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Metal Kaplama Tesisi Atıksuyundan Elektrokoagülasyon Yöntemi ile Fosfat Giderimi

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 1077 - 1084, 15.10.2020


Bu çalışmada, otomotiv sektörü metal kaplama atıksuyundan fosfat giderimi için elektrokoagülasyon (EC) yönteminin uygulanabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Çalışma, Demir (Fe) elektrot kullanılarak 25, 50, 75 ve 100 mA/cm2 akım yoğunluğunda 1 saat kesikli olarak yürütülmüştür. Sonuçlar en yüksek akım yoğunluğunda fosfat giderim veriminin en yüksek %89.5 olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak arıtım sürecinde 30 dk’ dan sonra elektriksel iletkenlik ve pH’ da artışa bağlı olarak giderimin veriminin azalarak arttığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca en yüksek akım yoğunluğunda, arıtımdan kaynaklanan çamurun en yüksek oranda çökeldiği ve çökelme hacminin 14 mL olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Attour, A., Touati, M., Tlili, M., Ben Amor, M., Lapicque, F. ve Leclerc J.P., 2014. Influence of Operating Parameters on Phosphate Removal from Water by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum Electrodes. Seperation and Prufication Technology, 123, 124-129.
  • Bakshi, A., Verma, A.K. ve Dash, A.K., 2020. Electrocoagulation for Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution: Statistical Modeling and Techno-Economic Study. Journal and Cleaner Production, 246. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118988
  • Bektaş, N., Akbulut, H., İnan, H. ve Dimoglo A., 2004. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution by Electro-Coagulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 106B, 101-105.
  • Behbahani, M., Alavi Moghaddam, M.R. ve Arami M., 2011. A Comparison Between Aluminum and Iron Electrodes on Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution by Electrocoagulation Process. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5, 2, 403-412.
  • Chen, S., Shi, Y., Wang, W., Li, Z., Gao, J. ve Bao K., 2014. Phosphorus Removal from Continuous Phosphate-Contaminated Water by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum and Iron Plates. Seperation Science and Technology, 49, 939-945.
  • Dian, K.M., Zhang, B., Feng, C. ve Cellou, K., 2013. Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using Iron Electrode. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731, 2498-2501.
  • Dura, A. ve Breslin, C.B., 2019a. Electrocoagulation Using Stainless Steel Anodes: Simultaneous Removal of Phosphates, Orange II And Zinc Ions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 379, 152-158.
  • Dura, A. ve Breslin C.B., 2019b. The Removal of Phosphates Using Electrocoagulation with Al-Mg Anodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 846, 223161, 1-8.
  • Duricic, T., Malinovic, B.N. ve Bijelic, D., 2016, The Phosphate Removal Efficiency Electrocoagulation Wastewater Using Iron and Aluminum Electrodes. Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 47, 33-38.
  • Franco, D., Lee, J., Arbelaez, S., Cohen, N. ve Kim, J.Y., 2017. Removal of Phosphate from Surface and Wastewater via Electrocoagulation. Ecological Engineering, 108, 589-596
  • Hashim, K.S., Khaddar, R.A., Jasim, N., Shaw, A., Phipps, D., Kot, P., Pedrola, M.O., Alattabi, A.W., Abdulredha, M. ve Alawsh, R., 2019. Electrocoagulation as a Green Technology for Phosphate Removal from River Water. Separation and Purification Technology, 210, 135-144.
  • Inan E. ve Alaydın E., 2014. Phosphate and Nitrogen Removal by Iron Produced in Electrocoagulation Reactor. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52, 1396-1403.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Dedeli, A. ve Sensoy, M.T. 2010. Treatment of Rinse Water From Zinc Phosphate Coating by Batch and Continuous Electrocoagulation Processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173, 326-334.
  • Lacasa, E., Canizares, P., Saez, C., Fernandez, F.J. ve Rodrigo, M.A, 2011. Electrochemical Phosphates Removal Using Iron and Aluminium Electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 172, 137-143.
  • Nassef E., 2012. Removal of Phosphorous Compounds by Electrochemical Technique. Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal, 2, 3, 403.
  • Sun, D., Hong, X., Wu, K., Hui, K.S., Du, Y. ve Hui, K.N. 2020. Simultaneous Removal of Ammonia and Phosphate by Electrooxidation and Electrocoagulation Using Ruo2eıro2/Ti and Microscale Zero-Valent İron Composite Electrode. Water Resource, 169, 115239, 1-11.
  • Stafford, B., Dotro, G., Vale, P., Jefferson, B. ve Jarvis, P., 2014. Removal of Phosphorus from Tricling Filter Effluent by Electrocoagulation. Environmental Technology, 35, 24, 3139-3146
  • Tian, Y., He, W., Zhu, X., Yang, W., Ren, N. ve Logan, B.E., 2017. Improved Electrocoagulation Reactor for Rapid Removal of Phosphate from Wastewater. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5, 67-71.
  • Tibebe, D., Kassa, Y. ve Bhaskarwar, A.N., 2019. Treatment and Characterization of Phosphorus from Synthetic Wastewater Using Aluminum Plate Electrodes in the Electrocoagulation Process. BMC Chemistry, 13, 107, 1-14.
  • Vasudevan, S., Sozhan, G., Ravichandran, S., Jayaraj, J., Lakshmi, J. ve Sheela, S.M., 2008. Studies on the Removal of Phosphate from Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, 6, 2018-2023.
  • Vasudevan, S., Lakshmi, J. ve Sozhan, G., 2009. Optimization of the Process Parameters for the Removal Of Phosphate from Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation. Desalination and Water Treatment, 12, 407-414.

Phosphate Removal from Metal Coating Plant Wastewater by Electrocoagulation

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 1077 - 1084, 15.10.2020


In this study, the applicability of electrocoagulation method for phosphate removal from metal coating wastewater was investigated. The experiments were performed in a batch EC reactor using Fe electrode during an hour in 25, 50, 75 ve 100 mA/cm2 current density. The results showed that the highest phosphate removal efficiency was 89.5% at the highest current density. However, it was determined that the removal efficiency decreased after 30 minutes during the treatment process due to the increasing of electrical conductivity and pH. In addition, it was observed that at the highest current density, the sludge resulting from the treatment was exposed to the highest settling and the settling sludge volume was the lowest 14 mL.


  • Attour, A., Touati, M., Tlili, M., Ben Amor, M., Lapicque, F. ve Leclerc J.P., 2014. Influence of Operating Parameters on Phosphate Removal from Water by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum Electrodes. Seperation and Prufication Technology, 123, 124-129.
  • Bakshi, A., Verma, A.K. ve Dash, A.K., 2020. Electrocoagulation for Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution: Statistical Modeling and Techno-Economic Study. Journal and Cleaner Production, 246. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118988
  • Bektaş, N., Akbulut, H., İnan, H. ve Dimoglo A., 2004. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution by Electro-Coagulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 106B, 101-105.
  • Behbahani, M., Alavi Moghaddam, M.R. ve Arami M., 2011. A Comparison Between Aluminum and Iron Electrodes on Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution by Electrocoagulation Process. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5, 2, 403-412.
  • Chen, S., Shi, Y., Wang, W., Li, Z., Gao, J. ve Bao K., 2014. Phosphorus Removal from Continuous Phosphate-Contaminated Water by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum and Iron Plates. Seperation Science and Technology, 49, 939-945.
  • Dian, K.M., Zhang, B., Feng, C. ve Cellou, K., 2013. Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using Iron Electrode. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731, 2498-2501.
  • Dura, A. ve Breslin, C.B., 2019a. Electrocoagulation Using Stainless Steel Anodes: Simultaneous Removal of Phosphates, Orange II And Zinc Ions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 379, 152-158.
  • Dura, A. ve Breslin C.B., 2019b. The Removal of Phosphates Using Electrocoagulation with Al-Mg Anodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 846, 223161, 1-8.
  • Duricic, T., Malinovic, B.N. ve Bijelic, D., 2016, The Phosphate Removal Efficiency Electrocoagulation Wastewater Using Iron and Aluminum Electrodes. Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 47, 33-38.
  • Franco, D., Lee, J., Arbelaez, S., Cohen, N. ve Kim, J.Y., 2017. Removal of Phosphate from Surface and Wastewater via Electrocoagulation. Ecological Engineering, 108, 589-596
  • Hashim, K.S., Khaddar, R.A., Jasim, N., Shaw, A., Phipps, D., Kot, P., Pedrola, M.O., Alattabi, A.W., Abdulredha, M. ve Alawsh, R., 2019. Electrocoagulation as a Green Technology for Phosphate Removal from River Water. Separation and Purification Technology, 210, 135-144.
  • Inan E. ve Alaydın E., 2014. Phosphate and Nitrogen Removal by Iron Produced in Electrocoagulation Reactor. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52, 1396-1403.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Dedeli, A. ve Sensoy, M.T. 2010. Treatment of Rinse Water From Zinc Phosphate Coating by Batch and Continuous Electrocoagulation Processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173, 326-334.
  • Lacasa, E., Canizares, P., Saez, C., Fernandez, F.J. ve Rodrigo, M.A, 2011. Electrochemical Phosphates Removal Using Iron and Aluminium Electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 172, 137-143.
  • Nassef E., 2012. Removal of Phosphorous Compounds by Electrochemical Technique. Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal, 2, 3, 403.
  • Sun, D., Hong, X., Wu, K., Hui, K.S., Du, Y. ve Hui, K.N. 2020. Simultaneous Removal of Ammonia and Phosphate by Electrooxidation and Electrocoagulation Using Ruo2eıro2/Ti and Microscale Zero-Valent İron Composite Electrode. Water Resource, 169, 115239, 1-11.
  • Stafford, B., Dotro, G., Vale, P., Jefferson, B. ve Jarvis, P., 2014. Removal of Phosphorus from Tricling Filter Effluent by Electrocoagulation. Environmental Technology, 35, 24, 3139-3146
  • Tian, Y., He, W., Zhu, X., Yang, W., Ren, N. ve Logan, B.E., 2017. Improved Electrocoagulation Reactor for Rapid Removal of Phosphate from Wastewater. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5, 67-71.
  • Tibebe, D., Kassa, Y. ve Bhaskarwar, A.N., 2019. Treatment and Characterization of Phosphorus from Synthetic Wastewater Using Aluminum Plate Electrodes in the Electrocoagulation Process. BMC Chemistry, 13, 107, 1-14.
  • Vasudevan, S., Sozhan, G., Ravichandran, S., Jayaraj, J., Lakshmi, J. ve Sheela, S.M., 2008. Studies on the Removal of Phosphate from Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, 6, 2018-2023.
  • Vasudevan, S., Lakshmi, J. ve Sozhan, G., 2009. Optimization of the Process Parameters for the Removal Of Phosphate from Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation. Desalination and Water Treatment, 12, 407-414.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ummukulsum Ozel Akdemir 0000-0002-1318-6655

Publication Date October 15, 2020
Submission Date April 28, 2020
Acceptance Date September 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Ozel Akdemir, U. (2020). Metal Kaplama Tesisi Atıksuyundan Elektrokoagülasyon Yöntemi ile Fosfat Giderimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(4), 1077-1084. https://doi.org/10.17714/gumusfenbil.728619