 185-192.
  • [18] NUHAIT, A. O.; MOOK, D. T. Numerical simulation of wings in steady and unsteady ground effects. Journal of aircraft, 1989, 26.12: 1081-1089.
  • [19] CHAWLA, M. D.; EDWARDS, L. C.; FRANKE, M. E. Wind-tunnel investigation of wing-in-ground effects. Journal of Aircraft, 1990, 27.4: 289-293.
  • [20] NUHAIT, A. O.; ZEDAN, M. F. Numerical simulation of unsteady flow induced by a flat plate movingnear ground. Journal of Aircraft, 1993, 30.5: 611-617.
  • [21] HSIUN, Chih-Min; CHEN, Cha'o-Kuang. Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional airfoil with ground effect. Journal of aircraft, 1996, 33.2: 386-392.
  • [22] WOLFE, Walter P.; OCHS, Stuart S. Predicting aerodynamic characteristic of typical wind turbine airfoils using CFD. Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States), 1997.
  • [23] BARBER, T. J.; LEONARDI, E.; ARCHER, R. D. A technical note on the appropriate CFD boundary conditions for the prediction of ground effect aerodynamics. The Aeronautical Journal, 1999, 103.1029: 545-547.
  • [24] BARBER, Tracie Jacqueline; LEONARDI, E.; ARCHER, R. D. Causes for discrepancies in ground effect analyses. The Aeronautical Journal, 2002, 106.1066: 653-668.
  • [25] FONSECA, Gustavo F.; BODSTEIN, Gustavo CR; HIRATA, Miguel H. Numerical simulation of inviscid incompressible two-dimensional airfoil-vortex interaction in ground effect. Journal of aircraft, 2003, 40.4: 653-661.
  • [26] BARBER, Tracie. Aerodynamic ground effect: A case study of the integration of CFD and experiments. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2006, 40.4: 299-316.
  • [27] ABRAMOWSKI, Tomasz. Numerical investigation of airfoil in ground proximity. Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2007, 45: 425-436.
  • [28] SMITH, Justin; GRAHAM, Henry; SMITH, James. The validation of an airfoil in the ground effect regime using 2-D CFD analysis. In: 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference. 2008. p. 4262.
  • [29] BADRAN, Omar; ALDUDAK, Regis Quadros Fettah; UND AERODYNAMIK, Fachgebiet Stromungslehre. Two-equation turbulence models for turbulent flow over a NACA 4412 airfoil at angle of attack 15 degree. Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering technology, Al-BalqaApplied University, PO Box, 2008, 331006.
  • [30] ZHANG, Xuan; QU, Qiulin; AGARWAL, Ramesh K. Computation of flow field of an airfoil with gurney flap in ground effect. In: 35th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference. 2017. p. 4466.
  • [31] BRAVO-MOSQUERA, Pedro David, et al. Conceptual design and CFD analysis of a new prototype of agricultural aircraft. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 80: 156-176.
  • [32] OXYZOGLOU, Ioannis; XIE, Zheng-Tong. Effects of heaving motion on the aerodynamic performance of a double element wing in ground effect. Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, 2020, 1. doi:10.32604/fdmp.2020.012237


Year 2021, , 548 - 561, 30.09.2021


Yer etkisinden faydalanarak deniz yüzeyine yakın irtifada operasyon yürüten taşıtlar, suyun taşıta uygulamış olduğu hidrodinamik kuvveti yenmemizi sağlayarak genel havacılık hızlarına ulaşılmasına olanak tanırken yer etkisinden faydalanarak bir uçaktan daha fazla yük taşımamızı da mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu makalede yer etkisinden faydalanarak operasyon yürüten bir hoverwing taşıtı için kanat konsepti olarak geniş bir kullanım alanına sahip, kaldırma/sürükleme oranı yüksek ve düz bir alt yüzeye sahip olan NACA 4412 profili seçilmiştir. Hız olarak 22.22 m/s ve Re=4,068x106 değerlerinde yer etkisine maruz kalacağı uçuş irtifalarında türbülans modellemesi yapılmıştır. Zemine olan yükseklik 1 veter yüksekliğinden başlayarak 0.1’lik oranda azaltılırken, hücum açısı 0 dereceden başlayarak 2 şer derecelik artımlarla 10 dereceye kadar artırılarak ANSYS Fluent yardımı ile hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği analizleri Realizable K-Epsilon deney modelinde 2D olarak yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda 4 derece hücum açısında ve 0.1 veter değerine denk gelen yükseklikte en yüksek kaldırma/sürükleme değeri 50 olarak elde edilmiştir.


  • [1] ROZHDESTVENSKY, Kirill V. Wing-in-ground effect vehicles. Progress in aerospace sciences, 2006, 42.3: 211-283.
  • [2] AHMED, Mohammed R.; TAKASAKI, T.; KOHAMA, Y_. Aerodynamics of a NACA4412 airfoil in ground effect. AIAA journal, 2007, 45.1: 37-47.
  • [3] JIA, Qing; YANG, Wei; YANG, Zhigang. Numerical study on aerodynamics of banked wing in ground effect. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2016, 8.2: 209-217.
  • [4] HAHN, Tobias, et al. Analysis of wing-in-ground-effect vehicle with regard to safety ensuring control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2014, 47.3: 863-868.
  • [5] WANG, H., et al. Computational aerodynamics and flight stability of wing-in-ground (WIG) craft. Procedia Engineering, 2013, 67: 15-24.
  • [6] WIRIADIDJAJA, Surjatin, et al. Wing In Ground Effect Craft: a Case Study in Aerodynamics. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018, 7.4: 5-9.
  • [7] ZERAATGAR, Hamid; ROSTAMI, Ali Bakhshandeh; NAZARI, Abolfazl. A study on performance of planing-wing hybrid craft. Polish Maritime Research, 2012, 16-22.
  • [8] CUI, Erjie; ZHANG, Xin. Ground effect aerodynamics. Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, 2010.
  • [9] LAO, C. T.; WONG, E. T. T. Cfd simulation of a wing-in-ground-effect uav. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2018. p. 012006.
  • [10] PILLAI, Nikhil S., et al. Investigation on airfoil operating in Ground Effect region. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2014, 3.4: 540-544.
  • [11] JAMES, Daniel; COLLU, Maurizio. Aerodynamically alleviated marine vehicle (AAMV): Bridging the Maritime-to-air domain. In: SNAME 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation. OnePetro, 2015.
  • [12] YUN, Liang; BLIAULT, Alan; DOO, Johnny. WIG craft and ekranoplan. Ground Effect Craft Technology, 2010, 2.
  • [13] CHANETZ, Bruno. A century of wind tunnels since Eiffel. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2017, 345.8: 581-594.
  • [14] UYGUN, Murat; TUNCER, Ismail. A computational study of subsonic flows over a medium range cargo aircraft. In: 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2003. p. 3661.
  • [15] NAVIN, Kumar B., et al. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA 4412 vs S809 Arifoil for Wind Turbine Applications. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 2016, 7: 168-173.
  • [16] REID, Elliott G. A full-scale investigation of ground effect. US Government Printing Office, 1927.
  • [17] SAUNDERS, George H. Aerodynamic characteristics of wings in ground proximity(Ground effect on aerodynamic characteristics of wings and lifting surface theory for finite wing of arbitrary planform). Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 1965, 11: 185-192.
  • [18] NUHAIT, A. O.; MOOK, D. T. Numerical simulation of wings in steady and unsteady ground effects. Journal of aircraft, 1989, 26.12: 1081-1089.
  • [19] CHAWLA, M. D.; EDWARDS, L. C.; FRANKE, M. E. Wind-tunnel investigation of wing-in-ground effects. Journal of Aircraft, 1990, 27.4: 289-293.
  • [20] NUHAIT, A. O.; ZEDAN, M. F. Numerical simulation of unsteady flow induced by a flat plate movingnear ground. Journal of Aircraft, 1993, 30.5: 611-617.
  • [21] HSIUN, Chih-Min; CHEN, Cha'o-Kuang. Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional airfoil with ground effect. Journal of aircraft, 1996, 33.2: 386-392.
  • [22] WOLFE, Walter P.; OCHS, Stuart S. Predicting aerodynamic characteristic of typical wind turbine airfoils using CFD. Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States), 1997.
  • [23] BARBER, T. J.; LEONARDI, E.; ARCHER, R. D. A technical note on the appropriate CFD boundary conditions for the prediction of ground effect aerodynamics. The Aeronautical Journal, 1999, 103.1029: 545-547.
  • [24] BARBER, Tracie Jacqueline; LEONARDI, E.; ARCHER, R. D. Causes for discrepancies in ground effect analyses. The Aeronautical Journal, 2002, 106.1066: 653-668.
  • [25] FONSECA, Gustavo F.; BODSTEIN, Gustavo CR; HIRATA, Miguel H. Numerical simulation of inviscid incompressible two-dimensional airfoil-vortex interaction in ground effect. Journal of aircraft, 2003, 40.4: 653-661.
  • [26] BARBER, Tracie. Aerodynamic ground effect: A case study of the integration of CFD and experiments. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2006, 40.4: 299-316.
  • [27] ABRAMOWSKI, Tomasz. Numerical investigation of airfoil in ground proximity. Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2007, 45: 425-436.
  • [28] SMITH, Justin; GRAHAM, Henry; SMITH, James. The validation of an airfoil in the ground effect regime using 2-D CFD analysis. In: 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference. 2008. p. 4262.
  • [29] BADRAN, Omar; ALDUDAK, Regis Quadros Fettah; UND AERODYNAMIK, Fachgebiet Stromungslehre. Two-equation turbulence models for turbulent flow over a NACA 4412 airfoil at angle of attack 15 degree. Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering technology, Al-BalqaApplied University, PO Box, 2008, 331006.
  • [30] ZHANG, Xuan; QU, Qiulin; AGARWAL, Ramesh K. Computation of flow field of an airfoil with gurney flap in ground effect. In: 35th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference. 2017. p. 4466.
  • [31] BRAVO-MOSQUERA, Pedro David, et al. Conceptual design and CFD analysis of a new prototype of agricultural aircraft. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 80: 156-176.
  • [32] OXYZOGLOU, Ioannis; XIE, Zheng-Tong. Effects of heaving motion on the aerodynamic performance of a double element wing in ground effect. Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, 2020, 1. doi:10.32604/fdmp.2020.012237
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Tasarım ve Teknoloji

Tugay Öztürk 0000-0002-2576-3974

Ömer Çağdaş Çınkır 0000-0002-4610-1267

Satılmış Ürgün 0000-0003-3889-6909

Sinan Fidan 0000-0003-4385-4981

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Submission Date June 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Öztürk, T., Çınkır, Ö. Ç., Ürgün, S., Fidan, S. (2021). 2D Investigation of a Wing Consept with a NACA 4412 Airfoil in Ground Effect Operation. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 9(3), 548-561.

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