Sağlık sektöründeki tüm gelişmelere rağmen, hastaların güvenliğini tehdit eden birçok advers olay hala meydana gelmektedir. Bu hatalar arasında hemşirelikle ilgili olanlar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin hasta güvenliği ve hemşirelik uygulamasındaki hatalarla ilişkili algılarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Bu, nitel bir yaklaşıma sahip betimsel bir çalışmadır. Bir çevrimiçi, açık uçlu anket kullanılmıştır. Brezilya’nın farklı bölgelerindeki çeşitli sağlık kuruluşlarından toplam 47 hemşire çalışmaya katılmıştır. Nitel içerik analizi kullanılmıştır.
Beş tema belirlenmiştir: (1) hemşirelik uygulamalarında en yaygın yapılan hatalar; (2) hemşirelik uygulaması sırasında meydana gelebilecek hatalarla ilişkili duygular; (3) hemşirelik uygulamalarındaki hataları önlemek için alınan tedbirler; (4) hemşirelik uygulamalarındaki hataları takip eden eylemler ve (5) hemşirelik uygulamalarındaki hataların nedenleri. Elde edilen sonuçlar, ilaç uygulamaları, hasta tanılama, hasta mobilizasyonu, el hijyeni ve hemşirelik kayıtları ile ilgili hataların özel dikkat gerektirdiğini vurgulamaktadır. İş koşullarının olumsuzluğundan kaynaklanan engeller, yetersiz iletişim, akademik ve hizmet içi eğitimlerdeki eksiklikler ve dikkat dağıtıcılar hemşirelik uygulamalarındaki hataların nedenleri olarak tanımlanmıştır.
Eğitim ve sağlık kuruluşlarının yöneticileri, hemşirelik eğitmenleri ve yöneticileri, hemşirelik uygulamalarındaki hataları önlemek için
The Research Ethics Committee of the Anna Nery School of Nursing – Sao Francisco de Assis School Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro reviewed and approved (approval date: July 11, 2023; decision number: 6.175.577). The ethical principles for medical research on human subjects established by the Declaration of Helsinki were followed.
1. Silva, A. T., Alves, M. G., Sanches, R. S., Terra, F. de S. and Resck, Z. M. R. (2016). “Nursing care and the focus on patient safety in the Brazilian scenario”. Saúde Em Debate, 40 (111), 292–301.
2. World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). “Patient safety. Global action on patient safety”. Available from: (accessed: September 5, 2023).
3. World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). “Patient safety”. Available from: (accessed: September 5, 2023).
4. Malheiros Carboni, R., Reppetto, M. A. and Nogueira, V. O. (2018). “Erros no exercício da enfermagem que caracterizam imperícia, imprudência e negligência: uma revisão bibliográfica [Errors in nursing practice that characterize malpractice, recklessness and neglect: a bibliographic review]”. Revista Paulista de Enfermagem, 29 (3), 100–107
5. Rocha, R. C., Bezerra, M. A. R., Martins, B. de M. B. and Nunes, B. M. V. T. (2021). “Teaching patient safety in nursing: integrative review”. Enfermería Global, 20 (4), 700–743.
6. Habahbeh, A. A. and Alkhalaileh, M. A. (2020). “Effect of an educational programme on the attitudes towards patient safety of operation room nurses”. British Journal of Nursing, 29 (4), 222–228.
7. Granados Plaza, M. and Gea Caballero, V. (2018). “Patient safety in the nursing practice environment”. Enfermeria Clinica, 29 (3), 200–201.
8. Forte, E. C. N., Pires, D. E. P., Padilha, M. I. and Martins, M. M. F. P. S. (2017). “Nursing errors: A study of the current literatüre” Texto e Contexto Enfermagem, 26 (2), 1–10.
9. Galiza, D. D. F., Moura, O. F., Barro, V. L. and Luz, G. O. A. (2014). “Preparo e administração de medicamentos: erros cometidos pela equipe de enfermagem [Preparation and administration of medications: errors made by the nursing staff]”. Revista Brasileira Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde. 5 (1), 45–50.
10. Schroers, G., Ross, J. G. and Moriarty, H. (2021). “Nurses’ perceived causes of medication administration errors: A qualitative systematic review”. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 47 (1), 38–53.
11. World Health Organization (WHO). (2017). “Patient safety. Making health care safe”. Available from: September 5, 2023).
12. Yoshimatsu, K. and Nakatani, H. (2020). “Home visiting nurses’ job stress and error incidents”. Home Health Care Management and Practice, 32 (2), 110–117.
13. Yang, Y., Liu, H. and Sherwood, G. D. (2021). “Second-order problem solving: Nurses’ perspectives on learning from near misses”. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8 (4), 444–452.
14. Amrollahi, M., Khanjani, N., Raadabadi, M., Hosseinabadi, M., Mostafaee, M. and Samaei, S. (2017). “Nurses’ perspectives on the reasons behind medication errors and the barriers to error reporting”. Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 6 (3), 132–136.
15. Najafpour, Z., Arab, M., Biparva Haghighi, S., Shayanfard, K., Yaseri, M., Hatamizadeh, M., Goudarzi, Z. and Bahramnezhad, F. (2021). “Nurses’ decisions in error reporting and disclosing based on error scenarios: A mixed-method study”. Health Scope, 10 (3), e114868
16. Lee, J. (2021). “Understanding nurses’ experiences with near-miss error reporting omissions in large hospitals”. Nursing Open, 8 (5), 2696–2704.
17. Koehn, A. R., Ebright, P. R. and Draucker, C. B. (2016). “Nurses’ experiences with errors in nursing”. Nursing Outlook, 64 (6), 566–574.
18. Mok, W. Q., Chin, G. F., Yap, S. F. and Wang, W. (2020). “A cross-sectional survey on nurses’ second victim experience and quality of support resources in Singapore”. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (2), 286–293.
19. Creswell, J. W. and Creswell, J. D. (2018). “Research design” (5th ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
20. Tong, A., Sainsbury, P. and Craig, J. (2007). “Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19 (6), 349–357.
21. Opara, V., Spangsdorf, S. and Ryan, M. K. (2023). “Reflecting on the use of Google Docs for online interviews: Innovation in qualitative data collection”. Qualitative Research, 23 (3), 561–578.
22. Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006). “Using thematic analysis in psychology”. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3 (2), 77–101.
23. Jo, J., Marquard, J. L., Clarke, L. A. and Henneman, P. L. (2013). “Re-examining the requirements for verification of patient identifiers during medication administration: No wonder it is error-prone”. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 3 (4), 280–291.
24. Riplinger, L., Piera-Jiménez, J. and Dooling, J. P. (2020) “Patient identification techniques – approaches, implications, and findings”. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 29 (01), 081–086.
25. Alrabadi, N., Haddad, R., Haddad, R., Shawagfeh, S., Mukatash, T., Al-rabadi, D. and Abuhammad, S. (2020). “Medication errors among registered nurses in Jordan”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 11 (3), 237–243.
26. Intan, C. (2021). “Nurse hand hygiene behavior with prevention of surgical site ınfection ın surgery room”. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 3 (1), 1–7.
27. Gniadek, A., Ogórek-Tęcza, B., Inglot, A., Nowacka, A. and Micek, A. (2021). “Hand areas which are commonly missed during hand disinfection by nursing students who completed a basic educational course in hand hygiene”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (5), 1–15.
28. Tavares, S. S. (2020). “A importância das anotações de enfermagem para a auditoria em saúde [The importance of nursing notes for health auditing]”. Revista Multidisciplinar e de Psicologia, 14 (49), 677–685.
29. Macedo, L. D. A., Lovadini, V. D. L. and Sakamoto, S. R. (2020). “A importâncias das anotações de enfermagem em prontuários hospitalares: percepção da equipe de enfermagem [The importance of nursing annotations in hospital: perception of the nursing team]”. Revista Enfermagem Atual In Derme, 92 (30), 250–257.
30. Melo, L. N., Freitas, V. L., dos Santos, E. P., de Mello Pereira, R. D., de Oliveira, V. S. and dos Santos, I. M. M. (2020). “Evaluation of critical transportation of patients: A systematic review”. Enfermeria Global, 19 (1), 637–647.
31. Varkey, B. (2021). “Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice”. Medical Principles and Practice, 30 (1), 17–28.
32. Barkhordari-Sharifabad, M. and Mirjalili, N. S. (2020). “Ethical leadership, nursing error and error reporting from the nurses’ perspective”. Nursing Ethics, 27 (2), 609–620.
33. Eltaybani, S., Mohamed, N. and Abdelwareth, M. (2019). “Nature of nursing errors and their contributing factors in intensive care units”. Nursing in Critical Care, 24 (1), 47–54.
34. Ghezeljeh, T. N., Farahani, M. A. and Ladani, F. K. (2021). “Factors affecting nursing error communication in intensive care units: A qualitative study”. Nursing Ethics, 28 (1), 131–144.
35. Avallin, T., Muntlin Athlin, Å., Björck, M. and Jangland, E. (2020). “Using communication to manage missed care: A case study applying the Fundamentals of Care framework”. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (8), 2091–2102.
36. Miranda, A., Oliveira Carvalho, A., Lopes, A., Oliveira, V., de Carvalho, P. and de Carvalho, H. (2017). “Contribuição da enfermagem à segurança do paciente: Revisão integrativa [nursing contrıbution to patient safety: Integrative review]”. SANARE-Revista de Políticas Públicas, 16 (1), 109–117.
37. Kahriman, İ. and Öztürk, H. (2016). “Evaluating medical errors made by nurses during their diagnosis, treatment and care practices”. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25 (19–20), 2884–2894.
38. Brborović, O., Brborović, H., Nola, I. A. and Milošević, M. (2019). “Culture of blame—an ongoing burden for doctors and patient safety”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23), 4826.
39. Jin, H., Chen, H., Munechika, M., Sano, M. and Kajihara, C. (2018). “The effect of workload on nurses’ non-observance errors in medication administration processes: A cross-sectional study”. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24 (5), 1–9.
40. Bautista, J. R. and Lin, T. T. C. (2016). “Sociotechnical analysis of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 95, 71–80.
Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study
Despite all the advances in the healthcare sector, many adverse events that threaten patient safety still occur. Among these errors are those involving nursing. The study aimed to explore nurses’ perceptions regarding patient safety and errors in nursing practice.
This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. An online, open-ended questionnaire was used. A total of 47 nurses from various healthcare institutions in different regions of Brazil took part in the study. Qualitative content analysis was carried out.
Five themes were identified: (1) most common errors made during nursing practice; (2) feelings regarding errors that can occur during nursing practice; (3) measures taken to prevent errors during nursing practice; (4) actions taken after errors occurred during nursing practice, and (5) reasons for errors during nursing practice. The obtained results highlight that errors in medication administration, patient identification, patient mobilization, hand hygiene, and nursing documentation require special attention. Barriers caused by inadequate working conditions, poor communication, deficiencies in academic education, lack of in-service training and distractions were identified as reasons for errors in nursing practice.
Administrators of educational and healthcare institutions, along with nursing educators and managers, play essential roles in developing strategies to prevent errors in nursing practice.
1. Silva, A. T., Alves, M. G., Sanches, R. S., Terra, F. de S. and Resck, Z. M. R. (2016). “Nursing care and the focus on patient safety in the Brazilian scenario”. Saúde Em Debate, 40 (111), 292–301.
2. World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). “Patient safety. Global action on patient safety”. Available from: (accessed: September 5, 2023).
3. World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). “Patient safety”. Available from: (accessed: September 5, 2023).
4. Malheiros Carboni, R., Reppetto, M. A. and Nogueira, V. O. (2018). “Erros no exercício da enfermagem que caracterizam imperícia, imprudência e negligência: uma revisão bibliográfica [Errors in nursing practice that characterize malpractice, recklessness and neglect: a bibliographic review]”. Revista Paulista de Enfermagem, 29 (3), 100–107
5. Rocha, R. C., Bezerra, M. A. R., Martins, B. de M. B. and Nunes, B. M. V. T. (2021). “Teaching patient safety in nursing: integrative review”. Enfermería Global, 20 (4), 700–743.
6. Habahbeh, A. A. and Alkhalaileh, M. A. (2020). “Effect of an educational programme on the attitudes towards patient safety of operation room nurses”. British Journal of Nursing, 29 (4), 222–228.
7. Granados Plaza, M. and Gea Caballero, V. (2018). “Patient safety in the nursing practice environment”. Enfermeria Clinica, 29 (3), 200–201.
8. Forte, E. C. N., Pires, D. E. P., Padilha, M. I. and Martins, M. M. F. P. S. (2017). “Nursing errors: A study of the current literatüre” Texto e Contexto Enfermagem, 26 (2), 1–10.
9. Galiza, D. D. F., Moura, O. F., Barro, V. L. and Luz, G. O. A. (2014). “Preparo e administração de medicamentos: erros cometidos pela equipe de enfermagem [Preparation and administration of medications: errors made by the nursing staff]”. Revista Brasileira Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde. 5 (1), 45–50.
10. Schroers, G., Ross, J. G. and Moriarty, H. (2021). “Nurses’ perceived causes of medication administration errors: A qualitative systematic review”. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 47 (1), 38–53.
11. World Health Organization (WHO). (2017). “Patient safety. Making health care safe”. Available from: September 5, 2023).
12. Yoshimatsu, K. and Nakatani, H. (2020). “Home visiting nurses’ job stress and error incidents”. Home Health Care Management and Practice, 32 (2), 110–117.
13. Yang, Y., Liu, H. and Sherwood, G. D. (2021). “Second-order problem solving: Nurses’ perspectives on learning from near misses”. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8 (4), 444–452.
14. Amrollahi, M., Khanjani, N., Raadabadi, M., Hosseinabadi, M., Mostafaee, M. and Samaei, S. (2017). “Nurses’ perspectives on the reasons behind medication errors and the barriers to error reporting”. Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 6 (3), 132–136.
15. Najafpour, Z., Arab, M., Biparva Haghighi, S., Shayanfard, K., Yaseri, M., Hatamizadeh, M., Goudarzi, Z. and Bahramnezhad, F. (2021). “Nurses’ decisions in error reporting and disclosing based on error scenarios: A mixed-method study”. Health Scope, 10 (3), e114868
16. Lee, J. (2021). “Understanding nurses’ experiences with near-miss error reporting omissions in large hospitals”. Nursing Open, 8 (5), 2696–2704.
17. Koehn, A. R., Ebright, P. R. and Draucker, C. B. (2016). “Nurses’ experiences with errors in nursing”. Nursing Outlook, 64 (6), 566–574.
18. Mok, W. Q., Chin, G. F., Yap, S. F. and Wang, W. (2020). “A cross-sectional survey on nurses’ second victim experience and quality of support resources in Singapore”. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (2), 286–293.
19. Creswell, J. W. and Creswell, J. D. (2018). “Research design” (5th ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
20. Tong, A., Sainsbury, P. and Craig, J. (2007). “Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19 (6), 349–357.
21. Opara, V., Spangsdorf, S. and Ryan, M. K. (2023). “Reflecting on the use of Google Docs for online interviews: Innovation in qualitative data collection”. Qualitative Research, 23 (3), 561–578.
22. Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006). “Using thematic analysis in psychology”. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3 (2), 77–101.
23. Jo, J., Marquard, J. L., Clarke, L. A. and Henneman, P. L. (2013). “Re-examining the requirements for verification of patient identifiers during medication administration: No wonder it is error-prone”. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 3 (4), 280–291.
24. Riplinger, L., Piera-Jiménez, J. and Dooling, J. P. (2020) “Patient identification techniques – approaches, implications, and findings”. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 29 (01), 081–086.
25. Alrabadi, N., Haddad, R., Haddad, R., Shawagfeh, S., Mukatash, T., Al-rabadi, D. and Abuhammad, S. (2020). “Medication errors among registered nurses in Jordan”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 11 (3), 237–243.
26. Intan, C. (2021). “Nurse hand hygiene behavior with prevention of surgical site ınfection ın surgery room”. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 3 (1), 1–7.
27. Gniadek, A., Ogórek-Tęcza, B., Inglot, A., Nowacka, A. and Micek, A. (2021). “Hand areas which are commonly missed during hand disinfection by nursing students who completed a basic educational course in hand hygiene”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (5), 1–15.
28. Tavares, S. S. (2020). “A importância das anotações de enfermagem para a auditoria em saúde [The importance of nursing notes for health auditing]”. Revista Multidisciplinar e de Psicologia, 14 (49), 677–685.
29. Macedo, L. D. A., Lovadini, V. D. L. and Sakamoto, S. R. (2020). “A importâncias das anotações de enfermagem em prontuários hospitalares: percepção da equipe de enfermagem [The importance of nursing annotations in hospital: perception of the nursing team]”. Revista Enfermagem Atual In Derme, 92 (30), 250–257.
30. Melo, L. N., Freitas, V. L., dos Santos, E. P., de Mello Pereira, R. D., de Oliveira, V. S. and dos Santos, I. M. M. (2020). “Evaluation of critical transportation of patients: A systematic review”. Enfermeria Global, 19 (1), 637–647.
31. Varkey, B. (2021). “Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice”. Medical Principles and Practice, 30 (1), 17–28.
32. Barkhordari-Sharifabad, M. and Mirjalili, N. S. (2020). “Ethical leadership, nursing error and error reporting from the nurses’ perspective”. Nursing Ethics, 27 (2), 609–620.
33. Eltaybani, S., Mohamed, N. and Abdelwareth, M. (2019). “Nature of nursing errors and their contributing factors in intensive care units”. Nursing in Critical Care, 24 (1), 47–54.
34. Ghezeljeh, T. N., Farahani, M. A. and Ladani, F. K. (2021). “Factors affecting nursing error communication in intensive care units: A qualitative study”. Nursing Ethics, 28 (1), 131–144.
35. Avallin, T., Muntlin Athlin, Å., Björck, M. and Jangland, E. (2020). “Using communication to manage missed care: A case study applying the Fundamentals of Care framework”. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (8), 2091–2102.
36. Miranda, A., Oliveira Carvalho, A., Lopes, A., Oliveira, V., de Carvalho, P. and de Carvalho, H. (2017). “Contribuição da enfermagem à segurança do paciente: Revisão integrativa [nursing contrıbution to patient safety: Integrative review]”. SANARE-Revista de Políticas Públicas, 16 (1), 109–117.
37. Kahriman, İ. and Öztürk, H. (2016). “Evaluating medical errors made by nurses during their diagnosis, treatment and care practices”. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25 (19–20), 2884–2894.
38. Brborović, O., Brborović, H., Nola, I. A. and Milošević, M. (2019). “Culture of blame—an ongoing burden for doctors and patient safety”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23), 4826.
39. Jin, H., Chen, H., Munechika, M., Sano, M. and Kajihara, C. (2018). “The effect of workload on nurses’ non-observance errors in medication administration processes: A cross-sectional study”. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24 (5), 1–9.
40. Bautista, J. R. and Lin, T. T. C. (2016). “Sociotechnical analysis of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 95, 71–80.
Aydoğdu, A. L. F. (2024). Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 90-104.
Aydoğdu ALF. Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Mart 2024;13(1):90-104. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1366537
Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira. “Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 1 (Mart 2024): 90-104.
Aydoğdu ALF (01 Mart 2024) Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13 1 90–104.
A. L. F. Aydoğdu, “Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, ss. 90–104, 2024, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1366537.
Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira. “Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13/1 (Mart 2024), 90-104.
Aydoğdu ALF. Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13:90–104.
Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira. “Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 90-104, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1366537.
Aydoğdu ALF. Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety and Errors in Nursing Practice: A Qualitative Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13(1):90-104.