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Hava Gücünün Tarihi Gelişimi: Nitelikler, Bileşenler, Görevler ve Etkinlik Açısından Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 39, 603 - 638, 27.09.2021


Bu çalışmada, hava gücünün ortaya çıkmasından bu yana geçen 100 yılı aşkın süre zarfındaki tarihî gelişim sürecinin ikincil kaynakları kullanan nitel araştırma yaklaşımıyla incelenmesi neticesinde, özellikle Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde yaygınlık kazanan hava gücünün kara ve deniz güçleri karşısında baskın konuma geçerek artık savaşların sonucunu tek başına belirleyebileceği önermesinin sahadaki gelişmelerle çeliştiği, zira hava gücünün kullanımı sayesinde elde edilen fırsatların ve avantajların taktik, stratejik ve/veya siyasî sonuçlara dönüştürülebilmesi için satıhta konuşlanmış kuvvet unsurlarına hâlâ ihtiyaç duyulduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Varılan bu sonuçla bağlantılı olarak, incelenen dönemde yaşanan süratli teknolojik gelişmelere rağmen hava gücünün kuvvetli-zayıf yönlerinin ve ifa ettiği görev kategorilerinin yıllar içerisinde büyük oranda aynı kaldığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, hava gücünün potansiyelinden tam manasıyla yararlanılabilmesinin sadece az sayıda devletin sahip olduğu maddi, teknolojik, örgütsel ve entelektüel kapasitenin kazanılmasını gerekli kıldığı gözlemlenmiştir.


  • AKER, F. October 1973: The Arab-Israeli War. Hamden: Archon Books, 1985.
  • ARMİTAGE, M.J. ve Mason, R.A. Air Power in the Nuclear Age. Londra: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
  • BENBOW, T. British Naval Aviation: The First 100 Years. Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
  • BROWN, N. The Future of Air Power. Londra: Croom Helm, 1986.
  • CLUTTERBUCK, R.L. The Long, Long War: Counter-insurgency in Malaya and Vietnam. Londra: Cassell, 1967.
  • COX S. ve GRAY P. (ed.). Air Power History: Turning Points from Kitty Hawk to Kosovo. Londra: Frank Cass, 2002.
  • DOUHET, G. The Command of the Air. (Çev. Dina Ferrari). Alabama: Air UP, 2010.
  • EARL, E.M. (ed.). Makers of Modern Strategy. Priceton: Princeton UP, 1943.
  • ERICKSON, E.J. ve UYAR, M. Phase Line Attila. Quantico: Marine Corps UP, 2020.
  • GATES, D. Sky Wars: A History of Military Aerospace Power. Londra: Reaktion, 2003.
  • GOOCH, J. (ed.) Air Power: Theory and Practice. Londra: Frank Cass, 1995.
  • GRAY, P. Air Warfare: History, Theory and Practice. Londra: Bloomsburry, 2016.
  • GUTTMAN, J. Reconnaissance and Bomber Aircraft Aces of World War 1. Londra: Osprey, 2015.
  • HIGHAM, R. Air Power: A Concise History. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1972.
  • HIGHAM, R. Military Intellectuals in Britain 1918-1939. New Brunswick; Rutgers, 1966.
  • HIGHAM, R. One Hundred Years of Air Power and Aviation. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2003.
  • HURLEY, A.F. Billy Mitchell: Crusader for Air Power. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1975.
  • KEANEY, T.A. ve COHEN, A.C. Revolution in Warfare? Air Power in the Persian Gulf. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995.
  • KEMP, J. Arms and Security: The Egypt-Israel Case. Adeplhi Papers, Sayı 52. Londra: IISS, 1968.
  • LAMBERT, A.P.N. The Psychology of Air Power. RUSI Whitehall Paper Series. Londra: RUSI, 1995.
  • LAMBETH, B.S. The Transformation of American Air Power. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2000.
  • MASON, R.A. (ed.). War in the Third Dimension: Essays in Contemporary Air Power, Londra: Brassey’s, 1986.
  • MASON, T. Air Power: A Centennial Appraisal. Londra: Brassey’s, 1994.
  • Mitchell, W. Winged Defense. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005.
  • MÜTERCIMLER, E. Kıbrıs Harekatının Bilinmeyen Yönleri. İstanbul: Yaprak Yayınevi, 1990.
  • OLSEN, J.A. (ed.). A History of Air Warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010.
  • PERRET, B. A History of Blitzkrieg. Londra: Robert Hale Ltd, 1983.
  • STANLEY, R.M. Evolution of Airborne Operations, 1939-1945. E-kitap: Penn & Sword, 2015.
  • van CREVELD, M. Technology and Warfare. Londra: Brassey’s, 1991.
  • von CLAUSEWITZ, C. On War. 8. Baskı. (Çev. Howard, M. ve Paret, P.), Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984.
  • WARDEN, J.A. The Air Campaign – Planning for Combat. Vaşington: National Defense UP, 1988.
  • BIDDLE, S. “The Libya dilemma: The limits of air power”. The Washington Post, 25 Mart 2011.
  • BIDDLE, T.D. “British and American Approaches to Strategic Bombing”. John Gooch (ed.), Air Power: Theory and Practice. Londra: Frank Cass, 1995: 91-144.
  • BRODIE, B. “Some notes on the evolution of air doctrine”. World Politics, Cilt 7, Sayı 3, 1955: 349-370.
  • BYMAN, D.L. ve WAXMAN, M.C. “Kosovo and the Great Air Power Debate”. International Security, Cilt 24, Sayı 4, 2000: 5-38.
  • COHEN, E.A. (1993). “The Air War in the Persian Gulf”. Armed Forces Journal International, Haziran 1993: 10-14.
  • CORUM, J.S. “The Luftwaffe and Lessons Learned in the Spanish Civil War”. Sebastian Cox ve Peter Gray (ed.), Air Power History: Turning Points from Kitty Hawk to Kosovo. Londra: Frank Cass, 2002: 66-92.
  • GARDEN, T. “The Air-Land Battle”. Mason, R.A. (ed.), War in the Third Dimension. Londra: Brassey’s, 1986: 149-167.
  • GEORGE, R.H. “Normandy”. Wesley F. Craven ve James L. Cate (eds.), The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume 3: Europe. Şikago: University of Chicago Press, 1951: 183-227.
  • GORDON, S.L. “Air Superiority in Israeli-Arab Wars”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of air warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 137-166.
  • HOST, P. “US Air Force plans big investments towards digital architecture and space capabilities”. Jane’s Defence Weekly, 6 Kasım 2019: 16.
  • INSINNA, V. “As Force Shrinks, USAF Eyes Ways to Amass Firepower”. Defense News, 11 Temmuz 2016: 16.
  • JONES, J.F. “Giulio Douhet Vindicated: Desert Strom 1991”. Naval War College Review, Cilt 45, Sayı 1, 1992: 97-101.
  • STEPHENS, A. “The Air War in Korea”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 85-106.
  • SWEETMAN, B. “Catching up with doctrine”. Jane’s Defence Weekly. 29 Haziran 1991: 1174-1176.
  • THOMPSON, W. “Operations Over Vietnam”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of air warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 107-126.
  • WARNER, E. “Douhet, Mitchell, Seversky: Theories of Air Warfare”. Edward M. Earl (ed.), Makers of Modern Strategy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1943: 485-503.
  • WATSON, D.E. “Rethinking the US Nuclear Triad”. Strategic Studies Quarterly. Cilt 11, Sayı 4, 2017: 134-150.
  • ZAKHEIM, D.S. “The South Atlantic: Evaluating the Lessons”. Brown, J. ve Snyder, W.P. (ed.), The Regionalization of Warfare. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1985: 37-54.
  • BENITEZ, M. ve PIETRUCHA, M. “Political Airpower, Part II: The Seductive Allure of Precision Weapons”. War on the Rocks, 30 Kasım 2016.
  • COOPER, T. “Here’s the Key to Understand the Russian Air Force’s Actions in Syria”. War Is Boring. 6 Haziran 2016.
  • DALSJÖ, R. vd. Bursting the Bubble: Russian A2/AD in the Baltic Region, Stockholm: FOI, 2019.
  • “Experience of Air Power in Libya”. Pathfinder - Air Power Development Centre Bulletin, Sayı 152, 2011.
  • GROLL, E. ve GRAMER, R. “How the U.S. Miscounted the Dead in Syria”. Foreign Policy, 25 Nisan 2019.
  • JACKSON, M. vd. “Modern Siege Warfare: How It Is Changing Counterinsurgency”. Foreign Affairs, 7 Aralık 2016.
  • KASAPOĞLU, C. “Turkey’s Drone Blitz Over Idlib”. Terrorism Monitor, Cilt 18, Sayı 8, 2020.
  • NICHOLSON, D. “Foreign drones turning the tide in Libya”. Defence Connect, 4 Haziran 2020.
  • PIETRRUCHA, REKNEN, J. “Air Power May Not Win Wars, But It Sure Doesn’t Lose Them”. War on the Rocks, 19 Ağustos 2015.
  • RIPLEY, T. “Air Power Vindicated”, Flight International, 1 Kasım 1995.
  • SALACANIN, S. “What is behind Saudi military failures?”, Middle East Monitor, 10 Ekim 2019.
  • SCHNEIDER, J. ve MACDONALD, J. “Why Troops Don’t Trust Drones”, Foreign Affairs, 20 Aralık 2017.
  • Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force. Air Force Manual 1-1, Vol. 1. Vaşington: Department of Air Force, 1992.
  • Operation Desert Strom Air War. Letter Report by General Accounting Office. Vaşington: GOA, 1996.

Air Power’s Historical Evolution: An Analysis of Properties, Constituent Elements, Missions and Effectiveness

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 39, 603 - 638, 27.09.2021


Using secondary sources and qualitative analysis, this paper has scrutinized the historical evolution of air power since its outset over 100 years ago to reveal that land and naval powers are still required to transform the opportunities and advantages presented by air power into concrete tactical, strategic and/or political outcomes. This finding refutes common propositions since the end of the Cold War contending that air power has now become the dominant form of military power that could singlehandedly determine the outcome of wars. Our historical overview has also illustrated that despite rapid technological progress, air power’s strong and weak points, as well as its basic missions have remained unaltered over decades and its successful use and implementation is still dependent on material, technological, organizational, and intellectual assets. This is a demanding list that could be met by a handful of states.


  • AKER, F. October 1973: The Arab-Israeli War. Hamden: Archon Books, 1985.
  • ARMİTAGE, M.J. ve Mason, R.A. Air Power in the Nuclear Age. Londra: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
  • BENBOW, T. British Naval Aviation: The First 100 Years. Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
  • BROWN, N. The Future of Air Power. Londra: Croom Helm, 1986.
  • CLUTTERBUCK, R.L. The Long, Long War: Counter-insurgency in Malaya and Vietnam. Londra: Cassell, 1967.
  • COX S. ve GRAY P. (ed.). Air Power History: Turning Points from Kitty Hawk to Kosovo. Londra: Frank Cass, 2002.
  • DOUHET, G. The Command of the Air. (Çev. Dina Ferrari). Alabama: Air UP, 2010.
  • EARL, E.M. (ed.). Makers of Modern Strategy. Priceton: Princeton UP, 1943.
  • ERICKSON, E.J. ve UYAR, M. Phase Line Attila. Quantico: Marine Corps UP, 2020.
  • GATES, D. Sky Wars: A History of Military Aerospace Power. Londra: Reaktion, 2003.
  • GOOCH, J. (ed.) Air Power: Theory and Practice. Londra: Frank Cass, 1995.
  • GRAY, P. Air Warfare: History, Theory and Practice. Londra: Bloomsburry, 2016.
  • GUTTMAN, J. Reconnaissance and Bomber Aircraft Aces of World War 1. Londra: Osprey, 2015.
  • HIGHAM, R. Air Power: A Concise History. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1972.
  • HIGHAM, R. Military Intellectuals in Britain 1918-1939. New Brunswick; Rutgers, 1966.
  • HIGHAM, R. One Hundred Years of Air Power and Aviation. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2003.
  • HURLEY, A.F. Billy Mitchell: Crusader for Air Power. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1975.
  • KEANEY, T.A. ve COHEN, A.C. Revolution in Warfare? Air Power in the Persian Gulf. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995.
  • KEMP, J. Arms and Security: The Egypt-Israel Case. Adeplhi Papers, Sayı 52. Londra: IISS, 1968.
  • LAMBERT, A.P.N. The Psychology of Air Power. RUSI Whitehall Paper Series. Londra: RUSI, 1995.
  • LAMBETH, B.S. The Transformation of American Air Power. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2000.
  • MASON, R.A. (ed.). War in the Third Dimension: Essays in Contemporary Air Power, Londra: Brassey’s, 1986.
  • MASON, T. Air Power: A Centennial Appraisal. Londra: Brassey’s, 1994.
  • Mitchell, W. Winged Defense. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005.
  • MÜTERCIMLER, E. Kıbrıs Harekatının Bilinmeyen Yönleri. İstanbul: Yaprak Yayınevi, 1990.
  • OLSEN, J.A. (ed.). A History of Air Warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010.
  • PERRET, B. A History of Blitzkrieg. Londra: Robert Hale Ltd, 1983.
  • STANLEY, R.M. Evolution of Airborne Operations, 1939-1945. E-kitap: Penn & Sword, 2015.
  • van CREVELD, M. Technology and Warfare. Londra: Brassey’s, 1991.
  • von CLAUSEWITZ, C. On War. 8. Baskı. (Çev. Howard, M. ve Paret, P.), Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984.
  • WARDEN, J.A. The Air Campaign – Planning for Combat. Vaşington: National Defense UP, 1988.
  • BIDDLE, S. “The Libya dilemma: The limits of air power”. The Washington Post, 25 Mart 2011.
  • BIDDLE, T.D. “British and American Approaches to Strategic Bombing”. John Gooch (ed.), Air Power: Theory and Practice. Londra: Frank Cass, 1995: 91-144.
  • BRODIE, B. “Some notes on the evolution of air doctrine”. World Politics, Cilt 7, Sayı 3, 1955: 349-370.
  • BYMAN, D.L. ve WAXMAN, M.C. “Kosovo and the Great Air Power Debate”. International Security, Cilt 24, Sayı 4, 2000: 5-38.
  • COHEN, E.A. (1993). “The Air War in the Persian Gulf”. Armed Forces Journal International, Haziran 1993: 10-14.
  • CORUM, J.S. “The Luftwaffe and Lessons Learned in the Spanish Civil War”. Sebastian Cox ve Peter Gray (ed.), Air Power History: Turning Points from Kitty Hawk to Kosovo. Londra: Frank Cass, 2002: 66-92.
  • GARDEN, T. “The Air-Land Battle”. Mason, R.A. (ed.), War in the Third Dimension. Londra: Brassey’s, 1986: 149-167.
  • GEORGE, R.H. “Normandy”. Wesley F. Craven ve James L. Cate (eds.), The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume 3: Europe. Şikago: University of Chicago Press, 1951: 183-227.
  • GORDON, S.L. “Air Superiority in Israeli-Arab Wars”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of air warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 137-166.
  • HOST, P. “US Air Force plans big investments towards digital architecture and space capabilities”. Jane’s Defence Weekly, 6 Kasım 2019: 16.
  • INSINNA, V. “As Force Shrinks, USAF Eyes Ways to Amass Firepower”. Defense News, 11 Temmuz 2016: 16.
  • JONES, J.F. “Giulio Douhet Vindicated: Desert Strom 1991”. Naval War College Review, Cilt 45, Sayı 1, 1992: 97-101.
  • STEPHENS, A. “The Air War in Korea”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 85-106.
  • SWEETMAN, B. “Catching up with doctrine”. Jane’s Defence Weekly. 29 Haziran 1991: 1174-1176.
  • THOMPSON, W. “Operations Over Vietnam”. John A. Olsen (ed.), A history of air warfare. Vaşington: Potomac Books, 2010: 107-126.
  • WARNER, E. “Douhet, Mitchell, Seversky: Theories of Air Warfare”. Edward M. Earl (ed.), Makers of Modern Strategy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1943: 485-503.
  • WATSON, D.E. “Rethinking the US Nuclear Triad”. Strategic Studies Quarterly. Cilt 11, Sayı 4, 2017: 134-150.
  • ZAKHEIM, D.S. “The South Atlantic: Evaluating the Lessons”. Brown, J. ve Snyder, W.P. (ed.), The Regionalization of Warfare. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1985: 37-54.
  • BENITEZ, M. ve PIETRUCHA, M. “Political Airpower, Part II: The Seductive Allure of Precision Weapons”. War on the Rocks, 30 Kasım 2016.
  • COOPER, T. “Here’s the Key to Understand the Russian Air Force’s Actions in Syria”. War Is Boring. 6 Haziran 2016.
  • DALSJÖ, R. vd. Bursting the Bubble: Russian A2/AD in the Baltic Region, Stockholm: FOI, 2019.
  • “Experience of Air Power in Libya”. Pathfinder - Air Power Development Centre Bulletin, Sayı 152, 2011.
  • GROLL, E. ve GRAMER, R. “How the U.S. Miscounted the Dead in Syria”. Foreign Policy, 25 Nisan 2019.
  • JACKSON, M. vd. “Modern Siege Warfare: How It Is Changing Counterinsurgency”. Foreign Affairs, 7 Aralık 2016.
  • KASAPOĞLU, C. “Turkey’s Drone Blitz Over Idlib”. Terrorism Monitor, Cilt 18, Sayı 8, 2020.
  • NICHOLSON, D. “Foreign drones turning the tide in Libya”. Defence Connect, 4 Haziran 2020.
  • PIETRRUCHA, REKNEN, J. “Air Power May Not Win Wars, But It Sure Doesn’t Lose Them”. War on the Rocks, 19 Ağustos 2015.
  • RIPLEY, T. “Air Power Vindicated”, Flight International, 1 Kasım 1995.
  • SALACANIN, S. “What is behind Saudi military failures?”, Middle East Monitor, 10 Ekim 2019.
  • SCHNEIDER, J. ve MACDONALD, J. “Why Troops Don’t Trust Drones”, Foreign Affairs, 20 Aralık 2017.
  • Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force. Air Force Manual 1-1, Vol. 1. Vaşington: Department of Air Force, 1992.
  • Operation Desert Strom Air War. Letter Report by General Accounting Office. Vaşington: GOA, 1996.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sıtkı Egeli This is me 0000-0001-6254-1003

Publication Date September 27, 2021
Submission Date June 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 17 Issue: 39


Chicago Egeli, Sıtkı. “Hava Gücünün Tarihi Gelişimi: Nitelikler, Bileşenler, Görevler Ve Etkinlik Açısından Bir Değerlendirme”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 17, no. 39 (September 2021): 603-38.