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Fikrî Mülkiyet Haklarının Vergilendirilmesinde Ayrıcalıklı Bir Vergi Rejimi: Patent Box Sistemi

Year 2025, Volume: 12 Issue: 38, 95 - 105


Fikrî mülkiyet haklarına yönelik vergisel düzenlemeler, bir ülkede faaliyette bulunan firmaların Ar-Ge faaliyetlerini ve inovasyona yönelik stratejilerini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle ülkeler, düşük vergi oranları ve diğer vergisel teşvikler ile firmaları ülkede inovasyon ve Ar-Ge faaliyetleri yürütme konusunda teşvik etmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Bu teşviklerin en önemlilerinden biri de Patent Box sistemidir. Patent Box sistemi ile şirketlerin uluslararası rekabet gücünün arttırılması sağlanırken, fikrî mülkiyet hakkının vergi oranı düşük diğer ülkelere kaydırılmasının önüne geçilmektedir. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmanın amacı, fikrî mülkiyet haklarına yönelik bir vergi teşvik sistemi olan Patent Box sisteminin incelenmesidir. Patent Box sistemi fikrî mülkiyet haklarının vergilendirilmesinde ülkelerce en yaygın olarak kullanılan teşvik sistemidir. Çalışma kapsamında Patent Box sisteminin temel işleyişi hakkında bilgiler verilerek; Belçika, Birleşik Krallık, Fransa, Hollanda, İrlanda ve Türkiye uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada ülke uygulamaları karşılaştırılmış ve benzer vergi avantajlarının farklı yöntemlerle sağlandığı, uygulama kapsamlarının farklı olduğu, Türkiye dışındaki diğer ülkelerin OECD’nin Nexus Yaklaşımına uygun teşvikler sağladığı, Türkiye’nin bu standartlara henüz uyum sağlamadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Alstadsæter, A., Barrios, S., Nicodeme, G., Skonieczna, A. M., ve Vezzani, A. (2018). Patent Boxes Design, Patents, Location, and Local R&D. Economic Policy, 33(93), 131-177,
  • Appelt, S., Cabral, A. C. G., Hanappi, T., Galindo-Rueda, F., ve O’Reilly, P. (2023). Cost and Uptake of Income-Based Tax Incentives for R&D and Innovation. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers No: 2023/0,, Erişim Tarihi: 07.01.2025
  • Atkinson, R. D., ve Andes, S. (2011). Patent Boxes: Innovation in Tax Policy and Tax Policy for Innovation. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation,, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • Belçika Maliye Bakanlığı (2024). Tax Incentives for Research & Development & Innovation., Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Bradley, S., Dauchy, E. P., and Robinson, L. (2015). Cross-Country Evidence on the Preliminary Effects of Patent Box Regimes on Patent Activity and Ownership. Tuck School of Business Working Paper No. 2681433,, Erişim Tarihi: 06.01.2025
  • Brown, J. M. (2012). Patent Box Taxation: A Comparison of Four Recent European Patent Box Tax Regimes and an Analytical Consideration of if and How the United States Should Implement Its Own Patent Box. International Lawyer, 46(3),, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • Çelebi, A. K., ve Kahriman, H. (2011). Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri ve Türkiye’de Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Vergi Teşvikleri ve Bunların Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, (161), 33-63.
  • De Luca, A., ve Hausch, J. (2017). Patent Box Regimes - A Vehicle for Innovation and Sustainable Economic Growth. Canadian Tax Journal, 65(1),, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • De Rassenfosse, G. (2015). Patent Box Policies. Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science., Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • Eser, L. Y., ve Şenel, K. (2021). İnovasyona Yönelik Vergi Politikası: Patent Box Rejimi. Uluslararası Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 17-36.
  • Evers, L., Miller, H., ve Spengler, C. (2015). Intellectual Property Box Regimes: Effective Tax Rates and Tax Policy Considerations. International Tax Public Finance, 22(3),
  • EY (2024). Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide 2024. EYGM Limited,, Erişim Tarihi: 06.01.2025
  • Fabris, D. (2019). To Open the Box or to Close the Box? “Patent Box” Regimes in the EU Between R&D Incentives and Harmful Tax Practices. Amsterdam Law Forum, 11(1), 33-65,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • Flanagan, D. (2016). Knowledge Development Box: Best in Class?., Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • Gaessler, F., Hall, B. H., ve Harhoff, D. (2021). Should there be lower taxes on patent income?. Research Policy, 50(1),
  • Göçer, İ., Kutbay, H., Gerede, C., ve Aslan, R. (2014). Vergi Teşviklerinin Ar-Ge ve İnovasyona Etkisi: Panel Eşbütünleşme ve Nedensellik Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, (167), 163-183.
  • Gravelle, J. G. (2016). A Patent/Innovation Box as a Tax Incentive for Domestic Research and Development. CRS Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • Griffith, R., Miller, H., ve O’Connel, M. (2014). Ownership of Intellectual Property and Corporate Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 112, 12-23,
  • Hollanda Vergi İdaresi. Innovatiebox,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • İrlanda Fikrî Mülkiyet Ofisi. Knowledge Development Box,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • İrlanda Maliye Bakanlığı (2022). Research & Development Tax Credit and the Knowledge Development Box., Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Kutbay, H., ve Öz, E. (2021). Seçilmiş Ülkelerde Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerine Sağlanan Vergi Teşvikleri. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (67), 28-48.
  • Lester, R. (2021). Tax accounting research on corporate investment: A discussion of the impact of IP box regimes on the M&A market by Bradley, Ruf, and Robinson (2021). Journal of Accounting and Economics, 72(2-3),
  • Monsenego, J. (2021). The New IP Box Regime in France. 21 Ocak 2021,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Neubig, T., Galindo-Rueda, F., Appelt, S., Criscuolo, C., ve Bajgar, M. (2016). Fiscal Incentives for R&D and Innovation in a Diverse World. OECD Taxation Working Papers No: 27,
  • OECD Data Explorer,
  • OECD (2015). Countering Harmful Tax Practices More Effectively, Taking into Account Transparency and Substance, Action 5 - 2015 Final Report. OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD (2023). Income-Based Tax Relief for R&D and Innovation: An Integrated View. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers No: 161, OECD Publishing.
  • Orkunoğlu Şahin, I. F., ve Yereli, A. B. (2016). Seçilmiş AB Ülkelerinde ve Türkiye’de Patent Gelirlerine İlişkin Vergileme “Patent Box” Rejimi. Sosyoekonomi, 24(29), 183-203.
  • Pfeiffer, O., ve Spengel, C. (2017). Tax Incentives Research and Development and Their Use in Tax Planning. ZEW Discussion Paper No: 17-046,, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • PwC (2024). France Corporate-Tax Credits and Incentives. 18 Mart 2024,, Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2025
  • Rowe-Brown, M., ve James, H. (2020). Patent Box Evaluation. HM Revenue & Customs., Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2025
  • Sakar, A. Y. (2015). Innovation for a New Tax Incentive: Patent Box Regime Turkey and the EU Application. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 544-553,
  • Silva-Gámez, A. I., Méndez-Prado, S. M., bve Arauz, A. (2022). What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 14(18),
  • World Intellectual Property Organization, What is Intellectual Property?,, 03.01.2025

A Privileged Tax Regime for the Taxation of Intellectual Property Rights: Patent Box System

Year 2025, Volume: 12 Issue: 38, 95 - 105


Tax regulations on intellectual property rights directly affect the R&D activities and innovation strategies of firms in a country. For this reason, countries try to encourage firms to carry out innovation and R&D activities in the country through low tax rates and other tax incentives. One of the most important of these incentives is the Patent Box system. With the Patent Box system, while increasing the international competitiveness of companies, the transfer of intellectual property rights to other countries with low tax rates is prevented. In this context, the purpose of this study is to analyze the Patent Box system, which is a tax incentive system for intellectual property rights. Patent Box system is the most widely used incentive system by countries in the taxation of intellectual property rights. Within the scope of the study, information about the basic functioning of the Patent Box system is given and information about the practices of Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Ireland and Türkiye is explained. In the study, country practices are compared and it is concluded that similar tax advantages are provided by different methods, the scope of implementation is different, other countries except Türkiye provide incentives in accordance with the OECD's Nexus Approach, while Türkiye has not yet adapted to these standards.


  • Alstadsæter, A., Barrios, S., Nicodeme, G., Skonieczna, A. M., ve Vezzani, A. (2018). Patent Boxes Design, Patents, Location, and Local R&D. Economic Policy, 33(93), 131-177,
  • Appelt, S., Cabral, A. C. G., Hanappi, T., Galindo-Rueda, F., ve O’Reilly, P. (2023). Cost and Uptake of Income-Based Tax Incentives for R&D and Innovation. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers No: 2023/0,, Erişim Tarihi: 07.01.2025
  • Atkinson, R. D., ve Andes, S. (2011). Patent Boxes: Innovation in Tax Policy and Tax Policy for Innovation. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation,, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • Belçika Maliye Bakanlığı (2024). Tax Incentives for Research & Development & Innovation., Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Bradley, S., Dauchy, E. P., and Robinson, L. (2015). Cross-Country Evidence on the Preliminary Effects of Patent Box Regimes on Patent Activity and Ownership. Tuck School of Business Working Paper No. 2681433,, Erişim Tarihi: 06.01.2025
  • Brown, J. M. (2012). Patent Box Taxation: A Comparison of Four Recent European Patent Box Tax Regimes and an Analytical Consideration of if and How the United States Should Implement Its Own Patent Box. International Lawyer, 46(3),, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • Çelebi, A. K., ve Kahriman, H. (2011). Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri ve Türkiye’de Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Vergi Teşvikleri ve Bunların Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, (161), 33-63.
  • De Luca, A., ve Hausch, J. (2017). Patent Box Regimes - A Vehicle for Innovation and Sustainable Economic Growth. Canadian Tax Journal, 65(1),, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • De Rassenfosse, G. (2015). Patent Box Policies. Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science., Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • Eser, L. Y., ve Şenel, K. (2021). İnovasyona Yönelik Vergi Politikası: Patent Box Rejimi. Uluslararası Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 17-36.
  • Evers, L., Miller, H., ve Spengler, C. (2015). Intellectual Property Box Regimes: Effective Tax Rates and Tax Policy Considerations. International Tax Public Finance, 22(3),
  • EY (2024). Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide 2024. EYGM Limited,, Erişim Tarihi: 06.01.2025
  • Fabris, D. (2019). To Open the Box or to Close the Box? “Patent Box” Regimes in the EU Between R&D Incentives and Harmful Tax Practices. Amsterdam Law Forum, 11(1), 33-65,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • Flanagan, D. (2016). Knowledge Development Box: Best in Class?., Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • Gaessler, F., Hall, B. H., ve Harhoff, D. (2021). Should there be lower taxes on patent income?. Research Policy, 50(1),
  • Göçer, İ., Kutbay, H., Gerede, C., ve Aslan, R. (2014). Vergi Teşviklerinin Ar-Ge ve İnovasyona Etkisi: Panel Eşbütünleşme ve Nedensellik Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, (167), 163-183.
  • Gravelle, J. G. (2016). A Patent/Innovation Box as a Tax Incentive for Domestic Research and Development. CRS Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2025
  • Griffith, R., Miller, H., ve O’Connel, M. (2014). Ownership of Intellectual Property and Corporate Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 112, 12-23,
  • Hollanda Vergi İdaresi. Innovatiebox,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2025
  • İrlanda Fikrî Mülkiyet Ofisi. Knowledge Development Box,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • İrlanda Maliye Bakanlığı (2022). Research & Development Tax Credit and the Knowledge Development Box., Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Kutbay, H., ve Öz, E. (2021). Seçilmiş Ülkelerde Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerine Sağlanan Vergi Teşvikleri. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (67), 28-48.
  • Lester, R. (2021). Tax accounting research on corporate investment: A discussion of the impact of IP box regimes on the M&A market by Bradley, Ruf, and Robinson (2021). Journal of Accounting and Economics, 72(2-3),
  • Monsenego, J. (2021). The New IP Box Regime in France. 21 Ocak 2021,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.01.2025
  • Neubig, T., Galindo-Rueda, F., Appelt, S., Criscuolo, C., ve Bajgar, M. (2016). Fiscal Incentives for R&D and Innovation in a Diverse World. OECD Taxation Working Papers No: 27,
  • OECD Data Explorer,
  • OECD (2015). Countering Harmful Tax Practices More Effectively, Taking into Account Transparency and Substance, Action 5 - 2015 Final Report. OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD (2023). Income-Based Tax Relief for R&D and Innovation: An Integrated View. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers No: 161, OECD Publishing.
  • Orkunoğlu Şahin, I. F., ve Yereli, A. B. (2016). Seçilmiş AB Ülkelerinde ve Türkiye’de Patent Gelirlerine İlişkin Vergileme “Patent Box” Rejimi. Sosyoekonomi, 24(29), 183-203.
  • Pfeiffer, O., ve Spengel, C. (2017). Tax Incentives Research and Development and Their Use in Tax Planning. ZEW Discussion Paper No: 17-046,, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2025
  • PwC (2024). France Corporate-Tax Credits and Incentives. 18 Mart 2024,, Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2025
  • Rowe-Brown, M., ve James, H. (2020). Patent Box Evaluation. HM Revenue & Customs., Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2025
  • Sakar, A. Y. (2015). Innovation for a New Tax Incentive: Patent Box Regime Turkey and the EU Application. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 544-553,
  • Silva-Gámez, A. I., Méndez-Prado, S. M., bve Arauz, A. (2022). What’s Happening with the Patent Box Regimes? A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 14(18),
  • World Intellectual Property Organization, What is Intellectual Property?,, 03.01.2025
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Financial Law
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet İnneci 0000-0003-1229-7182

Early Pub Date March 21, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date February 7, 2025
Acceptance Date February 27, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 12 Issue: 38


APA İnneci, A. (2025). Fikrî Mülkiyet Haklarının Vergilendirilmesinde Ayrıcalıklı Bir Vergi Rejimi: Patent Box Sistemi. Gümrük Ve Ticaret Dergisi, 12(38), 95-105.

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