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Martin Amis’in “Muhammad Atta’nın Son Günleri” Adlı Eserinde Mimetik Arzu ve Günah Keçisi Mekanizmaları

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 595 - 604, 28.10.2022


Kurban teorisinin Fransız duayeni René Girard kurban ve günah keçisi ile ilgili iddialarını kültürel ve edebi temsillere dayandırır ve İncil’in öğretilerinin günah keçisi kıyım basmakalıplarını ifşa etmesiyle, kurban etme ayinlerinin ve günah keçisi mekanizmalarının işlevsiz hale geldiğini iddia eder. Ancak, bu çalışmanın birincil tezi, eserlerinde ırkçılık, cinsiyetçilik, kapitalizm, terörizm ve savaş gibi konuları ele alan İngiliz kurgu edebiyatının en tartışmalı yazarlarından Martin Amis’in, Amerika’da meydana gelen 11 Eylül saldırılarında yüzlerce insanın ölümüne sebep olan faillerden birinin son günlerini kurgulaştırdığı “The Last Days of Muhammad Atta (Muhammad Atta’nın Son Günleri)” adlı kısa öyküsünde mimetik arzulama ve günah keçisi mekanizmasının güncel bir eserde yeniden yorumlanabileceği iddia etmektir. Çalışmanın diğer amacı, adı geçen kısa öyküyü yapısalcılık sonrası teoriler ve bakış açıları çerçevesinde okuyarak, yazarının İslam ve Doğu’yu terörizmle eşleştiren söylemlerinin ve röportajlarının aksine, metnin kendi başına, yazarından bağımsız bir söylem oluşturduğunu ve eser, mimetik arzulama ve günah keçisi mekanizmalarının güncel ve çok katmanlı bir temsili olarak incelendiğinde, terörizmin ve şiddetin yalnızca bir toplulukla, milletle ya da dini grupla tanımlanamayacağının ve millet, topluluk veya din gibi gruplaşmaların aslında üyelerine sadece kendi baskılanmış toplu bilinçaltlarındaki şiddete ve kan dökülmesine yatkınlığı ortaya çıkarabilecek sebepler ve araçlar sunduğunu çünkü insanın özündeki güdünün güce erişmek ve diğer diye tanımladığı üzerinde hakimiyet sahibi olmak olduğu savının Amis’in eserinde altının çizildiği argümanını eserden örnekler sunarak kanıtlamaktır.


  • Amis, M. (2008). The last days of Muhammad Atta. The second plane: September 11: 2001-2007. Jonathan Cape.
  • Amis, M. (2006, September 10). The age of horrorism. The Guardian.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2003). The spirit of terrorism. Verso Books.
  • Benjamin, W. (2007). Critique of violence. In B. B. Lawrence & A. Karim, (Eds), On violence: A reader. (pp. 268 – 285). Duke University Press.
  • Eagleton, T. (2007a). Ideology: An introduction. Verso.
  • Eagleton, T. (2007b, October 10). Rebuking obnoxious views is not just a personality kink. The Guardian.
  • Eagleton, T. (2018). Radical sacrifice. Yale University Press.
  • Frazer, J. G. (2009). The golden bough: A study of magic and religion. The Floating Press.
  • Girard, R. (1986). Scapegoat, (Y. Freccero, Trans.). The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Girard, R. (1989). Violence and the sacred, (P. Gregory. Trans.). John Hopkins University Press. Nash G., Aldalala’a, N. (2016). Islamophobia and the war of representations: Martin Amis’s ‘The last days of Muhammad Atta.’ In P. Morey, A. Yaqin & A. Forte (Eds.), Contesting islamophobia: Anti-muslim prejudice in media, culture and politics (pp. 87–102.). I.B. Tauris.
  • New Revised Standard Version Bible. (1989). Leviticus 16: 21–22. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from–22&version=nrsv.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Sacrifice. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 18, 2022, from
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Scapegoat. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 19, 2022, from,
  • Smith S. (Ed.). (2006). The Cambridge companion to W. H. Auden. Cambridge University Press.

Mimetic Desire and Scapegoating Mechanisms in Martin Amis’s “The Last Days of Muhammad Atta”

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 595 - 604, 28.10.2022


René Girard, the French sacrifice theory doyen, bases her sacrifice and scapegoat arguments on cultural and literary representations and claims an end for the sacrificial rites and scapegoating mechanism in cultures and narratives after the exposition and deciphering of the stereotypes of persecution with Christianity. However, by referring to René Girard’s sacrifice theory, this study aims to argue that one of the greatest yet also most notorious writers of English fiction, Martin Amis, who recurrently touches upon such issues in his texts as racism, sexism, wars, capitalism, and terrorism, implies a modern enactment of the mechanism of mimetic desire and scapegoating in a literary work, that is “The Last Days of Muhammad Atta,” which revolves around the last days of one of the terrorists of 9/11. Amis’s short fiction will be subjected to a close reading so as to argue that despite Amis’s interviews and arguments associating terrorism with Islam and the Orient, the text deconstructs Amis’s allegations against Islamism and the Oriental, and when Amis’s text is considered as a modern and multi-layered representation of mechanisms of mimetic desire and scapegoating, the violence and terrorism are revealed to be issues which cannot solely be identified with a single milieu or a group nonchalantly. Instead, it will be clearly seen that the core drive for humans has always been the will to power and to ensure authority over the other throughout the centuries, whether it be primitive tribes, or civilized groups, or modern governments and nations, and such concentrations as a nation, community, or religion further worked to give their civilized members a cause to satisfy the primitive tendency to violence and carnage surviving in their repressed collective unconscious.


  • Amis, M. (2008). The last days of Muhammad Atta. The second plane: September 11: 2001-2007. Jonathan Cape.
  • Amis, M. (2006, September 10). The age of horrorism. The Guardian.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2003). The spirit of terrorism. Verso Books.
  • Benjamin, W. (2007). Critique of violence. In B. B. Lawrence & A. Karim, (Eds), On violence: A reader. (pp. 268 – 285). Duke University Press.
  • Eagleton, T. (2007a). Ideology: An introduction. Verso.
  • Eagleton, T. (2007b, October 10). Rebuking obnoxious views is not just a personality kink. The Guardian.
  • Eagleton, T. (2018). Radical sacrifice. Yale University Press.
  • Frazer, J. G. (2009). The golden bough: A study of magic and religion. The Floating Press.
  • Girard, R. (1986). Scapegoat, (Y. Freccero, Trans.). The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Girard, R. (1989). Violence and the sacred, (P. Gregory. Trans.). John Hopkins University Press. Nash G., Aldalala’a, N. (2016). Islamophobia and the war of representations: Martin Amis’s ‘The last days of Muhammad Atta.’ In P. Morey, A. Yaqin & A. Forte (Eds.), Contesting islamophobia: Anti-muslim prejudice in media, culture and politics (pp. 87–102.). I.B. Tauris.
  • New Revised Standard Version Bible. (1989). Leviticus 16: 21–22. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from–22&version=nrsv.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Sacrifice. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 18, 2022, from
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Scapegoat. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 19, 2022, from,
  • Smith S. (Ed.). (2006). The Cambridge companion to W. H. Auden. Cambridge University Press.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Güneş 0000-0002-0826-9472

Publication Date October 28, 2022
Submission Date September 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Güneş, M. (2022). Mimetic Desire and Scapegoating Mechanisms in Martin Amis’s “The Last Days of Muhammad Atta”. Mavi Atlas, 10(2), 595-604.

e-ISSN: 2148-5232