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Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı

Yıl 2023, , 324 - 333, 25.03.2023


Bu derleme makalede, Ergoterapi bakış açısı ile atların ritmik salınımları ve vücut sıcaklığının binicinin lökomotor ve duyusal faaliyetlerini etkilemesi esasına göre çalışan bir rehabilitasyon yaklaşımı olan hippoterapinin terapatik yararlarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Son yıllarda hippoterapi ile ilgili yapılan araştırmaların çoğu, özellikle postür, denge, kuvvet, koordinasyon ve sensorimotor programlamayı içeren fiziksel engellere uygulanan rehabilitasyon faydaları üzerine olmuştur. Fiziksel hedeflere ulaşma sırasında hippoterapi uygulamalarının benzersiz yaklaşımı beraberinde sosyal, billişsel, akademik, davranışsal, psikolojik ve iletişim alanındaki sonuçları da etkilemektedir. Hippoterapi uygulamaları sırasındaki tedavi yaklaşımı çok yönlü olup, tüm vücut sistemlerinde olağanüstü etkiler göstermektedir. Hippoterapide doğru yöntem, doğru at ve profesyonel bir ekip ile birçok hastalığın tedavisi ve problemlerinin giderilmesinin mümkün olabileceği görülmektedir. Hippoterapi uygulamalarında profesyonel ekibin içerisinde yer alan Ergoterapistler sağlığı ve refahı aktiviteler yoluyla geliştirirler. Ergoterapistler günlük aktivitelerde motor kontrolü, koordinasyonu, dengeyi, dikkati, duyusal süreçleri ve performansı iyileştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu hedeflerine atın ritmik ve dinamik hareketinden, dokusundan ve sıcaklığından yararlanarak ulaşırlar. Ülkemizde hippoterapinin önemi hekimler ve terapistler tarafından daha derinden anlaşıldıkça daha fazla hasta ve ailelerinin bu tedaviden fayda göreceği öngörülmektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum

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  • 1. Savishinsky, J.S. (1983). “Pet Ideas: the Domestication of Animals, Human Behavior and Human Emotions”. In: A. H. Katcher & A. M. Beck (Ed.). New Perspectives on Our Lives with Companion Animals (112-131). Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Pr.
  • 2. Monfort Montolio, M. and Sancho-Pelluz, J. (2019). “Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Residential Treatment of Dual Pathology”. International journal of environ research public health, 17 (1), 120.
  • 3. Yılmaz, C. ve Ersoy, N. (2014). “Kronik ve Kritik Hasta İle Hayvan Etkileşimi”. Lokman Hekim Journal, 5, 34-35.
  • 4. Köseman, A. ve Şeker, İ. (2015). “Hippoterapi ve Terapide Kullanılan Atların Özellikleri”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Derneği, 12 (3), 195-201.
  • 5. Koca, T.T. and Ataseven, H. (2015). “What is hippotherapy? The indications and effectiveness of hippotherapy”. Northern clinics of Istanbul, 2 (3), 247-252.
  • 6. Meregillano, G. (2014). “Hippotherapy”. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 15 (4), 843-854.
  • 7. Johnson, C.C. (2009). “The benefits of physical activity for youth with developmental disabilities: a systematic review”. American journal of health promotion, 23 (3), 157‐167.
  • 8. Champagne, D. and Dugas, C. (2010). “Improving gross motor function and postural control with hippotherapy in children with Down syndrome: case reports”. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 26 (8), 564‐571.
  • 9. Benda, W, McGibbon, NH. and Grant, KL. (2003). “Improvements in muscle symmetry in children with cerebral palsy after equine-assisted therapy (hippotherapy)”. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 9 (6), 817-825.
  • 10. Casady, RL. and Nichols-Larsen, DS. (2004). “The effect of hippotherapy on ten children with cerebral palsy”. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 16 (3), 165-172.
  • 11. Beinotti, F, Correia, N. and Christofoletti, G. (2010). “Use of Hippotherapy in Gait Training for Hemiparetic Post-Stroke”. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria, 68 (6), 908-913.
  • 12. Shurtleff, TL, Standeven JW. and Engsberg, JR. (2009). “Changes in dynamic trunk/head stability and functional reach after hippotherapy”. Archives of physical medicine Rehabililation, 90 (7), 1185- 1195.
  • 13. MacPhail, H.A, Edwards, J, Golding, J, Miller, K, Mosier, C. and Zwiers, T. (1998). “Trunk Postural Reactions in Children with and without Cerebral Palsy during Therapeutic Horseback Riding”. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 10 (4), 143-147.
  • 14. McGibbon, N.H, Andrade, C.K, Widener, G. and Cintas, H.L. (1998). “Effect of an equine-movement therapy program on gait, energy expenditure, and motor function in children with spastic cerebral palsy: a pilot study”. Developmental medicine & child Neurology, 40 (11), 754-762.
  • 15. Mackay-Lyons, M, Conway, C. and Roberts, W. (1988). “Effects of Therapeutic Riding on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Trial”. Physiotherapy Canada, 40 (2), 104-109.
  • 16. Sterba, J.A, Rogers, B.T, France, A.P, and Vokes D.A. (2002). “Horseback riding in children with cerebral palsy: effect on gross motor function”. Developmental medicine child Neurology, 44 (5), 301-308.
  • 17. Debuse, D, Gibb, C. and Chandler, C. (2009). “Effects of Hippotherapy on People with Cerebral Palsy from the Users' Perspective: A Qualitative Stud”. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 25 (3), 174-192.
  • 18. Heipertz W, Heipertz-Hengst C, Kröger A, Kuprian W. (1984). Therapeutic Riding Medicine, Education, Sports. Kanada/Ottawa: Greenbelt Riding Association for the Disabled.
  • 19. Ün, A.E. (2020). “Hippotherapy Through the Eyes of the Riding Coach”. Turkish journal of agriculture-food science and Technology, 8 (10), 2131-2138.
  • 20. Strauss, I. (1995). Hippotherapy Neurophysiological Therapy on the horse. Kanada/Ontario: Ontario Therapeutic Riding Association.
  • 21. Kim, S.G. and Lee, J.H. “The effects of horse riding simulation exercise on muscle activation and limits of stability in the elderly”. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 60 (1), 62- 65.
  • 22. Champagne, D, Corriveau, H. and Dugas, C. (2017). “Effect of Hippotherapy on Motor Proficiency and Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy Who Walk”. Physical & occupational therapy pediatrics,. 37 (1), 51-63.
  • 23. Stergiou, A, Tzoufi, M, Ntzani, E, Varvarousis, D, Beris, A. and Ploumis, A. (2017). “Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. American journal physical medicine & rehabilitation, 96 (10), 717-725.
  • 24. Sterba, J.A. (2007). “Does horseback riding therapy or therapist-directed hippotherapy rehabilitate children with cerebral palsy?”. Developmental medicine & child neurology, 49 (1), 68-73.
  • 25. Lee, N, Park, S. ve Kim, J. “Hippotherapy and neurofeedback training effect on the brain function and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor level changes in children with attention-deficit or/and hyperactivity disorder”. Journal of exercise nutrition & biochemistry, 21 (3), 35.
  • 26. Elmacı, C. (2017). “Hippoterapi ve Fizyoterapistin Rolü”. Erişim adresi: (29.04.2021).
  • 27. Engel, B.T. (2003). Therapeutic Riding II: Strategies for Rehabilitation. England: Barbara Engel Theraphy Services Publisher.
  • 28. Kim, M.J, Kim, T, Choi, Y, Oh, S, Kim, K. and Yoon, B. (2016). “The effect of a horse riding simulator on energy expenditure, enjoyment, and task difficulty in the elderly”. European journal of ıntegrative medicine, 8 (5), 723-730.
  • 29. Kim, M.J, Kim, T, Oh, S. and Yoon, B. (2018). “Equine Exercise in Younger and Older Adults: Simulated Versus Real Horseback Riding”. Perceptual and motor skills, 125 (1), 93-108.
  • 30. Riede, D. (1988). Physioterapy on the horse. Renton: Distributed by the Delta Society.
  • 31. Armutlu, K, Meriç, A, Kirdi, N, Yakut, E. ve Karabudak, R. (2003). “The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients: a pilot study”. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 17 (2), 79–82.
  • 32. Scott, N. (2005). Special Needs Special Horses: A Guide to the Benefits of Therapeutic riding. Denton/University of North Texas Press.
  • 33. Bertoti, D.B. (1988). “Effect of therapeutic horseback riding on posture in children with cerebral palsy.” Physical therapy, 68 (10), 1505–1512.
  • 34. MacKinnon, J.R, Noh, S Lariviere, J, MacPhail, A, Allan, D. E. And Laliberte, D. (1995). “A Study of Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding for Children with Cerebral Palsy”. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics, 15 (1), 17-34.
  • 35. Macauley, B.L. and Gutierrez, K.M. (2004). “The Effectiveness of Hippotherapy for Children with Language-Learning Disabilities”. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25 (4), 205-217.
  • 36. Glazer, H.R, Clark, M.D. and Stein, D.S. (2004). “The Impact of Hippotherapy on Grieving Children”. Journal of hospice and palliative nursing, 6 (3), 171-175.
  • 37. Akkuş, A, Köse, E, Erdoğan, M, Taşpınar, B. ve Taşpınar F. (2018). “Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğunda Evcil Hayvan Desteği”. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal, 1 (3), 34-42.
  • 38. Jenkins, S.R, and Reed, F.D.D. (2013). “An experimental analysis of the effects of therapeutic horseback riding on the behavior of children with autism”. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7 (6), 721-740.
  • 39. Granados, A.C. and Agis, I.F. “Why children with special needs feel better with hippotherapy sessions: a conceptual review”. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17 (3), 191-197.
  • 40. Lakomy-Gawryszewska, A.A, Józefowicz, K, Raniszewska, A, Langer, D, HansdorferKorzon, R, Bieszczad, D, Górska, K, Cichoń-Kotek, M. and Pilarska, E. (2017). “The impact of hippotherapy on the quality of trunk stabilisation, evaluated by EMG biofeedback, in children with infantile cerebral palsy”. Polish Annals of Medicine, 24 (1), 9-12.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Hippotherapy: Occupational Therapy Perspective

Yıl 2023, , 324 - 333, 25.03.2023


In this review article, it is aimed to reveal the therapeutic benefits of hippotherapy, a rehabilitation approach that works on the basis of the rhythmic oscillations of horses and the effect of body temperature on the rider's leukomotor and sensory activities with the Occupational Therapy perspective. Most of the research on hippotherapy in recent years has been on the rehabilitation benefits applied to physical disabilities, particularly including posture, balance, strength, coordination, and sensorimotor programming. The unique approach of hippotherapy practices while achieving physical goals also affects social, cognitive, academic, behavioral, psychological and communication results. The treatment approach during hippotherapy applications is versatile and shows extraordinary effects on all body systems. In hippotherapy, it is seen that it is possible to treat and eliminate many diseases with the right method, the right horse and a professional team. Occupational therapists, who are in the professional team in hippotherapy applications, improve health and well-being through activities. Occupational therapists aim to improve motor control, coordination, balance, attention, sensory processes and performance in daily activities. They achieve these goals by taking advantage of the horse's rhythmic and dynamic movement, texture and warmth. As the importance of hippotherapy is understood more deeply by physicians and therapists in our country, it is predicted that more patients and their families will benefit from this treatment.


  • 1. Savishinsky, J.S. (1983). “Pet Ideas: the Domestication of Animals, Human Behavior and Human Emotions”. In: A. H. Katcher & A. M. Beck (Ed.). New Perspectives on Our Lives with Companion Animals (112-131). Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Pr.
  • 2. Monfort Montolio, M. and Sancho-Pelluz, J. (2019). “Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Residential Treatment of Dual Pathology”. International journal of environ research public health, 17 (1), 120.
  • 3. Yılmaz, C. ve Ersoy, N. (2014). “Kronik ve Kritik Hasta İle Hayvan Etkileşimi”. Lokman Hekim Journal, 5, 34-35.
  • 4. Köseman, A. ve Şeker, İ. (2015). “Hippoterapi ve Terapide Kullanılan Atların Özellikleri”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Derneği, 12 (3), 195-201.
  • 5. Koca, T.T. and Ataseven, H. (2015). “What is hippotherapy? The indications and effectiveness of hippotherapy”. Northern clinics of Istanbul, 2 (3), 247-252.
  • 6. Meregillano, G. (2014). “Hippotherapy”. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 15 (4), 843-854.
  • 7. Johnson, C.C. (2009). “The benefits of physical activity for youth with developmental disabilities: a systematic review”. American journal of health promotion, 23 (3), 157‐167.
  • 8. Champagne, D. and Dugas, C. (2010). “Improving gross motor function and postural control with hippotherapy in children with Down syndrome: case reports”. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 26 (8), 564‐571.
  • 9. Benda, W, McGibbon, NH. and Grant, KL. (2003). “Improvements in muscle symmetry in children with cerebral palsy after equine-assisted therapy (hippotherapy)”. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 9 (6), 817-825.
  • 10. Casady, RL. and Nichols-Larsen, DS. (2004). “The effect of hippotherapy on ten children with cerebral palsy”. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 16 (3), 165-172.
  • 11. Beinotti, F, Correia, N. and Christofoletti, G. (2010). “Use of Hippotherapy in Gait Training for Hemiparetic Post-Stroke”. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria, 68 (6), 908-913.
  • 12. Shurtleff, TL, Standeven JW. and Engsberg, JR. (2009). “Changes in dynamic trunk/head stability and functional reach after hippotherapy”. Archives of physical medicine Rehabililation, 90 (7), 1185- 1195.
  • 13. MacPhail, H.A, Edwards, J, Golding, J, Miller, K, Mosier, C. and Zwiers, T. (1998). “Trunk Postural Reactions in Children with and without Cerebral Palsy during Therapeutic Horseback Riding”. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 10 (4), 143-147.
  • 14. McGibbon, N.H, Andrade, C.K, Widener, G. and Cintas, H.L. (1998). “Effect of an equine-movement therapy program on gait, energy expenditure, and motor function in children with spastic cerebral palsy: a pilot study”. Developmental medicine & child Neurology, 40 (11), 754-762.
  • 15. Mackay-Lyons, M, Conway, C. and Roberts, W. (1988). “Effects of Therapeutic Riding on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Trial”. Physiotherapy Canada, 40 (2), 104-109.
  • 16. Sterba, J.A, Rogers, B.T, France, A.P, and Vokes D.A. (2002). “Horseback riding in children with cerebral palsy: effect on gross motor function”. Developmental medicine child Neurology, 44 (5), 301-308.
  • 17. Debuse, D, Gibb, C. and Chandler, C. (2009). “Effects of Hippotherapy on People with Cerebral Palsy from the Users' Perspective: A Qualitative Stud”. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 25 (3), 174-192.
  • 18. Heipertz W, Heipertz-Hengst C, Kröger A, Kuprian W. (1984). Therapeutic Riding Medicine, Education, Sports. Kanada/Ottawa: Greenbelt Riding Association for the Disabled.
  • 19. Ün, A.E. (2020). “Hippotherapy Through the Eyes of the Riding Coach”. Turkish journal of agriculture-food science and Technology, 8 (10), 2131-2138.
  • 20. Strauss, I. (1995). Hippotherapy Neurophysiological Therapy on the horse. Kanada/Ontario: Ontario Therapeutic Riding Association.
  • 21. Kim, S.G. and Lee, J.H. “The effects of horse riding simulation exercise on muscle activation and limits of stability in the elderly”. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 60 (1), 62- 65.
  • 22. Champagne, D, Corriveau, H. and Dugas, C. (2017). “Effect of Hippotherapy on Motor Proficiency and Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy Who Walk”. Physical & occupational therapy pediatrics,. 37 (1), 51-63.
  • 23. Stergiou, A, Tzoufi, M, Ntzani, E, Varvarousis, D, Beris, A. and Ploumis, A. (2017). “Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. American journal physical medicine & rehabilitation, 96 (10), 717-725.
  • 24. Sterba, J.A. (2007). “Does horseback riding therapy or therapist-directed hippotherapy rehabilitate children with cerebral palsy?”. Developmental medicine & child neurology, 49 (1), 68-73.
  • 25. Lee, N, Park, S. ve Kim, J. “Hippotherapy and neurofeedback training effect on the brain function and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor level changes in children with attention-deficit or/and hyperactivity disorder”. Journal of exercise nutrition & biochemistry, 21 (3), 35.
  • 26. Elmacı, C. (2017). “Hippoterapi ve Fizyoterapistin Rolü”. Erişim adresi: (29.04.2021).
  • 27. Engel, B.T. (2003). Therapeutic Riding II: Strategies for Rehabilitation. England: Barbara Engel Theraphy Services Publisher.
  • 28. Kim, M.J, Kim, T, Choi, Y, Oh, S, Kim, K. and Yoon, B. (2016). “The effect of a horse riding simulator on energy expenditure, enjoyment, and task difficulty in the elderly”. European journal of ıntegrative medicine, 8 (5), 723-730.
  • 29. Kim, M.J, Kim, T, Oh, S. and Yoon, B. (2018). “Equine Exercise in Younger and Older Adults: Simulated Versus Real Horseback Riding”. Perceptual and motor skills, 125 (1), 93-108.
  • 30. Riede, D. (1988). Physioterapy on the horse. Renton: Distributed by the Delta Society.
  • 31. Armutlu, K, Meriç, A, Kirdi, N, Yakut, E. ve Karabudak, R. (2003). “The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients: a pilot study”. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 17 (2), 79–82.
  • 32. Scott, N. (2005). Special Needs Special Horses: A Guide to the Benefits of Therapeutic riding. Denton/University of North Texas Press.
  • 33. Bertoti, D.B. (1988). “Effect of therapeutic horseback riding on posture in children with cerebral palsy.” Physical therapy, 68 (10), 1505–1512.
  • 34. MacKinnon, J.R, Noh, S Lariviere, J, MacPhail, A, Allan, D. E. And Laliberte, D. (1995). “A Study of Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding for Children with Cerebral Palsy”. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics, 15 (1), 17-34.
  • 35. Macauley, B.L. and Gutierrez, K.M. (2004). “The Effectiveness of Hippotherapy for Children with Language-Learning Disabilities”. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25 (4), 205-217.
  • 36. Glazer, H.R, Clark, M.D. and Stein, D.S. (2004). “The Impact of Hippotherapy on Grieving Children”. Journal of hospice and palliative nursing, 6 (3), 171-175.
  • 37. Akkuş, A, Köse, E, Erdoğan, M, Taşpınar, B. ve Taşpınar F. (2018). “Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğunda Evcil Hayvan Desteği”. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal, 1 (3), 34-42.
  • 38. Jenkins, S.R, and Reed, F.D.D. (2013). “An experimental analysis of the effects of therapeutic horseback riding on the behavior of children with autism”. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7 (6), 721-740.
  • 39. Granados, A.C. and Agis, I.F. “Why children with special needs feel better with hippotherapy sessions: a conceptual review”. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17 (3), 191-197.
  • 40. Lakomy-Gawryszewska, A.A, Józefowicz, K, Raniszewska, A, Langer, D, HansdorferKorzon, R, Bieszczad, D, Górska, K, Cichoń-Kotek, M. and Pilarska, E. (2017). “The impact of hippotherapy on the quality of trunk stabilisation, evaluated by EMG biofeedback, in children with infantile cerebral palsy”. Polish Annals of Medicine, 24 (1), 9-12.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Polat Koç 0000-0003-4305-9937

Neyran Altınkaya 0000-0003-0323-1536

Gonca İnanç Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2317-7653

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, P., Altınkaya, N., & İnanç, G. (2023). Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 324-333.
AMA Koç P, Altınkaya N, İnanç G. Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Mart 2023;12(1):324-333. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.931263
Chicago Koç, Polat, Neyran Altınkaya, ve Gonca İnanç. “Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12, sy. 1 (Mart 2023): 324-33.
EndNote Koç P, Altınkaya N, İnanç G (01 Mart 2023) Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12 1 324–333.
IEEE P. Koç, N. Altınkaya, ve G. İnanç, “Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 324–333, 2023, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.931263.
ISNAD Koç, Polat vd. “Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12/1 (Mart 2023), 324-333.
JAMA Koç P, Altınkaya N, İnanç G. Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;12:324–333.
MLA Koç, Polat vd. “Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 324-33, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.931263.
Vancouver Koç P, Altınkaya N, İnanç G. Hippoterapinin Terapatik Yararları: Ergoterapi Bakış Açısı. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;12(1):324-33.