Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 42 - 51, 31.07.2020


Online pazarlama iletişimi kitlelere ulaşmada geleneksel medyanın yerini almıştır. Online reklam, online pazarlama iletişiminin en önemli unsurlarından biridir. Her gün yüzlerce online reklam sosyal medya, internet ve video siteleri, mobil cihazlar ve uygulamalar aracılığıyla tüketicilerin karşısına çıkmaktadır. Tüketiciler çok sayıda online reklamla karşılaştıklarında zaman zaman rahatsızlık yaşamaktadır. Tüketicinin kaygısı ile birlikte reklamın rahatsız ediciliği reklam etkinliğini azaltmakta, bir başka ifade ile tüketicinin reklama karşı tutumunu olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu makalenin amacı online reklamın rahatsız ediciliği ve tüketici kaygısı öncüllerinin tüketicilerin reklama karşı tutumu ve davranışsal niyeti üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak ve işletmelere önerilerde bulunmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Araştırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın ölçeği Hwan & Kim (2007), Ducoffe (1996), Wang & Sun (2010), Wolin ve diğ.'nin (2002) çalışmalarından uyarlanmıştır. Araştırmada tesadüfi olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme tercih edilmiştir. Oluşturulan araştırma modelindeki hipotezlerin testi için PLS-SEM kullanılmıştır.
Sonuçlar reklamın rahatsız ediciliği ve tüketici kaygısının reklama karşı tutumun üzerinde olumsuz etkilere sahip olduklarını, reklama karşı tutumun da davranışsal niyet üzerinde güçlü bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Online reklamın etkinliğinin arttırılması adına pazarlama yöneticilerine çeşitli stratejiler önerilmiştir.
Pazarlama yöneticileri reklamın rahatsız ediciliği ve tüketici kaygısını azaltmaya odaklanmalı ve reklamın zamanlaması, sıklığı ve süresi için arama motoru optimizasyonu ve sosyal medya aracılığıyla elde ettikleri müşteri verilerini kullanmalıdır. Reklamın müşteri ile ilgililik düzeyi ve çekiciliği de pazarlama yöneticileri tarafından reklamın rahatsız ediciliğini ve tüketici kaygısını azaltan diğer faktörler olarak kullanılmalıdır.


  • Aaker, D. A., Douglas, M., Stayman, & Michael, R. H. (1986). Warmth in Advertising: Measurement, Impact and Sequence Effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (3): 365-81.
  • Aaker, David S., Donald E. Bruzzone (1985). "Causes of Irritation in Advertising." Journal of Marketing, 49 (2): 47-57.
  • Ajzen, I., (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50: 179-211.
  • Ajzen, I., Fishbein, M. (1980), Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Ambady, N., Rosenthal, R. (1992), Thin Slices of Expressive Behavior as Predictors of Interpersonal Consequences: A Meta- Analysis, Psychological Bulletin, 111 (2): 256-274.
  • Antonides, Gerrit, & Fred V. R. (1998). Consumer behavior: A European perspective. New York: Wiley and Sons.
  • Baker, D. A., and J. L. Crompton (2000). “Quality, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions.” Annals of Tourism Research, 27 (3): 785-804.
  • Bauer, Raymond A., Stephen A. Greyser (1968). Advertising in America Consumer View. Boston, MA: Harvard University.
  • Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., (2014). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • Butterfield, L. (2003), AdValue: Twenty Ways Advertising Works for Business, Oxford: Butterworth–Heinemann.
  • Chua, S. L., D. T. Chen, A. F. L. Wong (1999). Computer Anxiety and its Correlates: a Meta-Analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 15, Issue 5, 1. September 1999: 609-623.
  • Cronin, J. J., and S. A. Taylor (1994). “SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: Reconciling Performance-Based and Perceptions-Minus-Expectations Measurement of Service Quality.” Journal of Marketing, 58 (January): 125-31.
  • Du Plessis, T. C., (2005). A Theoretical Framework Of Corporate Online Communication: A Marketing Public Relations (Mpr) Perspective, Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi, University Of South Africa.
  • Ducoffe, R. H., (1996). Advertising Value and Advertising on the Web, Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5): 21-35.
  • Fishbein, M., Ajzen, I., (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, And Behavior: An İntroduction to Theory And Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Goldstein, Daniel G., R. Preston McAfee, Siddharth Suri (2013). The Cost of Annoying Ads. WWW '13: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, May 2013: 459-470.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., &Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2): 139-152.
  • Hawkins, D.I., & Coney, K.A. (1976). Advertising and Differentiated Sex Roles in Contemporary American Society. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 4: 418-28.
  • Hoffman, D. L., Novak, T. P. (1996), Marketing in Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments: Conceptual Foundations, Journal of Marketing, 60(3): 50-68.
  • Hwan, Y., Kim, D. J., (2007). Customer Self-Service Systems: The Effects of Perceived Web Quality with Service Contents on Enjoyment, Anxiety and E-trust, Decision Support Systems, 43: 746-760.
  • Igbaria, M., Chakrabarti, A., (1990). Computer Anxiety and Attitudes Towards Microcomputer Use, Behaviour & Information Technology, 9 (3): 229-241.
  • İnternet-1: American Marketing Association Dictionary, 2018,, (22 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-2: Internet System Consortium, 2020, ISC Domain Survey,, (23 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-3: Business Wire, 2020, Internet Grows to 370.7 Million Domain Name Registrations at the End of the Third Quarter of 2020 ,, (23 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-4: Internet World Stats, 2020, Usage and Population Statistics,, (22 Kasım 2020).
  • Jensen, M. B., Jespen, A. L., (2006). Online Marketing Communications Need for a New Typology for IMC, Journal of Website Promotion, Vol. 2(1/2): 19-35.
  • Jung, J., Han, H., & Oh, M. (2017). Travelers' Switching Behavior in the Airline Industry from the Perspective of the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework. Tourism Management, 59, 139-153.
  • Khan, M. B., K. Khawaja (2013). The Relationship of E-CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. The moderating Role of Anxiety. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(4): 531-535.
  • Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., (2011). Marketing Management (14th Edition),Prentice Hall.
  • Lamb, C., Hair, J., McDaniel, C., (2011). Essentials of Marketing, Cengage Learning, South Western.
  • Lee, S. Y., J. F. Petrick, J. Crompton (2007). The Roles of Quality and Intermediary Constructs in Determining Festival Attendees’ Behavioral Intention. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 45(4), May 2007: 402-412.
  • Mackenzie, S.B., & Lutz, R.C. (1989). An Empirical Examination of the Structural Antecedents of Attitudes towards the Ad in an Advertising Presenting Content. Journal of Marketing, 53 (4): 48-65.
  • Mauer, M. M. (1994). Computer Anxiety Correlates and What They Tell us: A Literature Review. Computers in Human Behavior, 10(3): 369-376.
  • Parasuraman, A., (2000). Technology Readiness Index (Tri): A Multiple-Item Scale to Measure Readiness to Embrace New Technologies, Journal of Service Research, 2: 307-320.
  • Pelsmacker, P., Geuens, M., van den Bergh, J., (2013). Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh.
  • Percy, L., (2008). Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications: Theory and Practice, Burlington: Elsevier.
  • Rezaei, S. (2015). Segmenting Consumer Decision-Making Styles (CDMS) toward Marketing Practice: A Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling Approach, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22: 1-15.
  • Rogers, E., (1962). Diffusions of Innovations, Free Press, New York.
  • Schramm, W., (1955). The Process and Effects of Mass Communications, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
  • Scott, D. M., (2013). The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases,Online Video, and Viral Marketing To Reach Buyers Directly.
  • Sheppard, B. H., Hartwick, J., Warshaw, P. R., (1988). The Theory of Reasoned Action: A Meta-Analysis of Past Research With Recommendations for Modifications and Future Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (December): 453-474.
  • Wang, Y., Sun, S., (2010). Assessing Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioral Responses Toward Online Advertising in Three Countries, International Business Review, 19(4): 333-344.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P., Lund, D., (2002). Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior Towards Web Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, 21(1): 87–113.
  • Wood, A. F., Smith, M. J., (2005). Online Communication : Linking Technology, İdentity, and Culture, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Zanote. (1984). Public Advertising towards Advertising. International Journal of Marketing, 13: 3–15.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., L. L. Berry, and A. Parasuraman (1996). “The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality.” Journal of Marketing, 60 (April): 31-46.


Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 42 - 51, 31.07.2020


Online marketing communication has replaced traditional media in reaching audiences. Online advertising is one of the most important elements of online marketing communication. Hundreds of online advertisements appear in front of consumers every day through social media, internet and video sites, mobile devices and applications. Consumers are inconvenienced from time to time when they encounter so many online advertisements. Irritation of online advertising with consumer anxiety decrease the effectiveness of advertisements, in other words both of the antecedents influence the attitude of consumers towards online advertising. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of irritation of online advertising and consumer anxiety on the attitude and behavioral intention of consumers towards advertising and to suggest strategies for the companies.
Materials and Methods
A structured questionnaire was used as the data collection method. The scale of the research was adapted from Hwan & Kim (2007), Ducoffe (1996), Wang & Sun (2010) and Wolin et al. (2002). Convenience sampling method was chosen in the research. PLS-SEM was used in order to test the hypothesis of the model.
The results showed that irritation of advertising and consumer anxiety had negative effects on the attitude towards advertising and attitude towards advertising has powerful effect on behavioral intention. Various strategies were proposed for marketing managers in order to improve the effectiveness of online advertising.
Marketing managers should focus on reducing the irritation of advertising and consumer anxiety and should use the customer data obtained through search engine optimization and social media for the timing, frequency and duration of the ad. The relevance of the advertisement and its attractiveness to the customer should be used by marketing managers as other factors that reduce the irritation of advertising and consumer anxiety.


  • Aaker, D. A., Douglas, M., Stayman, & Michael, R. H. (1986). Warmth in Advertising: Measurement, Impact and Sequence Effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (3): 365-81.
  • Aaker, David S., Donald E. Bruzzone (1985). "Causes of Irritation in Advertising." Journal of Marketing, 49 (2): 47-57.
  • Ajzen, I., (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50: 179-211.
  • Ajzen, I., Fishbein, M. (1980), Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Ambady, N., Rosenthal, R. (1992), Thin Slices of Expressive Behavior as Predictors of Interpersonal Consequences: A Meta- Analysis, Psychological Bulletin, 111 (2): 256-274.
  • Antonides, Gerrit, & Fred V. R. (1998). Consumer behavior: A European perspective. New York: Wiley and Sons.
  • Baker, D. A., and J. L. Crompton (2000). “Quality, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions.” Annals of Tourism Research, 27 (3): 785-804.
  • Bauer, Raymond A., Stephen A. Greyser (1968). Advertising in America Consumer View. Boston, MA: Harvard University.
  • Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., (2014). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • Butterfield, L. (2003), AdValue: Twenty Ways Advertising Works for Business, Oxford: Butterworth–Heinemann.
  • Chua, S. L., D. T. Chen, A. F. L. Wong (1999). Computer Anxiety and its Correlates: a Meta-Analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 15, Issue 5, 1. September 1999: 609-623.
  • Cronin, J. J., and S. A. Taylor (1994). “SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: Reconciling Performance-Based and Perceptions-Minus-Expectations Measurement of Service Quality.” Journal of Marketing, 58 (January): 125-31.
  • Du Plessis, T. C., (2005). A Theoretical Framework Of Corporate Online Communication: A Marketing Public Relations (Mpr) Perspective, Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi, University Of South Africa.
  • Ducoffe, R. H., (1996). Advertising Value and Advertising on the Web, Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5): 21-35.
  • Fishbein, M., Ajzen, I., (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, And Behavior: An İntroduction to Theory And Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Goldstein, Daniel G., R. Preston McAfee, Siddharth Suri (2013). The Cost of Annoying Ads. WWW '13: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, May 2013: 459-470.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., &Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2): 139-152.
  • Hawkins, D.I., & Coney, K.A. (1976). Advertising and Differentiated Sex Roles in Contemporary American Society. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 4: 418-28.
  • Hoffman, D. L., Novak, T. P. (1996), Marketing in Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments: Conceptual Foundations, Journal of Marketing, 60(3): 50-68.
  • Hwan, Y., Kim, D. J., (2007). Customer Self-Service Systems: The Effects of Perceived Web Quality with Service Contents on Enjoyment, Anxiety and E-trust, Decision Support Systems, 43: 746-760.
  • Igbaria, M., Chakrabarti, A., (1990). Computer Anxiety and Attitudes Towards Microcomputer Use, Behaviour & Information Technology, 9 (3): 229-241.
  • İnternet-1: American Marketing Association Dictionary, 2018,, (22 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-2: Internet System Consortium, 2020, ISC Domain Survey,, (23 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-3: Business Wire, 2020, Internet Grows to 370.7 Million Domain Name Registrations at the End of the Third Quarter of 2020 ,, (23 Kasım 2020).
  • İnternet-4: Internet World Stats, 2020, Usage and Population Statistics,, (22 Kasım 2020).
  • Jensen, M. B., Jespen, A. L., (2006). Online Marketing Communications Need for a New Typology for IMC, Journal of Website Promotion, Vol. 2(1/2): 19-35.
  • Jung, J., Han, H., & Oh, M. (2017). Travelers' Switching Behavior in the Airline Industry from the Perspective of the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework. Tourism Management, 59, 139-153.
  • Khan, M. B., K. Khawaja (2013). The Relationship of E-CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. The moderating Role of Anxiety. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(4): 531-535.
  • Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., (2011). Marketing Management (14th Edition),Prentice Hall.
  • Lamb, C., Hair, J., McDaniel, C., (2011). Essentials of Marketing, Cengage Learning, South Western.
  • Lee, S. Y., J. F. Petrick, J. Crompton (2007). The Roles of Quality and Intermediary Constructs in Determining Festival Attendees’ Behavioral Intention. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 45(4), May 2007: 402-412.
  • Mackenzie, S.B., & Lutz, R.C. (1989). An Empirical Examination of the Structural Antecedents of Attitudes towards the Ad in an Advertising Presenting Content. Journal of Marketing, 53 (4): 48-65.
  • Mauer, M. M. (1994). Computer Anxiety Correlates and What They Tell us: A Literature Review. Computers in Human Behavior, 10(3): 369-376.
  • Parasuraman, A., (2000). Technology Readiness Index (Tri): A Multiple-Item Scale to Measure Readiness to Embrace New Technologies, Journal of Service Research, 2: 307-320.
  • Pelsmacker, P., Geuens, M., van den Bergh, J., (2013). Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh.
  • Percy, L., (2008). Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications: Theory and Practice, Burlington: Elsevier.
  • Rezaei, S. (2015). Segmenting Consumer Decision-Making Styles (CDMS) toward Marketing Practice: A Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling Approach, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22: 1-15.
  • Rogers, E., (1962). Diffusions of Innovations, Free Press, New York.
  • Schramm, W., (1955). The Process and Effects of Mass Communications, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
  • Scott, D. M., (2013). The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases,Online Video, and Viral Marketing To Reach Buyers Directly.
  • Sheppard, B. H., Hartwick, J., Warshaw, P. R., (1988). The Theory of Reasoned Action: A Meta-Analysis of Past Research With Recommendations for Modifications and Future Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (December): 453-474.
  • Wang, Y., Sun, S., (2010). Assessing Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioral Responses Toward Online Advertising in Three Countries, International Business Review, 19(4): 333-344.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P., Lund, D., (2002). Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior Towards Web Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, 21(1): 87–113.
  • Wood, A. F., Smith, M. J., (2005). Online Communication : Linking Technology, İdentity, and Culture, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Zanote. (1984). Public Advertising towards Advertising. International Journal of Marketing, 13: 3–15.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., L. L. Berry, and A. Parasuraman (1996). “The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality.” Journal of Marketing, 60 (April): 31-46.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

İsmail Çakmak

Çağatan Taşkın 0000-0002-0655-5061

Publication Date July 31, 2020
Submission Date December 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 1



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31143 21387  3122531320257993114421388  21386  24076 28325 28331 28684