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Regional Innovation Systems Success Factors and Policy Implications

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 20 - 31, 01.06.2012



  • Albeni, M. ve M. Karaöz (2003), “Bölgesel Kalkınmada Öğrenme, Bilgi Birikimi ve Yenilik: Türkiye için bir Perspektif”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (2), 157-170.
  • Andersson, M. ve C. Karlsson (2004), Regional Innovation Systems in Small & Medium Sized Regions, A Critical Review and Assessment, CESIS Working Paper Series No: 10.
  • Asheim, B. T. ve A. Isaksen (2002), “Regional Innovation Systems: the Integration of Local Sticky and Global Ubiquitous Knowledge”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 27 (1), 77-86.
  • Asheim, B. T. (2004), “From Clusters to Projects: Spatial Embeddedness and Disembeddedness of Learning and Knowledge Creation in the Globalising Economy”, içinde C. Karlsson, P. Flensburg ve S.A. Hörte (Editörler), Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, İngiltere.
  • Coenen, L. (2007), “The Role of Universities in the Regional Innovation Systems of the North East of England and Scania, Sweden: Providing Missing Links?”, Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy, 25 (4-6), 803-821.
  • Cooke, P. (1992), “Regional Innovation Systems: Competitive Regulation in the New Europe”, Geoforum, 23, 265-382.
  • Cooke, P. (2001), “Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and the Knowledge Economy”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 10(4), 945-974.
  • Cooke, P. (2004a), “The Role of Research in Regional Innovation Systems: New Models Meeting Knowledge Economy Demands”, International Journal of Technology Management, 28 (3/4/5/6), 507-533.
  • Cooke, P. (2004b), “The Regional Innovation System in Wales: Evolution or Eclipse?”, içinde P. Cooke, M. Heidenreich ve H. Braczyk (Editörler), Regional Innovation Systems, London: Routledge.
  • Cooke, P. ve K. Morgan (1994), “The Regional Innovation System in Baden-Württemberg”, International Journal of Technology Management, 9 (3/4), 394-429.
  • Cooke, P.; M. Heidenreich; H. Braczyk (2004), Regional Innovation Systems, London: Routledge.
  • Cooke, P.; S. Roper; P. Wylie (2001), Developing a Regional Innovation Strategy for Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Economic Council Occasional Paper No: 14.
  • Cooke, P.; P. Boekholt; F. Tödtling (2000), The Governance of Innovation in Europe: Regional Perspectives on Global Competitiveness, Pinter, New York.
  • Csizmadia, Z. ve A. Grosz (2008), Regional Innovation System in West Transdanubia, Discussion Paper, No: 67, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Macaristan.
  • Çelebi, A. K. ve A. Z. Yalçin (2008), “Kamusal Mallar Teorisinin Değişimi: Bölgesel Kamusal Mallar”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İİBF Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 15 (2), 1-18.
  • Dreger, C. ve G. Erber (2010), “Design Principles of Regional Innovation Systems”, IAREG – Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth Working Paper, No: WP6/01.
  • Durgut, M. ve M. Akyos (2001), “Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri ve Teknoloji Öngörüsü”, Teknoloji Öngörüsü ve Stratejik Planlama Kongresi, 24-26 Mayıs, Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Durgut, M. ve M. Akyos (2004), “Bölgesel Teknolojik Kalkınma Stratejisi”, içinde Teknoloji, Türkiye Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği 50. Yıl Yayınları, İstanbul, 221-249.
  • Elçi, Ş.; İ. Karatayli; S. Karaata (2008), Bölgesel inovasyon Merkezleri: Türkiye için Bir Model Önerisi, TÜSİAD Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2008-12/477, İstanbul.
  • European Commission (2002), Regional Innovation Strategies Under the European Regional Development Fund Innovative Actions 2000-2002, European Commission Regional Policy Directorate General.
  • Freeman, C. (1987), Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan, Frances Pinter, London.
  • Freeman, C. (1995), “The 'National System of Innovation' in Historical Perspective”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19 (1), 5-24.
  • Fritsch, M. ve H. Graf (2010), “How General Conditions Affect Regional Innovation Systems - The Case of the Two Germanys”, Jena Economic Research Papers, No: 2010-054.
  • Gregersen, B. ve B. Johnson (1997), “Learning Economies, Innovation Systems and European Integration”, Regional Studies, 31 (5), 479-490.
  • Hall, A.; L. Mytelka; B. Oyeyinka (2005), “Innovation Systems: Implications for Agricultural Policy and Practice”, Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Brief, 2, 1-4.
  • Hemlin, S.; C. M. Allwood; B. R. Martin (2004), Creative Knowledge Environments: The Influences on Creativity in Research and Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
  • Isaksen, A. (2001), “Building Regional Innovation Systems: Is Endogenous Industrial Development Possible in the Global Economy?”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 24 (1), 101-120.
  • Josty, P. (2000), “The Alberta Innovation System, Part 1: The Main Players and Suggested Research Priorities”, InnoCom Conference, 27-28 Nisan, Calgary.
  • Kline, S. J. ve N. Rosenberg (1986), “An Overview of Innovation”, içinde R. Landau ve N. Rosenberg (Editörler), The Positive Sum Strategy: Harnessing Techology for Economic Growth, National Academy Press, Washington, 275-306.
  • Lundvall, B-Å. (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive learning, Pinter, London.
  • Malecki, E. J. (2000), “Knowledge, Competence and Regional Development”, Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 9 (1), 71-79.
  • Menapace, P. (2010), Europeanization and Regional Innovation Systems in Turkey: A Case Study on Turkish Policies for Innovation and Industry-University Partnerships, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
  • Nelson, R. R. (1993), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Study, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Nelson, R. R. ve N. Rosenberg (1993), “Technical Innovation and National Systems”, içinde R. R. Nelson (Editör), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York, 3-21.
  • Nilsson, J. (2006), The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Systems: A Nordic Perspective, Copenhagen Business School Press, Denmark.
  • NIOSI, J. (2010), Building National and Regional Innovation Systems: Institutions for Economic Development, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Park, S.O. (2001), “Regional Innovation Strategies in the Knowledge-Based Economy”, GeoJournal, 53 (1), 29-38.
  • Putnam, R.D.; R.Leonardi; R. Nanetti (1995), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton Univerty Press, Princeton.
  • Roper, S.; J. Love; P. Cooke; N. Clifton (2006), The Scottish Innovation System, Actors, Roles and Actions, Aston Business School & Cardiff University.
  • Rossol, P. (2010), Innovation and Change in Baden-Württemberg’s Regional Innovation System: Successful Now - but What Comes After?, Grin Verlag, Germany.
  • Sandström, A.; I. Pettersson; A. Nilsson (2000), “Knowledge Production and Knowledge Flows in the Swedish Biotechnology Innovation System”, Scientometrics, 48 (2), 179-201.
  • Schneider, G.; T. Plümper, S. Baumann (2000), “Bringing Putnam to the European Regions on the Relevance of Social Capital for Economic Growth”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 7 (4), 307-317.
  • Smith, H. L.; D. Keeble; C. Lawson; B. Moore; F. Wilkinson (1998), “Contrasting Regional Innovation Systems in Oxford and Cambridge”, içinde J. de la Mothe Ve G. Paquet (Editörler), Local and Regional Systems of Innovation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
  • Sternberg, R. ve C. Müller (2005), “Entrepreneurship in Regional Innovation Systems – A Case Study of the Biotechnology Industry in Shanghai”, DRUID 10th Anniversary Summer Conference on Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems, 27-29 Haziran, Copenhagen-Denmark.
  • Wolfe, D. ve J. A. Holbrook (2000), Innovation, Institutions and Territory: Regional Innovation Systems in Canada, Queen's Policy Studies Series No: 17, McGill-Queen's University Press, Canada.
  • Yongxiang, L. (1998), “Striving to Build a National Innovation System for the Era of Knowledge”, Asia Pacific Biotech News (APBN), 2 (10).

Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri Başarı Koşulları ve Politika Çıkarımları

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 20 - 31, 01.06.2012


İnovasyon sürecinin doğasına ilişkin teorideki dönüşümler sonucunda ortaya çıkan inovasyon sistemi yaklaşımı sektörel, bölgesel ve ulusal düzeyde ele alınabilmektedir. Bölgelerin inovatif (yenilikçi) kapasitesini arttırmayı amaçlayan bölgesel inovasyon sistemi uygulamaları Batı’da uzun yıllardır uygulanmaktadır. Bölgesel inovasyon sistemleri oluşturulmasında başarılı örneklerin incelenmesi ve geçmiş deneyimlerin başarı unsurlarının ortaya koyulması, yeni uygulamalara da ışık tutmaktadır. Türkiye’de de son zamanlarda bölgesel inovasyon sistemleri oluşturulması çabalarının arttığı görülmektedir


  • Albeni, M. ve M. Karaöz (2003), “Bölgesel Kalkınmada Öğrenme, Bilgi Birikimi ve Yenilik: Türkiye için bir Perspektif”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (2), 157-170.
  • Andersson, M. ve C. Karlsson (2004), Regional Innovation Systems in Small & Medium Sized Regions, A Critical Review and Assessment, CESIS Working Paper Series No: 10.
  • Asheim, B. T. ve A. Isaksen (2002), “Regional Innovation Systems: the Integration of Local Sticky and Global Ubiquitous Knowledge”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 27 (1), 77-86.
  • Asheim, B. T. (2004), “From Clusters to Projects: Spatial Embeddedness and Disembeddedness of Learning and Knowledge Creation in the Globalising Economy”, içinde C. Karlsson, P. Flensburg ve S.A. Hörte (Editörler), Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, İngiltere.
  • Coenen, L. (2007), “The Role of Universities in the Regional Innovation Systems of the North East of England and Scania, Sweden: Providing Missing Links?”, Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy, 25 (4-6), 803-821.
  • Cooke, P. (1992), “Regional Innovation Systems: Competitive Regulation in the New Europe”, Geoforum, 23, 265-382.
  • Cooke, P. (2001), “Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and the Knowledge Economy”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 10(4), 945-974.
  • Cooke, P. (2004a), “The Role of Research in Regional Innovation Systems: New Models Meeting Knowledge Economy Demands”, International Journal of Technology Management, 28 (3/4/5/6), 507-533.
  • Cooke, P. (2004b), “The Regional Innovation System in Wales: Evolution or Eclipse?”, içinde P. Cooke, M. Heidenreich ve H. Braczyk (Editörler), Regional Innovation Systems, London: Routledge.
  • Cooke, P. ve K. Morgan (1994), “The Regional Innovation System in Baden-Württemberg”, International Journal of Technology Management, 9 (3/4), 394-429.
  • Cooke, P.; M. Heidenreich; H. Braczyk (2004), Regional Innovation Systems, London: Routledge.
  • Cooke, P.; S. Roper; P. Wylie (2001), Developing a Regional Innovation Strategy for Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Economic Council Occasional Paper No: 14.
  • Cooke, P.; P. Boekholt; F. Tödtling (2000), The Governance of Innovation in Europe: Regional Perspectives on Global Competitiveness, Pinter, New York.
  • Csizmadia, Z. ve A. Grosz (2008), Regional Innovation System in West Transdanubia, Discussion Paper, No: 67, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Macaristan.
  • Çelebi, A. K. ve A. Z. Yalçin (2008), “Kamusal Mallar Teorisinin Değişimi: Bölgesel Kamusal Mallar”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İİBF Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 15 (2), 1-18.
  • Dreger, C. ve G. Erber (2010), “Design Principles of Regional Innovation Systems”, IAREG – Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth Working Paper, No: WP6/01.
  • Durgut, M. ve M. Akyos (2001), “Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri ve Teknoloji Öngörüsü”, Teknoloji Öngörüsü ve Stratejik Planlama Kongresi, 24-26 Mayıs, Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Durgut, M. ve M. Akyos (2004), “Bölgesel Teknolojik Kalkınma Stratejisi”, içinde Teknoloji, Türkiye Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği 50. Yıl Yayınları, İstanbul, 221-249.
  • Elçi, Ş.; İ. Karatayli; S. Karaata (2008), Bölgesel inovasyon Merkezleri: Türkiye için Bir Model Önerisi, TÜSİAD Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2008-12/477, İstanbul.
  • European Commission (2002), Regional Innovation Strategies Under the European Regional Development Fund Innovative Actions 2000-2002, European Commission Regional Policy Directorate General.
  • Freeman, C. (1987), Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan, Frances Pinter, London.
  • Freeman, C. (1995), “The 'National System of Innovation' in Historical Perspective”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19 (1), 5-24.
  • Fritsch, M. ve H. Graf (2010), “How General Conditions Affect Regional Innovation Systems - The Case of the Two Germanys”, Jena Economic Research Papers, No: 2010-054.
  • Gregersen, B. ve B. Johnson (1997), “Learning Economies, Innovation Systems and European Integration”, Regional Studies, 31 (5), 479-490.
  • Hall, A.; L. Mytelka; B. Oyeyinka (2005), “Innovation Systems: Implications for Agricultural Policy and Practice”, Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Brief, 2, 1-4.
  • Hemlin, S.; C. M. Allwood; B. R. Martin (2004), Creative Knowledge Environments: The Influences on Creativity in Research and Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
  • Isaksen, A. (2001), “Building Regional Innovation Systems: Is Endogenous Industrial Development Possible in the Global Economy?”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 24 (1), 101-120.
  • Josty, P. (2000), “The Alberta Innovation System, Part 1: The Main Players and Suggested Research Priorities”, InnoCom Conference, 27-28 Nisan, Calgary.
  • Kline, S. J. ve N. Rosenberg (1986), “An Overview of Innovation”, içinde R. Landau ve N. Rosenberg (Editörler), The Positive Sum Strategy: Harnessing Techology for Economic Growth, National Academy Press, Washington, 275-306.
  • Lundvall, B-Å. (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive learning, Pinter, London.
  • Malecki, E. J. (2000), “Knowledge, Competence and Regional Development”, Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 9 (1), 71-79.
  • Menapace, P. (2010), Europeanization and Regional Innovation Systems in Turkey: A Case Study on Turkish Policies for Innovation and Industry-University Partnerships, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
  • Nelson, R. R. (1993), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Study, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Nelson, R. R. ve N. Rosenberg (1993), “Technical Innovation and National Systems”, içinde R. R. Nelson (Editör), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York, 3-21.
  • Nilsson, J. (2006), The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Systems: A Nordic Perspective, Copenhagen Business School Press, Denmark.
  • NIOSI, J. (2010), Building National and Regional Innovation Systems: Institutions for Economic Development, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Park, S.O. (2001), “Regional Innovation Strategies in the Knowledge-Based Economy”, GeoJournal, 53 (1), 29-38.
  • Putnam, R.D.; R.Leonardi; R. Nanetti (1995), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton Univerty Press, Princeton.
  • Roper, S.; J. Love; P. Cooke; N. Clifton (2006), The Scottish Innovation System, Actors, Roles and Actions, Aston Business School & Cardiff University.
  • Rossol, P. (2010), Innovation and Change in Baden-Württemberg’s Regional Innovation System: Successful Now - but What Comes After?, Grin Verlag, Germany.
  • Sandström, A.; I. Pettersson; A. Nilsson (2000), “Knowledge Production and Knowledge Flows in the Swedish Biotechnology Innovation System”, Scientometrics, 48 (2), 179-201.
  • Schneider, G.; T. Plümper, S. Baumann (2000), “Bringing Putnam to the European Regions on the Relevance of Social Capital for Economic Growth”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 7 (4), 307-317.
  • Smith, H. L.; D. Keeble; C. Lawson; B. Moore; F. Wilkinson (1998), “Contrasting Regional Innovation Systems in Oxford and Cambridge”, içinde J. de la Mothe Ve G. Paquet (Editörler), Local and Regional Systems of Innovation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
  • Sternberg, R. ve C. Müller (2005), “Entrepreneurship in Regional Innovation Systems – A Case Study of the Biotechnology Industry in Shanghai”, DRUID 10th Anniversary Summer Conference on Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems, 27-29 Haziran, Copenhagen-Denmark.
  • Wolfe, D. ve J. A. Holbrook (2000), Innovation, Institutions and Territory: Regional Innovation Systems in Canada, Queen's Policy Studies Series No: 17, McGill-Queen's University Press, Canada.
  • Yongxiang, L. (1998), “Striving to Build a National Innovation System for the Era of Knowledge”, Asia Pacific Biotech News (APBN), 2 (10).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Onur Sungur This is me

Hidayet Keskin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Sungur, O., & Keskin, H. (2012). Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri Başarı Koşulları ve Politika Çıkarımları. Global Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 1(2), 20-31.