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Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri

Year 2009, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 121 - 156, 01.04.2009


Stratejik liderlik stratejik yönetim sürecinin önemli bileşenlerinden birisidir. Stratejik liderlik, örgüt için gerçekleştirilebilir bir gelecek yaratacak değişiklikleri başlatmak için geleceği görme, vizyon oluşturma, esnekliği sağlama, stratejik olarak düşünme ve diğerleri ile çalışabilme becerileri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Stratejik liderlerin dönüşümcü, yönetsel, etik ve politik olmak üzere dört önemli stratejik liderlik özelliğini kullanması gerektiğine inanılmaktadır. Dönüşümcü liderlik, liderler çalışanlarının görüşlerine önem verip cesaretlendirdiklerinde, çalışanlarını kendi çıkarlarının ötesinde grubun yararına doğru hareket ettirdiklerinde ortaya çıkar. Yönetsel liderlik varolan istikrar ve düzenin korunmasını gerektirmektedir. Etik liderlik örgütlerde etiği yerleştirmek için kullanılan önemli bir metottur. Politik liderlik, çalışanları etkin bir biçimde anlayabilme ve bu bilgiyi örgütsel amaçlara ulaşmak için diğerlerini etkileme sürecinde kullanabilme becerisidir. Bu stratejik liderlik özelliklerinin bileşimi, çok farklı koşullarda ve belirsizliğin hâkim olduğu durumlarda yöneticilere başarılı olma imkânı verecektir. Bu çalışmada, stratejik liderlik kavramı, önemi ve dört önemli stratejik liderlik özelliği tartışılmıştır


  • Abell, D.F. (2006). “The Future of Strategy is Leadership”. Journal of Business Research, 59:310-314.
  • Ahearn, K.K.; Ferris, G.R.; Hocwarter, W.A. ve diğerleri (2004). ‘Leader Political Skill and Team Performance’. Journal of Management, 30(3):309-327.
  • Bass, B.M. (1990). “From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision”. Organizational Dynamics, Winter, 18(3):19-31.
  • Bass, B.M.; Avolio, B.J. (1990). “Developing Transformational Leadership: 1992 and Beyond”. Journal of Europen Industrial Training, 4(5):21-27.
  • Boal, K.B. ve Hooijberg, R. (2000). “Strategic Leadership Research: Moving On”. Leadership Quarterly, 11 (4):515-549.
  • Daft, R.L. (2000). Organization Theory and Design. Cincinnati: Thomson South-Western. (7. bs.)
  • Dessler, G. (1986). Organization Theory: Integrating Structure and Behavior. Singapore: Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
  • Douglas, C.; Ammeter, A.P. (2004). “An Examination of Leader Political Skill and its Effect on Ratings of Leader Effectiveness”. The Leadership Quarterly, 15:537-550.
  • Eren, E. (2000). Yönetim ve Organizasyon. İstanbul: Beta Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. 10. Ferris, G.R.; Perrewe, P.L.; Anthony, W.P.; Gilmore, D.C. (2000).“Political Skill at Work”. Organizational Dynamics, 28(4):25-37.
  • Gelatt, J.P. (2002). Leadership. Mann, C.J. ve Götz, K. (Ed.). The Development of Management Theory and Practice in The United States (65-86). USA: Pearson Custom Publishing.
  • Gellis, Z.D. (2001). “Social Work Perceptions of Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Health Care”. Social Work Research, March, 25(1):17-25.
  • Gini, A. (1997). “Moral Leadership: An Overview”. Journal of Business Ethics, 16:323-330.
  • Griffin, R.W. (2002). Management. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Guillot, C.W. (2003). Strategic Leadership: Defining the Challenge. Air & Space Power Journal, Winter, pp.67-75.
  • Guo, K.L. (2003). “An Assessment Tool For Developing Healthcare Managerial Skills and Roles”. Journal of Healthcare Management, Nov/Dec, 48(6):367-376.
  • Hambrick, D.; Mason, P. (1984). Upper Echelons: Organization as A Reflection of its Top Managers. Academy of Management Review, 9 (2):193-206.
  • Hambrick, D.; Pettigrew, A. (2001). Upper Echelons: Donald Hambrick on Executives and Strategy. Academy of Management Executive, 15(3):36- 44.
  • Hartman, S.J.; Crow, S.M. (2002). Executive Development in Healthcare During Times of Trubulence: Top Management Perceptions and Recommendations. Journal of Management in Medicine, 16(5): 359-370.
  • Hellriegel, D.; Slocum, J.W.; Woodman, R.W. (2001). Organizational Behavior ( USA: South-Western College Publishing.
  • Hitt, M.A.; Ireland, R.D. (2002). “The Essence of Strategic Leadership: Managing Human and Social Capital”. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(1):3-14.
  • Hitt, M.A.; Hoskisson, R.E.; Ireland, R.D. (2007). Management of Strategy (International Student Edition). China: Thomson South-Western.
  • Hosmer, L.T. (1982). “The Importance of Strategic Leadership”. The Journal of Business Strategy, 3(2):47-57.
  • Howel, J.P.; Costley, D.L. (2006). Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership ( New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces ,US. (2002). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making (Elektronik Kitap). Erişim: 23.06.2008. books%20%201999/ Strategic %20Leadership% 20and%20Decision-making %20 %20Feb%2099/cont. html
  • Ireland, R.D.; Hitt, M.A. (2005). “Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the 21st. Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership”. Academy of Management Executive, 19(4):63-74.
  • Ivancevich, J.M.; Matteson, M.T. (2002). Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
  • Jose, A.; Thibodeaux, M.S. (1999). “Institutionalization of Ethics: The Perspective of Managers”. Journal of Business Ethics, 22, 133-143.
  • Kırım, A. (2005). Yeni Dünyada Strateji ve Yönetim ( İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Koçel, T. (2001). İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Kotter, J.P. (1999). Liderler Gerçekte Ne Yapar? (Meral Tüzel, Çev.) Liderlik (45-66). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • Longenecker, J.G.; Pringle C.D. (1981). Management (5. bs.). USA: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company.
  • Lowe, K.B.; Kroeck, K.G.; Sivassubramaniam, N. (1996), “Effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta- analytic review of the MLQ literature”, Leadership Quarterly, 7:385- 425.
  • Luke, R.D.; Begun, J.W.; Walston, S. (2000). “Strategy Making in Health Care Organizations”. Shortell, S.M.; Kaluzny, A.D. (Ed.). Health Care Management (pp.394-432). USA: Delmar Thomson Learning.
  • Luthans, F. (1981). Organizational Behavior (3. bs.). USA: McGRAW- HILL Book Company.
  • Minkes, A.L.; Small, M.W.; Chatterjee, S.R. (1999). “Leadership and Business Ethics: Does It Matter? Implication for Management”. Journal of Business Ethics, 20:327-335.
  • Mintzberg, H. (1985). “The Organization as Political Arena”. Journal of Management Studies, 22(2):133-154.
  • Nielsen, R.P. (1989). “Changing Unethical Organizational Behavior”. The Academy of Management Executive. 3(2): 123-130. 39. O’Hair, D.; Friedrich, G.W.; Dixon, L.D.(2002). Strategic Communication in Business and Professions (4. bs.). USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Pearce, J.A.; Robinson, R.B. (2007). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control (10. bs.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Pisapia, J. (2009). The strategic leader. Charlotte: Information Age Publishers.
  • Priselac, T.; Grayson, M. (2008). “Honesty in Leadership”. Trustee, January, pp.22-26.
  • Rowe, W.G. (2001). “Creating Wealth in Organizations: The Role of Strategic Leadership”. Academy of Management Executive, 15(1):81-94.
  • Rost, J.C. (1995). “Leadership: A Discussion About Ethics”. Business Ethics Quarterly, 5(1):129-142.
  • Ryan, L.V. (2000). “Moral Aspects of Executive Leadership”. International Journal of Value-Based Management, 13:109-122.
  • Schultz, F.C. (2004). “Who Should Lead a Healthcare Organization: MD sor MBAs?”. Journal of Healthcare Management, 49(2), 103-117.
  • Spinelli, E.J. (2006). “The Applicability of Bass’s Model of Transformational Transactional, and Laissez-Faire Leadership in the Hospital Administrative Environment”. Hospital Topics, Spring, 84(2):11-18.
  • Stogdill, R.M. (1974). Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of The Literature. New York: Free Press.
  • Stoner, J.A.F.; Freeman, R.E. (1989). Management (4. bs.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Sullivan, G.R.; Harper, M.V. (1997). Umut Bir Yöntem Olamaz (Ayşe Bilge Dicleli, Çev.). İstanbul: Boyner Holding Yayınları.
  • Swayne, L.E.; Duncan W.J.; Ginter, P.M. (2006). Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations (5. bs.). Cornwall: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Treadway, D.C.; Hochwarter, W.A.; Ferris, G.R (2004). “Leader Political Skill and Employee Reactions”. The Leadership Quarterly, 15:493-513.
  • Uğurluoğlu, Ö. (2009). “Hastane Yöneticilerinin Stratejik Liderlik Özelliklerinin Bilimleri Enstitüsü Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi Programı Doktora Tezi. Ankara. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık
  • Ülgen, H.; Mirze, S.K. (2004). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim. İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • Vera, D.; Crossan, M. (2004). “Strategic Leadership and Organizational Learning”. Academy of Management Review, 29(2):222-240.
  • Wallick, W.G. (2002). “Healthcare Manager’ Roles, Competencies, and Outputs in Organizational Performance Improvement”. Journal of Healthcare Management, Nov/Dec, 47(6):390-402.
  • Wheelen, T.L.; Hunger, J.D. (1995). Strategic Management and Business Policy (5. bs.). USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
  • Yasin, M.Z. (2006). “The Use of Strategic Leadership Actions By Deans in Malaysian and American Universities”. Doktora Tezi. Florida Atlantic University. Florida.
  • Yukl, G. (1989). “Managerial Leadership: A Review of Theory and Research”. Journal of Management, 15(2):251-289.
  • Yukl, G. (1999). “An Evaluation of Coceptual Weaknesses in Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Theories”. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2):285-305.
  • Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in Organization (5. bs.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
  • Zaleznik, A. (1999). Yönetici ve Lider Birbirinden Farklı mıdır? (Meral Tüzel, Çev.) Liderlik (67-91). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2000a). “Creating A Vision For Twenty-First Century Healthcare Organization”. Journal of Healthcare Management, 45 (5), Sept/Oct:294-306.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2000b). “Leveraging Strategic Planning for Improved Financial Performance”. Healthcare Financial Management, Dec., 54- 57.
Year 2009, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 121 - 156, 01.04.2009



  • Abell, D.F. (2006). “The Future of Strategy is Leadership”. Journal of Business Research, 59:310-314.
  • Ahearn, K.K.; Ferris, G.R.; Hocwarter, W.A. ve diğerleri (2004). ‘Leader Political Skill and Team Performance’. Journal of Management, 30(3):309-327.
  • Bass, B.M. (1990). “From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision”. Organizational Dynamics, Winter, 18(3):19-31.
  • Bass, B.M.; Avolio, B.J. (1990). “Developing Transformational Leadership: 1992 and Beyond”. Journal of Europen Industrial Training, 4(5):21-27.
  • Boal, K.B. ve Hooijberg, R. (2000). “Strategic Leadership Research: Moving On”. Leadership Quarterly, 11 (4):515-549.
  • Daft, R.L. (2000). Organization Theory and Design. Cincinnati: Thomson South-Western. (7. bs.)
  • Dessler, G. (1986). Organization Theory: Integrating Structure and Behavior. Singapore: Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
  • Douglas, C.; Ammeter, A.P. (2004). “An Examination of Leader Political Skill and its Effect on Ratings of Leader Effectiveness”. The Leadership Quarterly, 15:537-550.
  • Eren, E. (2000). Yönetim ve Organizasyon. İstanbul: Beta Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. 10. Ferris, G.R.; Perrewe, P.L.; Anthony, W.P.; Gilmore, D.C. (2000).“Political Skill at Work”. Organizational Dynamics, 28(4):25-37.
  • Gelatt, J.P. (2002). Leadership. Mann, C.J. ve Götz, K. (Ed.). The Development of Management Theory and Practice in The United States (65-86). USA: Pearson Custom Publishing.
  • Gellis, Z.D. (2001). “Social Work Perceptions of Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Health Care”. Social Work Research, March, 25(1):17-25.
  • Gini, A. (1997). “Moral Leadership: An Overview”. Journal of Business Ethics, 16:323-330.
  • Griffin, R.W. (2002). Management. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Guillot, C.W. (2003). Strategic Leadership: Defining the Challenge. Air & Space Power Journal, Winter, pp.67-75.
  • Guo, K.L. (2003). “An Assessment Tool For Developing Healthcare Managerial Skills and Roles”. Journal of Healthcare Management, Nov/Dec, 48(6):367-376.
  • Hambrick, D.; Mason, P. (1984). Upper Echelons: Organization as A Reflection of its Top Managers. Academy of Management Review, 9 (2):193-206.
  • Hambrick, D.; Pettigrew, A. (2001). Upper Echelons: Donald Hambrick on Executives and Strategy. Academy of Management Executive, 15(3):36- 44.
  • Hartman, S.J.; Crow, S.M. (2002). Executive Development in Healthcare During Times of Trubulence: Top Management Perceptions and Recommendations. Journal of Management in Medicine, 16(5): 359-370.
  • Hellriegel, D.; Slocum, J.W.; Woodman, R.W. (2001). Organizational Behavior ( USA: South-Western College Publishing.
  • Hitt, M.A.; Ireland, R.D. (2002). “The Essence of Strategic Leadership: Managing Human and Social Capital”. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(1):3-14.
  • Hitt, M.A.; Hoskisson, R.E.; Ireland, R.D. (2007). Management of Strategy (International Student Edition). China: Thomson South-Western.
  • Hosmer, L.T. (1982). “The Importance of Strategic Leadership”. The Journal of Business Strategy, 3(2):47-57.
  • Howel, J.P.; Costley, D.L. (2006). Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership ( New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces ,US. (2002). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making (Elektronik Kitap). Erişim: 23.06.2008. books%20%201999/ Strategic %20Leadership% 20and%20Decision-making %20 %20Feb%2099/cont. html
  • Ireland, R.D.; Hitt, M.A. (2005). “Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the 21st. Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership”. Academy of Management Executive, 19(4):63-74.
  • Ivancevich, J.M.; Matteson, M.T. (2002). Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
  • Jose, A.; Thibodeaux, M.S. (1999). “Institutionalization of Ethics: The Perspective of Managers”. Journal of Business Ethics, 22, 133-143.
  • Kırım, A. (2005). Yeni Dünyada Strateji ve Yönetim ( İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Koçel, T. (2001). İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Kotter, J.P. (1999). Liderler Gerçekte Ne Yapar? (Meral Tüzel, Çev.) Liderlik (45-66). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • Longenecker, J.G.; Pringle C.D. (1981). Management (5. bs.). USA: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company.
  • Lowe, K.B.; Kroeck, K.G.; Sivassubramaniam, N. (1996), “Effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta- analytic review of the MLQ literature”, Leadership Quarterly, 7:385- 425.
  • Luke, R.D.; Begun, J.W.; Walston, S. (2000). “Strategy Making in Health Care Organizations”. Shortell, S.M.; Kaluzny, A.D. (Ed.). Health Care Management (pp.394-432). USA: Delmar Thomson Learning.
  • Luthans, F. (1981). Organizational Behavior (3. bs.). USA: McGRAW- HILL Book Company.
  • Minkes, A.L.; Small, M.W.; Chatterjee, S.R. (1999). “Leadership and Business Ethics: Does It Matter? Implication for Management”. Journal of Business Ethics, 20:327-335.
  • Mintzberg, H. (1985). “The Organization as Political Arena”. Journal of Management Studies, 22(2):133-154.
  • Nielsen, R.P. (1989). “Changing Unethical Organizational Behavior”. The Academy of Management Executive. 3(2): 123-130. 39. O’Hair, D.; Friedrich, G.W.; Dixon, L.D.(2002). Strategic Communication in Business and Professions (4. bs.). USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Pearce, J.A.; Robinson, R.B. (2007). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control (10. bs.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Pisapia, J. (2009). The strategic leader. Charlotte: Information Age Publishers.
  • Priselac, T.; Grayson, M. (2008). “Honesty in Leadership”. Trustee, January, pp.22-26.
  • Rowe, W.G. (2001). “Creating Wealth in Organizations: The Role of Strategic Leadership”. Academy of Management Executive, 15(1):81-94.
  • Rost, J.C. (1995). “Leadership: A Discussion About Ethics”. Business Ethics Quarterly, 5(1):129-142.
  • Ryan, L.V. (2000). “Moral Aspects of Executive Leadership”. International Journal of Value-Based Management, 13:109-122.
  • Schultz, F.C. (2004). “Who Should Lead a Healthcare Organization: MD sor MBAs?”. Journal of Healthcare Management, 49(2), 103-117.
  • Spinelli, E.J. (2006). “The Applicability of Bass’s Model of Transformational Transactional, and Laissez-Faire Leadership in the Hospital Administrative Environment”. Hospital Topics, Spring, 84(2):11-18.
  • Stogdill, R.M. (1974). Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of The Literature. New York: Free Press.
  • Stoner, J.A.F.; Freeman, R.E. (1989). Management (4. bs.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Sullivan, G.R.; Harper, M.V. (1997). Umut Bir Yöntem Olamaz (Ayşe Bilge Dicleli, Çev.). İstanbul: Boyner Holding Yayınları.
  • Swayne, L.E.; Duncan W.J.; Ginter, P.M. (2006). Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations (5. bs.). Cornwall: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Treadway, D.C.; Hochwarter, W.A.; Ferris, G.R (2004). “Leader Political Skill and Employee Reactions”. The Leadership Quarterly, 15:493-513.
  • Uğurluoğlu, Ö. (2009). “Hastane Yöneticilerinin Stratejik Liderlik Özelliklerinin Bilimleri Enstitüsü Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi Programı Doktora Tezi. Ankara. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık
  • Ülgen, H.; Mirze, S.K. (2004). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim. İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • Vera, D.; Crossan, M. (2004). “Strategic Leadership and Organizational Learning”. Academy of Management Review, 29(2):222-240.
  • Wallick, W.G. (2002). “Healthcare Manager’ Roles, Competencies, and Outputs in Organizational Performance Improvement”. Journal of Healthcare Management, Nov/Dec, 47(6):390-402.
  • Wheelen, T.L.; Hunger, J.D. (1995). Strategic Management and Business Policy (5. bs.). USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
  • Yasin, M.Z. (2006). “The Use of Strategic Leadership Actions By Deans in Malaysian and American Universities”. Doktora Tezi. Florida Atlantic University. Florida.
  • Yukl, G. (1989). “Managerial Leadership: A Review of Theory and Research”. Journal of Management, 15(2):251-289.
  • Yukl, G. (1999). “An Evaluation of Coceptual Weaknesses in Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Theories”. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2):285-305.
  • Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in Organization (5. bs.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
  • Zaleznik, A. (1999). Yönetici ve Lider Birbirinden Farklı mıdır? (Meral Tüzel, Çev.) Liderlik (67-91). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2000a). “Creating A Vision For Twenty-First Century Healthcare Organization”. Journal of Healthcare Management, 45 (5), Sept/Oct:294-306.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2000b). “Leveraging Strategic Planning for Improved Financial Performance”. Healthcare Financial Management, Dec., 54- 57.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Özgür Uğurluoğlu This is me

Yusuf Çelik This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Uğurluoğlu, Ö., & Çelik, Y. (2009). Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 12(2), 121-156.
AMA Uğurluoğlu Ö, Çelik Y. Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri. HSİD. April 2009;12(2):121-156.
Chicago Uğurluoğlu, Özgür, and Yusuf Çelik. “Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik Ve Özellikleri”. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi 12, no. 2 (April 2009): 121-56.
EndNote Uğurluoğlu Ö, Çelik Y (April 1, 2009) Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi 12 2 121–156.
IEEE Ö. Uğurluoğlu and Y. Çelik, “Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri”, HSİD, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 121–156, 2009.
ISNAD Uğurluoğlu, Özgür - Çelik, Yusuf. “Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik Ve Özellikleri”. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi 12/2 (April 2009), 121-156.
JAMA Uğurluoğlu Ö, Çelik Y. Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri. HSİD. 2009;12:121–156.
MLA Uğurluoğlu, Özgür and Yusuf Çelik. “Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik Ve Özellikleri”. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2009, pp. 121-56.
Vancouver Uğurluoğlu Ö, Çelik Y. Örgütlerde Stratejik Liderlik ve Özellikleri. HSİD. 2009;12(2):121-56.