Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 1 - 27, 24.03.2015


Sermaye kaçışları kavramının geçmişi iktisadın bilim olarak ortaya çıkışından önceki yıllara dayanmasına
rağmen tanımlanması ve ölçümü konusunda fikir birliğibulunmadığı görülmektedir. Sermaye kaçışlarının
tanımlama ve ölçüm farklılıklarının nedeni ise hangi sermaye çıkışlarının sermaye kaçışları olarak
değerlendirileceği konusunda sermaye kaçışları belirleyicilerinin baz alınması ve bu belirleyicilerin ülkelere
ve zamana göre farklılık göstermesidir. Bu çalışma, sermaye kaçışları ve ölçüm yöntemleri ile ilgili tartışmaları
ve ölçüm yöntemlerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • Abalkin, A. ve Walley J. (1999), “The Problem Of Capital Flight From The Russia”, Wiley Balckwell Publishing, 22(3), 421-444.
  • Ajayi Ibi S. (1995), “Capital Flight and External Debt in Nijeria” African Economic Research Consortium, Research Paper 35, 1-29.
  • ______(2000) “Capital Flight and External Nijeria”, Ajayi S. Ibi ve Khan Mohsin S. (Eds.), External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub Saharan Africa içinde (213-237), Washington DC: IMF Institute.
  • Alam, Imam ve Quazi, Rahim (2003), “Determinants of Capital Flight: An Econometric Case Study of Bangladesh, International Rewiew Of Applied Economics, 17(1), 85-103.
  • Ali, Abdilahi ve Walters, Bernard (2011), “On Causes of Capital Flight from Sub-Saharan Africa”, Central For The Study Of African Economies, 2011 Annual Conference, edia/papers/679-ali-pdf, (02.04.2013).
  • Almounsor, Abdullah (2005), “A Development Comparative Approach to Capital Flight: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa, 1970-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, içinde (173-198), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ayadi, S. Folorunso (2008), “Econometric Analysis of Capital Flight in Developing Countries: A Study of Nigeria”, 8th Global Conference on Business & Economics,, (10.11.2012).
  • Baek, Seung-Gwan ve Yang Doo Mong (2008), “Empirics on Capital Fligth”, Korean Money And Finance Association,
  • Beja, Edsel L. Jr. (2005), “Capital Flight Meanings and Measures”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (58-82), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Beja, Edsel L. Jr. ve diğerleri (2005), “Capital Flight from Thailand, 1980-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (143-172), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bener, Burak ve Dufour Mathieu (2005), “A Class Analysis of Capital Flight from Chile, 1971-2001”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (173-198), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bloomfield, Arthur I. (1954), Speculative and Flight Movements of Capital in Postwar Finance, New Jersey, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Boyce, James K. (1992), “The Revolving Door? External Debt and Capital Flight: A Phillippine Case Study”, World Development, 20(3), 335-349.
  • Boyce, James K. ve Zarsky Lyuba (1988), “Capital Flight From Philippines, 1962-1986”, Journal of Philippine Development, 15 (2), 191-222.
  • Boyce, James K., Ndikumana, Leonce (2001), “Is Africa a Net Creditor? New Estimates Of Capital Flight from Severely Indebted Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1970-96”, The Journal Of Development Studies, 38 (2), 27-56.
  • Boyrie, Maria ve diğerleri (2005), “The Impact of Switzerland's Money Laundering Law on Capital Flows Through Abnormal Pricing in International Trade”, Applied Financial Economics, 15, 217-230.
  • Boyrie Maria E. ve diğerleri (2007), “Capital Movement Trought Trade Misinvoicing: The Case Of Africa”, Journal of Financial Crime, 14(4), 444-489.
  • Brada, Josef C. ve diğerleri (2008), “Capital Flight from Central and East European Countries: Estimates and Causes”, 22.pdf (08.10.2012). EMG Working Paper Series,
  • ______(2011), “The Cost of Moving Money Across Borders and The Volume of Capital Flight: The Case of Russia and Other CIS Countries” Rewiev of World Economics, 147 (4), 717-744.
  • Cerra, Valerie ve diğerleri (2008), “Robbing the Riches: Capital Flight, Institutions and Debt”, Journal of Development Studies, 44(8), 1190-1213.
  • Cervena, Marianna (2006), “The Measurement of Capital Flight and It's Impact an Long-term Economic Growth: Empricial Evidence from a Cross-section of Countries”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisanas Tezi, Comenius University.
  • Chang, Kevin ve diğerleri (1997), “Conceptual and Methodolojical Issues in Measuremen of Capital Flight”, International Journal of Financial Economics, 2, 101-119
  • Cheung, Yi-Wong ve Qian, XianWang (2010), “Capital Flight: China’s Experience”, Review of Development Economics, 12 (2), 227-247.
  • Chipalkatti, Niranjan ve Rishi Meenakshi (2001), “External Debt and Capital Flight”, Oxford Development Studies, 29 (1), 31-44.
  • Claessens, Stijn ve Naude, David (1993), “Recent Estimates of Capital Flight”, International Economics Department of World Bank Working Paper, 1186, 1-22.
  • Collier, Paul (1999), “On the Economic Consequences of Civil War”, Oxford Economic Papers, 51, 168-183.
  • Collier, Paul ve diğerleri (2001), “Flight Capital as a Portfolyo Choice”, The World Bank Economic Rewiew, 15(1), 55-88.
  • Cuddington, John T. (1986), “Capital Flight: Estimates, Issues, and Explanation”, Princeton Studies In International Finance, 58, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Cuddington, John T. (1987), “Capital Flight”, European Economic Review, 31, 382-388.
  • Cumby Robert M ve Levich, Richard (1987), “On The Defination And Magnitude Of Recent Capital Flight”, NBER Working Paper Series, 2275, 1-51.
  • Davies, Victor A.B. (2007), “Capital Flight and War” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 4120, 518-537.
  • Deepler, Michael ve Williamson, Martin (1987), “Capital Flight: Consepts, Measurement, and Issues”, IMF Staff Studies for The World Economic Outlook, Washington DC.
  • Demir, Fırat (2004), “A Failure Story: Politics and Financial Liberalization in Turkey, Revisiting the Revolving Door Hypotesis”, World Development, 32(5), 851-869.
  • Dim Chukwuma ve Ezenekwe Uju (2014), “Capital Flight to Savings Gap in Nijeria: An An Assessment of Sosyo-Economic Determinants”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(2), 75-86.
  • Dooley, Michael P. (1986), “Country Specific Risk Premium, Capital Flight and Net Investment Income Payments In Selected Developing Countries”, IMF Discussing Paper,Washington DC.
  • ______(1988), “Capital Flight, A Response to Differences in Financial Risks”, Staff Papers- International Monetary Found, 35(3), 422-436.
  • Duman, Anıl ve diğerleri (2005), “The Determinants of Capital Flight in Turkey, 1971-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (116-131), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Eggerstedt, Harald ve diğerleri (1993), “Measuring Capital Flight, A Case Study of Mexico”, The World Bank Working Paper, 1121, 2-45.
  • Epstein, Gerald (2005), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries: an Introdution, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (3-14), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Erbe, Suzanne (1985), “The Flight of Capital From Developing Countries”, Intereconomics, 20(6), 268-275.
  • Eryar, Değer (2005), Capital Flight From Brazil, 1981-2000, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (210-233), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Fatehi, Kamal (1994), “Capital Flight from Latin America as a Barometer of Political Insitability”, Journal of Business Research, 30, 187-195.
  • Gibson D. Heather ve Tsakalotos Euclid, “Testing a Flow Model of Capital Flight in Five European Countries”, The Manchester School, 61(2), 144-166.
  • Gunter, Frank R. (1991), “Colombian Capital Flight”, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 33(1), 123-147.
  • Helleiner, Eric (2005), “Regulation Capital Flight”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (289-300), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Henry, Akani W. (2013), “Analysis of the Effects of Capital Flight on Economic Growth: Evidence From Nijerian Economy (1980-2011), Europen Journal of Business and Management, 5(17), 21-32.
  • Henry, Lester (1996), “Capital Flight from Beautiful Places: The Case Of Three Caribbien Countries”, International Review of Applied Economics, 10 (2), 263-272.
  • Hermes, Niels ve diğerleri (2003), “Capital Flight: The Key Issue” Andrew Mullineux and Victor Murinde (Ed.), Handbook of International Banking, 1st Edition içinde (516-545), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Hermes, Niels ve Lensink, Robert (1992), “The Magnitude and Determinations of Capital Flight: The Case Of Six Sub-Saharan African Countries”, De Economist, 140 (4), 515-530.
  • Hermes, Niels ve diğerleri (2002), “Flight Capital and its Reversal for Development Financing”, World Institute for Development Economics Research, United Nations University.
  • IMF (1993), Balance Of Payment Year Book, /bopman/bopman.pdf (05.04.2012).
  • Kant, Chander (1996), “Foreing Direct Investment and Capital Flight”, Princeton Studies in International Finance, 80, 1-32.
  • ______(2002), “What is Capital Flight”, The World Economy, 25, 341-358.
  • Kar, Dev ve Freitas, Sarah (2013), “Russian Illicit Financial Flows and the Role of the Underground Economy”, Russia_Illicit_Financial_Flows_and_the_Role_of_the_Underground_Economy-HighRes. (11.10.2013). Financial Integrity,
  • pdf
  • Khan Mohsin S. ve Ul Haque Nadeem (1985), “Foreing Borrowing and Capital Flight”, IMF Staff Papers, 32 (4), 606-628.
  • Kindleberger, Charles P. (1937), International Short-term Capital Movements, First Edition, New York: Colombia University Press.
  • Le, Quan Vu ve Zak J. Paul (2006),”Political Risk And Capital Flight”, Journal Of International Money and Finance, 25, 308-329.
  • Le, Quan Vu ve Rishi, Meenakshi (2006), “Corruption and Capital Flight: An Emprical Assessment”, International Economic Journal, 20(4), 523-540.
  • Lensink, Robert ve diğerleri (2000), “Capital Flight and Political Risk”, Journal Of International Money and Finance, 19, 73-92.
  • Lessard, Donald R. ve Williamson, John (1987), Capital Flight and Third World Debt, Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.
  • Ljungwall, Christer ve Wang, Zijian (2008), “Why is Capital Flowing Out of The China?”, China Economic Rewiew, 19 (2008), 359-372.
  • Maski, Ghozali ve Wahyudi, Setyo Tri (2012) “Study On The Capital Flight and Its Impact On Economic Growth: A Case Study In Indonesia”, Journal Of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(7), 7168-7174.
  • McCaslin, William A. (2013), “Capital Flight: An Empirical Study on P.I.G.S”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Copenhag School, sequence=1 (10.02.2014). Applied Economics and Finance,
  • McDonald, Gulay T. (1999), “International Capital Flows: An Evaluation of Turkish Capital Flight”, Yayınlanmamış DoktoraTezi, The City University Of Newyork, Graduate Faculty in Economics.
  • Mikkelsen, Jan G. (1991), “An Econometric Investigation of Capital Flight”, Applied Economics, 23, 73-85.
  • Ndikumana, Leonce ve Boyce, James K. (2003), “Public Debt and Private Assets: Explaining Capital Flight from Sub-Saharan African Countries”, World Development, 31 (1), 107-130.
  • Ndikumana, Leonce ve Boyce, James K. (2012), “Capital Flight from North African Countries” Political Economy (10.11.2013). Institute, University of Massachusetts,
  • Olopoenia, Razaq A.(2000) “Capital Flight From Uganda, 1971-94: Estimate Causes, and Consequences” Ajayi S. Ibi ve Khan Mohsin S. (Eds.), External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub Saharan Africaiçinde (238-263), Washington DC: IMF Institute.
  • Pastor, Manuel Jr. (1990), “Capital Fligth From Latin America”, World Development, 18(1), 1-18.
  • Patnaik, Ila ve Vasudevan, Deepa (2000), “Trade Misinvoicing and Capital Flight From India”, Journal of International Economic Studies, 14, 99-108.
  • Patnaik ve diğerleri (2010), “Determinants of Trade Misinvoicing”, National Institue Public Finance and Policy, 2010-75 default/files/wp_2010_75.pdf (10.11.2012).
  • Quazi, Rahim M. (2003), “Determinants of Capital Flight: an econometris case study of Bangladesh”, International Review of Applied Economics, 17 (1), 84-103.
  • ______(2004), “Foreing Aid And Capital Flight In Bangladesh”, Journal of Asia Pasific Economy, 9 (3), 370-393.
  • Rojas-Suarez, Liliana (1990), “Risk and Capital Flight in Developing Countries”, IMF Working Paper, 90 (64), 1-22.
  • Salisu, Mohammed (2005), “The Role of Capital Flight and Remittances in Current Account Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa” African Development Review, 17(3), 383-404.
  • Smorodinskaia, Nataliya (1998), “Capital Flight as the Object of International Research”, Problem of Economic Transition, 40 (11).67-82.
  • Tornell, Aaron ve Velasco, Andres (1992), “The Tragedy of the Commons and Economic Growth: Why Does Capital Flow from Poor to Rich Countries?”, Chicago Journals, 100(6), 1208-1231.
  • Vos, Rob (1992), “Private Foreing Asset Acumulation, Not Just Capital Flight: Evedence From Philippines”, The Journal Of Development Studies, 28(3), 500-537.
  • Wang, Zhenquan ve diğerleri (2009), “Re-Estimation of Capital Flights From China:1982-2005”, Applied Economics Letters, 16, 971-976.
  • World Bank (1985), “World Bank Development Report 1985- International Capital and Economic Development World Development Indicators”, Oxford University Press,1-163
  • Yalta, Yasemin (2009), “Capital Flight: Conceptual and Metodological Issues”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 73-94.
  • Zhu, Andong ve diğerleri (2005), “Capital Flight from China”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countriesiçinde (262-288), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 1 - 27, 24.03.2015


In spite of the concept of capital flight history based on the previous year the emergence of the science of
economics, it is seen that there is no consensus about its’ defining and measurement. The causes of differences
in definition and measurement of capital flight are the determinants of capital is based on which the capital
outflows is consideredas capital flight and the determinants ofcapital flight is considered to differ with respect
to the countries and time. However, when the economic literature is analyzed the World Bank ( 1985) , which
is derived from this method, Morgan Guaranty (1985), Cline (1985) , Dooley (1986) and hot money (1986)
methods are seen as widely used. This study aims to examine the concept of capital flight and its’ measurement


  • Abalkin, A. ve Walley J. (1999), “The Problem Of Capital Flight From The Russia”, Wiley Balckwell Publishing, 22(3), 421-444.
  • Ajayi Ibi S. (1995), “Capital Flight and External Debt in Nijeria” African Economic Research Consortium, Research Paper 35, 1-29.
  • ______(2000) “Capital Flight and External Nijeria”, Ajayi S. Ibi ve Khan Mohsin S. (Eds.), External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub Saharan Africa içinde (213-237), Washington DC: IMF Institute.
  • Alam, Imam ve Quazi, Rahim (2003), “Determinants of Capital Flight: An Econometric Case Study of Bangladesh, International Rewiew Of Applied Economics, 17(1), 85-103.
  • Ali, Abdilahi ve Walters, Bernard (2011), “On Causes of Capital Flight from Sub-Saharan Africa”, Central For The Study Of African Economies, 2011 Annual Conference, edia/papers/679-ali-pdf, (02.04.2013).
  • Almounsor, Abdullah (2005), “A Development Comparative Approach to Capital Flight: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa, 1970-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, içinde (173-198), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ayadi, S. Folorunso (2008), “Econometric Analysis of Capital Flight in Developing Countries: A Study of Nigeria”, 8th Global Conference on Business & Economics,, (10.11.2012).
  • Baek, Seung-Gwan ve Yang Doo Mong (2008), “Empirics on Capital Fligth”, Korean Money And Finance Association,
  • Beja, Edsel L. Jr. (2005), “Capital Flight Meanings and Measures”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (58-82), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Beja, Edsel L. Jr. ve diğerleri (2005), “Capital Flight from Thailand, 1980-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (143-172), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bener, Burak ve Dufour Mathieu (2005), “A Class Analysis of Capital Flight from Chile, 1971-2001”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (173-198), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bloomfield, Arthur I. (1954), Speculative and Flight Movements of Capital in Postwar Finance, New Jersey, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Boyce, James K. (1992), “The Revolving Door? External Debt and Capital Flight: A Phillippine Case Study”, World Development, 20(3), 335-349.
  • Boyce, James K. ve Zarsky Lyuba (1988), “Capital Flight From Philippines, 1962-1986”, Journal of Philippine Development, 15 (2), 191-222.
  • Boyce, James K., Ndikumana, Leonce (2001), “Is Africa a Net Creditor? New Estimates Of Capital Flight from Severely Indebted Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1970-96”, The Journal Of Development Studies, 38 (2), 27-56.
  • Boyrie, Maria ve diğerleri (2005), “The Impact of Switzerland's Money Laundering Law on Capital Flows Through Abnormal Pricing in International Trade”, Applied Financial Economics, 15, 217-230.
  • Boyrie Maria E. ve diğerleri (2007), “Capital Movement Trought Trade Misinvoicing: The Case Of Africa”, Journal of Financial Crime, 14(4), 444-489.
  • Brada, Josef C. ve diğerleri (2008), “Capital Flight from Central and East European Countries: Estimates and Causes”, 22.pdf (08.10.2012). EMG Working Paper Series,
  • ______(2011), “The Cost of Moving Money Across Borders and The Volume of Capital Flight: The Case of Russia and Other CIS Countries” Rewiev of World Economics, 147 (4), 717-744.
  • Cerra, Valerie ve diğerleri (2008), “Robbing the Riches: Capital Flight, Institutions and Debt”, Journal of Development Studies, 44(8), 1190-1213.
  • Cervena, Marianna (2006), “The Measurement of Capital Flight and It's Impact an Long-term Economic Growth: Empricial Evidence from a Cross-section of Countries”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisanas Tezi, Comenius University.
  • Chang, Kevin ve diğerleri (1997), “Conceptual and Methodolojical Issues in Measuremen of Capital Flight”, International Journal of Financial Economics, 2, 101-119
  • Cheung, Yi-Wong ve Qian, XianWang (2010), “Capital Flight: China’s Experience”, Review of Development Economics, 12 (2), 227-247.
  • Chipalkatti, Niranjan ve Rishi Meenakshi (2001), “External Debt and Capital Flight”, Oxford Development Studies, 29 (1), 31-44.
  • Claessens, Stijn ve Naude, David (1993), “Recent Estimates of Capital Flight”, International Economics Department of World Bank Working Paper, 1186, 1-22.
  • Collier, Paul (1999), “On the Economic Consequences of Civil War”, Oxford Economic Papers, 51, 168-183.
  • Collier, Paul ve diğerleri (2001), “Flight Capital as a Portfolyo Choice”, The World Bank Economic Rewiew, 15(1), 55-88.
  • Cuddington, John T. (1986), “Capital Flight: Estimates, Issues, and Explanation”, Princeton Studies In International Finance, 58, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Cuddington, John T. (1987), “Capital Flight”, European Economic Review, 31, 382-388.
  • Cumby Robert M ve Levich, Richard (1987), “On The Defination And Magnitude Of Recent Capital Flight”, NBER Working Paper Series, 2275, 1-51.
  • Davies, Victor A.B. (2007), “Capital Flight and War” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 4120, 518-537.
  • Deepler, Michael ve Williamson, Martin (1987), “Capital Flight: Consepts, Measurement, and Issues”, IMF Staff Studies for The World Economic Outlook, Washington DC.
  • Demir, Fırat (2004), “A Failure Story: Politics and Financial Liberalization in Turkey, Revisiting the Revolving Door Hypotesis”, World Development, 32(5), 851-869.
  • Dim Chukwuma ve Ezenekwe Uju (2014), “Capital Flight to Savings Gap in Nijeria: An An Assessment of Sosyo-Economic Determinants”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(2), 75-86.
  • Dooley, Michael P. (1986), “Country Specific Risk Premium, Capital Flight and Net Investment Income Payments In Selected Developing Countries”, IMF Discussing Paper,Washington DC.
  • ______(1988), “Capital Flight, A Response to Differences in Financial Risks”, Staff Papers- International Monetary Found, 35(3), 422-436.
  • Duman, Anıl ve diğerleri (2005), “The Determinants of Capital Flight in Turkey, 1971-2000”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (116-131), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Eggerstedt, Harald ve diğerleri (1993), “Measuring Capital Flight, A Case Study of Mexico”, The World Bank Working Paper, 1121, 2-45.
  • Epstein, Gerald (2005), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries: an Introdution, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (3-14), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Erbe, Suzanne (1985), “The Flight of Capital From Developing Countries”, Intereconomics, 20(6), 268-275.
  • Eryar, Değer (2005), Capital Flight From Brazil, 1981-2000, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (210-233), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Fatehi, Kamal (1994), “Capital Flight from Latin America as a Barometer of Political Insitability”, Journal of Business Research, 30, 187-195.
  • Gibson D. Heather ve Tsakalotos Euclid, “Testing a Flow Model of Capital Flight in Five European Countries”, The Manchester School, 61(2), 144-166.
  • Gunter, Frank R. (1991), “Colombian Capital Flight”, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 33(1), 123-147.
  • Helleiner, Eric (2005), “Regulation Capital Flight”, Gerald A. Epstein (Ed.), Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, 1st Edition içinde (289-300), Cheltenem UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Henry, Akani W. (2013), “Analysis of the Effects of Capital Flight on Economic Growth: Evidence From Nijerian Economy (1980-2011), Europen Journal of Business and Management, 5(17), 21-32.
  • Henry, Lester (1996), “Capital Flight from Beautiful Places: The Case Of Three Caribbien Countries”, International Review of Applied Economics, 10 (2), 263-272.
  • Hermes, Niels ve diğerleri (2003), “Capital Flight: The Key Issue” Andrew Mullineux and Victor Murinde (Ed.), Handbook of International Banking, 1st Edition içinde (516-545), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Hermes, Niels ve Lensink, Robert (1992), “The Magnitude and Determinations of Capital Flight: The Case Of Six Sub-Saharan African Countries”, De Economist, 140 (4), 515-530.
  • Hermes, Niels ve diğerleri (2002), “Flight Capital and its Reversal for Development Financing”, World Institute for Development Economics Research, United Nations University.
  • IMF (1993), Balance Of Payment Year Book, /bopman/bopman.pdf (05.04.2012).
  • Kant, Chander (1996), “Foreing Direct Investment and Capital Flight”, Princeton Studies in International Finance, 80, 1-32.
  • ______(2002), “What is Capital Flight”, The World Economy, 25, 341-358.
  • Kar, Dev ve Freitas, Sarah (2013), “Russian Illicit Financial Flows and the Role of the Underground Economy”, Russia_Illicit_Financial_Flows_and_the_Role_of_the_Underground_Economy-HighRes. (11.10.2013). Financial Integrity,
  • pdf
  • Khan Mohsin S. ve Ul Haque Nadeem (1985), “Foreing Borrowing and Capital Flight”, IMF Staff Papers, 32 (4), 606-628.
  • Kindleberger, Charles P. (1937), International Short-term Capital Movements, First Edition, New York: Colombia University Press.
  • Le, Quan Vu ve Zak J. Paul (2006),”Political Risk And Capital Flight”, Journal Of International Money and Finance, 25, 308-329.
  • Le, Quan Vu ve Rishi, Meenakshi (2006), “Corruption and Capital Flight: An Emprical Assessment”, International Economic Journal, 20(4), 523-540.
  • Lensink, Robert ve diğerleri (2000), “Capital Flight and Political Risk”, Journal Of International Money and Finance, 19, 73-92.
  • Lessard, Donald R. ve Williamson, John (1987), Capital Flight and Third World Debt, Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.
  • Ljungwall, Christer ve Wang, Zijian (2008), “Why is Capital Flowing Out of The China?”, China Economic Rewiew, 19 (2008), 359-372.
  • Maski, Ghozali ve Wahyudi, Setyo Tri (2012) “Study On The Capital Flight and Its Impact On Economic Growth: A Case Study In Indonesia”, Journal Of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(7), 7168-7174.
  • McCaslin, William A. (2013), “Capital Flight: An Empirical Study on P.I.G.S”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Copenhag School, sequence=1 (10.02.2014). Applied Economics and Finance,
  • McDonald, Gulay T. (1999), “International Capital Flows: An Evaluation of Turkish Capital Flight”, Yayınlanmamış DoktoraTezi, The City University Of Newyork, Graduate Faculty in Economics.
  • Mikkelsen, Jan G. (1991), “An Econometric Investigation of Capital Flight”, Applied Economics, 23, 73-85.
  • Ndikumana, Leonce ve Boyce, James K. (2003), “Public Debt and Private Assets: Explaining Capital Flight from Sub-Saharan African Countries”, World Development, 31 (1), 107-130.
  • Ndikumana, Leonce ve Boyce, James K. (2012), “Capital Flight from North African Countries” Political Economy (10.11.2013). Institute, University of Massachusetts,
  • Olopoenia, Razaq A.(2000) “Capital Flight From Uganda, 1971-94: Estimate Causes, and Consequences” Ajayi S. Ibi ve Khan Mohsin S. (Eds.), External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub Saharan Africaiçinde (238-263), Washington DC: IMF Institute.
  • Pastor, Manuel Jr. (1990), “Capital Fligth From Latin America”, World Development, 18(1), 1-18.
  • Patnaik, Ila ve Vasudevan, Deepa (2000), “Trade Misinvoicing and Capital Flight From India”, Journal of International Economic Studies, 14, 99-108.
  • Patnaik ve diğerleri (2010), “Determinants of Trade Misinvoicing”, National Institue Public Finance and Policy, 2010-75 default/files/wp_2010_75.pdf (10.11.2012).
  • Quazi, Rahim M. (2003), “Determinants of Capital Flight: an econometris case study of Bangladesh”, International Review of Applied Economics, 17 (1), 84-103.
  • ______(2004), “Foreing Aid And Capital Flight In Bangladesh”, Journal of Asia Pasific Economy, 9 (3), 370-393.
  • Rojas-Suarez, Liliana (1990), “Risk and Capital Flight in Developing Countries”, IMF Working Paper, 90 (64), 1-22.
  • Salisu, Mohammed (2005), “The Role of Capital Flight and Remittances in Current Account Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa” African Development Review, 17(3), 383-404.
  • Smorodinskaia, Nataliya (1998), “Capital Flight as the Object of International Research”, Problem of Economic Transition, 40 (11).67-82.
  • Tornell, Aaron ve Velasco, Andres (1992), “The Tragedy of the Commons and Economic Growth: Why Does Capital Flow from Poor to Rich Countries?”, Chicago Journals, 100(6), 1208-1231.
  • Vos, Rob (1992), “Private Foreing Asset Acumulation, Not Just Capital Flight: Evedence From Philippines”, The Journal Of Development Studies, 28(3), 500-537.
  • Wang, Zhenquan ve diğerleri (2009), “Re-Estimation of Capital Flights From China:1982-2005”, Applied Economics Letters, 16, 971-976.
  • World Bank (1985), “World Bank Development Report 1985- International Capital and Economic Development World Development Indicators”, Oxford University Press,1-163
  • Yalta, Yasemin (2009), “Capital Flight: Conceptual and Metodological Issues”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 73-94.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nuran Öztürk

Publication Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 7


APA Öztürk, N. (2015). SERMAYE KAÇIŞLARININ ÖLÇÜMÜNDE KAVRAMSAL VE METODOLOJİK ÇERÇEVE. Global Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 4(7), 1-27.