Using in Situ Simulation to Develop Knowledge and Skills of Midwives in Postpartum Haemorrhage Management: Amasya- Şanlıurfa Example
Yıl 2023,
, 951 - 957, 26.09.2023
Duygu Murat Öztürk
Fatma Sayiner
Merve Akkaş
Postpartum hemorrhage has a primary and important place in the pre- and post-graduate education of midwives, who are primarily responsible for maternal health. This research aims to develop the knowledge and skills of midwifes in obstetrics units through simulation method in postpartum haemorrhage management.
The research is in a quasi-experimental, single-group pre-test and post-test design. A training included 28 midwives who agreed to participate in the research between June 1st and July 14th. This educational intervention lasted for 24 hours and included theoretical, skills training and skills training accompanied by scenarios, and it was designed to be given in the hospital. Gathered data were evaluated through SPSS package software.
Knowledge and skills before and after the educational intervention, and Self-Confidence/Efficiency Scale scores in Patient Intervention were found to be statistically significant. An increase in all scores before and after the educational intervention was observed. When these two hospitals were compared, some differences emerged.
Simulation improves both knowledge and skills even for a difficult subject such as postpartum hemorrhage, but there are differences between hospitals due to differences in practice. This may mean that we need to share our experiences more with each other.
Destekleyen Kurum
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi, Mustela Vakfı
Proje Numarası
We thank the Mustela Foundation, Eskişehir Osmangazi University and the midwives who participated in the study. We would like to thank Mr. İbrahim Turker for his support in translating it into English.
- 1. World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). “WHO Recommendations Uterotonics for the Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage”. Access address: (Accessed date: 31.10.2021)
- 2. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). (2019). “Postpartum Hemorrhage”. Access address: (Accessed date: 1.03.2019)
- 3. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH ve BNB Consulting. (2006). “National Maternal Mortality Study”. Access address: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Access date: 01.03.2019).
- 4. Evensen, A, Anderson, J.M. and Fontaine, P. (2017). “Postpartum Haemorrhage: Prevention and Treatment”. Am Fam Physician, 95 (7), 442-449.
- 5. Mavrides, E, Allard, S, Chandraharan, E, Collins, P, Green, L, Hunt, B.J, Riris, S. and Thomson, A.J. (2016). “On behalf of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention and management of postpartum haemorrhage”. BJOG, 124: e106–e149
- 6. National Ministry of Health Turkey General Directorate of Public Health. (2018). “Emergency Obstetric Care Guide”. Access address: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ acilobstetrikbakimyonetimrehberipdf.pdf (Accessed date: 01.04.2022)
- 7. Şendir, M. (2013). “Use of Simulation in Women’s Health Nursing Education”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 21 (3), 205-212
- 8. Mert, M. (2015). Evaluation of Efficiency of Different Simulation Methods for the Improvement of Information and Skills of Nursing Students for the Management of Postpartum Bleeding. Master’s Thesis Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Program, Ankara
- 9. Terzioğlu, F, Kapucu, S, Ozdemir, L, Boztepe, H, Duygulu, S, Tuna, Z. and Akdemir, N. (2012). “Nursing Students’ Opinions About Simulation Method”. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 19 (1), 16-23.
- 10. INACSL Standards Committee, McMahon, E, Jimenez, F.A. and Victor, J. (2021). “Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice Evaluation of Learning and Performance”. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 58, 54-56.
- 11. Karaçam, Z. (2020). Opinions of Midwifery Students on Knowledge and Practice Competency at the Before Graduation. Journal of Health Academics, 7 (4), 239-244.
- 12. Turkish Statistical Institute (2022). Birth Statistics 2021, Access address: (Access date 23.03.2023).
- 13. Kato, C. and Kataoka, Y. (2017). “Simulation Training Program for Midwives to Manage Postpartum Haemorrhage: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Nurse Education Today, 51, 88-95.
- 14. Egenberg, S, Karlsen, B, Massay, D, Kimaro, H. and Bru, L.E. (2017). “No Patient Should Die of PPH Just for The Lack of Training! Experiences From Multi-Professional Simulation Training on Postpartum Haemorrhage in Northern Tanzania: A Qualitative Study”. BMC Medical Education, 17 (1),1-12.
Doğum Sonu Kanama Yönetiminde Ebelerin Bilgi ve Becerilerini Geliştirmek İçin Yerinde Simülasyon Kullanimi: Amasya- Şanlıurfa Örneği
Yıl 2023,
, 951 - 957, 26.09.2023
Duygu Murat Öztürk
Fatma Sayiner
Merve Akkaş
Doğum sonu kanama, öncelikle anne sağlığından sorumlu olan ebelerin mezuniyet öncesi ve sonrası eğitimlerinde birincil ve önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu araştırma, doğum sonu kanama yönetiminde simülasyon yöntemi ile obstetri birimlerindeki ebelerin bilgi ve becerilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Araştırma yarı deneysel, tek grup ön test ve son test desenindedir. 1 Haziran-14 Temmuz tarihleri arasında araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 28 ebeye eğitim verilmiştir. Bu Eğitim müdahalesi, teorik, beceri eğitimi ve senaryolar eşliğinde beceri eğitimlerini içeren 24 saatlik olup, hastanede verilmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Toplanan veriler SPSS paket programı ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Eğitim müdahalesinden önce ve sonra bilgi ve beceriler ile Hasta Müdahalesinde Kendine Güven/Yeterlilik Ölçeği puanları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Eğitim öncesi ve sonrası tüm puanlarda artış gözlemlendi. İki hastane karşılaştırıldığında bazı farklılıklar ortaya çıktı.
Simülasyon, doğum sonu kanama gibi zor bir konuda bile hem bilgi hem de beceriyi geliştirmektedir. Ancak uygulama farklılıkları nedeniyle hastaneler arasında farklılıklar vardır. Bu durum, deneyimlerimizi birbirimizle daha fazla paylaşmamızın gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Proje Numarası
- 1. World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). “WHO Recommendations Uterotonics for the Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage”. Access address: (Accessed date: 31.10.2021)
- 2. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). (2019). “Postpartum Hemorrhage”. Access address: (Accessed date: 1.03.2019)
- 3. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH ve BNB Consulting. (2006). “National Maternal Mortality Study”. Access address: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Access date: 01.03.2019).
- 4. Evensen, A, Anderson, J.M. and Fontaine, P. (2017). “Postpartum Haemorrhage: Prevention and Treatment”. Am Fam Physician, 95 (7), 442-449.
- 5. Mavrides, E, Allard, S, Chandraharan, E, Collins, P, Green, L, Hunt, B.J, Riris, S. and Thomson, A.J. (2016). “On behalf of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention and management of postpartum haemorrhage”. BJOG, 124: e106–e149
- 6. National Ministry of Health Turkey General Directorate of Public Health. (2018). “Emergency Obstetric Care Guide”. Access address: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ acilobstetrikbakimyonetimrehberipdf.pdf (Accessed date: 01.04.2022)
- 7. Şendir, M. (2013). “Use of Simulation in Women’s Health Nursing Education”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 21 (3), 205-212
- 8. Mert, M. (2015). Evaluation of Efficiency of Different Simulation Methods for the Improvement of Information and Skills of Nursing Students for the Management of Postpartum Bleeding. Master’s Thesis Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Program, Ankara
- 9. Terzioğlu, F, Kapucu, S, Ozdemir, L, Boztepe, H, Duygulu, S, Tuna, Z. and Akdemir, N. (2012). “Nursing Students’ Opinions About Simulation Method”. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 19 (1), 16-23.
- 10. INACSL Standards Committee, McMahon, E, Jimenez, F.A. and Victor, J. (2021). “Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice Evaluation of Learning and Performance”. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 58, 54-56.
- 11. Karaçam, Z. (2020). Opinions of Midwifery Students on Knowledge and Practice Competency at the Before Graduation. Journal of Health Academics, 7 (4), 239-244.
- 12. Turkish Statistical Institute (2022). Birth Statistics 2021, Access address: (Access date 23.03.2023).
- 13. Kato, C. and Kataoka, Y. (2017). “Simulation Training Program for Midwives to Manage Postpartum Haemorrhage: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Nurse Education Today, 51, 88-95.
- 14. Egenberg, S, Karlsen, B, Massay, D, Kimaro, H. and Bru, L.E. (2017). “No Patient Should Die of PPH Just for The Lack of Training! Experiences From Multi-Professional Simulation Training on Postpartum Haemorrhage in Northern Tanzania: A Qualitative Study”. BMC Medical Education, 17 (1),1-12.