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Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Felsefesinin Kamu Hizmetinde Kalite ve Performans Anlayışı

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 35, 7 - 24, 31.03.2024


Geleneksel kamu yönetimi işleyişinde yaşanan sorunlar nedeniyle yeni kamu yönetimi anlayışı benimsenmiş, kamu yönetiminde katı bürokratik yapıdan girişimci, hizmet sunumunda etkin, sonuç odaklı, esnek ve yönetişim temelli bir yapıya geçiş başlamıştır. Yeni kamu yönetimi anlayışıyla birlikte kamu hizmetinde kalitenin ve performansın sağlanmasında yeni kamu işletmeciliği süreçleri önemsenmiştir. Kamu hizmetinde kalite ancak devletin rolüne göre değerlendirilebilecektir. Kamu hizmeti gerçekleştirilirken eldeki kaynaklar, sosyal getiri oranlarını maksimize edecek şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Fakat kamu hizmetinin hangi düzeyde uygulanabileceği önemli bir tartışma sorusudur. Bu kapsamda kamu hizmetlerinde stratejik ve yenilikçi hedefler gözetilerek, etkinlik, verimlilik, şeffaflık, hesap verebilir ve müşteri odaklı hizmet anlayışına ağırlık verilmiştir. Çalışmanın, bu kapsamda detaylı olarak ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla kamu hizmetinde kalite ve performans anlayışı ve dinamikleri üzerinde durulmuş, yeni kamu yönetimi felsefesinin kamu hizmetinde kalite ve performansa yansıması kapsamında kavramsal ve kuramsal temelleri ve özellikleriyle birlikte incelenerek bağlamsal bilgilerle birlikte literatür çalışması gerçekleştirilmiş ve çalışmanın yöntemi oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma sürecinde kamu yönetimi reformlarıyla birlikte yeni kamu yönetimi anlayışını içeren yazında kalite ve performansa dair çalışmaların arttığı ve bu çalışmaların önemsendiği gözlemlenmiştir.


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  • Bouckaert, G. ve Walle, S. V. de (2003). “Quality of Public Service Delivery and Trust in Government”, (içinde), Salminen, A. Governing Networks. IOS Press, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central. Web. 21 October 2016.
  • Boyne, G. A. (2003). “Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.13, No.3, ss.367-394.
  • Caiden, G. E. (2009).“Building Blocks Toward a Theory of Public Administration” (içinde), Buereauracy and Administration, Public Administration and Public Policy/153, Editör: Ali FARAZMAND, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, ss.125-138.
  • Campbell, J. P. (2012). “Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness in the Twenty-first Century”, (içinde) Steve W. J. Kozlowski (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Volume 1, Oxford Library of Psychology (2012; Web. Oxford Academic, 18 Sept. 2012).
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  • Cochrane, G. (2018). Max Weber’s Vision for Bureaucracy - A Casualty of World War I. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-62289-7 (eBook) - DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62289-7.
  • Çoban, H. Ve Deyneli, F. (2005). Kamuda Kalite Arttırma Çabaları ve Performansa Dayalı Bütçeleme, 23 – 27 Mayıs 2005 Maliye Sempozyumu: Türkiye’de Yeniden Mali Yapılanma, ss. 326- 344
  • Denhardt, J.V. ve Denhardt, R.B. (2007). The New Public Service: Serving Not Steering. Armonk, US: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 8 August 2016. Expanded Edition. ISBN 978-0-7656-1998-3.
  • Denhardt, R.B. ve Denhardt, J.V. (2000). The New Public Service: Serving Rather Than Steering. Public Adm. Rev. 60 (6), ss. 549 – 559.
  • Frederickson, H. G. (1997). The Spirit of Public Administration. Jossey-Bass: San Fransisco, CA.
  • Gawthrop, L. C. (1998). Public Service and Democracy. ChathamHouse: New York.
  • Gay, P. D. (2000). In Praise of Bureaucracy - Weber · Organization · Ethics. SAGE Publications, London, ISBN 0-7619-5503-8.
  • Gerth, H. H. Ve Mills, C. W. (1946). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Oxford University Press.
  • Henderson, A. M. ve Parsons, T. (1947). Max Weber: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Oxford University Press.
  • Hoffman, J. (2007). “A Glossary of Political Theory”, Edinburgh University Press.
  • Hood, C. (1991). “A Public Management for All Seasons?”, Public Adm. 69 (1), ss. 3-19.
  • Hood, C. (1994). “Explaining Economic Policy Reversals”; Open University Press: Buckingham, Philadelphia.
  • Horton, S. (2008). “History and Persistence of an Idea and an Ideal”, (İçinde) Motivation in Public Management: The Call of Public Service. Editör: James L. PERRY., Annie HONDEGHEM., Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press, ss.17-33. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 11 August 2016.
  • Kirmanoğlu, H. (2014). Kamu Ekonomisi Analizi, Beta Basım Yayım, 5.Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Leblebici N.D., Ömürgönülşen U. ve Aydın, M. D. (2001), “Yeni Kamu İşletmeciliği Yaklaşımında Önemli Bir Araç: Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Cilt 19, Sayı l, ss. 123-135.
  • Lin, T. (2012). “Explaining Citizens’ Satisfaction With Public Service Quality in Chinese Cities 2010: Citizen-Level Predictors vs. City-Level Predictors”, (İçinde) Building Service-Oriented Government: Lessons, Challenges and Prospects. Editör: Wu Wei, ss.145-162. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 10 August 2016, Singapore, SG: WSPC.
  • Lord, N. (1995). First Report of the Committee on Standards of Public Life, Cmnd 2850(1), Vol. XV, No. 2, pp 1-14, (London: HMSO).
  • Lorımer, R. ve Scannell, P. (1994). Mass Communications, A Comparative Introduction, Manchester University Press, Mancehester and Newyork.
  • McCullough, D., John Adams, Simon & Schuster Publisher, New York, 2001.
  • Newman, J. (2010). “Serving the Public? Users, Consumers and the Limits of NPM”, Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Per. (içinde) The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. Farnham, GB: Routledge. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 August 2016.
  • Osborne, S. P. (2010). “Public Governance and Public Services: A’Brave New World’ or New Wine in Old Bottles?, Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Per. The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Farnham, ss.417 430. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 August 2016, New York, GB: Routledge.
  • Pollitt, C. (1993). Managerialism and the Public Services; Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Scott G. C. (1996). Government Reform in New Zealand, International Monetary Fund. ISBN 1-55775-540-X, U.S.A.
  • Sigma (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) Report 57, (2018). Toolkit for the Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation Sector of Public Strategies. Monitoring, Administration Reporting Reform HYPERLINK “ officialdocuments/publicdisplaydocumentpdf/?cote=GOV/ SIGMA(2018)3&docLanguage=En”& HYPERLINK “ icdisplaydocumentpdf/?cote=GOV/ SIGMA(2018)3&docLanguage=En”docLanguage=En Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2022.
  • Tanzi V. (2000). “The Role of the State and the Quality of the Public Sector”, International Monetary Fund Working Paper, Fiscal Affairs Department. ss. 1-27.
  • Teklu, A. (2016). (Tez) Factors that Influence Business Income Taxpayers Compliance (A Case Study In Large Taxpayer Branch Office), Saint Mary University School of Graduate Studies.
  • Trogen, P. C. (2005). “Public Goods” Handbook of Public Sector Economics, Public Administration and Public Policy/112, (Edited by Donijo ROBBINS Grand Valley State University Grand Rapids/Michigan), U.S. Taylor&Francis Group, ss. 169-207.
  • Tullock, G. (1976). The Vote Motive, Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
  • Vătuiu V. E. ve Vătuiu T. (2010). “Monitoring the Management Quality of the Public Administration Area by Using the Computer Applications”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, ISSN 2069-5934,
  • Wheelan, C., Çıplak Ekonomi (Naked Economics), Küresel Ekonomiyi Eğlenceli Bir Dille Okumak, Pegasus Yayınları:1089, Mayıs 2015. Çeviren: Giray ERİN.
  • World Development Report, Equity and Development, The World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • World Public Sector, Report. “Reconstructing Public Administration after conflict: Challenges, Practices and Lessons Learned,” New York: Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2010.
  • Yu, W. (2012). “Political Trust, Public Service Performance and Government Transparency in China”, (İçinde), Building Service-Oriented Government: Lessons, Challenges and Prospects. Editör: Wu Wei, World Scientific Publishing Company, ss.119-144, ProQuest Ebook Central. Web. 21 October 2016.
  • Zhou, Z. (2013). A Study on Globalizing Cities, Theoretical Frameworks and China’s Modes, World Century Publishing Corporation.
Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 35, 7 - 24, 31.03.2024



  • Atiyas, İ. ve Sayın, Ş. (1997). Siyasi Sorumluluk, Yönetsel Sorumluluk ve Bütçe Sistemi: Bir Yeniden Yapılanma Önerisine Doğru, TESEV (Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı, Boyut Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
  • Besley, T. ve Ghatak, M. (2007). “Reforming Public Service Delivery”, London School of Economics, London WC2A 2AE, UK. Journal of African Economies, Volume 16, Aerc Supplement 1, ss. 127-156. doi:10.1093/jae/ejm026.
  • Bouckaert, G. ve Walle, S. V. de (2003). “Quality of Public Service Delivery and Trust in Government”, (içinde), Salminen, A. Governing Networks. IOS Press, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central. Web. 21 October 2016.
  • Boyne, G. A. (2003). “Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.13, No.3, ss.367-394.
  • Caiden, G. E. (2009).“Building Blocks Toward a Theory of Public Administration” (içinde), Buereauracy and Administration, Public Administration and Public Policy/153, Editör: Ali FARAZMAND, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, ss.125-138.
  • Campbell, J. P. (2012). “Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness in the Twenty-first Century”, (içinde) Steve W. J. Kozlowski (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Volume 1, Oxford Library of Psychology (2012; Web. Oxford Academic, 18 Sept. 2012).
  • Campbell, J. P. ve Wiernik, B. M. (2015). The Modeling and Assessment of Work Performance. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, V. 2, ss. 47-74.
  • Cochrane, G. (2018). Max Weber’s Vision for Bureaucracy - A Casualty of World War I. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-62289-7 (eBook) - DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62289-7.
  • Çoban, H. Ve Deyneli, F. (2005). Kamuda Kalite Arttırma Çabaları ve Performansa Dayalı Bütçeleme, 23 – 27 Mayıs 2005 Maliye Sempozyumu: Türkiye’de Yeniden Mali Yapılanma, ss. 326- 344
  • Denhardt, J.V. ve Denhardt, R.B. (2007). The New Public Service: Serving Not Steering. Armonk, US: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 8 August 2016. Expanded Edition. ISBN 978-0-7656-1998-3.
  • Denhardt, R.B. ve Denhardt, J.V. (2000). The New Public Service: Serving Rather Than Steering. Public Adm. Rev. 60 (6), ss. 549 – 559.
  • Frederickson, H. G. (1997). The Spirit of Public Administration. Jossey-Bass: San Fransisco, CA.
  • Gawthrop, L. C. (1998). Public Service and Democracy. ChathamHouse: New York.
  • Gay, P. D. (2000). In Praise of Bureaucracy - Weber · Organization · Ethics. SAGE Publications, London, ISBN 0-7619-5503-8.
  • Gerth, H. H. Ve Mills, C. W. (1946). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Oxford University Press.
  • Henderson, A. M. ve Parsons, T. (1947). Max Weber: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Oxford University Press.
  • Hoffman, J. (2007). “A Glossary of Political Theory”, Edinburgh University Press.
  • Hood, C. (1991). “A Public Management for All Seasons?”, Public Adm. 69 (1), ss. 3-19.
  • Hood, C. (1994). “Explaining Economic Policy Reversals”; Open University Press: Buckingham, Philadelphia.
  • Horton, S. (2008). “History and Persistence of an Idea and an Ideal”, (İçinde) Motivation in Public Management: The Call of Public Service. Editör: James L. PERRY., Annie HONDEGHEM., Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press, ss.17-33. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 11 August 2016.
  • Kirmanoğlu, H. (2014). Kamu Ekonomisi Analizi, Beta Basım Yayım, 5.Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Leblebici N.D., Ömürgönülşen U. ve Aydın, M. D. (2001), “Yeni Kamu İşletmeciliği Yaklaşımında Önemli Bir Araç: Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Cilt 19, Sayı l, ss. 123-135.
  • Lin, T. (2012). “Explaining Citizens’ Satisfaction With Public Service Quality in Chinese Cities 2010: Citizen-Level Predictors vs. City-Level Predictors”, (İçinde) Building Service-Oriented Government: Lessons, Challenges and Prospects. Editör: Wu Wei, ss.145-162. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 10 August 2016, Singapore, SG: WSPC.
  • Lord, N. (1995). First Report of the Committee on Standards of Public Life, Cmnd 2850(1), Vol. XV, No. 2, pp 1-14, (London: HMSO).
  • Lorımer, R. ve Scannell, P. (1994). Mass Communications, A Comparative Introduction, Manchester University Press, Mancehester and Newyork.
  • McCullough, D., John Adams, Simon & Schuster Publisher, New York, 2001.
  • Newman, J. (2010). “Serving the Public? Users, Consumers and the Limits of NPM”, Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Per. (içinde) The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. Farnham, GB: Routledge. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 August 2016.
  • Osborne, S. P. (2010). “Public Governance and Public Services: A’Brave New World’ or New Wine in Old Bottles?, Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Per. The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. Editör: Christensen, Tom, and Lægreid, Farnham, ss.417 430. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 August 2016, New York, GB: Routledge.
  • Pollitt, C. (1993). Managerialism and the Public Services; Blackwell: Oxford.
  • Scott G. C. (1996). Government Reform in New Zealand, International Monetary Fund. ISBN 1-55775-540-X, U.S.A.
  • Sigma (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) Report 57, (2018). Toolkit for the Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation Sector of Public Strategies. Monitoring, Administration Reporting Reform HYPERLINK “ officialdocuments/publicdisplaydocumentpdf/?cote=GOV/ SIGMA(2018)3&docLanguage=En”& HYPERLINK “ icdisplaydocumentpdf/?cote=GOV/ SIGMA(2018)3&docLanguage=En”docLanguage=En Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2022.
  • Tanzi V. (2000). “The Role of the State and the Quality of the Public Sector”, International Monetary Fund Working Paper, Fiscal Affairs Department. ss. 1-27.
  • Teklu, A. (2016). (Tez) Factors that Influence Business Income Taxpayers Compliance (A Case Study In Large Taxpayer Branch Office), Saint Mary University School of Graduate Studies.
  • Trogen, P. C. (2005). “Public Goods” Handbook of Public Sector Economics, Public Administration and Public Policy/112, (Edited by Donijo ROBBINS Grand Valley State University Grand Rapids/Michigan), U.S. Taylor&Francis Group, ss. 169-207.
  • Tullock, G. (1976). The Vote Motive, Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
  • Vătuiu V. E. ve Vătuiu T. (2010). “Monitoring the Management Quality of the Public Administration Area by Using the Computer Applications”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, ISSN 2069-5934,
  • Wheelan, C., Çıplak Ekonomi (Naked Economics), Küresel Ekonomiyi Eğlenceli Bir Dille Okumak, Pegasus Yayınları:1089, Mayıs 2015. Çeviren: Giray ERİN.
  • World Development Report, Equity and Development, The World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • World Public Sector, Report. “Reconstructing Public Administration after conflict: Challenges, Practices and Lessons Learned,” New York: Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2010.
  • Yu, W. (2012). “Political Trust, Public Service Performance and Government Transparency in China”, (İçinde), Building Service-Oriented Government: Lessons, Challenges and Prospects. Editör: Wu Wei, World Scientific Publishing Company, ss.119-144, ProQuest Ebook Central. Web. 21 October 2016.
  • Zhou, Z. (2013). A Study on Globalizing Cities, Theoretical Frameworks and China’s Modes, World Century Publishing Corporation.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Administration, Public Finance
Journal Section Research Articles

Hüseyin Güçlü Çiçek 0000-0003-2883-9468

Azize Ökten 0000-0001-7725-7670

Publication Date March 31, 2024
Submission Date February 19, 2024
Acceptance Date March 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 35


APA Çiçek, H. G., & Ökten, A. (2024). Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Felsefesinin Kamu Hizmetinde Kalite ve Performans Anlayışı. Gümrük Ve Ticaret Dergisi, 11(35), 7-24.

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