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9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?

Year 2023, , 361 - 366, 25.03.2023


Uyku, bireylerin genel sağlığını ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen önemli bir biyolojik süreçtir. Uyku vücudun toparlanması, hücrelerin onarımı, doku büyümesi, hormonların salınımı gibi birçok süreçlerde görev almaktadır. Gebelik sürecinde yaşanan fiziksel (gastrointestinal rahatsızlıklar, sırt ağrısı vb.) ve hormonal değişimler (östrojen, oksitosin vb.) uyku yapısında önemli farklılıklara sebep olabilmektedir. Bu farklılıklar yaygın olarak yetersiz uyku, kötü uyku kalitesi ve gündüz uyku hali şeklinde görülebilmektedir. Gebelik sürecinde yaşanan solunum bozuklukları ve huzursuz bacak sendromu yaşanan uyku sorununu daha da şiddetli hale getirebilmektedir. Gebelik sürecinde yaşanan uyku sorunları maternal ve fetal komplikasyon riskini artırmaktadır. Bu nedenle gebelik sürecinde uyku anne ve bebek sağlığı açısından daha fazla önemli hale gelmektedir. Erken dönemde uyku sorunlarının tanımlanması, sebeplerinin anlaşılması, uykusuzluğun sağlık üzerindeki etkileri konusunda farkındalığın artırılması ve risk altında bulunan gebelere uygun girişimler sağlanarak meydana gelebilecek olası komplikasyonların en aza indirgenmesi gebelik sürecinin sağlıklı geçirilmesi açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı gebelik sürecinde yaşanan uyku sorunlarını, sebeplerini ve uyku sorunlarının olası komplikasyonlarını vurgulamaktır.


  • 1. Palagini, L, Cipollone, G, Masci, I, Novi, M, Caruso, D, Kalmbach, D.A. and Drake, C.L. (2019). “Stress-related Sleep Reactivity is Associated with İnsomnia, Psychopathology and Suicidality in Pregnant Women: Preliminary Results”. Sleep Medicine, 56, 145-150.
  • 2. Sedov, I.D, Cameron, E.E, Madigan, S. and Tomfohr-Madsen, L.M. (2018). “Sleep Quality During Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 38, 168-176.
  • 3. Christian, L.M, Carroll, J.E, Teti, D.M. and Hall, M.H. (2019). “Maternal Sleep in Pregnancy and Postpartum Part I: Mental, Physical, and Interpersonal Consequences”. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21 (3), 1-8.
  • 4. Hashmi, A.M, Bhatia S.K. and Khawaja, I.S. (2016). “Insomnia During Pregnancy : Diagnosis and Rational Interventions”. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 32 (4), 1030-1037.
  • 5. Smyka, M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska, K, Sochacki-Wójcicka, N, Zgliczyńska, M. and Wielgoś, M. (2020). “Sleep Problems in Pregnancy-A Cross-Sectional Study in Over 7000 Pregnant Women in Poland”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (15), 1-8.
  • 6. Wong, P.F, D'Cruz, R. and Hare, A. (2022). “Sleep disorders in pregnancy”. Breathe, 18, 220004.
  • 7. Plancoulaine, S, Flori, S, Bat-Pitault, F, Patural, H, Lin, J.S. and Franco, P. (2017). “Sleep Trajectories Among Pregnant Women and the Impact on Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study”. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21 (5), 1139-1146.
  • 8. Xu, X, Liu, D, Zhang, Z, Sharma, M. and Zhao, Y. (2017). “Sleep Duration and Quality in Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey in China”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (7), 1-14.
  • 9. Silvestri, R, and Aricò, I. (2019). “Sleep Disorders in Pregnancy”. Sleep Science, 12 (3), 232-239.
  • 10. Bacaro, V, Benz, F, Pappaccogli, A, Bartolo, P.D, Johann A.F, Palagini, L, Lombardo C, Feige, B, Riemann, D. and Baglioni C. (2020). “Interventions for Sleep Problems During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 50, 101234.
  • 11. Nowakowski, S, Meers, J. and Heimbach, E. (2013). “Sleep and Women’s Health”. Sleep Medicine Research, 4 (1), 1-22.
  • 12. Sokunbi, G, Takai, I.U, Nwosu, I.B. and Balarabe, R. (2020). “Effects of Acupressure and Acupuncture-Like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Sleep Quality Among Pregnant Women”. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 13 (6), 180-186.
  • 13. Garbazza, C, Hackethal, S, Riccardi, S, Cajochen, C, Cicolin, A, D'Agostino, A, Cirignotta, F. and Manconi, M. (2020). “Polysomnographic Features of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 50, 101249.
  • 14. Ulusal Uyku Vakfı. (2021). “Uyku İstatistikleri”. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 10.03.2021).
  • 15. Pengo, M.F, Won, C.H. and Bourjeily, G. (2018). “Sleep in Women Across the Life Span”. Chest. 154 (1), 196-206.
  • 16. Erwin, A.M. (2017). “Sleep During Pregnancy”. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 15 (1), 15-16. 10.1097/01.nme.0000508541.20037.f6
  • 17. Öztürk, D.M, Yılmaz, A, Müsüroğlu, S, Sevinç, S. ve Akcan, B. (2019). “Son Trimesterdeki Gebelerin Uyku Kalitelerinin ve Uyku Problemlerine Karşı Başetme Yöntemlerinin Belirlenmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10 (3), 212-216.
  • 18. Karadeniz, D. (2013). “100 Soruda Uyku ve Bozuklukları”. Ankara: ANKA Yayınları.
  • 19. Christian, L.M, Carroll, J.E, Porter, K. and Hall, M.H. (2019). “Sleep Quality Across Pregnancy and Postpartum: Effects of Parity and Race”. Sleep Health, 5 (4), 327-334.
  • 20. Du, M, Liu, J, Han, N, Zhao, Z, Luo, S. and Wang, H. (2021). “Association Between Sleep Duration in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Cohort Study”. Diabetes and Metabolism, 47 (5), 101217.
  • 21. Al-Musharaf, S. (2022). “Changes in Sleep Patterns during Pregnancy and Predictive Factors: A Longitudinal Study in Saudi Women”. Nutrients, 14 (13), 2633.
  • 22. Lu, Q, Zhang, X, Wang, Y, Li, j, Xu, Y, Song, X, Su, S, Zhu X, Vitiello, M.V, Shi J, Bao, Y. and Lu, L. (2021). “Sleep Disturbances During Pregnancy and Adverse Maternal and Fetal Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Reviwes, 58, 101436.
  • 23. Balserak, B.I. (2014). “Sleep Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. Breathe, 11 (4), 268-277.
  • 24. Facco, F, Louis, J, Knavert, M.P, and Balserak, B.I. (2015). “Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. In: Meir, K, Thomas, R, William, D. (Ed.). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (1540-1546.e). Elsevier.
  • 25. Louis, J.M, Koch, M.A, Reddy, U.M, Silver, R.M, Parker, C.B, Facco, F.L, Redline, S, Nhan-Chang, C.L, Chung, J.H, Pien, G.W, Basner, R.C, Grobman, W.A, Wing, D.A, Simhan, H.N, Haas, D.M, Mercer, B.M, Parry, S, Mobley, D, Carper, B, Saade, G.R, Schubert, F.P. and Zee, P.C. (2018). “Predictors of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. American Journal of Obstetric Gynecology, 218 (5), 521.e1-521.e12.
  • 26. Johns, E.C, Denison, F.C. and Reynolds, R.M. (2020). “Sleep Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy: A Review of The Pathophysiology of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes”. Acta Physiologica, 229 (2), 1-13. 10.1111/apha.13458
  • 27. Liu, L, Su, G, Wang, S. and Zhu, B. (2019). “The Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Association With Pregnancy-Related Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Breath, 23 (2), 399-412.
  • 28. Selim, B. and Ramar, K. (2020). “Sleep Changes in Pregnancy”. ATS Scholar, 2 (1), 134-135.
  • 29. Rubio, E, Levey, E.J, Rondon, M.B, Friedman, L, Sanchez, S.E, Williams, M.A, and Gelaya, B. (2022). “Poor Sleep Quality and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are Associated with Maternal Mood, and Anxiety Disorders in Pregnancy”. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26 (7), 1540-1548.
  • 30. Bourjeily, G, Danilack, V.A, Bublitz, M.H, Lipkind, H, Muri, J, Cadwell, D, Tong, I. and Rosene-Montella, K. (2017). “Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy is Associated with Adverse Maternal Outcomes: A National Cohort”. Sleep Medicine, 38, 50-57.
  • 31. O’Brien, L.M, Bullough, A.S, Owusu, J.T, Tremblay, K.A, Bricant, C.A, Chames, M.C, Kalbfleisch, J.D. and Chervin, R.D. (2013). “Snoring During Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes: A Cohort Study”. Sleep, 36 (11), 1625-1632.
  • 32. Sarberg, M, Svanborg, E, Wiréhn, A.B. and Josefsson, A. (2014). “Snoring During Pregnancy and İts Relation to Sleepiness and Pregnancy Outcome-A Prospective Study”. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14 (1), 1-7.
  • 33. Chen, S.J, Lu, L, Shi, L, Bao, Y.P, Sun, Y.K, Lin, X, Que, J.Y, Vitiello, M.V, Zhou, Y.X. and Wang, Y.Q. (2018). “Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Review, 40, 43-54.
  • 34. Dunietz, G.L, Lisabeth, L.D, Shedden, K, Shamim-Uzzaman, S.A, Bullough, A.S, Chames, M.C, Bowden, M.F. and Q'Brien, L.M. (2017). “Restless Legs Syndrome and Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Pregnancy”. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13 (7), 863-870. 10.5664/jcsm.6654
  • 35. Makrani, A.H, Afshari, M, Kheradmand, M, Foroughi, Z, Ghajar, M, Farshidi, F, Moosazadrh, M, Çaman-Ara, K. and Bahrami, M.E. (2018). “Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis”. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 16 (1), 3-10.
  • 36. Jafarimanesh, H, Vakilian, K. and Mobasseri, S. (2020). “Thermo-therapy and Cryotherapy to Decrease The Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome During The Pregnancy: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 50, 102409.
  • 37. Facco, F.L, Chan, M. and Patel, S.R. (2022). “Common Sleep Disorders in Children”. Obstet Gynecol, 140 (2), 321-339.

9 Months: Why Do We Get Sleepless?

Year 2023, , 361 - 366, 25.03.2023


Sleep is an important biological process that affects the general health and quality of life of individuals. Sleep is involved in many processes such as the recovery of the body, repair of cells, tissue growth, and release of hormones. Physical (gastrointestinal disorders, back pain, etc.) and hormonal changes (estrogen, oxytocin, etc.) experienced during pregnancy can cause significant differences in sleep structure. These differences are commonly seen in the form of insufficient sleep, poor sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness. Respiratory disorders and restless legs syndrome experienced during pregnancy can make the sleep problem even more severe. Sleep problems during pregnancy increase the risk of maternal and fetal complications. For this reason, sleep becomes more important in terms of mother and baby's healthy during pregnancy. Identifying sleep problems in the early period, understanding their causes, raising awareness about the effects of insomnia on health, and minimizing possible complications by providing appropriate interventions for pregnant women at risk is extremely important for a healthy pregnancy. The purpose of this review is to emphasize the sleep problems experienced during pregnancy, their causes and possible complications of sleep problems.


  • 1. Palagini, L, Cipollone, G, Masci, I, Novi, M, Caruso, D, Kalmbach, D.A. and Drake, C.L. (2019). “Stress-related Sleep Reactivity is Associated with İnsomnia, Psychopathology and Suicidality in Pregnant Women: Preliminary Results”. Sleep Medicine, 56, 145-150.
  • 2. Sedov, I.D, Cameron, E.E, Madigan, S. and Tomfohr-Madsen, L.M. (2018). “Sleep Quality During Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 38, 168-176.
  • 3. Christian, L.M, Carroll, J.E, Teti, D.M. and Hall, M.H. (2019). “Maternal Sleep in Pregnancy and Postpartum Part I: Mental, Physical, and Interpersonal Consequences”. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21 (3), 1-8.
  • 4. Hashmi, A.M, Bhatia S.K. and Khawaja, I.S. (2016). “Insomnia During Pregnancy : Diagnosis and Rational Interventions”. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 32 (4), 1030-1037.
  • 5. Smyka, M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska, K, Sochacki-Wójcicka, N, Zgliczyńska, M. and Wielgoś, M. (2020). “Sleep Problems in Pregnancy-A Cross-Sectional Study in Over 7000 Pregnant Women in Poland”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (15), 1-8.
  • 6. Wong, P.F, D'Cruz, R. and Hare, A. (2022). “Sleep disorders in pregnancy”. Breathe, 18, 220004.
  • 7. Plancoulaine, S, Flori, S, Bat-Pitault, F, Patural, H, Lin, J.S. and Franco, P. (2017). “Sleep Trajectories Among Pregnant Women and the Impact on Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study”. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21 (5), 1139-1146.
  • 8. Xu, X, Liu, D, Zhang, Z, Sharma, M. and Zhao, Y. (2017). “Sleep Duration and Quality in Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey in China”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (7), 1-14.
  • 9. Silvestri, R, and Aricò, I. (2019). “Sleep Disorders in Pregnancy”. Sleep Science, 12 (3), 232-239.
  • 10. Bacaro, V, Benz, F, Pappaccogli, A, Bartolo, P.D, Johann A.F, Palagini, L, Lombardo C, Feige, B, Riemann, D. and Baglioni C. (2020). “Interventions for Sleep Problems During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 50, 101234.
  • 11. Nowakowski, S, Meers, J. and Heimbach, E. (2013). “Sleep and Women’s Health”. Sleep Medicine Research, 4 (1), 1-22.
  • 12. Sokunbi, G, Takai, I.U, Nwosu, I.B. and Balarabe, R. (2020). “Effects of Acupressure and Acupuncture-Like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Sleep Quality Among Pregnant Women”. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 13 (6), 180-186.
  • 13. Garbazza, C, Hackethal, S, Riccardi, S, Cajochen, C, Cicolin, A, D'Agostino, A, Cirignotta, F. and Manconi, M. (2020). “Polysomnographic Features of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review”. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 50, 101249.
  • 14. Ulusal Uyku Vakfı. (2021). “Uyku İstatistikleri”. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 10.03.2021).
  • 15. Pengo, M.F, Won, C.H. and Bourjeily, G. (2018). “Sleep in Women Across the Life Span”. Chest. 154 (1), 196-206.
  • 16. Erwin, A.M. (2017). “Sleep During Pregnancy”. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 15 (1), 15-16. 10.1097/01.nme.0000508541.20037.f6
  • 17. Öztürk, D.M, Yılmaz, A, Müsüroğlu, S, Sevinç, S. ve Akcan, B. (2019). “Son Trimesterdeki Gebelerin Uyku Kalitelerinin ve Uyku Problemlerine Karşı Başetme Yöntemlerinin Belirlenmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10 (3), 212-216.
  • 18. Karadeniz, D. (2013). “100 Soruda Uyku ve Bozuklukları”. Ankara: ANKA Yayınları.
  • 19. Christian, L.M, Carroll, J.E, Porter, K. and Hall, M.H. (2019). “Sleep Quality Across Pregnancy and Postpartum: Effects of Parity and Race”. Sleep Health, 5 (4), 327-334.
  • 20. Du, M, Liu, J, Han, N, Zhao, Z, Luo, S. and Wang, H. (2021). “Association Between Sleep Duration in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Cohort Study”. Diabetes and Metabolism, 47 (5), 101217.
  • 21. Al-Musharaf, S. (2022). “Changes in Sleep Patterns during Pregnancy and Predictive Factors: A Longitudinal Study in Saudi Women”. Nutrients, 14 (13), 2633.
  • 22. Lu, Q, Zhang, X, Wang, Y, Li, j, Xu, Y, Song, X, Su, S, Zhu X, Vitiello, M.V, Shi J, Bao, Y. and Lu, L. (2021). “Sleep Disturbances During Pregnancy and Adverse Maternal and Fetal Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Reviwes, 58, 101436.
  • 23. Balserak, B.I. (2014). “Sleep Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. Breathe, 11 (4), 268-277.
  • 24. Facco, F, Louis, J, Knavert, M.P, and Balserak, B.I. (2015). “Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. In: Meir, K, Thomas, R, William, D. (Ed.). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (1540-1546.e). Elsevier.
  • 25. Louis, J.M, Koch, M.A, Reddy, U.M, Silver, R.M, Parker, C.B, Facco, F.L, Redline, S, Nhan-Chang, C.L, Chung, J.H, Pien, G.W, Basner, R.C, Grobman, W.A, Wing, D.A, Simhan, H.N, Haas, D.M, Mercer, B.M, Parry, S, Mobley, D, Carper, B, Saade, G.R, Schubert, F.P. and Zee, P.C. (2018). “Predictors of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy”. American Journal of Obstetric Gynecology, 218 (5), 521.e1-521.e12.
  • 26. Johns, E.C, Denison, F.C. and Reynolds, R.M. (2020). “Sleep Disordered Breathing in Pregnancy: A Review of The Pathophysiology of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes”. Acta Physiologica, 229 (2), 1-13. 10.1111/apha.13458
  • 27. Liu, L, Su, G, Wang, S. and Zhu, B. (2019). “The Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Association With Pregnancy-Related Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Breath, 23 (2), 399-412.
  • 28. Selim, B. and Ramar, K. (2020). “Sleep Changes in Pregnancy”. ATS Scholar, 2 (1), 134-135.
  • 29. Rubio, E, Levey, E.J, Rondon, M.B, Friedman, L, Sanchez, S.E, Williams, M.A, and Gelaya, B. (2022). “Poor Sleep Quality and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are Associated with Maternal Mood, and Anxiety Disorders in Pregnancy”. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26 (7), 1540-1548.
  • 30. Bourjeily, G, Danilack, V.A, Bublitz, M.H, Lipkind, H, Muri, J, Cadwell, D, Tong, I. and Rosene-Montella, K. (2017). “Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy is Associated with Adverse Maternal Outcomes: A National Cohort”. Sleep Medicine, 38, 50-57.
  • 31. O’Brien, L.M, Bullough, A.S, Owusu, J.T, Tremblay, K.A, Bricant, C.A, Chames, M.C, Kalbfleisch, J.D. and Chervin, R.D. (2013). “Snoring During Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes: A Cohort Study”. Sleep, 36 (11), 1625-1632.
  • 32. Sarberg, M, Svanborg, E, Wiréhn, A.B. and Josefsson, A. (2014). “Snoring During Pregnancy and İts Relation to Sleepiness and Pregnancy Outcome-A Prospective Study”. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14 (1), 1-7.
  • 33. Chen, S.J, Lu, L, Shi, L, Bao, Y.P, Sun, Y.K, Lin, X, Que, J.Y, Vitiello, M.V, Zhou, Y.X. and Wang, Y.Q. (2018). “Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Sleep Medicine Review, 40, 43-54.
  • 34. Dunietz, G.L, Lisabeth, L.D, Shedden, K, Shamim-Uzzaman, S.A, Bullough, A.S, Chames, M.C, Bowden, M.F. and Q'Brien, L.M. (2017). “Restless Legs Syndrome and Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Pregnancy”. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13 (7), 863-870. 10.5664/jcsm.6654
  • 35. Makrani, A.H, Afshari, M, Kheradmand, M, Foroughi, Z, Ghajar, M, Farshidi, F, Moosazadrh, M, Çaman-Ara, K. and Bahrami, M.E. (2018). “Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis”. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 16 (1), 3-10.
  • 36. Jafarimanesh, H, Vakilian, K. and Mobasseri, S. (2020). “Thermo-therapy and Cryotherapy to Decrease The Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome During The Pregnancy: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 50, 102409.
  • 37. Facco, F.L, Chan, M. and Patel, S.R. (2022). “Common Sleep Disorders in Children”. Obstet Gynecol, 140 (2), 321-339.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Derlemeler

Fatma Keskin 0000-0001-5790-1705

Publication Date March 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Keskin, F. (2023). 9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 361-366.
AMA Keskin F. 9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. March 2023;12(1):361-366. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1002633
Chicago Keskin, Fatma. “9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12, no. 1 (March 2023): 361-66.
EndNote Keskin F (March 1, 2023) 9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12 1 361–366.
IEEE F. Keskin, “9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?”, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 361–366, 2023, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1002633.
ISNAD Keskin, Fatma. “9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12/1 (March 2023), 361-366.
JAMA Keskin F. 9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;12:361–366.
MLA Keskin, Fatma. “9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2023, pp. 361-6, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1002633.
Vancouver Keskin F. 9 Ay: Neden Uykusuz Kalırız?. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;12(1):361-6.