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Askerî Gücün Savaş Dışı Kullanımı: Afganistan ve Irak’ta Kolluk İstikrar Harekâtı

Year 2023, “New” Wars and “New” Militaries, 91 - 117, 24.11.2023


Bu karşılaştırmalı analiz, askerî güç kullanımında geleneksel muharebe görevlerinin ötesine geçen yenilikçi bir yaklaşım olan kolluk istikrar harekâtı doktrinini incelemektedir. Kolluk istikrar harekâtı, çatışma alanlarında ya da çatışma sonrası istikrarsız bölgelerde kamu düzeninin yeniden tesisi ile emniyet ve asayişin sağlanmasına yönelik faaliyetler olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Afganistan ve Irak örnekleri üzerinden yapılan karşılaştırmalı vaka analizi aracılığıyla, askerî personelin ya da askerî statülü kolluk kuvvetlerinin kolluk istikrar harekâtı amacıyla kullanılmalarının gerekçelerinin, zorluklarının ve sonuçlarının ortaya konulması çalışmanın temel amacıdır. Bu farklı çatışma deneyimlerini bir araya getiren analiz, bir doktrin olarak kolluk istikrar harekâtının kuvvetli ve zayıf tarafları ile geleceğin harekât ortamında uygulanabilirliği üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Doğası gereği kapsamlı ve çok yönlü bir yaklaşımı gerekli kılan bu doktrinin çatışma sonrası istikrarı destekleme, sivil-asker işbirliğini sağlama ve karmaşık ortamlarda barışın hatlarını şekillendirmedeki etkinliğine dair değerlendirmelere de çalışma içerisinde yer verilmektedir.


  • AIHRC (2012). From Arbaki to Local Police, Independent Human Rights Commission, Kabil.
  • AJP-3.22 Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing (2016). NATO Standardization Office, Bürüksel.
  • AL-MARASHI Ibrahim (2021). “Demobilization Minus Disarmament and Reintegration: Iraq’s Security Sector from the US Invasion to the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 15:4, 441-458.
  • ALLEN Vick STILLION John William ve SHULSKY Abram N. (1997). Preparing the U.S. Air Force for Operations Other than War. RAND, Santa Monica, California.
  • BEAUMONT Roger (1995). “Small Wars: Definitions and Dimensions”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 541, 20-35.
  • BRAMATI Luigi (2020). Iraq, 2003-2009, le lezioni apprese della “Commissione Chilcot”. Dove lo Stability Policing avrebbe potuto fare la differenza, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Roma.
  • CALLWELL Charles Edward (1896). Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice, General Staff – War Office, Londra.
  • DODGE Toby (2006). “Iraq: The Contradictions of Exogenous State-Building in Historical Perspective”, Third World Quarterly, 27:1, 187-200.
  • DORN A. Walter ve VAREY Michael (2009). “The Rise and Demise of the ‘Three Block War’”, Canadian Military Journal, 10:1, 38-45.
  • DZIEDZIC Michael J. (1998). “Introduction,” (ed.) Robert B. Oakley, Michael J. Dziedzic ve Eliot M. Goldberg, Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operations and Public Security, National Defense University Press, Washington, 3-18.
  • GIUSTOZZI Antonio ve ISAQZADEH Mohammed (2013). Policing Afghanistan: The Politics of the Lame Leviathan, Hurst & Company, Londra.
  • GWYNN Charles W. (1934). Imperial Policing, Macmillan and Co., Londra.
  • HOVER Hans (2017). “Stability Policing,” Militaire Spectator, 186:11, 484-495.
  • HUSSEY John F. (2013). “Seizing the Initiative by Establishing the Rule of Law During Combat Operations,” Military Review, January-February, 30-37.
  • JANOWITZ Morris (1977). The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait, (2d ed.), Free Press & Collier-Macmillan, New York-Londra, 418-419.
  • JONES James L. (2007). “The Iraqi Police Service”, The Report of the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, Atlantic Council, Washington.
  • JONES James L. (2007). “Overall Assesment of the Iraqi Security Forces”, The Report of the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, Atlantic Council, Washington.
  • KALDOR Mary (2012). New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Polity Press, Cambridge.
  • KARP Candace ve PONZIO Richard (2007). “NATO, SSR and Afghanistan”, (ed.) D. M. Law, Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform, Geneva, 219-235.
  • CHARLES Krulak (1997). “The Three Block War: Fighting in Urban Areas,” Vital Speech of the Day, 64:5, 139-141.
  • LARSEN Henrik B. L. (2013). NATO in Afghanistan: Turning Retreat into Victory. Harvard Kennedy School Policy Brief, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Massachusetts.
  • MAGISTRIS Giuseppe De (2023). “A proposal for a NATo High-Readiness Constabulary Force”, Artículo de investigación 11/2023, Centro Universitario de la Guardia Civil, Madrid.
  • MAKO Shamiran ve EDGAR Alistair D. (2021). “Evaluating the Pitfalls of External Statebuilding in Post-2003 Iraq (2003–2021)”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 15:4, 425-440.
  • MANN Michael (1984). “The Autonomous Poer of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms and Results”, Archives européennes de sociologie, 25, 185-213.
  • MOYAR Mark (2014). Village Stability Operations and the Afghan Local Police. Joint Special Operations University, Florida.
  • NEUTEBOOM Peter ve SOETERS Joseph (2017). “The Military Role in Filling the Security Gap After Armed Conflict: Three Cases”, Armed Forces and Society, 43:4, 711–733.
  • PFAFF Tony (2008). Development and Reform of the Iraq Police Forces, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2004). Where Is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him?: America’s Search for a Postconflict Stability Force, United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2004). Policing Iraq: Protecting Iraqis from Criminal Violence, US Institute of Peace, Washington.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2007). “U.S. Police in Peace and Stability Operations,” United States Institute of Peace Special Report 191, Washington.
  • PERITO Rober M. (2008). “Police in Peace and Stability Operations: Evolving US Policy and Practice”, International Peacekeeping, 15:1, 51–66.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2011). “The Iraq Federal Police: U.S. Police Building under Fire”, US Institute of Peace Report, Washington.
  • RATHMELL Andrew OLIKER Olga TERRENCE Kelly BRANNAN David ve CRANE Keith (2005). Developing Iraq’s security sector: the Coalition Provisional Authority’s experience, RAND, Santa Monica, California, 99.
  • SCHMIDL Erwin A. (1998). “Police Functions in Peace Operations: An Historical Overview”, (ed.) Robert B. Oakley Michael J. Dziedzic ve Eliot M. Goldberg, Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operations and Public Security, National Defense University Press, Washington.
  • SEDRA Mark (2006). “European Approaches to Security Sector Reform: Examining Trends through the Lens of Afghanistan,” European Security, 15:3, 323-338.
  • SEDRA Mark (2006). “Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: The Slide Towards Expediency,” International Peacekeeping, 13:1, 94-110.
  • SIGAR (2009). Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. SINGH Danny (2014). “Corruption and Clientelism in the Lower Levels of the Afghan Police”, Conflict, Security & Development, 14:5, 621-650.
  • Stability Policing in Afghansitan: Did NATO Miss an Opportunity? Lessons from a 20-year Campaign (2022). LL Branch Final Report Stability Policing Center of Exellence, Vicenza.
  • TRIPP Charles (2004). “The United States and State-Building in Iraq,” Review of International Studies, 30, 545-558.
  • VECCI Federico ve SAPPINO Fabio (2021). “An Historical Overview of Police Reforms and Gender Issues in Afghanistan”, The CoESPU Magazine, 42.
  • WEGER Michiel De (2009). “the European Gendarmerie Force,” The Potential of the European Gendarmerie Force, Clingendael Institute, Lahey, 7-22.
  • “Avrupa Jandarma Kuvveti”, J.Gn.K.lığı İnternet Sitesi, kurumlar/, erişim 14.09.2023.
  • BASH Dana (2003). “White House Pressed on Mission Accomplished’ sign”, CNN International,, erişim 26.08.2023.
  • BLENFORD Adam (2004). “Rice Admits US Doubt on WMD”, The Guardian, erişim 14.09.2023.
  • “EUROGENDFOR Operational Concept”, EUROGENDFOR Internet Sitesi,, erişim 28.08.2023.
  • FOSCHINI Fabrizio (2014). “Changing of the Guards: Is the APPF Program Coming to an End?”, Afghanistan Analysts Network, 2014.
  • “Formed Police Units”, UNPOL İnternet Sitesi, police/units.shtml erişim 17.09.2023.
  • HODGE Nathan (2014). “Afghanistan to Disband Crucial Guard Force”, The Wall Street Journal, 552246724, erişim 12.09.2023.
  • LEWIS Paul (2003). “Sergio Vieira de Mello, 55, Dies; Was Top U.N. Envoy in Iraq,” The New York Times, erişim 25.08.2023.
  • “Mission and Vision”, CoESPU İnternet Sitesi, missionandvision, erişim 30.08.2023.
  • MoI, Afghan National Police Annual Report 2013-2014, GIRoA Ministry of Interior Affairs, Kabil, 2014, Final%20MoI%202014%20Annual%20Report%20Final%20by%20MPAD%20Final.pdf, erişim 10.08.2023.
  • “Multinational Specialized Unit Fact Sheet”, Ağustos 2004, sfor/factsheet/msu/t040809a.htm, erişim 13.09.2023.
  • NTM-A (2011). Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) Advisor Guide, Kabil, https://williamaarkin. erişim 10.08.2023.
  • SIGAR (2009). Quarterly Report to the United States Congress. Virginia, USA: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, 2014, pdf/quarterlyreports/2014-10-30qr.pdf, 12.09.2023.
  • SIGAR (2020). Police in Conflict: Lessons from the U.S. Experinces in Afghanistan, 2020,, erişim 12.09.2023.
  • THOMPSON Mark (2015). “How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS,” Time,, erişim 29.08.2023.
  • UNODC (2012). Corruption in Afghanistan: Recent Patterns and Trends, United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, Vienna, frontpage/Corruption_in_Afghanistan_FINAL.pdf, erişim 18.08.2023.
  • UNODC (2014). Afghanistan Poppy Eradication Verification, Content/files/Eradication%20Verification_Final_Report(3).pdf, erişim 17.08.2023.

Non-Combat Use of Military Power: Stability Policing in Afghanistan and Iraq

Year 2023, “New” Wars and “New” Militaries, 91 - 117, 24.11.2023


This comparative analysis examines the doctrine of stability policing, an innovative approach to the use of military force that goes beyond traditional combat missions. Stability policing operations are defined as activities aimed at the restoration of public order and the maintenance of law and order in conflict zones or post-conflict areas. Through comparative case studies of Afghanistan and Iraq, the main objective of the study is to explore the rationale, challenges, and consequences of the use of military personnel or military status law enforcement forces for stability policing operations. Bringing together these different conflict experiences, this analysis focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of stability policing operations as a doctrine and on its applicability in the future operational environment. The study also includes assessments of the effectiveness of this doctrine, which by its very nature requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to support post-conflict stability, ensure civil-military cooperation, and shape the contours of peace in contemporary complex environments.


  • AIHRC (2012). From Arbaki to Local Police, Independent Human Rights Commission, Kabil.
  • AJP-3.22 Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing (2016). NATO Standardization Office, Bürüksel.
  • AL-MARASHI Ibrahim (2021). “Demobilization Minus Disarmament and Reintegration: Iraq’s Security Sector from the US Invasion to the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 15:4, 441-458.
  • ALLEN Vick STILLION John William ve SHULSKY Abram N. (1997). Preparing the U.S. Air Force for Operations Other than War. RAND, Santa Monica, California.
  • BEAUMONT Roger (1995). “Small Wars: Definitions and Dimensions”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 541, 20-35.
  • BRAMATI Luigi (2020). Iraq, 2003-2009, le lezioni apprese della “Commissione Chilcot”. Dove lo Stability Policing avrebbe potuto fare la differenza, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Roma.
  • CALLWELL Charles Edward (1896). Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice, General Staff – War Office, Londra.
  • DODGE Toby (2006). “Iraq: The Contradictions of Exogenous State-Building in Historical Perspective”, Third World Quarterly, 27:1, 187-200.
  • DORN A. Walter ve VAREY Michael (2009). “The Rise and Demise of the ‘Three Block War’”, Canadian Military Journal, 10:1, 38-45.
  • DZIEDZIC Michael J. (1998). “Introduction,” (ed.) Robert B. Oakley, Michael J. Dziedzic ve Eliot M. Goldberg, Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operations and Public Security, National Defense University Press, Washington, 3-18.
  • GIUSTOZZI Antonio ve ISAQZADEH Mohammed (2013). Policing Afghanistan: The Politics of the Lame Leviathan, Hurst & Company, Londra.
  • GWYNN Charles W. (1934). Imperial Policing, Macmillan and Co., Londra.
  • HOVER Hans (2017). “Stability Policing,” Militaire Spectator, 186:11, 484-495.
  • HUSSEY John F. (2013). “Seizing the Initiative by Establishing the Rule of Law During Combat Operations,” Military Review, January-February, 30-37.
  • JANOWITZ Morris (1977). The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait, (2d ed.), Free Press & Collier-Macmillan, New York-Londra, 418-419.
  • JONES James L. (2007). “The Iraqi Police Service”, The Report of the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, Atlantic Council, Washington.
  • JONES James L. (2007). “Overall Assesment of the Iraqi Security Forces”, The Report of the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, Atlantic Council, Washington.
  • KALDOR Mary (2012). New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Polity Press, Cambridge.
  • KARP Candace ve PONZIO Richard (2007). “NATO, SSR and Afghanistan”, (ed.) D. M. Law, Intergovernmental Organisations and Security Sector Reform, Geneva, 219-235.
  • CHARLES Krulak (1997). “The Three Block War: Fighting in Urban Areas,” Vital Speech of the Day, 64:5, 139-141.
  • LARSEN Henrik B. L. (2013). NATO in Afghanistan: Turning Retreat into Victory. Harvard Kennedy School Policy Brief, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Massachusetts.
  • MAGISTRIS Giuseppe De (2023). “A proposal for a NATo High-Readiness Constabulary Force”, Artículo de investigación 11/2023, Centro Universitario de la Guardia Civil, Madrid.
  • MAKO Shamiran ve EDGAR Alistair D. (2021). “Evaluating the Pitfalls of External Statebuilding in Post-2003 Iraq (2003–2021)”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 15:4, 425-440.
  • MANN Michael (1984). “The Autonomous Poer of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms and Results”, Archives européennes de sociologie, 25, 185-213.
  • MOYAR Mark (2014). Village Stability Operations and the Afghan Local Police. Joint Special Operations University, Florida.
  • NEUTEBOOM Peter ve SOETERS Joseph (2017). “The Military Role in Filling the Security Gap After Armed Conflict: Three Cases”, Armed Forces and Society, 43:4, 711–733.
  • PFAFF Tony (2008). Development and Reform of the Iraq Police Forces, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2004). Where Is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him?: America’s Search for a Postconflict Stability Force, United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2004). Policing Iraq: Protecting Iraqis from Criminal Violence, US Institute of Peace, Washington.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2007). “U.S. Police in Peace and Stability Operations,” United States Institute of Peace Special Report 191, Washington.
  • PERITO Rober M. (2008). “Police in Peace and Stability Operations: Evolving US Policy and Practice”, International Peacekeeping, 15:1, 51–66.
  • PERITO Robert M. (2011). “The Iraq Federal Police: U.S. Police Building under Fire”, US Institute of Peace Report, Washington.
  • RATHMELL Andrew OLIKER Olga TERRENCE Kelly BRANNAN David ve CRANE Keith (2005). Developing Iraq’s security sector: the Coalition Provisional Authority’s experience, RAND, Santa Monica, California, 99.
  • SCHMIDL Erwin A. (1998). “Police Functions in Peace Operations: An Historical Overview”, (ed.) Robert B. Oakley Michael J. Dziedzic ve Eliot M. Goldberg, Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operations and Public Security, National Defense University Press, Washington.
  • SEDRA Mark (2006). “European Approaches to Security Sector Reform: Examining Trends through the Lens of Afghanistan,” European Security, 15:3, 323-338.
  • SEDRA Mark (2006). “Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: The Slide Towards Expediency,” International Peacekeeping, 13:1, 94-110.
  • SIGAR (2009). Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. SINGH Danny (2014). “Corruption and Clientelism in the Lower Levels of the Afghan Police”, Conflict, Security & Development, 14:5, 621-650.
  • Stability Policing in Afghansitan: Did NATO Miss an Opportunity? Lessons from a 20-year Campaign (2022). LL Branch Final Report Stability Policing Center of Exellence, Vicenza.
  • TRIPP Charles (2004). “The United States and State-Building in Iraq,” Review of International Studies, 30, 545-558.
  • VECCI Federico ve SAPPINO Fabio (2021). “An Historical Overview of Police Reforms and Gender Issues in Afghanistan”, The CoESPU Magazine, 42.
  • WEGER Michiel De (2009). “the European Gendarmerie Force,” The Potential of the European Gendarmerie Force, Clingendael Institute, Lahey, 7-22.
  • “Avrupa Jandarma Kuvveti”, J.Gn.K.lığı İnternet Sitesi, kurumlar/, erişim 14.09.2023.
  • BASH Dana (2003). “White House Pressed on Mission Accomplished’ sign”, CNN International,, erişim 26.08.2023.
  • BLENFORD Adam (2004). “Rice Admits US Doubt on WMD”, The Guardian, erişim 14.09.2023.
  • “EUROGENDFOR Operational Concept”, EUROGENDFOR Internet Sitesi,, erişim 28.08.2023.
  • FOSCHINI Fabrizio (2014). “Changing of the Guards: Is the APPF Program Coming to an End?”, Afghanistan Analysts Network, 2014.
  • “Formed Police Units”, UNPOL İnternet Sitesi, police/units.shtml erişim 17.09.2023.
  • HODGE Nathan (2014). “Afghanistan to Disband Crucial Guard Force”, The Wall Street Journal, 552246724, erişim 12.09.2023.
  • LEWIS Paul (2003). “Sergio Vieira de Mello, 55, Dies; Was Top U.N. Envoy in Iraq,” The New York Times, erişim 25.08.2023.
  • “Mission and Vision”, CoESPU İnternet Sitesi, missionandvision, erişim 30.08.2023.
  • MoI, Afghan National Police Annual Report 2013-2014, GIRoA Ministry of Interior Affairs, Kabil, 2014, Final%20MoI%202014%20Annual%20Report%20Final%20by%20MPAD%20Final.pdf, erişim 10.08.2023.
  • “Multinational Specialized Unit Fact Sheet”, Ağustos 2004, sfor/factsheet/msu/t040809a.htm, erişim 13.09.2023.
  • NTM-A (2011). Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) Advisor Guide, Kabil, https://williamaarkin. erişim 10.08.2023.
  • SIGAR (2009). Quarterly Report to the United States Congress. Virginia, USA: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, 2014, pdf/quarterlyreports/2014-10-30qr.pdf, 12.09.2023.
  • SIGAR (2020). Police in Conflict: Lessons from the U.S. Experinces in Afghanistan, 2020,, erişim 12.09.2023.
  • THOMPSON Mark (2015). “How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS,” Time,, erişim 29.08.2023.
  • UNODC (2012). Corruption in Afghanistan: Recent Patterns and Trends, United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, Vienna, frontpage/Corruption_in_Afghanistan_FINAL.pdf, erişim 18.08.2023.
  • UNODC (2014). Afghanistan Poppy Eradication Verification, Content/files/Eradication%20Verification_Final_Report(3).pdf, erişim 17.08.2023.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Security
Journal Section Articles

Emrah Özdemir 0000-0001-8125-6486

Publication Date November 24, 2023
Submission Date September 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 “New” Wars and “New” Militaries


Chicago Özdemir, Emrah. “Askerî Gücün Savaş Dışı Kullanımı: Afganistan Ve Irak’ta Kolluk İstikrar Harekâtı”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, November (November 2023), 91-117.