Improvement of the Electronic Control Unit for Ignition and Injection in a Wankel Engine
Year 2020,
, 742 - 751, 15.07.2020
Ömer Cihan
Majid Javadzadehkalkhoran
Akın Kutlar
In this study, an electronic
control unit was designed and developed for a single rotor Wankel engine. The
code was written the Arduino IDE. An interface is designed in Visual Studio for
computer control of a single rotor test engine. Thanks to the control unit, the
injection advance, injection duration, engine speed, dwell time and ignition
advance were controlled. In the hardware part, firstly solid state relay was
used for switching, and then a MOSFET circuit was tested. It was observed that
the ignition and spraying signals received from the oscilloscope for both
switching came regularly and continuously at different speeds (600, 1000 and
3000 rpm). Afterwards, according to the results obtained with the oscilloscope
and high speed camera, there was no delay in opening time of the injector with
the solid state relay. However, there was 0.6 milliseconds delay in closing time
of it. This situation caused the engine to run erratically and unstable at high
speeds. In the circuit established with Mosfet, there was no delay at the
opening and closing times of the injector. As a result, it was concluded that
it would be more appropriate to use the circuit designed with MOSFET in the
control unit.
Supporting Institution
This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey -TÜBİTAK (Project No: 115M690)
- Ansdale, R.F., 1968. The Wankel RC Engine, W.C.I: Iliffe Books Ltd. London, 158p.
- Aydın, M., 2018. Performance Measurement and Development of Electronic Controlled Fuel İnjection System for a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine. Doctoral thesis, Karabuk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Karabuk, 162p, (In Turkish).
- Batmaz, I., Sahin, F. and Bilgen, H., 2011. Computer Based Control of Ignition Timing in a Single Cylinder Spark Ignition Engine. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 26(4), 861-868, (In Turkish).
- Bensinger, W.D., 1973. Rotationskolben-Verbrennungsmotoren, Deustche: Springer-Verlag. Berlin, 156p.
- Bentele, M., 1961. Curtiss-Wright’s Entwicklungen an Rotationsverbrennungsmotoren, MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 22(6), 187-194.
- Cihan, O., 2017. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Wankel Engine and Skip Cycle System. Doctoral thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 222p, (In Turkish).
- Cihan, O., Dogan, H.E., Kutlar, O.A., Demirci, A. and Javadzadehkalkhoran, M., 2020. Evaluation of Heat Release and Combustion Analysis in Spark Ignition Wankel and Reciprocating Engine. Fuel, 116479, 261, 1-10.
- Cihan, O., Javadzadehkalkhoran, M., Dogan, H.E., Demirci, A. and Kutlar, O.A., 2017. Conversion of Two Rotor Wankel Rotary Engine to Single Rotor Experimental Engine and Preliminary Results, International Journal of Advances on Automotive and Technology, 1(4), 198-206.
- Froede, W.G., 1961. The NSU-Wankel Rotating Combustion Engine, SAE paper, 610017, 179-203.
- Jeeva, B., Awate, S., Rajesh, J., Chowdhury, A. and Sheshadri, S., 2014. Development of Custom-Made Engine Control Unit for a Research Engine, 2nd IEEE International conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking (ET2ECN), December 2014, Surat, India, p.1-6.
- Keller, H., 1968. Small Wankel Engines, SAE paper, 680572, 2339-2353.
- Kutlar, O.A., 1999. A New Method to Decrease the Fuel Comsumption at Part Load Conditions of Four Stroke Ottocycle (Rochas) Engine (Skipperiod Engine). Doctoral thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 201p, (In Turkish).
- Kutlar, O.A., Cihan, Ö., Dogan, H.E. and Demirci, A., 2018. The Effect of Different Intake Port Geometries of a Single - Rotor Wankel Engine on Performance and Emissions at Part-Load Conditions. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University. 33(3), 809-819.
- Ohkubo, M., Tashima, S. and Shimizu, R., 2004. Developed Technologies of the New Rotary Engine (Renesis), SAE paper, 2004-01-1790, 1-13.
- Ozmen, M.I., 2015. Designing, Producing and Computer Based Controlling Ignition and Injection Units (Control Units) of a Single Rotor Wankel Engine. Master’s thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 133p, (In Turkish).
- RX8 Mazda Training Manuel Service, 2003.
- Scafati, F.T., Pirozzi, F., Carpentieri, F., Finizio, G., Nocerino, F. and Colombo, L., 2007. A Smart Engine Management System for Low Emissions Motorcycle Engines, SAE paper, 2007-24-0053, 1-6.
- Tan, R.T.P. and Hung, T.T.S., 2005. Motorcycle Engine Management System with Microcontroller and Smart Drivers, SAE paper, 2005-26-362, 1-8.
- Tasdemir, C., 2013. Arduino, Vertical Axis Publisher. Turkey: Istanbul, 280s.
- Tekeli, O., 2013. Designing and Producing Ignition and Injection Units of a Gasoline Engine with Skip Cycle. Master’s thesis, İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 119p, (In Turkish).
- Tekeli, O., Dogru, B., Baykara, C, Kutlar, O.A. and Arslan, H., 2013. Flexible Computer Based Control of Ignition and Injection Units of a Gasoline Engine with Skip Cycle Mechanism. Engineer and Machine Journal. 54(643), 24-35, (In Turkish).
- Url-1,, date retrieved 13.02.2019.
- Url-2,, date retrieved 13.02.2019.
- Wankel, F., 1963. Einteilung Der Rotations-Kolbenmaschinen. Deustche: Verlags-Anstalt. Stuttgart, 60p.
- Warner, M., 2009. Street Rotary, Penguin Group. USA, 176p.
- Yamamoto, K., 1971, Rotary Engine, Japan: Sankaido. Tokyo, 147p.
- Yamamoto, K., 1981. Rotary Engine, Japan: Sankaido. Tokyo, 67p.
- Yamamoto, K., Muroki, T. and Kobayakawa, T., 1972. Combustion Characteristics of Rotary Engines, SAE paper, 720357, 1296-1302.
Bir Wankel Motorda Ateşleme ve Püskürtme Üniteleri İçin Elektronik Kontrol Ünitesinin Geliştirilmesi
Year 2020,
, 742 - 751, 15.07.2020
Ömer Cihan
Majid Javadzadehkalkhoran
Akın Kutlar
Bu çalışmada,
tek rotorlu bir Wankel motoru için elektronik kontrol ünitesi tasarlanmış ve
geliştirilmiştir. Kod Arduino veri tabanında yazılmıştır. Tek rotorlu test
motorunun bilgisayar kontrolü ile Visual Studio'da bir ara yüz tasarlanmıştır.
Kontrol ünitesi sayesinde püskürtme avansı, püskürtme süresi, motor hızı, bobinin
dolma süresi ve ateşleme avansı kontrol edilmiştir. Donanım bölümünde, ilk önce
anahtarlama için katı hal rölesi kullanılmış ve daha sonra bir mosfet devresi
ile test edilmiştir. Her iki anahtarlamada osiloskoptan alınan ateşleme ve
püskürtme sinyallerinin düzenli ve sürekli olarak farklı hızlarda (600, 1000 ve
3000 rpm) geldiği gözlenmiştir. Daha sonra, osiloskop ve yüksek hızlı kamera
ile elde edilen sonuçlara göre, katı hal rölesi ile enjektörün açılmasında
herhangi bir gecikme olmamıştır. Ancak, enjektörün kapanması 0.6 milisaniye
geciktiği gözlemlenmiştir. Bu durum, motorun özellikle yüksek hızlarda düzensiz
ve dengesiz çalışmasına neden olmuştur. Mosfet ile kurulan devrede, enjektörün
açılıp kapanmasında herhangi bir gecikme olmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, kontrol
ünitesinde mosfet ile tasarlanan devrenin kullanılmasının daha uygun olacağı
sonucuna varılmıştır.
- Ansdale, R.F., 1968. The Wankel RC Engine, W.C.I: Iliffe Books Ltd. London, 158p.
- Aydın, M., 2018. Performance Measurement and Development of Electronic Controlled Fuel İnjection System for a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine. Doctoral thesis, Karabuk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Karabuk, 162p, (In Turkish).
- Batmaz, I., Sahin, F. and Bilgen, H., 2011. Computer Based Control of Ignition Timing in a Single Cylinder Spark Ignition Engine. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 26(4), 861-868, (In Turkish).
- Bensinger, W.D., 1973. Rotationskolben-Verbrennungsmotoren, Deustche: Springer-Verlag. Berlin, 156p.
- Bentele, M., 1961. Curtiss-Wright’s Entwicklungen an Rotationsverbrennungsmotoren, MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 22(6), 187-194.
- Cihan, O., 2017. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Wankel Engine and Skip Cycle System. Doctoral thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 222p, (In Turkish).
- Cihan, O., Dogan, H.E., Kutlar, O.A., Demirci, A. and Javadzadehkalkhoran, M., 2020. Evaluation of Heat Release and Combustion Analysis in Spark Ignition Wankel and Reciprocating Engine. Fuel, 116479, 261, 1-10.
- Cihan, O., Javadzadehkalkhoran, M., Dogan, H.E., Demirci, A. and Kutlar, O.A., 2017. Conversion of Two Rotor Wankel Rotary Engine to Single Rotor Experimental Engine and Preliminary Results, International Journal of Advances on Automotive and Technology, 1(4), 198-206.
- Froede, W.G., 1961. The NSU-Wankel Rotating Combustion Engine, SAE paper, 610017, 179-203.
- Jeeva, B., Awate, S., Rajesh, J., Chowdhury, A. and Sheshadri, S., 2014. Development of Custom-Made Engine Control Unit for a Research Engine, 2nd IEEE International conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking (ET2ECN), December 2014, Surat, India, p.1-6.
- Keller, H., 1968. Small Wankel Engines, SAE paper, 680572, 2339-2353.
- Kutlar, O.A., 1999. A New Method to Decrease the Fuel Comsumption at Part Load Conditions of Four Stroke Ottocycle (Rochas) Engine (Skipperiod Engine). Doctoral thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 201p, (In Turkish).
- Kutlar, O.A., Cihan, Ö., Dogan, H.E. and Demirci, A., 2018. The Effect of Different Intake Port Geometries of a Single - Rotor Wankel Engine on Performance and Emissions at Part-Load Conditions. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University. 33(3), 809-819.
- Ohkubo, M., Tashima, S. and Shimizu, R., 2004. Developed Technologies of the New Rotary Engine (Renesis), SAE paper, 2004-01-1790, 1-13.
- Ozmen, M.I., 2015. Designing, Producing and Computer Based Controlling Ignition and Injection Units (Control Units) of a Single Rotor Wankel Engine. Master’s thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 133p, (In Turkish).
- RX8 Mazda Training Manuel Service, 2003.
- Scafati, F.T., Pirozzi, F., Carpentieri, F., Finizio, G., Nocerino, F. and Colombo, L., 2007. A Smart Engine Management System for Low Emissions Motorcycle Engines, SAE paper, 2007-24-0053, 1-6.
- Tan, R.T.P. and Hung, T.T.S., 2005. Motorcycle Engine Management System with Microcontroller and Smart Drivers, SAE paper, 2005-26-362, 1-8.
- Tasdemir, C., 2013. Arduino, Vertical Axis Publisher. Turkey: Istanbul, 280s.
- Tekeli, O., 2013. Designing and Producing Ignition and Injection Units of a Gasoline Engine with Skip Cycle. Master’s thesis, İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 119p, (In Turkish).
- Tekeli, O., Dogru, B., Baykara, C, Kutlar, O.A. and Arslan, H., 2013. Flexible Computer Based Control of Ignition and Injection Units of a Gasoline Engine with Skip Cycle Mechanism. Engineer and Machine Journal. 54(643), 24-35, (In Turkish).
- Url-1,, date retrieved 13.02.2019.
- Url-2,, date retrieved 13.02.2019.
- Wankel, F., 1963. Einteilung Der Rotations-Kolbenmaschinen. Deustche: Verlags-Anstalt. Stuttgart, 60p.
- Warner, M., 2009. Street Rotary, Penguin Group. USA, 176p.
- Yamamoto, K., 1971, Rotary Engine, Japan: Sankaido. Tokyo, 147p.
- Yamamoto, K., 1981. Rotary Engine, Japan: Sankaido. Tokyo, 67p.
- Yamamoto, K., Muroki, T. and Kobayakawa, T., 1972. Combustion Characteristics of Rotary Engines, SAE paper, 720357, 1296-1302.