Research Article
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Kanalizasyon Sistemlerinde Rehabilitasyonda Öncelikli Bölgelerin PROMETHEE ve MAUT Yöntemleri ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 1066 - 1076, 15.10.2020


Kanalizasyon sistemlerinde, fiziksel, çevresel, hidrolik, işletme gibi faktörlere bağlı olarak hasar, tıkanma, çökme, geri tepme gibi arızalar oluşmakta ve işletme koşulları bozulmaktadır. Bu arızaların sıklığının artması, sistem işletme maliyetini, lokal olarak boru değiştirme, bakım-onarım maliyetini arttırmakta ve hizmet kalitesini düşürmektedir. Bu nedenle, kanalizasyon sistemlerinde arızaya sebep olabilecek faktörler göz önüne alınarak rehabilitasyon önceliğinin belirlenmesi maliyetlerin düşürülmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, kanalizasyon sistemlerinde rehabilitasyon önceliğinin belirlenmesi için çoklu ölçütlü karar verme yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Bu amaçla, detaylı literatür araştırması yapılarak belirlenen 26 faktöre ait saha verileri esas alınarak Fuzzy Elemination and Choice Translating Reality English (ENTROPI) yöntemi ile ağırlıklar hesaplanmıştır. Faktör ağırlıkları ve faktörlere ait saha verileri kullanılarak Preference Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluations-2 (PROMETHE-2) ve Multi‐Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) yöntemine göre rehabilitasyonda öncelikli bölgeler belirlenmiştir. ENTROPI yöntemi ile hesaplanan ağırlık katsayılarının incelenen problemin doğal yapısı ile uyumlu ve anlamlı olduğu görülmüştür. Faktör ağırlıkları ve faktörlere ait saha verileri kullanılarak PROMETHE-2 ve MAUT yöntemine göre belirlenen öncelikli bölgelerin, özellikle ilk 5 bölgenin genel anlamda uyumlu olduğu ve benzerlik gösterdiği söylenebilir.

Supporting Institution

İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number

İÜ-BAP FYL-2017-582


  • Al-Zahrani, M., Abo-Monasar, A., Sadiq, R., 2015. Risk-Based Prioritization of Water Main Failure Using Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Technique. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, 65, Jws2015051.
  • Ammar, M. A., Moselhi, O., Zayed, T.M., 2012. Decision Support Model for Selection of Rehabilitation Methods of Water Mains. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8, 847–855.
  • Ana, E.V., Bauwens, W., 2010. Modeling The Structural Deterioration of Urban Drainage Pipes: The State-of-The-Art in Statistical Methods. Urban Water Journal, 7, 47–59.
  • Barreto, W., Vojinovic, Z., Price, R., Solomatine, D., 2010. Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136, 547–554.
  • Bowering, E.A., Peck, A.M., Simonovic, S.P., 2014. A Flood Risk Assessment to Municipal Infrastructure Due to Changing Climate Part I: Methodology. Urban Water Journal, 11, 20-30.
  • Brans, J.P., Mareschal, B., 2005. Promethee Methods. (Pp 163-186) In: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of The Art Surveys. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 78. Springer, New York, NY.
  • Brans, J.P., Vincke, Ph., Mareschal, B., 1985. How to Select and How to Rank Projects: The Promethee Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 24, 228-238.
  • Chang, C.-I., Du, Y., Wang, J., Guo S.-M., Thouin, P.D., (2006). Survey and Comparative Analysis of Entropy and Relative Entropy Thresholding Techniques. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 6, 837 – 850.
  • Chughtai, F., Zayed, T., 2008. Infrastructure Condition Prediction Models for Sustainable Sewer Pipelines. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 22, 333–341.
  • Ennaouri, I., Fuamba, M., 2013. New Integrated Condition-Assessment Model for Combined Storm-Sewer Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139, 53–64.
  • Fishburn P., 1967. Additive Utilities with Finite Sets: Applications in The Management Sciences. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Hlodversdottir, A.O., Bjornsson, B., Andradottir, H. O., Eliasson, J., Crochet, P., 2015. Assessment of Flood Hazard in A Combined Sewer System in Reykjavik City Centre. Water Science and Technology, 71, 1471–1477.
  • Hosseini, S. M., Ghasemi, A., 2012. Hydraulic Performance Analysis of Sewer Systems with Uncertain Parameters. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14, 682-696.
  • Inanloo, B., Tansel, B., Shams, K., Jin, X., Gan, A., 2016. A Decision Aid GIS-Based Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis Approach for Transportation and Pipeline Networks. Safety Science, 84, 57–66.
  • Keeney, R., Fishburn, P., 1974. Seven Independence Concepts and Continuous Multiattribute Utility Functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 11(3), 294-327.
  • Kessili, A., Benmamar, S., 2016. Prioritizing Sewer Rehabilitation Projects Using AHP-PROMETHEE II Ranking Method. Water Science and Technology, 73, 283–291.
  • Kim, E.S., Baek, C.W., Kim, J.H., 2005. Estimate of Pipe Deterioration and Optimal Scheduling of Rehabilitation. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 5, 39–46.
  • Lee, P. T. W., Lın, C. W., Shın, S. H., 2012. A Comparative Study on Financial Positions of Shipping Companies in Taiwan and Korea Using Entropy and Grey Relation Analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 5649-5657.
  • Loken, E., 2007. Use of Multicriteria Decision Analysis Methods for Energy Planning Problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11, 1584-1595.
  • Marzouk, M., Hamid, S. A., El-Said, M., 2015. A Methodology for Prioritizing Water Mains Rehabilitation In Egypt. HBRC Journal, 11, 114–128.
  • Orhan, C., 2018. Atık Su Sistemlerinde Rehabilitasyon İçin Öncelikli Bölgelerin Belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 120s
  • Riley, M.A., Baker, A.A., Schmit, J.M., Weaver, E., 2010. Effects of Visual and Auditory Short-Term Memory Tasks on The Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Variability of Postural Sway. Journal of Motor Behavior, 37, 311-324.
  • Rokstad, M. M., Ugarelli, R. M., 2015. Evaluating The Role of Deterioration Models for Condition Assessment of Sewers. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17, 789–804.
  • Roozbahani, A., Banafsheh, Z., 2012. PROMETHEE With Precedence Order in The Criteria (PPOC) As A New Group Decision Making Aid: An Application in Urban Water Supply Management. Water Resources Management, 26, 3581–99.
  • Shahata, K., Zayed, T., 2010. Integrated Decision-Support Framework for Municipal Infrastructure Asset. ASCE Pipelines Proceedings, 514, 1492–1502.
  • Tagherouit, W. B., Bennis, S., Bengassem, J., 2011. A Fuzzy Expert System for Prioritizing Rehabilitation of Sewer Networks. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 26, 146–152.
  • Tscheikner-Gratl, F., Sitzenfrei, R., Rauch, W., Kleidorfer, M., 2016. Integrated Rehabilitation Planning of Urban Infrastructure Systems Using A Street Section Priority Model. Urban Water Journal, 13, 28-40.
  • Vucijak, B., Ceric, A., 2011. Multicrtieria Prioritization of Wastewater Projects on Example of Bihac Municipality. Annals of DAAAM And Proceedings of The International DAAAM Symposium. 22, 933–935.
  • Zhu, Z., Chen, Z., Chen, X., He, P., 2016. Approach for Evaluating Inundation Risks in Urban Drainage Systems. Science of The Total Environment, 553, 1–12.

Identification of Priority Regions in Rehabilitation in Sewerage Systems by PROMETHEE and MAUT Methods

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 1066 - 1076, 15.10.2020


Depending on factors such as physical, environmental, hydraulic, and operation in sewage systems, malfunctions such as damage, clogging, collapse, rebound occur and operating conditions deteriorate. The high frequency of these failures causes an increase in system operating costs and local pipe replacement, maintenance and repair costs and decreases the service quality. Therefore, it is important to determine the priority of rehabilitation by considering the factors that may cause failures and structural damages in the sewage systems. In this study, multiple criteria decision-making methods were applied to determine the priority of rehabilitation in sewage systems. For this purpose, weights of factors were calculated using the ENTROPI method based on the field data of 26 factors determined by conducting detailed literature research. Priority areas in rehabilitation were determined according to PROMETHE-2 and MAUT method using factor weights and field data of factors. The weight coefficients calculated with the ENTROPI method were found to be compatible and significant with the natural structure of the problem under study. Using the factor weights and the field data of the factors, it can be said that the priority regions determined according to the PROMETHE-2 and MAUT method, especially the first 5 regions, are generally compatible and show similarity.

Project Number

İÜ-BAP FYL-2017-582


  • Al-Zahrani, M., Abo-Monasar, A., Sadiq, R., 2015. Risk-Based Prioritization of Water Main Failure Using Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Technique. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, 65, Jws2015051.
  • Ammar, M. A., Moselhi, O., Zayed, T.M., 2012. Decision Support Model for Selection of Rehabilitation Methods of Water Mains. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8, 847–855.
  • Ana, E.V., Bauwens, W., 2010. Modeling The Structural Deterioration of Urban Drainage Pipes: The State-of-The-Art in Statistical Methods. Urban Water Journal, 7, 47–59.
  • Barreto, W., Vojinovic, Z., Price, R., Solomatine, D., 2010. Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136, 547–554.
  • Bowering, E.A., Peck, A.M., Simonovic, S.P., 2014. A Flood Risk Assessment to Municipal Infrastructure Due to Changing Climate Part I: Methodology. Urban Water Journal, 11, 20-30.
  • Brans, J.P., Mareschal, B., 2005. Promethee Methods. (Pp 163-186) In: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of The Art Surveys. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 78. Springer, New York, NY.
  • Brans, J.P., Vincke, Ph., Mareschal, B., 1985. How to Select and How to Rank Projects: The Promethee Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 24, 228-238.
  • Chang, C.-I., Du, Y., Wang, J., Guo S.-M., Thouin, P.D., (2006). Survey and Comparative Analysis of Entropy and Relative Entropy Thresholding Techniques. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 6, 837 – 850.
  • Chughtai, F., Zayed, T., 2008. Infrastructure Condition Prediction Models for Sustainable Sewer Pipelines. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 22, 333–341.
  • Ennaouri, I., Fuamba, M., 2013. New Integrated Condition-Assessment Model for Combined Storm-Sewer Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139, 53–64.
  • Fishburn P., 1967. Additive Utilities with Finite Sets: Applications in The Management Sciences. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Hlodversdottir, A.O., Bjornsson, B., Andradottir, H. O., Eliasson, J., Crochet, P., 2015. Assessment of Flood Hazard in A Combined Sewer System in Reykjavik City Centre. Water Science and Technology, 71, 1471–1477.
  • Hosseini, S. M., Ghasemi, A., 2012. Hydraulic Performance Analysis of Sewer Systems with Uncertain Parameters. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14, 682-696.
  • Inanloo, B., Tansel, B., Shams, K., Jin, X., Gan, A., 2016. A Decision Aid GIS-Based Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis Approach for Transportation and Pipeline Networks. Safety Science, 84, 57–66.
  • Keeney, R., Fishburn, P., 1974. Seven Independence Concepts and Continuous Multiattribute Utility Functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 11(3), 294-327.
  • Kessili, A., Benmamar, S., 2016. Prioritizing Sewer Rehabilitation Projects Using AHP-PROMETHEE II Ranking Method. Water Science and Technology, 73, 283–291.
  • Kim, E.S., Baek, C.W., Kim, J.H., 2005. Estimate of Pipe Deterioration and Optimal Scheduling of Rehabilitation. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 5, 39–46.
  • Lee, P. T. W., Lın, C. W., Shın, S. H., 2012. A Comparative Study on Financial Positions of Shipping Companies in Taiwan and Korea Using Entropy and Grey Relation Analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 5649-5657.
  • Loken, E., 2007. Use of Multicriteria Decision Analysis Methods for Energy Planning Problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11, 1584-1595.
  • Marzouk, M., Hamid, S. A., El-Said, M., 2015. A Methodology for Prioritizing Water Mains Rehabilitation In Egypt. HBRC Journal, 11, 114–128.
  • Orhan, C., 2018. Atık Su Sistemlerinde Rehabilitasyon İçin Öncelikli Bölgelerin Belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 120s
  • Riley, M.A., Baker, A.A., Schmit, J.M., Weaver, E., 2010. Effects of Visual and Auditory Short-Term Memory Tasks on The Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Variability of Postural Sway. Journal of Motor Behavior, 37, 311-324.
  • Rokstad, M. M., Ugarelli, R. M., 2015. Evaluating The Role of Deterioration Models for Condition Assessment of Sewers. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17, 789–804.
  • Roozbahani, A., Banafsheh, Z., 2012. PROMETHEE With Precedence Order in The Criteria (PPOC) As A New Group Decision Making Aid: An Application in Urban Water Supply Management. Water Resources Management, 26, 3581–99.
  • Shahata, K., Zayed, T., 2010. Integrated Decision-Support Framework for Municipal Infrastructure Asset. ASCE Pipelines Proceedings, 514, 1492–1502.
  • Tagherouit, W. B., Bennis, S., Bengassem, J., 2011. A Fuzzy Expert System for Prioritizing Rehabilitation of Sewer Networks. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 26, 146–152.
  • Tscheikner-Gratl, F., Sitzenfrei, R., Rauch, W., Kleidorfer, M., 2016. Integrated Rehabilitation Planning of Urban Infrastructure Systems Using A Street Section Priority Model. Urban Water Journal, 13, 28-40.
  • Vucijak, B., Ceric, A., 2011. Multicrtieria Prioritization of Wastewater Projects on Example of Bihac Municipality. Annals of DAAAM And Proceedings of The International DAAAM Symposium. 22, 933–935.
  • Zhu, Z., Chen, Z., Chen, X., He, P., 2016. Approach for Evaluating Inundation Risks in Urban Drainage Systems. Science of The Total Environment, 553, 1–12.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mahmut Fırat 0000-0002-8010-9289

Cansu Orhan 0000-0002-0987-1297

Project Number İÜ-BAP FYL-2017-582
Publication Date October 15, 2020
Submission Date February 27, 2020
Acceptance Date September 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Fırat, M., & Orhan, C. (2020). Kanalizasyon Sistemlerinde Rehabilitasyonda Öncelikli Bölgelerin PROMETHEE ve MAUT Yöntemleri ile Belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(4), 1066-1076.