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“İslam Devleti”ne Karşı Mücadelede ABD’nin Obama Yönetimi ile Rusya Arasındaki Uluslararası Oyun

Year 2017, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 85 - 111, 30.10.2017


“Arap Baharı”ndan bu yana Orta Doğu’da çeşitli çatışmalar yaşanmaktadır ve birçok köktenci grup ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu gruplardan biri de kendini devlet olarak adlandıran, El-Kaide’nin yerini alarak en etkin uluslararası terör örgütü, büyük ölçekli terör saldırılarının ana destekçisi, aşırıcı ve terörist ideolojinin savunucusu ve dünyanın dört bir yanındaki birçok köktenci terör örgütünün sadakat gösterdiği örgüt halini gelen “İslam Devleti” (İD) dir. Bu terör örgütüne karşı büyük bir askerî güce ve siyasi etkiye sahip olan iki ülke olan ABD ve Rusya tarafından gerçekleştirilen saldırılar göreceli etkili olmuştur. Ancak ABD ile Rusya Suriye sorunuyla ilgili farklı görüşlere ve bu nedenle İD ile mücadele araçları da farklı odaklara sahiptir. ABD, Suriyeli muhalefeti desteklerken, Rusya Suriye muhalefetiyle ve İD’yle mücadelesinde Suriye hükümetine yardım etmektedir. Sahip oldukları farklı çıkarlar nedeniyle, ABD’nin ve Rusya’nın Orta Doğu’daki politikaları da İD’nin ortaya çıkmasından bu yana bazı değişiklikler göstermiş ve bir dizi stratejik oyunu ortaya koymuştur. Dünyanın en önemli iki uluslararası gücü olan Rusya ve ABD arasında Orta Doğu’daki oyun tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu nedenle, İD’yle mücadelede ABD ile Rusya arasındaki uluslararası oyunun tam olarak anlaşılması, Orta Doğu’daki karmaşık durumun daha kapsamlı bir şekilde anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunacaktır.


  • CARLY, Christian, Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century, Basic Books, 2014.
  • WANG, Lijiu, “Comment on Russia’s Middle East Strategy and Policy”, Asia & Africa Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2012.
  • YU, Zhengliang, “Imbalance of the Rebalancing Strategy in Asia-Pacific of the United States”, Journal of International Relations, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 2013, p. 4.
  • ZHENG, Yu, “The Iraqi War Affects the Recovery Rate of the Russian Economy”, China Business Journal, February 24, 2003.
  • EILPERIN, Juliet and O’KEEFE, Ed, “Obama Announces ‘Broad Coalition’ to Fight ‘Islamic State’ Extremist Group”, The Washington Post, September 10, 2014.
  • GEE, Hermione, “Islamic State: Turkish Kurds Help Their Iraqi Brothers to Resist ISIS Advance”, Independent News, September 6, 2014.
  • LIU, Zhongmin, “The International Anti-terrorism Has Entered a New Historical Stage”, Wenhui Daily, November 15, 2015.
  • “Putin Warns Russia could Come to Syria’s Aid over US Strike”, Fox News, September 5, 2013.
  • QU, Song and YANG, Xun, “Russia Improves Cooperation with Iran”, People’s Daily, November 25, 2015.
  • ZHU, Weilie, “The New Changes in Syria Chaos and Pattern of Antiterrorism in the Middle East”, Xinmin Evening News, October 29, 2015.
  • WANG, Ning and LIU, Yupeng, “Kerry Showed Friendly Gesture and Made Big Concessions to Putin and No Longer Called Isolation of Russia as Necessary,” Global Times, December 17, 2015.
  • YAN, Yu, “Syria Crisis May See a Breakthrough,” People’s Daily Overseas Edition, October 27, 2015.
  • BARZEGAR, Kayhan, “Obama and Iran: Dialogue or Sanctions?” March 23, 2010,;
  • BHALLA, Reva, “U.S.-Iranian Dialogue in Obama’s Second Term”, February 5, 2013,
  • GREENFIELD, Daniel, “Obama’s Normalization with Iran Is Collaboration”, January 20, 2016, fpm/261539/obamas-normalization-iran-collaboration-daniel-greenfield.
  • LI, Jie, The US-Russia Game under the Syria Dilemma, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • MA, Xiaoyan, Be Cautious when Travel to Europe: Multinational Anti-terrorism Battle Has Started, 2015-11/25/c_128467679.htm (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • MILLIRON, Albert N., “Iran: We will Strike Israel if US Attacks Syria”, August 27, 2013,
  • PARASZCZUK, Joanna, “Jihad For Export, Part II”, December 6, 2013, (Access Date: March 15, 2016).
  • Russian Federal Bureau of Statistics, External Trade of the Russian Federation with Other Countries, Isswww.exe/stg/d02/26-06.htm (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • “Russian Strikes in Syria under Criticism for Not Targeting ISIS, Allegedly Hit Multiple Medical Facilities,” October 9, 2015, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • SHOIGU, Sergey, “Russia, Egypt to Sign Protocol on Military Cooperation-Russian Defense Minister”, March 3, 2015,
  • Предварительные итоги 2014 года: заключены контракты на экспорт/импорт ВиВТ на сумму более 80 млрд долларов, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).

International Game between the Obama Administration of the US and Russia in the Fight against the “Islamic State”

Year 2017, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 85 - 111, 30.10.2017


Since the “Arab Spring”, a variety of conflicts have erupted in the region and various extremist groups have emerged, especially the quasi-state “Islamic State” (IS), which has replaced the Al Qaeda to become the dominant international terrorist organization, main sponsor of large-scale terrorist attacks, propagator of extremist and terrorist ideology, and the object that many extremist terrorist organizations around the world are loyal to. The strike against the organization by the US and Russia, the two countries with strong military power and political influence, has been relatively effective. However, the US and Russia hold different views on the Syrian issue, so their measures to combat the IS have different foci. The US favors the Syrian opposition, while Russia helps the Syrian government to fight the Syrian opposition and the IS. Because of their different interests, the policies of the US and those of Russia in the Middle East also have witnessed some changes after the rise of IS, and resulted in a series of strategic games. As the two most important international powers in the world, the game between Russia and the US in Middle East has caught attention from all over the world. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the international game between the US and Russia on the fight against IS will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of the situation in the Middle East.


  • CARLY, Christian, Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century, Basic Books, 2014.
  • WANG, Lijiu, “Comment on Russia’s Middle East Strategy and Policy”, Asia & Africa Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2012.
  • YU, Zhengliang, “Imbalance of the Rebalancing Strategy in Asia-Pacific of the United States”, Journal of International Relations, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 2013, p. 4.
  • ZHENG, Yu, “The Iraqi War Affects the Recovery Rate of the Russian Economy”, China Business Journal, February 24, 2003.
  • EILPERIN, Juliet and O’KEEFE, Ed, “Obama Announces ‘Broad Coalition’ to Fight ‘Islamic State’ Extremist Group”, The Washington Post, September 10, 2014.
  • GEE, Hermione, “Islamic State: Turkish Kurds Help Their Iraqi Brothers to Resist ISIS Advance”, Independent News, September 6, 2014.
  • LIU, Zhongmin, “The International Anti-terrorism Has Entered a New Historical Stage”, Wenhui Daily, November 15, 2015.
  • “Putin Warns Russia could Come to Syria’s Aid over US Strike”, Fox News, September 5, 2013.
  • QU, Song and YANG, Xun, “Russia Improves Cooperation with Iran”, People’s Daily, November 25, 2015.
  • ZHU, Weilie, “The New Changes in Syria Chaos and Pattern of Antiterrorism in the Middle East”, Xinmin Evening News, October 29, 2015.
  • WANG, Ning and LIU, Yupeng, “Kerry Showed Friendly Gesture and Made Big Concessions to Putin and No Longer Called Isolation of Russia as Necessary,” Global Times, December 17, 2015.
  • YAN, Yu, “Syria Crisis May See a Breakthrough,” People’s Daily Overseas Edition, October 27, 2015.
  • BARZEGAR, Kayhan, “Obama and Iran: Dialogue or Sanctions?” March 23, 2010,;
  • BHALLA, Reva, “U.S.-Iranian Dialogue in Obama’s Second Term”, February 5, 2013,
  • GREENFIELD, Daniel, “Obama’s Normalization with Iran Is Collaboration”, January 20, 2016, fpm/261539/obamas-normalization-iran-collaboration-daniel-greenfield.
  • LI, Jie, The US-Russia Game under the Syria Dilemma, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • MA, Xiaoyan, Be Cautious when Travel to Europe: Multinational Anti-terrorism Battle Has Started, 2015-11/25/c_128467679.htm (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • MILLIRON, Albert N., “Iran: We will Strike Israel if US Attacks Syria”, August 27, 2013,
  • PARASZCZUK, Joanna, “Jihad For Export, Part II”, December 6, 2013, (Access Date: March 15, 2016).
  • Russian Federal Bureau of Statistics, External Trade of the Russian Federation with Other Countries, Isswww.exe/stg/d02/26-06.htm (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • “Russian Strikes in Syria under Criticism for Not Targeting ISIS, Allegedly Hit Multiple Medical Facilities,” October 9, 2015, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
  • SHOIGU, Sergey, “Russia, Egypt to Sign Protocol on Military Cooperation-Russian Defense Minister”, March 3, 2015,
  • Предварительные итоги 2014 года: заключены контракты на экспорт/импорт ВиВТ на сумму более 80 млрд долларов, (Access Date: March 1, 2016).
There are 23 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Song Nıu

Publication Date October 30, 2017
Submission Date April 28, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 13 Issue: 26


Chicago Nıu, Song. “‘İslam Devleti’ne Karşı Mücadelede ABD’nin Obama Yönetimi Ile Rusya Arasındaki Uluslararası Oyun”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 13, no. 26 (October 2017): 85-111.