Heyet Raporu Değerlendirme Sürecinde Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatristlerin Yaşadıkları Zorluklar
Yıl 2020,
, 163 - 171, 30.06.2020
İbrahim Selçuk Esin
Hakan Öğütlü
Ayşe Büyükdeniz
Zehra Babadağı
Onur Burak Dursun
Şaziye Senem Başgül
Bu çalışma, çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrlarının Türkiye'de özel gereksinimi değerlendirme sürecinde Entellektüel Yeti Yitimi ve Bilşsel Gelişim Geriliği’ni raporlamada karşılaştıkları zorlukları tespit etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Yüz beş çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrist çalışmaya katılmayı kabul etti. Katılımcılardan, bu çalışma için hazırlanan çevrimiçi bir anketi doldurmaları istendi. Katılımcılar, sürecin kendileri için en büyük zorluğunun gereksinimin ciddi olup olmadığının belirlenmesi olduğunu belirtiler. Öte yandan, katılımcıların bu süreçte en fazla zorluk yaşadığı yaş aralığı okulöncesi idi. Sonuç olarak, çocuk ve ergen psikiyatristleri Entellektüel Yeti Yitimi ve Bilişsel Gelişim Geriliği tanılı çocukları değerlendirirken önemli zorluklarla karşılaşmıştır. Çözüm olarak, gereksinim düzeyini ve gereksinimin şiddetli olup olmadığını belirlemek için tıbbi tanı ve işlevsellik birlikte değerlendirilmesi gereklidir.
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Çalışmayı destekleyen Bir kurum bulunmamaktadır
Proje Numarası
Çalışma Proje kapsamında yapılmamıştır
Çalışmaya sunmuş olduğu katkılar için Prof. Dr. Angela Hassiotis’e teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Bornman J. (2004). The World Health Organisation's terminology and classification: application to severe disability. Disability rehabilitation, 26(3):182-8.
- 2. SSA. (2020). Disability Determination Services (DDS) Responsibilities For Development Of Work Activity. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://securessagov/apps10/pomsnsf/lnx/0424001005.
- 3. National Academies of Sciences E, Medicine (2018). Opportunities for improving programs and services for children with disabilities: National Academies Press.
- 4. Disability. Child Disability Report. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://securessagov/apps6z/i3820/mainhtml.
- 5. Gazette L. (2013) Disability Measurement, Disability Classification and Regulation On Health Board Reports. [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] Available from: https://wwwresmigazetegovtr/eskiler/2013/03/20130330-4htm.
- 6. Hilal A. (2016). "Maluliyet Hesaplamalarında Karşılaşılan Sorunlar". The Bulletin of Legal Medicine, 21(2).
- 7. McPherson M, Arango P, Fox H, Lauver C, McManus M, Newacheck PW, et al. (1998). "A new definition of children with special health care needs". Pediatrics, 102(1):137-9.
- 8. Committee on Psychological Testing IV. (2015). Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination.
- 9. NS-CSHCN. (2010). National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. 2009–2010. NSCSHCN Chartbook 2009–2010. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://mchbhrsagov/cshcn0910/indexhtml.
- 10. Greenspan SI, Wieder S, Simons R. (1998). The child with special needs: Encouraging intellectual and emotional growth: Addison-Wesley/Addison Wesley Longman.
- 11. Karadag G. (2009). "Hardships undergone by mothers with handicapped children, hopelessness and social support from family". Medicine, Military Turkey Preventive medicine bulletin, 8(4):315-22.
- 12. Gazette L. (2018). Special Education Services Regulation [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: http://orgmmebgovtr/meb_iys_dosyalar/2018_07/09101900_ozel_egitim_hizmetleri_yonetmeligi_07072018pdf.
- 13. CRPD. (2020). Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. [Accessed 2020 March 17] https://ailevecalismagovtr/media/12393/national_indicators_disabilities_rightspdf.
- 14. Tak AZA. (2018). "Assessment of Neurological Diagnoses in Patients Applying to the Health Board". Journal of Clinical Experimental Investigations, 9(3):126-30.
- 15. Education. (2013). Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act notice of proposed rulemaking: Final regulations. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://wwwgpogov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-02-14/pdf/2013-03443pdf.
- 16. U.S. Department of Education. (2018). [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://www2edgov/programs/osepidea/618-data/static-tables/indexhtml.
- 17. Benefits F. (2013). Regulation on Financial Benefits Provided to Disabled Turkish Citizens. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://wwwmevzuatgovtr/MetinAspx?MevzuatKod=7517049&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch.
- 18. Institute TS. (2004). Turkey Disability Survey. Turkish Statistical Institute Publications Ankara.
- 19. Organization WH. (2000). The world health report 2000: health systems: improving performance: World Health Organization.
- 20. Sahin N, Altun H, Bilge K. (2014). "Assessment of Disabled Child Health Council Reports". Kocatepe Medical Journal, 15(1):48-53.
- 21. Akar T, Demirel B. (2008). "Assessment of Disabled Child Health Council Reports". Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 5(3):101-8.
- 22. Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP. (2019). "Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and management of intellectual disability". Indian journal of psychiatry, 61(Suppl 2):194.
- 23. Association AP. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®): American Psychiatric Pub.
- 24. Organization WH, Health WHODoM, Abuse S, Association WP, Child IAf, Psychiatry A, et al. (2005). Atlas: child and adolescent mental health resources: global concerns, implications for the future: World Health Organization.
- 25. Turkish Statistical Institute. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/Start.do;jsessionid=KCxPpk9dTmRBFf6nVQKjSf2vNTLdq0BTL7tWyMpcwwdv6LvNhPxG!1602647328.
- 26. Organization WH. (2003). Caring for children and adolescents with mental disorders: Setting WHO directions.
- 27. Benli AR, Cortuk M, Inci H, Benli NC. (2016). “Evaluation of Causes Application on Medical Board”. Konuralp Medical Journal, 8(3):167-72.
- 28. Alwhaibi RM, Zaidi U, Alzeiby I, Alhusaini A. (2020). “Quality of Life and Socioeconomic Status: A Comparative Study among Mothers of Children with and without Disabilities in Saudi Arabia”. Child Care in Practice, 26(1):62-80.
- 29. AAIDD. Definition of Intellectual Disability. (2020). [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] http://aaiddorg/intellectual-disability/definition.
- 30. Keten A, Akcan R, Karapirli M, Durgut P, Kılınç I, Karacaoglu E, et al. (2012). “Evaluation of Cases Referred to Medical Board Due to Appeal”. Forensic Medicine, 20-6.
- 31. ICD (10). (2012). International classification of diseases, 10th revision. Available from: [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] https://wwwwhoint/classifications/icd/ICD10Volume2_en_2010pdf.
- 32. Mueller AE, Segal DL. (2014). “Structured versus semistructured versus unstructured interviews”. The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 1-7.
- 33. Evans DW, Uljarević M. (2018). “Parental education accounts for variability in the IQs of probands with Down syndrome: A longitudinal study”. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 176(1):29-33.
- 34. Girimaji SC, Pradeep AJV. (2018). “Intellectual disability in international classification of Diseases-11: A developmental perspective”. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 34(5):68.
- 35. Contributors. W. (2019). Denver Developmental Screening Tests. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
- 36. Tassé MJ, Luckasson R, Schalock RL. (2016). “The relation between intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior in the diagnosis of intellectual disability”. Intellectual developmental disabilities, 54(6):381-90.
- 37. Tassé MJ, Schalock RL, Balboni G, Spreat S, Navas P. (2016). “Validity and reliability of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behaviour Scale”. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(1):80-8.
- 38. ICF. (2001). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] Available from: https://wwwwhoint/classifications/icf/en/.
- 39. Silveira-Maia M, Lopes-dos-Santos P, Sanches-Ferreira M. (2017). “How the use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health for children and youth changed the individualized education programs in Portugal”. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(5):573-83.
- 40. Vale MdC, Pereira‐da‐Silva L, Pimentel MJ, Marques TN, Rodrigues H, Cunha G, et al. (2017). “Classifying Functioning of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: The Utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth”. Journal of Policy Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(4):285-92.
The Challenges of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in the Process of the Disability Report Evaluation
Yıl 2020,
, 163 - 171, 30.06.2020
İbrahim Selçuk Esin
Hakan Öğütlü
Ayşe Büyükdeniz
Zehra Babadağı
Onur Burak Dursun
Şaziye Senem Başgül
This study aimed to identify the challenges faced by child and adolescent psychiatrists on reporting Intellectual & Developmental Disability during the disability evaluation process in Turkey, and whether the approach to this process differs among academics and specialists of child and adolescent psychiatrists. One hundred five child and adolescent psychiatrists agreed to participate in the study. We asked them to complete an online questionnaire that was prepared for this study. The major challenge of the process was determining whether the disability is severe or not. On the other hand, the age range that the participants had the most difficulty in the process was preschool. Child and adolescent psychiatrist had essential difficulties while evaluating children with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. As a solution, medical diagnosis and functionality should be evaluated together in order to determine the disability level and whether disability severe or not.
Proje Numarası
Çalışma Proje kapsamında yapılmamıştır
- 1. Bornman J. (2004). The World Health Organisation's terminology and classification: application to severe disability. Disability rehabilitation, 26(3):182-8.
- 2. SSA. (2020). Disability Determination Services (DDS) Responsibilities For Development Of Work Activity. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://securessagov/apps10/pomsnsf/lnx/0424001005.
- 3. National Academies of Sciences E, Medicine (2018). Opportunities for improving programs and services for children with disabilities: National Academies Press.
- 4. Disability. Child Disability Report. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://securessagov/apps6z/i3820/mainhtml.
- 5. Gazette L. (2013) Disability Measurement, Disability Classification and Regulation On Health Board Reports. [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] Available from: https://wwwresmigazetegovtr/eskiler/2013/03/20130330-4htm.
- 6. Hilal A. (2016). "Maluliyet Hesaplamalarında Karşılaşılan Sorunlar". The Bulletin of Legal Medicine, 21(2).
- 7. McPherson M, Arango P, Fox H, Lauver C, McManus M, Newacheck PW, et al. (1998). "A new definition of children with special health care needs". Pediatrics, 102(1):137-9.
- 8. Committee on Psychological Testing IV. (2015). Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination.
- 9. NS-CSHCN. (2010). National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. 2009–2010. NSCSHCN Chartbook 2009–2010. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://mchbhrsagov/cshcn0910/indexhtml.
- 10. Greenspan SI, Wieder S, Simons R. (1998). The child with special needs: Encouraging intellectual and emotional growth: Addison-Wesley/Addison Wesley Longman.
- 11. Karadag G. (2009). "Hardships undergone by mothers with handicapped children, hopelessness and social support from family". Medicine, Military Turkey Preventive medicine bulletin, 8(4):315-22.
- 12. Gazette L. (2018). Special Education Services Regulation [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: http://orgmmebgovtr/meb_iys_dosyalar/2018_07/09101900_ozel_egitim_hizmetleri_yonetmeligi_07072018pdf.
- 13. CRPD. (2020). Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. [Accessed 2020 March 17] https://ailevecalismagovtr/media/12393/national_indicators_disabilities_rightspdf.
- 14. Tak AZA. (2018). "Assessment of Neurological Diagnoses in Patients Applying to the Health Board". Journal of Clinical Experimental Investigations, 9(3):126-30.
- 15. Education. (2013). Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act notice of proposed rulemaking: Final regulations. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://wwwgpogov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-02-14/pdf/2013-03443pdf.
- 16. U.S. Department of Education. (2018). [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://www2edgov/programs/osepidea/618-data/static-tables/indexhtml.
- 17. Benefits F. (2013). Regulation on Financial Benefits Provided to Disabled Turkish Citizens. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: https://wwwmevzuatgovtr/MetinAspx?MevzuatKod=7517049&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch.
- 18. Institute TS. (2004). Turkey Disability Survey. Turkish Statistical Institute Publications Ankara.
- 19. Organization WH. (2000). The world health report 2000: health systems: improving performance: World Health Organization.
- 20. Sahin N, Altun H, Bilge K. (2014). "Assessment of Disabled Child Health Council Reports". Kocatepe Medical Journal, 15(1):48-53.
- 21. Akar T, Demirel B. (2008). "Assessment of Disabled Child Health Council Reports". Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 5(3):101-8.
- 22. Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP. (2019). "Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and management of intellectual disability". Indian journal of psychiatry, 61(Suppl 2):194.
- 23. Association AP. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®): American Psychiatric Pub.
- 24. Organization WH, Health WHODoM, Abuse S, Association WP, Child IAf, Psychiatry A, et al. (2005). Atlas: child and adolescent mental health resources: global concerns, implications for the future: World Health Organization.
- 25. Turkish Statistical Institute. [Accessed 2020 March 17] Available from: http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/Start.do;jsessionid=KCxPpk9dTmRBFf6nVQKjSf2vNTLdq0BTL7tWyMpcwwdv6LvNhPxG!1602647328.
- 26. Organization WH. (2003). Caring for children and adolescents with mental disorders: Setting WHO directions.
- 27. Benli AR, Cortuk M, Inci H, Benli NC. (2016). “Evaluation of Causes Application on Medical Board”. Konuralp Medical Journal, 8(3):167-72.
- 28. Alwhaibi RM, Zaidi U, Alzeiby I, Alhusaini A. (2020). “Quality of Life and Socioeconomic Status: A Comparative Study among Mothers of Children with and without Disabilities in Saudi Arabia”. Child Care in Practice, 26(1):62-80.
- 29. AAIDD. Definition of Intellectual Disability. (2020). [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] http://aaiddorg/intellectual-disability/definition.
- 30. Keten A, Akcan R, Karapirli M, Durgut P, Kılınç I, Karacaoglu E, et al. (2012). “Evaluation of Cases Referred to Medical Board Due to Appeal”. Forensic Medicine, 20-6.
- 31. ICD (10). (2012). International classification of diseases, 10th revision. Available from: [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] https://wwwwhoint/classifications/icd/ICD10Volume2_en_2010pdf.
- 32. Mueller AE, Segal DL. (2014). “Structured versus semistructured versus unstructured interviews”. The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 1-7.
- 33. Evans DW, Uljarević M. (2018). “Parental education accounts for variability in the IQs of probands with Down syndrome: A longitudinal study”. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 176(1):29-33.
- 34. Girimaji SC, Pradeep AJV. (2018). “Intellectual disability in international classification of Diseases-11: A developmental perspective”. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 34(5):68.
- 35. Contributors. W. (2019). Denver Developmental Screening Tests. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
- 36. Tassé MJ, Luckasson R, Schalock RL. (2016). “The relation between intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior in the diagnosis of intellectual disability”. Intellectual developmental disabilities, 54(6):381-90.
- 37. Tassé MJ, Schalock RL, Balboni G, Spreat S, Navas P. (2016). “Validity and reliability of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behaviour Scale”. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(1):80-8.
- 38. ICF. (2001). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. [Accessed 2020 Febr 17] Available from: https://wwwwhoint/classifications/icf/en/.
- 39. Silveira-Maia M, Lopes-dos-Santos P, Sanches-Ferreira M. (2017). “How the use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health for children and youth changed the individualized education programs in Portugal”. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(5):573-83.
- 40. Vale MdC, Pereira‐da‐Silva L, Pimentel MJ, Marques TN, Rodrigues H, Cunha G, et al. (2017). “Classifying Functioning of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: The Utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth”. Journal of Policy Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(4):285-92.