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Quantification of changes in the shape of parcels in land consolidation: example from Abditolu district of Çumra town of Konya province

Year 2021, , 1 - 10, 15.01.2021


Land consolidation (LC) are projects that combine scattered and fragmented parcels, improving parcel shapes, and enabling the development of irrigation, drainage and road services for landowners. Improving existing parcel shapes is one of the most important benefits of Land Consolidation projects. There are many indexes that determine the parcel shape change before and after land consolidation. These are Shape Index (SI), Fractal Size Index (FD), Area Shape Factor (AFF), Shape Factor (FORM), Area Perimeter Ratio (APR), Square Pixel Scale (SqP) and Compactness Index (Icmp). These indexes are used in the literature to quantitatively measure the suitability of parcel shapes for modern agriculture. In this study, parcel shape changes pre-consolidation and post-consolidation have investigated by using the data of Abditolu land consolidation project in Çumra district of Konya. Therefore, SI, FD, AFF, FORM, APR, SqP and Icmp, which are among the shape index indicators, have used. As a result of the study; FD, SI, AFF, FORM, SqP, APR and Icmp average values before LC are 1.3579, 1.8486, 0.0424, 0.5334, -0.7819, 6.5530 and 0.5334, respectively; after the LC, it has calculated as 1.3084, 1.3912, 0.0465, 0.5848, -0.8478, 4.9320 and 0.5848. According to the results, there has a general improvement in parcel shapes before and after the LC. FD, SI, FORM, Icmp indexes better reflected parcel shape change before and after LC.


  • Akkaya Aslan, T., Gündoğdu, K. & Arici, I., 2007. Some metric indices for the assessment of land consolidation projects. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(9), 1390-1397.
  • Arslan, F., Değirmenci, H., Tonçer, R. & Yoğun, E., 2017. Niğde Misli Ovası Tırhan Köyü Arazi Toplulaştırma Projesinin Değerlendirilmesi. 2. Biyosistem Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tokat.
  • Bayram, R. & Değirmenci, H., 2018. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinde parsel şekillerinin analizi: Niğde Misli Ovası 2. kısım Yıldıztepe örneği. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(4), 500-510.
  • Boonchom, W., Piewthongngam, K., Polpinit, P. & Chatavithee, P., 2017. Land consolidation of small-scale farms in preparation for a cane harvester. Computer and Electronic in Agriculture. 142, 59–69.
  • Cebeci, Ö., 2019. Burdur-Yeşilova-Sazak Köyü Arazi Toplulaştırma Projesinin Metrik İndeksler Kullanılarak Değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü. Isparta, 48s.
  • Değirmenci, H., Arslan, F. & Keten, M., 2019. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Değişimi: Şanlıurfa Bozca Köyü Örneği. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 557–565.
  • Demetriou, D., See, L. & Stillwell, J., 2013. A parcel shape index for use in land consolidation planning. Transactions in GIS, 17(6), 861-882.
  • Ertunç, E.,2020. Analysis of the effect of land consolidation projects in terms of land fragmentation and parcel shapes: the case of Konya, Turkey, Arabian Journal of Geosciences,13(10).
  • FAO, 2003. The design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe. FAO, Rome.
  • Frohn, R.C., 1998. Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology: New Metric Indicators for the Monitoring, Modeling, and Assessment of Ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Gasiorowski, J. & Bielecka, E., 2014. Land Fragmentation Analysis Using Morphometric Parameters. The 9th Conference Environmental Engineering, 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1-7.
  • Geisse, R., & Hudecová, L., 2019. Quantification of changes in the shape and dimensions of parcels in land consolidation. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 27 (1), 39–44.
  • Gonzalez, X.P., Alvarez, C.J. & Crecente, R., 2004. Evaluation of land distributions with joint regard to plot size and shape. Agricultural Systems, 82, 31-43.
  • Husár, K., 2000. Tvar areálov na príklade krajinnej pokrývky Slovenska (Fillings and planary contents of areas). Kartografické listy, 8, 91-98.
  • Jiang, G., Zhang, R., Ma, W., Zhou, D., Wang, X. & He, X., 2017. Cultivated land productivity potential improvement in land consolidation schemes in Shenyang, China: assessment and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 68, 80-88.
  • Jurgenson, E., 2016. Land reform, land fragmentation and perspectives for future land consolidation in Estonia. Land Use Policy, 57, 34–43.
  • Kirmikil, M. & Arici, I., 2013. The Role of land consolidation in the development of rural areas in irrigation areas. Journal of Food. Agriculture & Environment, 11(2), 1150-1155.
  • Li, Y., Wu, W. and Liu, Y., 2018. Land consolidation for rural sustainability in China: practical reflections and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 74, 137–141.
  • Libecap, G.D. & Lueck, D., 2011. The demarcation of land and the role of coordinating institutions. The Journal of Political Economy, 119(3), 426-467.
  • McGarical, K. & Marks, B.J., 1995. FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Quantifying Landscape Structure. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report No PNW-GTR-351.
  • Munnangi, A.K., Lohani, B. & Misra, S.C., 2019. A review of land consolidation in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India: Qualitative approach. Land Use Policy,
  • Oksanen, T., 2013. Shape-describing indices for agricultural field plots and their relationship to operational efficiency. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 98, 252-259.
  • Pašakarnis, G. & Maliene, V., 2010. Towards sustainable rural development in Central and Eastern Europe: Applying land consolidation. Land Use Policy, 27(2), 545-549.
  • Russ, J.C., 2002. The Image Processing Handbook. Fourth ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Song, W. & Pijanowski, B.C., 2014. The effects of China’s cultivated land balance program on potential land productivity at a national scale. Applied Geography. 46, 158–170.
  • Wu, Z., Liu, M. & Davis, J., 2005. Land consolidation and productivity in Chinese household crop production. China Economic Review. 16 (1), 28–49.
  • Zhou, Y., Guo, L. & Liu, Y., 2019. Land consolidation boosting poverty alleviation in China: theory and practice. Land Use Policy, 82, 339–348.
  • Zhou, Y., Li, X. & Xu, C., 2020. Land consolidation and rural revitalization in China: Mechanisms and paths. Land Use Policy.

Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinde parsel şekil değişiminin nicel değerlendirmesi: Konya ili Çumra ilçesi Abditolu mahallesi örneği

Year 2021, , 1 - 10, 15.01.2021


Arazi toplulaştırması (AT) dağınık ve parçalı parselleri bir araya getirerek, parsel şekillerini iyileştiren, arazi sahipleri için sulama, drenaj ve yol hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesini sağlayan projelerdir. Mevcut parsel şekillerinin iyileştirilmesi, arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin en önemli faydalarından biridir. Arazi toplulaştırma projesi öncesi ve sonrası mevcut parsellerin şekillerindeki değişimini belirleyen birçok indeks vardır. Bunlar, Şekil İndeksi (SI), Fraktal Büyüklük İndeksi (FD), Alan Şekil Faktörü (AFF), Şekil Faktörü (FORM), Alan Çevre Oranı (APR), Kare Piksel Ölçeği (SqP) ve Compactness İndeks (Icmp)’dir. Bu indeksler parsel şekillerinin modern tarım için uygunluğunu nicel olarak ölçmek amacıyla literatürde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Konya ili Çumra ilçesi Abditolu Mahallesi arazi toplulaştırma projesi verileri kullanılarak arazi toplulaştırması öncesi ve sonrası parsel şekil değişimleri incelenmiştir. Bunun içinde şekil indeks göstergelerinden SI, FD, AFF, FORM, APR, SqP ve Icmp kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda; AT öncesi ortalama FD, SI, AFF, FORM, SqP, APR ve Icmp değerleri sırayla 1.3579, 1.8486, 0.0424, 0.5334, -0.7819, 6.5530 ve 0.5334; AT sonrası ise 1.3084, 1.3912, 0.0465, 0.5848, -0.8478, 4.9320 ve 0.5848 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre AT öncesi ve sonrasında parsel şekillerinde genel olarak iyileşme olduğu görülmüştür. FD, SI, FORM, Icmp indeksleri AT öncesi ve sonrası parsel şekil değişimini daha iyi yansıtmıştır.


  • Akkaya Aslan, T., Gündoğdu, K. & Arici, I., 2007. Some metric indices for the assessment of land consolidation projects. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(9), 1390-1397.
  • Arslan, F., Değirmenci, H., Tonçer, R. & Yoğun, E., 2017. Niğde Misli Ovası Tırhan Köyü Arazi Toplulaştırma Projesinin Değerlendirilmesi. 2. Biyosistem Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tokat.
  • Bayram, R. & Değirmenci, H., 2018. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinde parsel şekillerinin analizi: Niğde Misli Ovası 2. kısım Yıldıztepe örneği. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(4), 500-510.
  • Boonchom, W., Piewthongngam, K., Polpinit, P. & Chatavithee, P., 2017. Land consolidation of small-scale farms in preparation for a cane harvester. Computer and Electronic in Agriculture. 142, 59–69.
  • Cebeci, Ö., 2019. Burdur-Yeşilova-Sazak Köyü Arazi Toplulaştırma Projesinin Metrik İndeksler Kullanılarak Değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü. Isparta, 48s.
  • Değirmenci, H., Arslan, F. & Keten, M., 2019. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Değişimi: Şanlıurfa Bozca Köyü Örneği. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 557–565.
  • Demetriou, D., See, L. & Stillwell, J., 2013. A parcel shape index for use in land consolidation planning. Transactions in GIS, 17(6), 861-882.
  • Ertunç, E.,2020. Analysis of the effect of land consolidation projects in terms of land fragmentation and parcel shapes: the case of Konya, Turkey, Arabian Journal of Geosciences,13(10).
  • FAO, 2003. The design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe. FAO, Rome.
  • Frohn, R.C., 1998. Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology: New Metric Indicators for the Monitoring, Modeling, and Assessment of Ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Gasiorowski, J. & Bielecka, E., 2014. Land Fragmentation Analysis Using Morphometric Parameters. The 9th Conference Environmental Engineering, 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1-7.
  • Geisse, R., & Hudecová, L., 2019. Quantification of changes in the shape and dimensions of parcels in land consolidation. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 27 (1), 39–44.
  • Gonzalez, X.P., Alvarez, C.J. & Crecente, R., 2004. Evaluation of land distributions with joint regard to plot size and shape. Agricultural Systems, 82, 31-43.
  • Husár, K., 2000. Tvar areálov na príklade krajinnej pokrývky Slovenska (Fillings and planary contents of areas). Kartografické listy, 8, 91-98.
  • Jiang, G., Zhang, R., Ma, W., Zhou, D., Wang, X. & He, X., 2017. Cultivated land productivity potential improvement in land consolidation schemes in Shenyang, China: assessment and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 68, 80-88.
  • Jurgenson, E., 2016. Land reform, land fragmentation and perspectives for future land consolidation in Estonia. Land Use Policy, 57, 34–43.
  • Kirmikil, M. & Arici, I., 2013. The Role of land consolidation in the development of rural areas in irrigation areas. Journal of Food. Agriculture & Environment, 11(2), 1150-1155.
  • Li, Y., Wu, W. and Liu, Y., 2018. Land consolidation for rural sustainability in China: practical reflections and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 74, 137–141.
  • Libecap, G.D. & Lueck, D., 2011. The demarcation of land and the role of coordinating institutions. The Journal of Political Economy, 119(3), 426-467.
  • McGarical, K. & Marks, B.J., 1995. FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Quantifying Landscape Structure. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report No PNW-GTR-351.
  • Munnangi, A.K., Lohani, B. & Misra, S.C., 2019. A review of land consolidation in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India: Qualitative approach. Land Use Policy,
  • Oksanen, T., 2013. Shape-describing indices for agricultural field plots and their relationship to operational efficiency. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 98, 252-259.
  • Pašakarnis, G. & Maliene, V., 2010. Towards sustainable rural development in Central and Eastern Europe: Applying land consolidation. Land Use Policy, 27(2), 545-549.
  • Russ, J.C., 2002. The Image Processing Handbook. Fourth ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Song, W. & Pijanowski, B.C., 2014. The effects of China’s cultivated land balance program on potential land productivity at a national scale. Applied Geography. 46, 158–170.
  • Wu, Z., Liu, M. & Davis, J., 2005. Land consolidation and productivity in Chinese household crop production. China Economic Review. 16 (1), 28–49.
  • Zhou, Y., Guo, L. & Liu, Y., 2019. Land consolidation boosting poverty alleviation in China: theory and practice. Land Use Policy, 82, 339–348.
  • Zhou, Y., Li, X. & Xu, C., 2020. Land consolidation and rural revitalization in China: Mechanisms and paths. Land Use Policy.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ela Ertunç 0000-0002-6982-0459

Publication Date January 15, 2021
Submission Date February 19, 2020
Acceptance Date November 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Ertunç, E. (2021). Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinde parsel şekil değişiminin nicel değerlendirmesi: Konya ili Çumra ilçesi Abditolu mahallesi örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 1-10.