Research Article
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Not Synonymous, but Substitutional: Conventional, Asymmetric, and Hybrid Warfare within the Framework of Battlefield Functions

Year 2023, “New” Wars and “New” Militaries, 13 - 30, 24.11.2023


Although concepts related to conventional warfare and irregular warfare have been used in academic literature for a long time, the latter concept is intertwined closely with concepts such as asymmetric warfare, hybrid warfare, special warfare, unconventional warfare, guerrilla warfare, insurgency, anarchism, psychological warfare, and terrorism, all of which have near-synonymous meanings. The irregularity in the usage of many concepts within the scope of irregular war can be eliminated, at least to some extent, via inferences from concepts on which a consensus has been reached. On the other hand, it is similar to the contents of new definitions such as hybrid warfare, non-linear warfare, and fourth-generation warfare in terms of the methods used. This complex situation regarding the definition brings about deep debates on the meaning attributed to the concept. The main claim of this research is that the concepts of conventional, asymmetric, and hybrid warfare are not synonymous concepts that can replace each other but concepts that can be used in coordination in the universe of irregular wars. In this context, this research examines the relationship between these substitutional concepts within the framework of battlefield functional areas.


  • HERMAN Paul F. (1997). “Asymmetric Warfare: Sizing the Threat”. Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, 6:1, 176-183.
  • HOFFMAN Frank G. (2007). Conflict in the 21st Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, Virginia.
  • JTS (1997). CINC/JTF Joint Targeting Organizations and Architecture. Joint Targeting School. Dam Neck AB, VA.
  • KELLY Charles M. (2020). “Information on the Twenty-First Century Battlefield: Proposing the Army’s Seventh Warfighting Function”, Military Review, 100:1, 63-68.
  • KILCULLEN David (2005). “Countering Global Insurgency”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 28:42, 597-617.
  • KÖRPE Özgür (2022). Maske ve Keleş: Düzensiz Savaşa İlişkin Sorular ve Cevaplar, Yeditepe Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • METZ Steven ve JOHNSON Douglas V. (2001). Asymmetry and US Military Strategy: Definition, Background, and Strategic Concepts, Strategic Studies Institute, Pennsylvania.
  • MONAGHAN Sean (2019). “Countering Hybrid Warfare So What for the Future Joint Force?”, Prism, 8:2, 82-99.
  • SMFLS5 (2021). The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics Smartbook. Fifth Edition, Lightning Press, Lakeland, FL.
  • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (1992). MS 76-3 TSK Müşterek Askerî Terimler Sözlüğü (Mülga). Genelkurmay Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Von CLAUSEWITZ, Carl (1999). Savaş Üzerine, (çev. H. Fahri Çeliker), Özne Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • US Army (2010). “TC 7-100 Hybrid Threats”, Headquarters Department of Army,, erişim 07.08.2023.
  • US Army (2020). “The U.S. Army Concept for Maneuver in Multi-Domain Operations, 2028-2040”,, erişim 07.08.2023.
  • US DoD (2008). “Directive Nr. 3000.07 Irregular Warfare (IW)”, U.S. Department of Defense,, erişim 11.07.2023.
  • US DoD (2021). “AFC Pam 71-20-6 Army Futures Command Concept for Fires 2028”, U.S. Department of Defense, 869ca62b/afc-concept-for-fires-2028-oct21.pdf, erişim 14.06.2023.
  • US Army (2022). “FM 5-0 Planning and Orders Production”, Headquarters Department of Army., erişim 13.08.2023.
  • US Army (2017). “FM 3-0 Operations”, Headquarters Department of Army,, erişim 09.05.2023.

Eş Anlamlı Değil ama Eş Kullanımlı: Muharebe Sahası Fonksiyon Alanları Çerçevesinde Konvansiyonel, Asimetrik ve Hibrit Savaş

Year 2023, “New” Wars and “New” Militaries, 13 - 30, 24.11.2023


Konvansiyonel harp ve düzensiz savaşlarla ilişkili kavramlar uzun bir süredir akademik literatürde kullanılmakla birlikte, ikinci kavram, yani düzensiz savaş; asimetrik savaş, hibrit savaş, özel harp, gayrinizami harp, gerilla savaşı, ayaklanma, anarşizm, psikolojik savaş ve terörizm gibi yakın anlamlı kavramlarla iç içe geçmiş durumdadır. Düzensiz savaş kapsamındaki pek çok kavramın kullanılmasındaki düzensizlik, en azından üzerinde bir mutabakat sağlanmış olan kavramlardan yapılacak çıkarımlarla, bir nebze giderilebilir. Diğer taraftan kullanılan yöntemler bakımından hibrit savaş; doğrusal olmayan savaş, dördüncü nesil savaş gibi yeni tanımların içerikleriyle de benzeşmektedir. Tanımlama ile ilgili bu karmaşık durum, kavrama yüklenen anlam üzerinde derin tartışmaları beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu araştırmanın temel iddiası, konvansiyonel, asimetrik ve hibrit savaş kavramlarının birbirini ikame edebilen eş anlamlı kavramlar olmadığı, ancak düzensiz savaşlar evreninde eş güdümlü olarak kullanılabilecekleridir. Bu bağlamda bu araştırma, bahse konu eş kullanımlı kavramlar arasındaki ilişkiyi muharebe sahası fonksiyon alanları çerçevesinde ele almaktadır.


  • HERMAN Paul F. (1997). “Asymmetric Warfare: Sizing the Threat”. Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, 6:1, 176-183.
  • HOFFMAN Frank G. (2007). Conflict in the 21st Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, Virginia.
  • JTS (1997). CINC/JTF Joint Targeting Organizations and Architecture. Joint Targeting School. Dam Neck AB, VA.
  • KELLY Charles M. (2020). “Information on the Twenty-First Century Battlefield: Proposing the Army’s Seventh Warfighting Function”, Military Review, 100:1, 63-68.
  • KILCULLEN David (2005). “Countering Global Insurgency”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 28:42, 597-617.
  • KÖRPE Özgür (2022). Maske ve Keleş: Düzensiz Savaşa İlişkin Sorular ve Cevaplar, Yeditepe Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • METZ Steven ve JOHNSON Douglas V. (2001). Asymmetry and US Military Strategy: Definition, Background, and Strategic Concepts, Strategic Studies Institute, Pennsylvania.
  • MONAGHAN Sean (2019). “Countering Hybrid Warfare So What for the Future Joint Force?”, Prism, 8:2, 82-99.
  • SMFLS5 (2021). The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics Smartbook. Fifth Edition, Lightning Press, Lakeland, FL.
  • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (1992). MS 76-3 TSK Müşterek Askerî Terimler Sözlüğü (Mülga). Genelkurmay Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Von CLAUSEWITZ, Carl (1999). Savaş Üzerine, (çev. H. Fahri Çeliker), Özne Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • US Army (2010). “TC 7-100 Hybrid Threats”, Headquarters Department of Army,, erişim 07.08.2023.
  • US Army (2020). “The U.S. Army Concept for Maneuver in Multi-Domain Operations, 2028-2040”,, erişim 07.08.2023.
  • US DoD (2008). “Directive Nr. 3000.07 Irregular Warfare (IW)”, U.S. Department of Defense,, erişim 11.07.2023.
  • US DoD (2021). “AFC Pam 71-20-6 Army Futures Command Concept for Fires 2028”, U.S. Department of Defense, 869ca62b/afc-concept-for-fires-2028-oct21.pdf, erişim 14.06.2023.
  • US Army (2022). “FM 5-0 Planning and Orders Production”, Headquarters Department of Army., erişim 13.08.2023.
  • US Army (2017). “FM 3-0 Operations”, Headquarters Department of Army,, erişim 09.05.2023.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Defence Studies, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Özgür Körpe 0000-0002-7633-7596

Publication Date November 24, 2023
Submission Date September 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 “New” Wars and “New” Militaries


Chicago Körpe, Özgür. “Eş Anlamlı Değil Ama Eş Kullanımlı: Muharebe Sahası Fonksiyon Alanları Çerçevesinde Konvansiyonel, Asimetrik Ve Hibrit Savaş”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, November (November 2023), 13-30.