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Heyelan Duyarlılık Haritalarının Üretilmesinde Kullanılan Yöntem Ve Parametrelere İlişkin Genel Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 151 - 176, 01.08.2011


Heyelanlar insan yaşamını olumsuz yönde etkileyen doğal afetlerden biridir. Ani ve şiddetli yağışlar ve depremlerin yanı sıra, gerekli mühendislik çalışmaları yapılmadan yerleşime açılan yamaçlardaki yapı inşası, değişik amaçlara yönelik yapılan patlatma ve kazı çalışmaları, doğal bitki örtüsünün tahrip edilmesi vb. nedenler herhangi bir alanda meydana gelen heyelanları tetiklemektedir. İnsan yaşamını doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak olumsuz yönde etkilemesi, konuya olan hassasiyeti gün geçtikçe artırmaktadır. Üniversiteler, araştırma merkezleri ve devlet kurumları, yaptıkları çalışmalarla heyelan tehlike ve risklerini değerlendirmek için, mevcut heyelanların alansal dağılımlarını haritalamışlardır. Daha önceleri yerel duraysızlıkların incelenmesine yönelik olarak yapılan çalışmalar, günümüzde daha geniş alanlara yönelik bölgesel değerlendirmeler yönünde artmıştır


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  • [91] Duman, T.Y., Can, T., Gokceoglu, C. ve Nefeslioglu, H.A., 2005. Landslide susceptibility mapping of Cekmece Area (Istanbul, Turkey) by conditional probability, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2, 155-206.
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  • [93] Duman, T.Y., Can, T., Gokceoglu, C., Nefeslioglu, H.A. ve Sonmez, H. 2006. Application of logistic regression for landslide susceptibility zoning of Cekmece Area, İstanbul, Turkey, Environmental Geology, 51, 2.
  • [94] Lee, S. ve Dan, N.T., 2005. Probabilistic landslide susceptibility mapping in the Lai Chau Province of Vietnam: Focus on the relationship between tectonic fractures and landslides, Environmental Geology, 48, 778- 787.
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  • [96] Clerici, A., Perego, S., Tellini, C. ve Vescovi, P. 2006. A GIS-based automated procedure for landslide susceptibility mapping by the conditional analysis method: The Baganza Valley Case Study (Italian Northern Apennines), Environmental Geology, 50, 941-961.
  • [97] Lee, S. ve Sambath, T., 2006. Landslide susceptibility mapping in the Damrei Romel Area, Cambodia Using Frequency Ratio and Logistic Regression Models, Environmental Geology, 50, 847-855.
  • [98] Akgün, A. ve Bulut, F., 2007. GIS-based landslide susceptibility for Arsin-Yomra (Trabzon, North Turkey) region, Environmental Geology, 51, 1377-1387.
  • [99] Lee, S., 2007. Application and verification of fuzzy algebraic operators to landslide susceptibility mapping, Environmental Geology, 52, 615-623.
  • [100] Akgün, A., Dağ, S. ve Bulut, F., 2008. Landslide susceptibility mapping for a landslide-prone area (Findikli, NE of Turkey) by likelihood-frequency ratio and weighted linear combination models, Environmental Geology, 54, 1127-1143.
  • [101] Yalçın, A., 2008. GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using analytical hierarchy process and bivariate statistics in Ardesen (Turkey): Comparisons of results and confirmations, Catena, 72, 1-12.
  • [102] Nefeslioğlu, H.A., Gökçeoğlu C. ve Sönmez H., 2008. An assessment on the use of logistic regression and artificial neural networks with different sampling strategies for the preparation of landslide susceptibility maps, Engineering Geology, 97, 171-191.
  • [103] Godt, J.W., Baum, R.L., Savage, W.Z., Salciarini, D., Schulz, W.H. ve Harp, E.L., 2008. Transient deterministic shallow landslide modeling: Requirements for susceptibility and hazard assessments in a GIS framework, Engineering Geology, 102, 214-226.
  • [104] Liu, C. ve Wu, C., 2008. Integrating GIS and stress transfer mechanism in mapping rainfall-triggered landslide susceptibility, Engineering Geology, 101, 60-74.
  • [105] Dahal-Ranjan Kumar, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Nonomura, A., Yamanaka, M., Masuda, T. ve Nishino, K., 2008. GIS-based weights-of-evidence modelling of rainfall-induced landslides in small catchments for landslide susceptibility mapping, Environmental Geology, 54, 311-324.
  • [106] Vijith, H. ve Madhu, G., 2008. Estimating potential landslide sites of an upland sub-watershed in Western Ghat’s of Kerala (India) through frequency ratio and GIS, Environmental Geology, 55, 1397-1405.
  • [107] Oh, H., Lee, S., Chotikasathien, W., Kim, C.H. ve Kwon, J.H., 2009. Predictive landslide susceptibility mapping using spatial information in the Pechabun area of Thailand, Environmental Geology, 57, 641-651.
  • [108] Wang, W.D., Xie, C.M. ve Du, X.G., 2009. Landslides susceptibility mapping based on geographical information system, GuiZhou, South-west China, Environmental Geology, 58, 33-43.
  • [109] Özdemir, A., 2009. Landslide susceptibility mapping of vicinity of Yaka Landslide (Gelendost, Turkey) using conditional probability approach in GIS, Environmental Geology, 57, 1675-1686.
  • [110] Mathew, J., Jha, V.K. ve Rawat, G.S., 2009. Landslide susceptibility zonation mapping and its validation in part of Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, India, using binary logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic curve method, Landslides, 6, 17-26.
  • [111] Chen, C., Ke, C., ve Wang, C., 2009. A back-propagation network for the assessment of susceptibility to rock slope failure in the eastern portion of the Southern Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan, Environmental Geology, 57, 723-733.
  • [112] Yılmaz, I., 2009. A case study from Koyulhisar (Sivas-Turkey) for landslide susceptibility mapping by Artificial Neural Networks, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 68(3), 297-306.
  • [113] Yılmaz, I., 2010. Comparison of landslide susceptibility mapping methodologies for Koyulhisar, Turkey: Conditional Probability, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine. Environmental Earth Sciences, 61(4), 821-836.
  • [114] Akgün, A. ve Türk, N., 2010a. Landslide susceptibility mapping for Ayvalik (Western Turkey) and its vicinity by multicriteria decision analysis, Environmental Earth Science, 61, 595–611.
  • [115] Akgün, A. ve Türk, N., 2010b. İki ve çok değişkenli istatistik ve sezgisel tabanlı heyelan duyarlılık modellerinin karşılaştırılması: Ayvalık (Balıkesir, Kuzeybatı Türkiye) örneği, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 34 (2), 85-112.
  • [116] Yeon, Y., Han, J. ve Ryu, K.H., 2010. Landslide susceptibility mapping in Injae, Korea, using a decision tree, Engineering Geology, 116, 274-283.
  • [117] Erener, A., Şebnem, H. ve Düzgün, B., 2010. Improvement of statistical landslide susceptibility mapping by using spatial and global regression methods in the case of More and Romsdal (Norway), Landslides, 7, 55- 68.
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A general assesment for methods and parameters used in production of landslide susceptibility maps

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 151 - 176, 01.08.2011


Landslide is one of the natural hazard that affect humans lives negatively. The reasons, such as construction of building on slopes opened for settlement without required engineering assestment work being done, excavations and blasts aimed at different purpose, deforesting of natural land cover etc. trigger landslides occured in any area, along with sudden and heavy rainfall and earthquakes. This situation that affect human life negatively in either directly or indirectly, increases the susceptibility related this subject. Universities, research centers and institutions conducted projects in order to evaluate the hazard and risk of landslides and have mapped areal distribution of present landslides. Studies previously aimed investigate local unstabilies, in ourdays have increased as being regional assestment of wider areas


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There are 136 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

S. Dağ

F. Bulut This is me

S. Alemdağ This is me

A. Kaya This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Dağ, S., Bulut, F., Alemdağ, S., Kaya, A. (2011). Heyelan Duyarlılık Haritalarının Üretilmesinde Kullanılan Yöntem Ve Parametrelere İlişkin Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 151-176.