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Somali Barış Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi: Pozitif Barış mı Negatif Barış mı?

Year 2024, Volume: 20 Issue: 49, 397 - 412, 26.12.2024


Bu çalışma, barış çalışmaları paradigması çerçevesinde Somali’deki barış sürecini ve Türkiye’nin bu süreçteki rolünü analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Özellikle, Johan Galtung’un geliştirdiği pozitif ve negatif barış kavramları bağlamında Türkiye’nin katkılarının değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Araştırma, “Türkiye’nin Somali’deki faaliyetleri, barış çalışmaları literatüründeki pozitif ve negatif barış kavramsallaştırmaları bağlamında nasıl konumlandırılabilir?” ve “Bu faaliyetler Somali’de sürdürülebilir barışın tesisine ne ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır?” sorularına cevap aramaktadır. Nitel bir yaklaşımla tarihsel betimsel analiz metodunun kullanıldığı makalede, barış çalışmalarının teorik çerçevesi, Somali’nin tarihsel konteksti ve mevcut sosyo-politik dinamikleri ve Türkiye’nin 2011 sonrası Somali’deki girişimleri sistematik bir şekilde incelenmektedir. Analiz sonuçları, Türkiye’nin Somali’deki çok boyutlu angajmanının (insani yardım, kalkınma iş birliği, güvenlik sektörü reformu) genel itibariyle pozitif barış paradigmasıyla uyumlu olduğunu göstermektedir. Türkiye’nin Somali’de gerçekleştirdiği altyapı geliştirme, eğitim ve sağlık hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi ve kurumsal kapasite inşası gibi girişimleri yapısal şiddeti azaltmaya yönelik çabalar olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, Somali’deki kompleks ve çok katmanlı sorunların çözümü için daha kapsamlı, uzun vadeli ve çok aktörlü stratejilerin gerekliliği vurgulanmaktadır.


  • ARAS Bülent and AKPINAR Pınar (2015). “The Role of Humanitarian NGOs in Turkey’s Peacebuilding”, International Peacekeeping, 22:3, 230-247.
  • BERDAL Mats (2009). “Chapter One: The Peacebuilding Environment”, The Adelphi Papers, 49:407, 29-94.
  • BİNGÖL Oktay (2013). “Somali’de Barış ve Kalkınma Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Rolü”, Gazi Academic Perspective, 7:13, 81-106. CANNON Brendon J. (2016). “Deconstructing Turkey’s Efforts in Somalia”, Bildhaan, 16.
  • CHILLAUD Matthieu (2015). “Prêcher la bonne parole en matière de désarmement . Stratégique, 1, 51-69.
  • COLLIER Paul HOEFFLER Anke and SÖDERBOM Mans (2008). “Post-Conflict Risks”, Journal of Peace Research, 45:4, 461-478.
  • COLLIER Paul and HOEFFLER Anke (2004). “Aid, Policy, and Peace: Reducing the Risks of Civil Conflict”, Defence and Peace Economics, 13:66, 435-450.
  • COOPER Sandi (1987). “Women’s Participation in European Peace Movements: The Struggle to Prevent World War I”. Ruth Roach Pierson (Ed.), Women and Peace, Routledge.
  • DONAUBAUER Julian, HERZER Dierk and NUNNENKAMP Peter (2019). “The Effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict Conditions: A Sector-specific Analysis”, The Journal of Development Studies, 55:4, 720-736.
  • DONELLI Federico and GONZALEZ-LEVAGGI Ariel (2016). “Becoming Global Actor: The Turkish Agenda for the Global South”, Rising Powers Quarterly, 1:2, 93-115.
  • FLORES, Thomas Edward and NOORUDDIN Irfan. (2009). “Financing the Peace: Evaluating World Bank Post-conflict Assistance Programs”, The Review of International Organizations, 4, 1-27.
  • FLYNN Catherine et al. (2016). “Entre théorie de la paix et continuum de la violence: Réflexion autour du concept de la violence structurelle”, Canadian Social Work Review/Revue canadienne de service social, 33:1, 45-64.
  • GALTUNG Johan (1969). “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research”, Journal of Peace Research, 6:3, 167-191.
  • GALTUNG John and FISCHER Dietrich (2013). Positive and Negative Peace, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer.
  • HUGHES Caroline (2016). “Peace and Development Studies”, O. P. Richmond, S. Pogodda, and J. Ramović (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches To Peace, Palgrave Macmillan, 139-153.
  • MAOW Bashir Ahmed (2021). “The Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on Economic Growth and Job Creation in Somalia”, Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 8:1, 45-56.
  • MENKHAUS Ken (2014). “State Failure, State-building, and Prospects for a ‘Functional Failed State’ in Somalia”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 656:(1), 154-172.
  • NORTH Douglas C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press.
  • NYADERA Israel N., AHMED Mohamed Salah and AGWANDA Billy (2019). “Transformation of the Somali Civil-war and Reflections for a Social Contract Peacebuilding Process”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 18:4, 1346-1366.
  • RODRIK Dani (2011). The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy, New York and London, W.W. Norton;
  • ROGER Paul and RAMSBOTHAM Oliver (1999). “Then and Now: Peace Research-past and Future”, Political Studies, 47:4, 740-754.
  • SAMATAR Abdi Ismael and SAMATAR Ahmed I. (2005). “International Crisis Group Report on Somaliland: An Alternative Somali Response”, Bildaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 5, 107-124.
  • SEN Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press.
  • STREETEN Paul et al. (1981). First Things first: Meeting Basic Human Needs in the Developing Countries, Oxford University Press.
  • ŞAHİN Mustafa (2021). “Türkiye’nin Somali Politikasının İncelenmesi: 2011-2020 Dönemi”, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9:1, 109-147.
  • WOODHOUSE Tom and RAMSBOTHAM Oliver. (2000). Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution, Psychology Publications.
  • RYDEN Matt Bryden (2013). “Somalia redux? Assessing the New Somali Federal Government”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2 legacy_files/files/publication/130819_Bryden_SomaliaRedux_WEB.pdf, accessed: 13.04.2024.
  • CRUICKSHANK Paul (2022). “A View from the CT Foxhole: Harun Maruf, Senior Editor, Voice of America Somali””, CTC Sentiel, 15:11, SENTINEL-112022.pdf, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • DEMİRTAŞ Tunç, (2024). “Türkiye-Somali Anlaşmasının Verdiği Mesaj ve Türkiye ile Müttefiklik”, SETA, 22 February, 2024, muttefiklik/, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • DUBOW Abdirahmen Zeila (2022) “Somalia Needs its Trees to Restore Landscapes and Livelihoods”, 27 July 2022, and-livelihoods#:~:text=A%202020%20Somali%20government%20report,biological%20 degradation%2C%20and%20gully%20erosion., accessed 24.10.2024.
  • Euronews, ““Somali Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud: Türkiye, 10 yıl denizlerimizi Koruyacak””, 2024, koruyacak, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • European Union Agency For Asylum, “Country Guidance: Somalia. Common Analysis and Guidance note”, August, 2023, Guidance_Somalia.pdf, accessed 14.05.2024.
  • Geneva Declaration Secretariat, Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development. 2006, Retrieved from, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • GÜRSEDEF Ece (2020). “Somali’de Petrol Rezervi Ne Kadar? Erdoğan’ın ‘Teklif Geldi’ Açıklamasına Somali Petrol Bakanı Ne Diyor?”, BBC News Türkçe, dunya-51210933, accessed 12.04.2024.
  • KILIÇ Barış (2022). “Somali Kartalları” Mogadişu’daki Anadolu Kışlası’nda Yetiştiriliyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 24 August, 2022, kislasinda-yetistiriliyor/2667294, accessed 14.05.2024.
  • Political Economy in Security Studies After the Cold War, 2017, files/Kirshner.pdf, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • Somali Petroleum Authority History, 2020,, accessed: 12.04.2024
  • The World Bank, “Democratic Republic of Somalia, Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (Credit 1043- So)”, Project Completion Report, No: 7533, December 8, 1988, curated/en/496761468102862033/pdf/multi-page.pdf, accessed 12.04.2024
  • Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “SC-2, 4 Ocak 2024, Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Öncü Keçeli’nin Etiyopya ile Somaliland Arasında 1 Ocak 2024 Tarihinde İmzalanan Mutabakat Zaptına İlişkin Bir Soruya Cevabı”, 2024,, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1846 (2008), 2 December 2008, n08/630/29/pdf/n0863029.pdf , accessed 24.10.2024.
  • UN, “Security Council Lifts Arms Embargo on Federal Government of Somalia”, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2714, 2023,, accessed 12.04.2024.
  • World Health Organization. “Somalia: Building a Stronger Primary Health Care System”, 15 September, 2020, Retrieved from stronger-primary-health-care-system, accessed 12.03.2024.
  • World Bank, “World Databank: World Development Indicators (Wdi) & Global Development Finance (Gdf)”,, accessed 04.11.2024.

Evaluating Türkiye’s Influence in the Somali Peace Process: Positive or Negative Peace?

Year 2024, Volume: 20 Issue: 49, 397 - 412, 26.12.2024


This study seeks to examine the role of Türkiye in the peace process in Somalia through the lens of the Peace Studies paradigm. It aims to assess Türkiye’s contributions in light of positive and negative peace concepts developed by Johan Galtung and to determine the extent to which these activities support the establishment of sustainable peace in Somalia. Through a qualitative approach and historical descriptive analysis, the article systematically investigates the theoretical framework of Peace Studies, the historical context, and the current socio-political dynamics of Somalia, as well as Türkiye’s initiatives in Somalia post-2011. The findings suggest that Türkiye’s multi-faceted engagement in Somalia (humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and security sector reform) generally aligns with the positive peace paradigm. Türkiye’s initiatives in Somalia, such as infrastructure development, education and health services improvement, and institutional capacity building, are considered efforts to reduce structural violence. Nevertheless, the analysis emphasizes the need for more comprehensive, long-term, and multi-actor strategies to effectively tackle Somalia’s intricate and multi-layered challenges.


  • ARAS Bülent and AKPINAR Pınar (2015). “The Role of Humanitarian NGOs in Turkey’s Peacebuilding”, International Peacekeeping, 22:3, 230-247.
  • BERDAL Mats (2009). “Chapter One: The Peacebuilding Environment”, The Adelphi Papers, 49:407, 29-94.
  • BİNGÖL Oktay (2013). “Somali’de Barış ve Kalkınma Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Rolü”, Gazi Academic Perspective, 7:13, 81-106. CANNON Brendon J. (2016). “Deconstructing Turkey’s Efforts in Somalia”, Bildhaan, 16.
  • CHILLAUD Matthieu (2015). “Prêcher la bonne parole en matière de désarmement . Stratégique, 1, 51-69.
  • COLLIER Paul HOEFFLER Anke and SÖDERBOM Mans (2008). “Post-Conflict Risks”, Journal of Peace Research, 45:4, 461-478.
  • COLLIER Paul and HOEFFLER Anke (2004). “Aid, Policy, and Peace: Reducing the Risks of Civil Conflict”, Defence and Peace Economics, 13:66, 435-450.
  • COOPER Sandi (1987). “Women’s Participation in European Peace Movements: The Struggle to Prevent World War I”. Ruth Roach Pierson (Ed.), Women and Peace, Routledge.
  • DONAUBAUER Julian, HERZER Dierk and NUNNENKAMP Peter (2019). “The Effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict Conditions: A Sector-specific Analysis”, The Journal of Development Studies, 55:4, 720-736.
  • DONELLI Federico and GONZALEZ-LEVAGGI Ariel (2016). “Becoming Global Actor: The Turkish Agenda for the Global South”, Rising Powers Quarterly, 1:2, 93-115.
  • FLORES, Thomas Edward and NOORUDDIN Irfan. (2009). “Financing the Peace: Evaluating World Bank Post-conflict Assistance Programs”, The Review of International Organizations, 4, 1-27.
  • FLYNN Catherine et al. (2016). “Entre théorie de la paix et continuum de la violence: Réflexion autour du concept de la violence structurelle”, Canadian Social Work Review/Revue canadienne de service social, 33:1, 45-64.
  • GALTUNG Johan (1969). “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research”, Journal of Peace Research, 6:3, 167-191.
  • GALTUNG John and FISCHER Dietrich (2013). Positive and Negative Peace, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer.
  • HUGHES Caroline (2016). “Peace and Development Studies”, O. P. Richmond, S. Pogodda, and J. Ramović (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches To Peace, Palgrave Macmillan, 139-153.
  • MAOW Bashir Ahmed (2021). “The Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on Economic Growth and Job Creation in Somalia”, Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 8:1, 45-56.
  • MENKHAUS Ken (2014). “State Failure, State-building, and Prospects for a ‘Functional Failed State’ in Somalia”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 656:(1), 154-172.
  • NORTH Douglas C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press.
  • NYADERA Israel N., AHMED Mohamed Salah and AGWANDA Billy (2019). “Transformation of the Somali Civil-war and Reflections for a Social Contract Peacebuilding Process”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 18:4, 1346-1366.
  • RODRIK Dani (2011). The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy, New York and London, W.W. Norton;
  • ROGER Paul and RAMSBOTHAM Oliver (1999). “Then and Now: Peace Research-past and Future”, Political Studies, 47:4, 740-754.
  • SAMATAR Abdi Ismael and SAMATAR Ahmed I. (2005). “International Crisis Group Report on Somaliland: An Alternative Somali Response”, Bildaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 5, 107-124.
  • SEN Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press.
  • STREETEN Paul et al. (1981). First Things first: Meeting Basic Human Needs in the Developing Countries, Oxford University Press.
  • ŞAHİN Mustafa (2021). “Türkiye’nin Somali Politikasının İncelenmesi: 2011-2020 Dönemi”, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9:1, 109-147.
  • WOODHOUSE Tom and RAMSBOTHAM Oliver. (2000). Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution, Psychology Publications.
  • RYDEN Matt Bryden (2013). “Somalia redux? Assessing the New Somali Federal Government”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2 legacy_files/files/publication/130819_Bryden_SomaliaRedux_WEB.pdf, accessed: 13.04.2024.
  • CRUICKSHANK Paul (2022). “A View from the CT Foxhole: Harun Maruf, Senior Editor, Voice of America Somali””, CTC Sentiel, 15:11, SENTINEL-112022.pdf, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • DEMİRTAŞ Tunç, (2024). “Türkiye-Somali Anlaşmasının Verdiği Mesaj ve Türkiye ile Müttefiklik”, SETA, 22 February, 2024, muttefiklik/, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • DUBOW Abdirahmen Zeila (2022) “Somalia Needs its Trees to Restore Landscapes and Livelihoods”, 27 July 2022, and-livelihoods#:~:text=A%202020%20Somali%20government%20report,biological%20 degradation%2C%20and%20gully%20erosion., accessed 24.10.2024.
  • Euronews, ““Somali Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud: Türkiye, 10 yıl denizlerimizi Koruyacak””, 2024, koruyacak, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • European Union Agency For Asylum, “Country Guidance: Somalia. Common Analysis and Guidance note”, August, 2023, Guidance_Somalia.pdf, accessed 14.05.2024.
  • Geneva Declaration Secretariat, Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development. 2006, Retrieved from, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • GÜRSEDEF Ece (2020). “Somali’de Petrol Rezervi Ne Kadar? Erdoğan’ın ‘Teklif Geldi’ Açıklamasına Somali Petrol Bakanı Ne Diyor?”, BBC News Türkçe, dunya-51210933, accessed 12.04.2024.
  • KILIÇ Barış (2022). “Somali Kartalları” Mogadişu’daki Anadolu Kışlası’nda Yetiştiriliyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 24 August, 2022, kislasinda-yetistiriliyor/2667294, accessed 14.05.2024.
  • Political Economy in Security Studies After the Cold War, 2017, files/Kirshner.pdf, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • Somali Petroleum Authority History, 2020,, accessed: 12.04.2024
  • The World Bank, “Democratic Republic of Somalia, Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (Credit 1043- So)”, Project Completion Report, No: 7533, December 8, 1988, curated/en/496761468102862033/pdf/multi-page.pdf, accessed 12.04.2024
  • Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “SC-2, 4 Ocak 2024, Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Öncü Keçeli’nin Etiyopya ile Somaliland Arasında 1 Ocak 2024 Tarihinde İmzalanan Mutabakat Zaptına İlişkin Bir Soruya Cevabı”, 2024,, accessed 15.05.2024.
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1846 (2008), 2 December 2008, n08/630/29/pdf/n0863029.pdf , accessed 24.10.2024.
  • UN, “Security Council Lifts Arms Embargo on Federal Government of Somalia”, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2714, 2023,, accessed 12.04.2024.
  • World Health Organization. “Somalia: Building a Stronger Primary Health Care System”, 15 September, 2020, Retrieved from stronger-primary-health-care-system, accessed 12.03.2024.
  • World Bank, “World Databank: World Development Indicators (Wdi) & Global Development Finance (Gdf)”,, accessed 04.11.2024.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects African Studies, International Relations Theories, Conflict Resolution in International Relations
Journal Section Articles

Huriye Yıldırım Çinar 0000-0003-3052-617X

Asena Boztaş 0000-0002-3216-3010

N. Ceren Türkmen 0000-0003-2173-0144

Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date July 12, 2024
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 20 Issue: 49


Chicago Yıldırım Çinar, Huriye, Asena Boztaş, and N. Ceren Türkmen. “Evaluating Türkiye’s Influence in the Somali Peace Process: Positive or Negative Peace?”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 20, no. 49 (December 2024): 397-412.