Sualtı Doğalgaz Boru Hatlarındaki Sızıntıların Eğri Uydurma Tabanlı Alınan Sinyalin Gücü Yöntemiyle Konumlandırılması
Year 2020,
, 99 - 108, 15.01.2020
Yiğit Mahmutoğlu
Kadir Türk
Doğalgaz rezervleri dünyanın belirli bölgelerinde
bulunduğundan bu önemli enerji kaynağı talep merkezlerine ağırlıklı olarak
sualtı boru hatları yardımıyla iletilmektedir. Sualtı doğalgaz boru hatları
başta iç/dış korozyon olmak üzere doğa ve insan kaynaklı bazı nedenlerden
dolayı delinip denize gaz sızdırabilir. Bu nedenle sualtı doğalgaz boru
hatlarındaki (SDBH) sızıntıların tespiti ve konumlandırılması enerji
güvenliğini sağlama ve çevre kirliliğinin önüne geçmede önemli bir yere
sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, SDBH’lerde ortaya çıkabilecek deliklerin yerlerinin
belirlenebilmesi amacıyla sinyal güçlerine eğri uydurmaya dayalı bir yöntem
önerilmiştir. Önerilen yöntemin konumlandırma başarımı, zamanla değişen çok
yollu bir sualtı akustik kanalının ve gerçek hayatta kullanılan bir sualtı
doğalgaz boru hattının parametrelerinin kullanıldığı benzetim çalışmalarıyla
analiz edilmiştir. Sayısal sonuçlar, bu zamanla değişen çok yollu sualtı akustik
kanalı için sızıntıların alıcı sayısı, ortam gürültüsü ve deniz dalga
yüksekliğine bağlı olarak kilometrelerce uzaktan konumlandırılabileceğini
Supporting Institution
Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 2211-A Yurtiçi Doktora Burs Programı tarafından desteklenmektedir.
- Aram, M., El-Rabbany, A., Krishnan, S. ve Anpalagan, A., 2007. Single Frequency Multipath Mitigation Based On Wavelet Analysis. Journal of Navigation 60, 281-290.
- Bhuiyan, M.Z.H. ve Lohan, E.S., 2010. Advanced Multipath Mitigation Techniques for Satellite-Based Positioning Applications. International Journal of Navigation and Observation, 2010, 1-15.
- Galvin, R. ve Coats, R.E.W., 1996. A stochastic underwater acoustic channel model, Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, September 1996, Florida, USA, s. 203-210.
- Heitsenrether, R. M. ve Badiey, M., 2004. Modeling acoustic signal fluctuations induced by sea surface roughness, Proceedings of High Frequency Ocean Acoustics Conference, March 2004, California, USA, s. 214-221.
- Kandiyoti, R., 2009. Under the sea. Engineering & Technology, 4, 26-28.
- Kari, D., Marivani, I., Khan, F., Sayin, M. O. ve Kozat, S. S., 2017. Robust adaptive algorithms for underwater acoustic channel estimation and their performance analysis. Digital Signal Processing, 68, 57-68.
- Ladha, C., Sharif, B. S. ve Tsimenidis, C. C., 2007. Mitigating propagation errors for indoor positioning in wireless sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2007, Pisa, Italy, s. 8-11.
- Li, X., Chen, G. ve Zhu, H., 2016. Quantitative risk analysis on leakage failure of submarine oil and gas pipelines using Bayesian networg. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 103, 163-173.
- Li-Jun, C., Xiang, G. ve Liang, A., 2012. Multipath passive localization in shallow water channel. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 48, 609-615.
- Lazaro, A., Girbau, D., Moravek, P. ve Villarino, R., 2013. A Study on Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks using Frequency Diversity for Mitigating Multipath Effects. ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 19, 82–87.
- Marx, M., Kokozinski, R. ve Müller, H.C., 2009. Time Synchronization for Real Time Localization Systems with Multi Path Mitigation, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop on Wireless Sensing, Local Positioning and RFID,September 2009, Cavtat, Croatia, s. 1-4.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2017. Remote leak hole localization for underwater natural gas pipelines, 40th Telecommunications and Signal Processing Conference, July 2017, Barcelona, Spain, s. 528-531.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2018a. A passive acoustic based system to locate leak hole in underwater natural gas pipelines. Digital Signal Processing, 76, 59-65.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2018b. Localization of Leakages in Underwater Natural Gas Pipelines for Multipath Propagation, 26th Signal Processing and Communications Application Conference, May 2018, İzmir, Turkey, s. 1-4.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2019. Received signal strength difference based leakage localization for the underwater natural gas pipelines. Applied Acoustics, 153, 14-19.
- Mao, D., Chu, G., Yanga, L. ve Li, Z., 2015, Deepwater Pipeline Damage and Research on Countermeasure. Aquatic Procedia, 3, 180–190.
- Porter, M. B. ve Bucker, H.P., 1987. Gaussian Beam Tracing for Computing Ocean Acoustic Fields. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 82, 1348-1359.
- Peterson, J.C. ve Porter, M.B., 2013. Ray/beam tracing for modeling the effects of ocean and platform dynamics. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 38, 655-665.
- Pedrosa, P., Dinis, R. ve Nunes, F. 2014., Joint Equalization and Phase Drift Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Communications, IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2014, Texsas, USA, s. 4096-4101.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M., 2009. Statistical modeling of a shallow water acoustic communication channel, Proceedings of 3rd underwater acoustic measurements conference, June 2009, Nafplion, Greece, s. 1341-1350.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M., 2011. Modeling the large scale transmission loss in underwater acoustic channels, Proceedings of 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September 2011, Illinois, USA, s. 445-452.
- Qarabaqi, P ve Stojanovic, M., 2013a. Statistical Characterization and Computationally Efficient Modeling of a Class of Underwater Acoustic Communication Channels. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, 38, 701-717.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M. 2013b., Acoustic Channel Simulator,
- Radosevic, A., Proakis, J. ve Stojanovic, M., 2009. Statistical characterization and capacity of shallow water acoustic channels, Proceedings of IEEE Oceans Europe Conference, May 2009, Bremen, Germany, s. 1-8.
- Socheleau, F., Passerieux, J. ve Laot, C., 2009. Characterisation of timevarying underwater acoustic communication channel with application to channel capacity, Proceedings of 3rd underwater acoustic measurements conference, June 2009, Nafplion, Greece, s. 1-8.
- Stefanov, A. ve Stojanovic, M., 2011. Design and performance analysis of underwater acoustic networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 29, 2012-2021.
- Tomasi, B., Casari, P., Badia, L. ve Zorzi, M., 2010. A study of incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ over Markov channel models derived from experimental data, Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks, October 2010, Massachusetts, USA, s. 1-8.
- Tamazin, M., Noureldin, A., Korenberg, M.J. ve Kamel, A.M., 2016. A New High-Resolution GPS Multipath Mitigation Technique Using Fast Orthogonal Search. Journal of Navigation, 69, 794-814.
- United Nations, 2017. The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment: Cambridge University Press, 973 p.
- Wang, Y., 2015. Linear least squares localization in sensor network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 51, 1-7.
- Wang, W. B. ve Yang, T.C., 2006. High-frequency channel characterization for -ary frequency-shift-keying underwater acoustic communications. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 2615-2626.
- Yang, J. ve Chen, Y., 2009. Indoor Localization Using Improved RSS-Based Lateration Methods, Proceedings of the 28th IEEE conference on Global telecommunications, November 2009, Hawaii, USA, s. 4506-4511.
- Zhang, J., Cross, J. ve Zheng, Y.R., 2010. Statistical channel modeling of wireless shallow water acoustic communications from experiment data, Proceedings Military Communications Conference, November 2010, California, USA, s. 2412-2416.
- Zekavat, R. ve Buehrer, R.M., 2011. Handbook of Position Location Theory Practice and Advances: Wiley-IEEE Press, 1222 p.
- Zhao, X., Pompili, D. ve Alves, J. 2017., Underwater Acoustic Carrier Aggregation: Achievable Rate and Energy-Efficiency Evaluation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 42, 1035-1048.
Locating Leakages In The Underwater Natural Gas Pipelines Using Curve Fitting Based Received Signal Strength Method
Year 2020,
, 99 - 108, 15.01.2020
Yiğit Mahmutoğlu
Kadir Türk
Since natural gas
reserves are located in certain regions of the world, this important energy
resource is transported to demand centers mainly by means of underwater
pipelines. Underwater natural gas pipelines can be punctured and so the natural
gas may leak into the sea due to especially internal/external corrosion and nature
and man-made based reasons. For this reason, detecting and locating leakages in
the underwater natural gas pipelines has an important role in ensuring energy
security and preventing environmental pollution. In this study, a curve fitting
to signal strength based method is proposed for positioning the leakages. The
localization performance of the proposed method is analyzed by simulation
studies using a time-varying multipath underwater acoustic channel and
parameters of a real life underwater natural gas pipeline. Numerical results
show that for the time-varying multipath underwater acoustic channel leakages
can be located with low errors from kilometers away depending on receiver
number, ambient noise and sea wave height.
- Aram, M., El-Rabbany, A., Krishnan, S. ve Anpalagan, A., 2007. Single Frequency Multipath Mitigation Based On Wavelet Analysis. Journal of Navigation 60, 281-290.
- Bhuiyan, M.Z.H. ve Lohan, E.S., 2010. Advanced Multipath Mitigation Techniques for Satellite-Based Positioning Applications. International Journal of Navigation and Observation, 2010, 1-15.
- Galvin, R. ve Coats, R.E.W., 1996. A stochastic underwater acoustic channel model, Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, September 1996, Florida, USA, s. 203-210.
- Heitsenrether, R. M. ve Badiey, M., 2004. Modeling acoustic signal fluctuations induced by sea surface roughness, Proceedings of High Frequency Ocean Acoustics Conference, March 2004, California, USA, s. 214-221.
- Kandiyoti, R., 2009. Under the sea. Engineering & Technology, 4, 26-28.
- Kari, D., Marivani, I., Khan, F., Sayin, M. O. ve Kozat, S. S., 2017. Robust adaptive algorithms for underwater acoustic channel estimation and their performance analysis. Digital Signal Processing, 68, 57-68.
- Ladha, C., Sharif, B. S. ve Tsimenidis, C. C., 2007. Mitigating propagation errors for indoor positioning in wireless sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2007, Pisa, Italy, s. 8-11.
- Li, X., Chen, G. ve Zhu, H., 2016. Quantitative risk analysis on leakage failure of submarine oil and gas pipelines using Bayesian networg. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 103, 163-173.
- Li-Jun, C., Xiang, G. ve Liang, A., 2012. Multipath passive localization in shallow water channel. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 48, 609-615.
- Lazaro, A., Girbau, D., Moravek, P. ve Villarino, R., 2013. A Study on Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks using Frequency Diversity for Mitigating Multipath Effects. ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 19, 82–87.
- Marx, M., Kokozinski, R. ve Müller, H.C., 2009. Time Synchronization for Real Time Localization Systems with Multi Path Mitigation, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop on Wireless Sensing, Local Positioning and RFID,September 2009, Cavtat, Croatia, s. 1-4.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2017. Remote leak hole localization for underwater natural gas pipelines, 40th Telecommunications and Signal Processing Conference, July 2017, Barcelona, Spain, s. 528-531.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2018a. A passive acoustic based system to locate leak hole in underwater natural gas pipelines. Digital Signal Processing, 76, 59-65.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2018b. Localization of Leakages in Underwater Natural Gas Pipelines for Multipath Propagation, 26th Signal Processing and Communications Application Conference, May 2018, İzmir, Turkey, s. 1-4.
- Mahmutoglu, Y. ve Turk, K., 2019. Received signal strength difference based leakage localization for the underwater natural gas pipelines. Applied Acoustics, 153, 14-19.
- Mao, D., Chu, G., Yanga, L. ve Li, Z., 2015, Deepwater Pipeline Damage and Research on Countermeasure. Aquatic Procedia, 3, 180–190.
- Porter, M. B. ve Bucker, H.P., 1987. Gaussian Beam Tracing for Computing Ocean Acoustic Fields. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 82, 1348-1359.
- Peterson, J.C. ve Porter, M.B., 2013. Ray/beam tracing for modeling the effects of ocean and platform dynamics. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 38, 655-665.
- Pedrosa, P., Dinis, R. ve Nunes, F. 2014., Joint Equalization and Phase Drift Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Communications, IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2014, Texsas, USA, s. 4096-4101.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M., 2009. Statistical modeling of a shallow water acoustic communication channel, Proceedings of 3rd underwater acoustic measurements conference, June 2009, Nafplion, Greece, s. 1341-1350.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M., 2011. Modeling the large scale transmission loss in underwater acoustic channels, Proceedings of 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September 2011, Illinois, USA, s. 445-452.
- Qarabaqi, P ve Stojanovic, M., 2013a. Statistical Characterization and Computationally Efficient Modeling of a Class of Underwater Acoustic Communication Channels. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, 38, 701-717.
- Qarabaqi, P. ve Stojanovic, M. 2013b., Acoustic Channel Simulator,
- Radosevic, A., Proakis, J. ve Stojanovic, M., 2009. Statistical characterization and capacity of shallow water acoustic channels, Proceedings of IEEE Oceans Europe Conference, May 2009, Bremen, Germany, s. 1-8.
- Socheleau, F., Passerieux, J. ve Laot, C., 2009. Characterisation of timevarying underwater acoustic communication channel with application to channel capacity, Proceedings of 3rd underwater acoustic measurements conference, June 2009, Nafplion, Greece, s. 1-8.
- Stefanov, A. ve Stojanovic, M., 2011. Design and performance analysis of underwater acoustic networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 29, 2012-2021.
- Tomasi, B., Casari, P., Badia, L. ve Zorzi, M., 2010. A study of incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ over Markov channel models derived from experimental data, Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks, October 2010, Massachusetts, USA, s. 1-8.
- Tamazin, M., Noureldin, A., Korenberg, M.J. ve Kamel, A.M., 2016. A New High-Resolution GPS Multipath Mitigation Technique Using Fast Orthogonal Search. Journal of Navigation, 69, 794-814.
- United Nations, 2017. The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment: Cambridge University Press, 973 p.
- Wang, Y., 2015. Linear least squares localization in sensor network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 51, 1-7.
- Wang, W. B. ve Yang, T.C., 2006. High-frequency channel characterization for -ary frequency-shift-keying underwater acoustic communications. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 2615-2626.
- Yang, J. ve Chen, Y., 2009. Indoor Localization Using Improved RSS-Based Lateration Methods, Proceedings of the 28th IEEE conference on Global telecommunications, November 2009, Hawaii, USA, s. 4506-4511.
- Zhang, J., Cross, J. ve Zheng, Y.R., 2010. Statistical channel modeling of wireless shallow water acoustic communications from experiment data, Proceedings Military Communications Conference, November 2010, California, USA, s. 2412-2416.
- Zekavat, R. ve Buehrer, R.M., 2011. Handbook of Position Location Theory Practice and Advances: Wiley-IEEE Press, 1222 p.
- Zhao, X., Pompili, D. ve Alves, J. 2017., Underwater Acoustic Carrier Aggregation: Achievable Rate and Energy-Efficiency Evaluation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 42, 1035-1048.