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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 96 - 103, 30.06.2017


Doğum sonu (DS) dönemde kadında fizyolojik, sosyal ve duygusal birçok değişiklik meydana gelmektedir. Bu dönemde verilen bakımın duruma ve ihtiyaca yönelik olmaması anne-bebek sağlığını olumsuz etkilemekte ve yaşam kalitelerinin düşmesine neden olabilmektedir. DS erken dönemde sıklıkla yaşanan sorunlar arasında; kanamalar, epizyotomi bölgesinde ağrı ve kramplar, yorgunluk, enfeksiyon, meme sorunları, annenin öz bakımında ve/veya yenidoğan bakımında yetersizlik duygusu yaşaması bulunmaktadır. 

Kadın sağlığı hemşireleri, anne ve bebek sağlığının korunması ve geliştirilmesinden sorumlu sağlık profesyonelleridir. Bu nedenle hemşirelerin güncel bilgilere sahip olması bakımın kalitesini artırmak; klinik uygulamalar ve bakım sonuçlarını iyileştirmek; bakımı standardize etmek ve hasta memnuniyetini artırmak bakımından önemlidir. Derlemede, DS erken dönem hemşirelik uygulamalarına yönelik yapılmış randomize çalışmalar, meta-analiz ve sistematik derlemeler ile güncel literatür bilgileri incelenerek konu hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Barrett, G., Pendry, E., Peacock, J., Victor, C., Thakar, R., Manyonda, I. (1999). “Women’s sexuality after childbirth: A pilot study”. Arch Sex Behav, 28 (2): 179-191.
  • Gölbaşı, Z. (2003). “Postpartum dönemde erken taburculuk, evde bakım hizmetleri ve hemşirelik”. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 7(2): 15-22.
  • Akridge, K.M. (2004). “Postpartum ve Lactation”. Editör (Ed.). In: Youngkin, E.Q., Davis, M.S. Women’s Health. Pearson Printice Hall (614). New Jersey.
  • Shaw, E., Kaczorowski, J. (2007). “Postpartum care- What’s new?”. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, (19): 561-567.
  • WHO, UNICEF, & UNFPA. (2004). Maternal mortality in 2000: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Geneva, Switzerland. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Sheikh, L., Najmi, N., Khalid, U., Saleem, T. (2011). “Evaluation of compliance and outcomes of a management protocol for massive postpartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan”. BMC Pregnancy Childb, 13: 11-28.
  • Cengiz, H., Yasar, L., Ekin, M., Kaya, C. and Karakaş, S. (2012). “Management of intrac¬table postpartum haemorrhage in a tertiary center: A 5-year experience”. Niger Med J, 53: 85-88.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization (WHO); 2012. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Kominiarek, M.A., Kilpatrick, S.J. (2007). “Postpartum hemorrhage: a recurring pregnancy complication”. Semin Perinatol., 31 (3): 159-166.
  • Gülmezoglu, A.M., Forna, F., Villar, J., Hofmeyr, G.J. (2007). “Prostaglandins for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), Art. No: CD000494.
  • NICE (2014). “Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies”. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Soltani, H., Hutchon, D.R., Poulose, T.A. (2010). “Timing of prophylactic uterotonics for the third stage of labour after vaginal birth”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8): CD006173.
  • Mousa, H.A., Blum, J., Abou El Senoun, G., Shakur, H., Alfirevic, Z. (2014). “Treatment for primary postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2): CD003249.
  • United States Agency for International Development. (2011). “Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage at the community level: A guide for policy makers, health care providers, donors, community leaders, and program managers”. ( Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2016.
  • DeCherney, A.H., Nathan, L., Laufer, N., Roman, A.S. (2010). “Current Diagnosis &Treatment Obstetrics&Gynecology”. Eleventh Edition. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Series., Lange. McGraw Hill, USA.
  • Toğrul, C., Başer, E., Özdal, B., Güngör, T. (2012). “Postpartum Kanamanın Yönetimi”. The Journal of Gynecology - Obstetrics and Neonatology, 9 (36): 1502- 1508.
  • Cotter, A.M., Ness, A., Tolosa, J.E. (2001). “Prophylactic oxytocin for the third stage of labour”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 4. Art. No: CD001808.
  • Su, L.L., Chong, Y.S., Samuel, M. (2007). “Oxytocin agonists for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, Art. No: CD005457.
  • Kemik-Gül, Ö., Somunkıran, A., Özdemir, İ., Yücel, O., Demirci, F. (2006). “Doğum sonu kanamayı önlemede rektal misoprostol ve intravenöz oksitosinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması”. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol, 3(3): 162-166.
  • B-Lynch, C., Keith, L.G., Lalonde, A.B., Karoshi, M. (2010). Doğum sonu kanama; değerlendirme, yönetim ve cerrahi girişimler için kaynak kitabı. Editör (Ed.) Demir, C.S. (11-15). Matus Basımevi Reklam ve Yay. Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Committee Opinion Number 107, 2009, FDA. ( - 2009-03-31). Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2016.
  • FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). Cytotec (misoprostol). ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Oladapo, O.T., Fawole, B., Blum, J., Abalos, E. (2012). “Advance misoprostol distribution for preventing and treating postpartum haemorrhage”. The Cochrane Library, (2): CD009336.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Walraven, G., Gulmezoglu, A.M., Maholwana, B., Alfirevic, Z., Villar, J. (2005). “Misoprostol to treat postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review”. BJOG, 112: 547-553.
  • Fararjeh, C. (2003). “Postpartum kanama tedavisinde rektal misoprostol uygulamasının etkinliğinin intramusküler oksitosin ve metilergonovinle karşılaştırılması”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Gülmezoglu, A.M., Novikova, N., Lawrie, T.A. (2013). “Postpartum misoprostol for preventing maternal mortality and morbidity”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), Art. No: CD008982.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Abdel-Aleem, H., Abdel-Aleem, M.A. (2008). “Uterine Massage for Preventing Postpartum Haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3). Art. No.: CD006431.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Abdel-Aleem, H., Abdel-Aleem, M.A. (2013). “Uterine massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7): CD006431.
  • ICM and FIGO. (2003). International joint policy statement management of the third stage of labour to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 25(11): 952-3.
  • Lowdermilk, D.L. (2004). “Postpartum Complications”. (In) Lowdermilk DL, Perry S.E. (Eds). Maternity & Women’s Health Care. 8th Edition, Mosby, USA, 1044-48.
  • Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery. A National Clinical Guideline. Edinburgh: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. ( fulltext/104/index.html). Erişim tarihi: 10.10.2016.
  • Hidron, A., Edwards, J.R., Patel, J., Horan T.C., Sievert, D.M., Pollock, D.A., Fridkin, S.K. (2008). “NHSN annual update: antimicrobial-resistant pathogens associated with healthcareassociated infections: annual summary of data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006-2007”. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol., 29 (11): 996-1011.
  • Anderson, D.J., Podgorny, K., Berríos-Torres, S.I, Bratzler, D.W., Dellinger, E.P., Greene, L., Nyquist, C., Saiman, L., Yokoe, D.S., Maragakis, L.L. and Kaye, K.S. (2014). “Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update”. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol., 35(6): 605-27.
  • Smaill, F.M., Grivell, R.M. (2014). “Antibiotic prophylaxis versus no prophylaxis for preventing infection after cesarean section”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10: CD007482.
  • Giuliani, B., Periti, E., Mecacci, F. (1999). “Antimicrobial prophylaxis in obstetrics and gynecological surgery”. J Chemother Dec, 11: 577-580.
  • Reid, V.C., Hartmann, K.E., MCMahon, M., Fry, E.P. (2001). “Vaginal preparation with povidone iodine and postcesarean infectious morbidity: a randomized controlled trial”. Obstet Gynecol, 97 (1): 147- 152.
  • Starr, R.V., Zurawski, J., Ismail, M. (2005). “Preoperative vaginal preparation with povidone-iodine and the risk of postcesarean endometritis”. Obstet Gynecol, 105: 1024-1029.
  • Memon, S., Qazi, R.A., Bibi, S., Parveen, N. (2011). “Effect of preoperative vaginal cleansing with an antiseptic solution to reduce post caesarean infectious morbidity”. J Pak Med Assoc, 61(12): 1179-1183.
  • Haas, D.M., Morgan, S., Contreras, K. (2013). “Vaginal preparation with antiseptic solution before cesarean section for preventing postoperative infections”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 1: CD007892.
  • East, C.E., Begg, L., Henshall, N.E., Marchant, P.R., Wallace, K. (2012). “Local Cooling for Relieving Pain from Perineal Trauma Sustained During Childbirth”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4). Art. No: CD006304.
  • Toker, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2005). “Epizyotomi Bakımında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yöntemin Yara İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi”. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 49-61.
  • Yılmaz, S.D., Vural, G., Bodur, S. (2010). “The Effect of Serum Physiological and Rivanol on the Process of Recovery During Episiotomy Care”. Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg, 27 (2): 172-177.
  • Tuna, C.R. (2013). “Epizyotomi bakımında kullanılan iki farklı yöntemin yara iyileşmesi sürecine etkisi”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mersin.
  • Verklan, M.T. (2009). “So, he’s a little premature. What’s the big deal?”. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 21 (2): 149-161.
  • Tessier, R., Cristo, M., Velez, S., Giron, M., de Calume, Z.F., Ruiz-Palaez, J.G., Charpak, Y and Charpak, N. (1998). “Kangaroo mother care and the bonding hypothesis”. Pediatrics, 102 (2): 1-8.
  • Chwo, M.J., Anderson, G.C., Good, M., Dowling, D.A., Shiau, S.H. and Chu, D.M. (2007). “A randomized controlled trial of early kangaroo care for preterm infants: effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity”. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(2): 129-142.
  • Conde-Agudelo, A., Belizán, J.M. and Diaz-Rossello, J. (2011). “Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3. Art. No: CD002771.
  • Moore, E.R., Anderson, G.C., Bergman, N. and Dowswell, T. (2012). “Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (5): CD003519.
  • 60 Tips for Healthy Birth: Part 6 - Keep Mother and Baby Together - It's Best for Mother, Baby, and Breastfeeding. ( Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2016.
  • Anne Sütüyle İlgili Temel Gerçekler. ( Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2016.
  • Dyson, L., McCormick, F. and Renfrew, M.J. (2005). “Interventions for Promoting the Initiation of Breastfeeding”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2). Art. No: CD001688.
  • Britton, C., McCormick, F.M., Renfrew, M.J., Wade, A., King, S.E. (2007). “Support for Breastfeeding Mothers”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1). Art. No: CD001141.
  • Walker, M. (2008). “Conquering common breast-feeding problems”. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs, 22 (4): 267-274.
  • Bossert, R., Rayburn, W.F. (2001). “Early postpartum at a university hospital: outcome analysis”. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 46 (1): 39-43.
  • Eaton, A.P. (2001). “Early postpartum discharge: recommendation from a preliminary report to congress”. Pediatrics, 107 (2): 400-404.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Pospartum care of the mother and newborn: a pratical guide. WHO/RHT/MSM, Geneva 1998; 98/3: 8-58. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Cargill, Y., Martel, M. (2007). “Postpartum maternal and newborn discharge”. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 29 (4): 357-359.
  • Brown, S., Small, R., Faber, B., Krastev, A. and Davis, P. (2002). “Early Postnatal Discharge from Hospital for Healthy Mothers and Term Infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3). Art. No: CD002958.
  • Bowman, K.G., Ruchala, P.L. (2006). “A comparison of the postpartum learning needs of adolescent mothers and their mothers”. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35 (2): 250-256.
  • Eroğlu, K. (2012). “Kadın Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği El Kitabı”. Editör (Ed.) A.M., Coşkun (s:32). Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 96 - 103, 30.06.2017



  • Barrett, G., Pendry, E., Peacock, J., Victor, C., Thakar, R., Manyonda, I. (1999). “Women’s sexuality after childbirth: A pilot study”. Arch Sex Behav, 28 (2): 179-191.
  • Gölbaşı, Z. (2003). “Postpartum dönemde erken taburculuk, evde bakım hizmetleri ve hemşirelik”. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 7(2): 15-22.
  • Akridge, K.M. (2004). “Postpartum ve Lactation”. Editör (Ed.). In: Youngkin, E.Q., Davis, M.S. Women’s Health. Pearson Printice Hall (614). New Jersey.
  • Shaw, E., Kaczorowski, J. (2007). “Postpartum care- What’s new?”. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, (19): 561-567.
  • WHO, UNICEF, & UNFPA. (2004). Maternal mortality in 2000: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Geneva, Switzerland. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Sheikh, L., Najmi, N., Khalid, U., Saleem, T. (2011). “Evaluation of compliance and outcomes of a management protocol for massive postpartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan”. BMC Pregnancy Childb, 13: 11-28.
  • Cengiz, H., Yasar, L., Ekin, M., Kaya, C. and Karakaş, S. (2012). “Management of intrac¬table postpartum haemorrhage in a tertiary center: A 5-year experience”. Niger Med J, 53: 85-88.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization (WHO); 2012. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Kominiarek, M.A., Kilpatrick, S.J. (2007). “Postpartum hemorrhage: a recurring pregnancy complication”. Semin Perinatol., 31 (3): 159-166.
  • Gülmezoglu, A.M., Forna, F., Villar, J., Hofmeyr, G.J. (2007). “Prostaglandins for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), Art. No: CD000494.
  • NICE (2014). “Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies”. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Soltani, H., Hutchon, D.R., Poulose, T.A. (2010). “Timing of prophylactic uterotonics for the third stage of labour after vaginal birth”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8): CD006173.
  • Mousa, H.A., Blum, J., Abou El Senoun, G., Shakur, H., Alfirevic, Z. (2014). “Treatment for primary postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2): CD003249.
  • United States Agency for International Development. (2011). “Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage at the community level: A guide for policy makers, health care providers, donors, community leaders, and program managers”. ( Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2016.
  • DeCherney, A.H., Nathan, L., Laufer, N., Roman, A.S. (2010). “Current Diagnosis &Treatment Obstetrics&Gynecology”. Eleventh Edition. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Series., Lange. McGraw Hill, USA.
  • Toğrul, C., Başer, E., Özdal, B., Güngör, T. (2012). “Postpartum Kanamanın Yönetimi”. The Journal of Gynecology - Obstetrics and Neonatology, 9 (36): 1502- 1508.
  • Cotter, A.M., Ness, A., Tolosa, J.E. (2001). “Prophylactic oxytocin for the third stage of labour”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 4. Art. No: CD001808.
  • Su, L.L., Chong, Y.S., Samuel, M. (2007). “Oxytocin agonists for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, Art. No: CD005457.
  • Kemik-Gül, Ö., Somunkıran, A., Özdemir, İ., Yücel, O., Demirci, F. (2006). “Doğum sonu kanamayı önlemede rektal misoprostol ve intravenöz oksitosinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması”. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol, 3(3): 162-166.
  • B-Lynch, C., Keith, L.G., Lalonde, A.B., Karoshi, M. (2010). Doğum sonu kanama; değerlendirme, yönetim ve cerrahi girişimler için kaynak kitabı. Editör (Ed.) Demir, C.S. (11-15). Matus Basımevi Reklam ve Yay. Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Committee Opinion Number 107, 2009, FDA. ( - 2009-03-31). Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2016.
  • FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). Cytotec (misoprostol). ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Oladapo, O.T., Fawole, B., Blum, J., Abalos, E. (2012). “Advance misoprostol distribution for preventing and treating postpartum haemorrhage”. The Cochrane Library, (2): CD009336.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Walraven, G., Gulmezoglu, A.M., Maholwana, B., Alfirevic, Z., Villar, J. (2005). “Misoprostol to treat postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review”. BJOG, 112: 547-553.
  • Fararjeh, C. (2003). “Postpartum kanama tedavisinde rektal misoprostol uygulamasının etkinliğinin intramusküler oksitosin ve metilergonovinle karşılaştırılması”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Gülmezoglu, A.M., Novikova, N., Lawrie, T.A. (2013). “Postpartum misoprostol for preventing maternal mortality and morbidity”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), Art. No: CD008982.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Abdel-Aleem, H., Abdel-Aleem, M.A. (2008). “Uterine Massage for Preventing Postpartum Haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3). Art. No.: CD006431.
  • Hofmeyr, G.J., Abdel-Aleem, H., Abdel-Aleem, M.A. (2013). “Uterine massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7): CD006431.
  • ICM and FIGO. (2003). International joint policy statement management of the third stage of labour to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 25(11): 952-3.
  • Lowdermilk, D.L. (2004). “Postpartum Complications”. (In) Lowdermilk DL, Perry S.E. (Eds). Maternity & Women’s Health Care. 8th Edition, Mosby, USA, 1044-48.
  • Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery. A National Clinical Guideline. Edinburgh: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. ( fulltext/104/index.html). Erişim tarihi: 10.10.2016.
  • Hidron, A., Edwards, J.R., Patel, J., Horan T.C., Sievert, D.M., Pollock, D.A., Fridkin, S.K. (2008). “NHSN annual update: antimicrobial-resistant pathogens associated with healthcareassociated infections: annual summary of data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006-2007”. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol., 29 (11): 996-1011.
  • Anderson, D.J., Podgorny, K., Berríos-Torres, S.I, Bratzler, D.W., Dellinger, E.P., Greene, L., Nyquist, C., Saiman, L., Yokoe, D.S., Maragakis, L.L. and Kaye, K.S. (2014). “Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update”. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol., 35(6): 605-27.
  • Smaill, F.M., Grivell, R.M. (2014). “Antibiotic prophylaxis versus no prophylaxis for preventing infection after cesarean section”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10: CD007482.
  • Giuliani, B., Periti, E., Mecacci, F. (1999). “Antimicrobial prophylaxis in obstetrics and gynecological surgery”. J Chemother Dec, 11: 577-580.
  • Reid, V.C., Hartmann, K.E., MCMahon, M., Fry, E.P. (2001). “Vaginal preparation with povidone iodine and postcesarean infectious morbidity: a randomized controlled trial”. Obstet Gynecol, 97 (1): 147- 152.
  • Starr, R.V., Zurawski, J., Ismail, M. (2005). “Preoperative vaginal preparation with povidone-iodine and the risk of postcesarean endometritis”. Obstet Gynecol, 105: 1024-1029.
  • Memon, S., Qazi, R.A., Bibi, S., Parveen, N. (2011). “Effect of preoperative vaginal cleansing with an antiseptic solution to reduce post caesarean infectious morbidity”. J Pak Med Assoc, 61(12): 1179-1183.
  • Haas, D.M., Morgan, S., Contreras, K. (2013). “Vaginal preparation with antiseptic solution before cesarean section for preventing postoperative infections”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 1: CD007892.
  • East, C.E., Begg, L., Henshall, N.E., Marchant, P.R., Wallace, K. (2012). “Local Cooling for Relieving Pain from Perineal Trauma Sustained During Childbirth”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4). Art. No: CD006304.
  • Toker, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2005). “Epizyotomi Bakımında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yöntemin Yara İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi”. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 49-61.
  • Yılmaz, S.D., Vural, G., Bodur, S. (2010). “The Effect of Serum Physiological and Rivanol on the Process of Recovery During Episiotomy Care”. Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg, 27 (2): 172-177.
  • Tuna, C.R. (2013). “Epizyotomi bakımında kullanılan iki farklı yöntemin yara iyileşmesi sürecine etkisi”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ebelik Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mersin.
  • Verklan, M.T. (2009). “So, he’s a little premature. What’s the big deal?”. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 21 (2): 149-161.
  • Tessier, R., Cristo, M., Velez, S., Giron, M., de Calume, Z.F., Ruiz-Palaez, J.G., Charpak, Y and Charpak, N. (1998). “Kangaroo mother care and the bonding hypothesis”. Pediatrics, 102 (2): 1-8.
  • Chwo, M.J., Anderson, G.C., Good, M., Dowling, D.A., Shiau, S.H. and Chu, D.M. (2007). “A randomized controlled trial of early kangaroo care for preterm infants: effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity”. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(2): 129-142.
  • Conde-Agudelo, A., Belizán, J.M. and Diaz-Rossello, J. (2011). “Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3. Art. No: CD002771.
  • Moore, E.R., Anderson, G.C., Bergman, N. and Dowswell, T. (2012). “Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (5): CD003519.
  • 60 Tips for Healthy Birth: Part 6 - Keep Mother and Baby Together - It's Best for Mother, Baby, and Breastfeeding. ( Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2016.
  • Anne Sütüyle İlgili Temel Gerçekler. ( Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2016.
  • Dyson, L., McCormick, F. and Renfrew, M.J. (2005). “Interventions for Promoting the Initiation of Breastfeeding”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2). Art. No: CD001688.
  • Britton, C., McCormick, F.M., Renfrew, M.J., Wade, A., King, S.E. (2007). “Support for Breastfeeding Mothers”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1). Art. No: CD001141.
  • Walker, M. (2008). “Conquering common breast-feeding problems”. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs, 22 (4): 267-274.
  • Bossert, R., Rayburn, W.F. (2001). “Early postpartum at a university hospital: outcome analysis”. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 46 (1): 39-43.
  • Eaton, A.P. (2001). “Early postpartum discharge: recommendation from a preliminary report to congress”. Pediatrics, 107 (2): 400-404.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Pospartum care of the mother and newborn: a pratical guide. WHO/RHT/MSM, Geneva 1998; 98/3: 8-58. ( Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2017
  • Cargill, Y., Martel, M. (2007). “Postpartum maternal and newborn discharge”. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 29 (4): 357-359.
  • Brown, S., Small, R., Faber, B., Krastev, A. and Davis, P. (2002). “Early Postnatal Discharge from Hospital for Healthy Mothers and Term Infants”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3). Art. No: CD002958.
  • Bowman, K.G., Ruchala, P.L. (2006). “A comparison of the postpartum learning needs of adolescent mothers and their mothers”. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35 (2): 250-256.
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Filiz Ünal Toprak

Zekiye Turan Bu kişi benim

Ayten Şentürk Erenel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal Toprak, F., Turan, Z., & Şentürk Erenel, A. (2017). DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 96-103.
AMA Ünal Toprak F, Turan Z, Şentürk Erenel A. DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Haziran 2017;6(2):96-103.
Chicago Ünal Toprak, Filiz, Zekiye Turan, ve Ayten Şentürk Erenel. “DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 6, sy. 2 (Haziran 2017): 96-103.
EndNote Ünal Toprak F, Turan Z, Şentürk Erenel A (01 Haziran 2017) DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 6 2 96–103.
IEEE F. Ünal Toprak, Z. Turan, ve A. Şentürk Erenel, “DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 96–103, 2017.
ISNAD Ünal Toprak, Filiz vd. “DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 6/2 (Haziran 2017), 96-103.
JAMA Ünal Toprak F, Turan Z, Şentürk Erenel A. DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;6:96–103.
MLA Ünal Toprak, Filiz vd. “DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 96-103.
Vancouver Ünal Toprak F, Turan Z, Şentürk Erenel A. DOĞUM SONU ERKEN DÖNEM HEMŞİRELİK UYGULAMALARINDA GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;6(2):96-103.