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Gulf Integration in Post-Arab Spring: Deepening or Decaying?

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 1 - 30, 01.08.2014


Uluslararası İlişkiler literatüründe Üçüncü Dünya'daki bölgesel entegrasyona yönelik teorik açıklamalar görece nadirdir. Bu bağlamda, Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi'nin (KİK) kökenleri ve gelişimi, rasyonalist ve eleştirel teorilerden ilgi toplamayı başarmışsa da, hala az çalışılmış konulardır. Bu makale, İnşacılık teorisi çerçevesinde KİK'in tam teşekküllü bir "güvenlik topluluğu"na dönüşüp dönüşmediğini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir vaka analizidir. Çalışma özellikle 2010 yılı sonunda başlayan Arap isyanları çerçevesinde Körfez güvenlik topluluğunun gevşek bir topluluktan daha sıkı bir birliğe evrilip evrilmediğini sorgulamaktadır. Bulgular, Birinci ve İkinci Körfez savaşlarında olduğu gibi, "Arap Baharı" olarak adlandırılan isyanların da Körfez bölgesi entegrasyonunda derinleşmeye yol açmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Süreç, grup dayanışmasında yarattığı kısa süreli bir sıçramanın ardından KİK'in dağılmasına yol açmasa da, üyeler arasındaki mevcut açmazlara yenilerini eklemiştir.


  • Books ADLER Emanuel and BARNETT Michael N., Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • BELLAMY, Alex J., Security Communities and Their Neighbours: Regional Fortresses or Global Integrators, Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, 2004.
  • BİLGİN, Pınar, Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective, Routledge, London, 2005.
  • DEUTSCH Karl, Political Community at the International Level, Aardwark Global Publishing, Utah, 2006.
  • DEUTSCH Karl et al, Political Community and the North Atlantic Area, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1957.
  • HOLLIS Martin and SMITH Steve, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.
  • LEGRENZI Matteo, The Gulf Cooperation Council and the International Relations of the Gulf, I.B. Tauris. London, 2011.
  • LINKLATER Andrew, International Relations: Critical Concepts in Political Science, Routledge, London, 2000.
  • SMITH Steve, BOOTH Ken and ZALEWSKİ, M., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996. Articles
  • ADLER Emanuel and BARNETT Michael N., “Governing Anarchy: A Research Agenda for the Study of Security Communities”, Ethics and International Affairs, 1996, Vol: 10.
  • AHADY Anwar-Ul-Haq, “Security in the Persian Gulf after Desert Storm”, International Journal, 1994, 49 (2).
  • BARNETT Michael N., “Regional Security after the Gulf War”, Political Science Quarterly, 1996-1997, 111(4), p. 600–602.
  • BARNETT Michael and GAUSE III, F. Gregory, “Caravans in Opposite Directions: Society, State, and the Development of Community in the Gulf Cooperation Council,” Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • BİLGİN Pınar, BOOTH Ken and JONES Richard Wyn, “Security Studies: The Next Stage?” Naçao e Defesa, 1998, 84 (2).
  • COOPER Scott, “State-centric Balance-of-Threat Theory: Explaining the Misunderstood Gulf Cooperation Council”, Security Studies, 2003, 13 (2).
  • COOPER Scott and TAYLOR Brock, “Power and Regionalism: Explaining Regional Cooperation in the Persian Gulf,” Finn Laursen, (ed.), Comparative Regional Integration: Theoretical Perspectives, Ashgate, Hampshire, 2003.
  • ÇETİNOĞLU Nur, “The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) after US- led Invasion of Iraq: Toward a Security Community?” Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 2010, 6 (24).
  • ISFAHANI Mahnaz Zehra, “Alone Together: Regional Security Agreements in Southern Africa and the Arabian Gulf”, International Security, 1984, 8 (4).
  • LEGRENZİ Matteo, “The Gulf Cooperation Council in Light of International Relations Theory”, International Area Studies Review, 2002, Vol: 5.
  • NATHAN Laurie, “Domestic Instability and Security Communities”, European Journal of International Relations, 2006, 12 (2).
  • PRIESS, David, “Balance-of-threat Theory and the Genesis of the Gulf Cooperation Council”, Security Studies, 1996, 5 (4).
  • TUSICISNY Andrej, “Security Communities and Their Values: Taking Masses Seriously”, International Political Science Review, 2007, 28 (4).
  • VÄYRYNEN Raimo, “Stable Peace through Security Communities? Steps towards Theory-building”, Arie Marcelo Kacowicz et al. (ed.), Stable Peace Among Nations, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, 2000. Reports
  • BABAR, Zahra R., Free Mobility within the Gulf Cooperation Council, 2011, Center for International and Regional Studies
  • Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Occasional Paper No. 8. CORDESMAN Anthony H. and SHELALA II Robert M., The Gulf Military Balance Volume III: The Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, CSIS U.S. -Iranian Competition Series, May 29, 2013.
  • KOCH Christian, “The GCC as a Regional Security Organization,” KAS International Reports, 2010, No. 11 kas_21076-544-2-30.pdf?101110141517(Access date: 06.12.2013). Theses
  • AL-KHALIFA Talal Mohammed, The Gulf and Southeast Asia: Regional Security Complex and Regional Security Community, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2012, p. 24, 125–126, 405–406
  • (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Internet AL HASAN Hasan Tariq, “Three fallacies surrounding Gulf union”, February 4, 2013,
  • /three-fallacies-surrounding-gulf-union(Access date: 06.12.2013).
  • ALSAYED Wafa, “Bridging the Gulf: where Kuwait stands on the GCC Union,” Al Arabiya, May 12, 2013. http://english.alarabiya. net/en/special-reports/bridging-the-gulf/2013/05/12/Bridging-the-Gulf- where-Kuwait-stands-on-the-GCC-Union.html 02013).
  • AL SAYEGH Hadeel, “GCC nations step closer to an EU-style union with joint military command plan”, The National, December 10, 2013, to-an-eu-style-union-with-joint-military-command-plan(Access date: 2013).
  • AL-TAMIMI Naser, “Bridging the Gulf: what is there to gain from a GCC Union?” Al Arabiya, May 5, 2013, http://english.alarabiya. net/en/special-reports/bridging-the-gulf/2013/05/05/Bridging-the-Gulf- what-is-there-to-gain-from-a-GCC-Union-.html 02013).
  • HAMDAN Sara, “Gulf Council Reaches Out to Morocco and Jordan”, The New York Times, May 25, 2011, 2011/05/26/world/middleeast/26iht-M26-GCC.html?pagewanted=all &_r=1&(Access date: 20.12.2013).
  • HAMMOND Andrew, “Analysis: Saudi Gulf union plan stumbles as wary leaders seek detail,” May 17, 2012, article/2012/05/17/us-gulf-union-idUSBRE84G0WN20120517 (Access date: 02.12.2013). (Access date: (Access date:
  • “HM King Hamad allocates land for Peninsula Shield Force headquarters,” Bahraini News Agency, December 4, 2013, date: 20.12.2013).
  • “Iran agrees to curb nuclear activity at Geneva talks”, BBC News, November 23, 2013, 25074729 (Access date: 15.12.2013).
  • KARASIK Theodore, “The Gulf Union: defense first”, Al Arabiya, May 8, 2013.
  • /2013/05/08/The-Gulf-Union-defense-first.html 2013).
  • KHALAF Abd al-Hadi, “GCC Members Consider Future of Union”, Al Monitor, January 14, 2013, politics/2013/01/saudi-arabia-gcc-announcement.html# 2013).
  • KHAN Ghazanfar Ali, “100,000 combat troops to beef up GCC military (Access date: 30.12.2013).
  • “Over 16 mln GCC citizens travel among Gulf countries in 2012 report”, (Access date: 10.12.2013).
  • SAID Samira, “Gulf leaders to discuss EU-style union,” CNN, May 13, 2012, union/ (Access date: 06.12.2013).
  • SHAIKH Salman, “A People’s Agenda for Gulf Co-operation”, The Brookings Center, January 15, 2013. research/opinions/2013/01/15-gulf-cooperation-shaikh 2013).
  • ROSENBERG David, “GCC Union: An EU or a NATO or a Nothing?”, The Jerusalem Post, May 15, 2012,
  • East/GCC-Union-An-EU-or-a-NATO-or-a-Nothing 2013). News, (Access date: (Access date: force”, Arab December 22, 2013, Kuwait News Agency, December 6, 2012, (Access date: (Access date:

Arap Baharı Sonrası Körfez Entegrasyonu: Derinleşme mi Dağılma mı?

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 1 - 30, 01.08.2014


Uluslararası İlişkiler literatüründe Üçüncü Dünya'daki bölgesel entegrasyona yönelik teorik açıklamalar görece nadirdir. Bu bağlamda, Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi'nin (KİK) kökenleri ve gelişimi, rasyonalist ve eleştirel teorilerden ilgi toplamayı başarmışsa da, hala az çalışılmış konulardır. Bu makale, İnşacılık teorisi çerçevesinde KİK'in tam teşekküllü bir "güvenlik topluluğu"na dönüşüp dönüşmediğini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir vaka analizidir. Çalışma özellikle 2010 yılı sonunda başlayan Arap isyanları çerçevesinde Körfez güvenlik topluluğunun gevşek bir topluluktan daha sıkı bir birliğe evrilip evrilmediğini sorgulamaktadır. Bulgular, Birinci ve İkinci Körfez savaşlarında olduğu gibi, "Arap Baharı" olarak adlandırılan isyanların da Körfez bölgesi entegrasyonunda derinleşmeye yol açmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Süreç, grup dayanışmasında yarattığı kısa süreli bir sıçramanın ardından KİK'in dağılmasına yol açmasa da, üyeler arasındaki mevcut açmazlara yenilerini eklemiştir.


  • Books ADLER Emanuel and BARNETT Michael N., Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • BELLAMY, Alex J., Security Communities and Their Neighbours: Regional Fortresses or Global Integrators, Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, 2004.
  • BİLGİN, Pınar, Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective, Routledge, London, 2005.
  • DEUTSCH Karl, Political Community at the International Level, Aardwark Global Publishing, Utah, 2006.
  • DEUTSCH Karl et al, Political Community and the North Atlantic Area, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1957.
  • HOLLIS Martin and SMITH Steve, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.
  • LEGRENZI Matteo, The Gulf Cooperation Council and the International Relations of the Gulf, I.B. Tauris. London, 2011.
  • LINKLATER Andrew, International Relations: Critical Concepts in Political Science, Routledge, London, 2000.
  • SMITH Steve, BOOTH Ken and ZALEWSKİ, M., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996. Articles
  • ADLER Emanuel and BARNETT Michael N., “Governing Anarchy: A Research Agenda for the Study of Security Communities”, Ethics and International Affairs, 1996, Vol: 10.
  • AHADY Anwar-Ul-Haq, “Security in the Persian Gulf after Desert Storm”, International Journal, 1994, 49 (2).
  • BARNETT Michael N., “Regional Security after the Gulf War”, Political Science Quarterly, 1996-1997, 111(4), p. 600–602.
  • BARNETT Michael and GAUSE III, F. Gregory, “Caravans in Opposite Directions: Society, State, and the Development of Community in the Gulf Cooperation Council,” Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • BİLGİN Pınar, BOOTH Ken and JONES Richard Wyn, “Security Studies: The Next Stage?” Naçao e Defesa, 1998, 84 (2).
  • COOPER Scott, “State-centric Balance-of-Threat Theory: Explaining the Misunderstood Gulf Cooperation Council”, Security Studies, 2003, 13 (2).
  • COOPER Scott and TAYLOR Brock, “Power and Regionalism: Explaining Regional Cooperation in the Persian Gulf,” Finn Laursen, (ed.), Comparative Regional Integration: Theoretical Perspectives, Ashgate, Hampshire, 2003.
  • ÇETİNOĞLU Nur, “The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) after US- led Invasion of Iraq: Toward a Security Community?” Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 2010, 6 (24).
  • ISFAHANI Mahnaz Zehra, “Alone Together: Regional Security Agreements in Southern Africa and the Arabian Gulf”, International Security, 1984, 8 (4).
  • LEGRENZİ Matteo, “The Gulf Cooperation Council in Light of International Relations Theory”, International Area Studies Review, 2002, Vol: 5.
  • NATHAN Laurie, “Domestic Instability and Security Communities”, European Journal of International Relations, 2006, 12 (2).
  • PRIESS, David, “Balance-of-threat Theory and the Genesis of the Gulf Cooperation Council”, Security Studies, 1996, 5 (4).
  • TUSICISNY Andrej, “Security Communities and Their Values: Taking Masses Seriously”, International Political Science Review, 2007, 28 (4).
  • VÄYRYNEN Raimo, “Stable Peace through Security Communities? Steps towards Theory-building”, Arie Marcelo Kacowicz et al. (ed.), Stable Peace Among Nations, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, 2000. Reports
  • BABAR, Zahra R., Free Mobility within the Gulf Cooperation Council, 2011, Center for International and Regional Studies
  • Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Occasional Paper No. 8. CORDESMAN Anthony H. and SHELALA II Robert M., The Gulf Military Balance Volume III: The Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, CSIS U.S. -Iranian Competition Series, May 29, 2013.
  • KOCH Christian, “The GCC as a Regional Security Organization,” KAS International Reports, 2010, No. 11 kas_21076-544-2-30.pdf?101110141517(Access date: 06.12.2013). Theses
  • AL-KHALIFA Talal Mohammed, The Gulf and Southeast Asia: Regional Security Complex and Regional Security Community, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2012, p. 24, 125–126, 405–406
  • (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Internet AL HASAN Hasan Tariq, “Three fallacies surrounding Gulf union”, February 4, 2013,
  • /three-fallacies-surrounding-gulf-union(Access date: 06.12.2013).
  • ALSAYED Wafa, “Bridging the Gulf: where Kuwait stands on the GCC Union,” Al Arabiya, May 12, 2013. http://english.alarabiya. net/en/special-reports/bridging-the-gulf/2013/05/12/Bridging-the-Gulf- where-Kuwait-stands-on-the-GCC-Union.html 02013).
  • AL SAYEGH Hadeel, “GCC nations step closer to an EU-style union with joint military command plan”, The National, December 10, 2013, to-an-eu-style-union-with-joint-military-command-plan(Access date: 2013).
  • AL-TAMIMI Naser, “Bridging the Gulf: what is there to gain from a GCC Union?” Al Arabiya, May 5, 2013, http://english.alarabiya. net/en/special-reports/bridging-the-gulf/2013/05/05/Bridging-the-Gulf- what-is-there-to-gain-from-a-GCC-Union-.html 02013).
  • HAMDAN Sara, “Gulf Council Reaches Out to Morocco and Jordan”, The New York Times, May 25, 2011, 2011/05/26/world/middleeast/26iht-M26-GCC.html?pagewanted=all &_r=1&(Access date: 20.12.2013).
  • HAMMOND Andrew, “Analysis: Saudi Gulf union plan stumbles as wary leaders seek detail,” May 17, 2012, article/2012/05/17/us-gulf-union-idUSBRE84G0WN20120517 (Access date: 02.12.2013). (Access date: (Access date:
  • “HM King Hamad allocates land for Peninsula Shield Force headquarters,” Bahraini News Agency, December 4, 2013, date: 20.12.2013).
  • “Iran agrees to curb nuclear activity at Geneva talks”, BBC News, November 23, 2013, 25074729 (Access date: 15.12.2013).
  • KARASIK Theodore, “The Gulf Union: defense first”, Al Arabiya, May 8, 2013.
  • /2013/05/08/The-Gulf-Union-defense-first.html 2013).
  • KHALAF Abd al-Hadi, “GCC Members Consider Future of Union”, Al Monitor, January 14, 2013, politics/2013/01/saudi-arabia-gcc-announcement.html# 2013).
  • KHAN Ghazanfar Ali, “100,000 combat troops to beef up GCC military (Access date: 30.12.2013).
  • “Over 16 mln GCC citizens travel among Gulf countries in 2012 report”, (Access date: 10.12.2013).
  • SAID Samira, “Gulf leaders to discuss EU-style union,” CNN, May 13, 2012, union/ (Access date: 06.12.2013).
  • SHAIKH Salman, “A People’s Agenda for Gulf Co-operation”, The Brookings Center, January 15, 2013. research/opinions/2013/01/15-gulf-cooperation-shaikh 2013).
  • ROSENBERG David, “GCC Union: An EU or a NATO or a Nothing?”, The Jerusalem Post, May 15, 2012,
  • East/GCC-Union-An-EU-or-a-NATO-or-a-Nothing 2013). News, (Access date: (Access date: force”, Arab December 22, 2013, Kuwait News Agency, December 6, 2012, (Access date: (Access date:
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Submission Date February 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 10 Issue: 19


Chicago Albayrakoğlu, Esra Pakin. “Arap Baharı Sonrası Körfez Entegrasyonu: Derinleşme Mi Dağılma mı?”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 10, no. 19 (August 2014): 1-30.