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Türkiye ‘de tescilli makarnalık buğday (Triticum durum) ve yerel çeşitlerin sürme hastalığına karşı moleküler taraması

Year 2024, , 29 - 38, 25.03.2024


Basidiomycetes fungusu Tilletia caries ve Tilletia foetida’ nın neden olduğu sürme hastalığı buğdayda pas (Puccinia spp.) hastalıklarından sonra önemli bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalığı kontrol etmek için genellikle tohum ilaçlaması yapılır, ancak son zamanlarda etkinliği azalmıştır. Bu nedenle, hastalık ile mücadelede dayanıklı bitki materyalleri tercih edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda, mevcut çalışmada toplam 61 tescilli makarnalık buğday çeşidinde ve yerel çeşitlerde sürme dayanıklılık genlerini (Bt8, Bt10 ve Bt11) moleküler tekniklerle belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. PCR analizinde, kullanılan bitki materyallerinde Bt dayanıklılık genlerini tanımlamak için SSR belirteci Xgwm114 kullanılmıştır. Moleküler sonuçlara göre, test edilen tescilli çeşit ve yerel çeşitlerin çoğunda t8 dayanıklılık geninin bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir (15 tescilli çeşit ve 5 yerel çeşit). Ayrıca, sonuçlar test edilen materyallerin gen kombinasyonu içermediği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye'deki tescilli makarnalık buğday ve yerel çeşitlerde sürme dayanıklılık genlerinin tanımlandığı ilk moleküler çalışmadır. Ayrıca, bu bulgular buğdayda sürme hastalığı ile ilgili ıslah programlarında kullanılabilir.


  • Aboukhaddour, R., Fetch, T., McCallum, B. D., Harding, M. W., Beres, B. L., & Graf, R. J. (2020). Wheat diseases on the prairies: A Canadian story. Plant Pathology, 69(3), 418-432.
  • Akçura, M., & Akan, K. (2018). Assessment of the reactions of pure lines selected from Turkish bread wheat landraces against bunt disease (Tilletia foetida) with the GGE-biplot method. Plant Genetic Resources, 16(4), 325-333.
  • Amangeldikyzy, Z., Galymbek, K., Gabdulov, M., Amangeldi, N., Irkitbay, A., Suleimanova, G., & Sapakhova, Z. (2023). Identification of new sources of wheat stem rust resistance genes. Research on Crops, 24(1), 15-27.
  • Ataç, A., & Çetin, V. (1995). Investigations on the reactions of some wheat varieties and lines against the physiologic races of common bunt disease of wheat [Tilletia foetida (wallr.) Liro., T. caries (dc) tul.] determined in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin, 35(3-4), 177-189.
  • Finci, S. (1981). Studies on the Pathogenic Races of Tilletia foetida and Tilletia caries and their Pathogenicity on Some Wheat Varieties in Turkey. EPPO Bulletin,11(2), 77-82.
  • Goates, B. J. (1996). Bunt and Smut Diseases of Wheat. Mexico: CIMMYT.
  • Goates, B. J. (2012). Identification of new pathogenic races of common bunt and dwarf bunt fungi, and evaluation of known races using an expanded set of differential wheat lines. Plant disease, 96(3), 361-369.
  • Goates, B. J., & Mercier, J. (2009). Effect of biofumigation with volatiles from Muscodor albus on the viability of Tilletia spp. teliospores. Canadian journal of microbiology, 55(2), 203-206.
  • Hagenguth, J. F. (2016). Breeding for organic agriculture: Evaluation of common bunt resistance in three winter wheat populations derived from M822123, PI178383 and PI560841-bcl (Doctoral dissertation, PhD Thesis. Vienna, 2016. 135).
  • Knox R, Fernandez M, Brûlé A, DePauw R. (1998). Inheritance of common bunt resistance in androgenetically derived doubled haploid and random inbred populations of wheat. Crop Science, 38, 1119-24.
  • Madenova, A. K., Atishova, M. N., Kokhmetova, A. M., Galymbek, K., & Yernazarova, G. I. (2019). Identification of carriers of resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries) of winter wheat. Research on Crops, 20(4), 782-790.
  • Madenova, A., Sapakhova, Z., Bakirov, S., Galymbek, K., Yernazarova, G., Kokhmetova, A., & Keishilov, Z. (2021). Screening of wheat genotypes for the presence of common bunt resistance genes. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(5), 2816-2823.
  • Mamluk, O. F. (1998). Bunts and smuts of wheat in North Africa and the Near East. Euphytica, 100, 45-50.
  • Mamluk, O. F., & Nachit, M. M. (1994). Sources of resistance to common bunt (Tilletia foetida and T. caries) in durum wheat. Journal of Phytopathology, 142(2), 122-130.
  • Mamluk, O. F., Çetin, L., Braun, H. J., Bolat, N., Bertschinger, L., Makkouk, K. M., & Düsünceli, F. (1997). Current status of wheat and barley diseases in the Central Anatolian Plateau of Turkey. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 167-181.
  • Matanguihan, J. B., Murphy, K. M., & Jones, S. S. (2011). Control of common bunt in organic wheat. Plant disease, 95(2), 92-103.
  • Menzies, J. G., Knox, R. E., Popovic, Z., & Procunier, J. D. (2006). Common bunt resistance gene Bt10 located on wheat chromosome 6D. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 86 (Special Issue), 1409-1412.
  • Morgounov, A., Abugalieva, A., Akan, K., Akın, B., Baenziger, S., Bhatta, M., ... & Zelenskiy, Y. (2018). High-yielding winter synthetic hexaploid wheats resistant to multiple diseases and pests. Plant Genetic Resources, 16(3), 273-278.
  • Mourad, A. M. I., Morgounov, A., Baenziger, P. S., & Esmail, S. M. (2023). Genetic variation in common bunt resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheat. Plants, 12(1), 2.
  • Mourad, A., Mahdy, E., Bakheit, B. R., Abo-Elwafaa, A., & Baenziger, P. S. (2018). Effect of common bunt infection on agronomic traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Plant Genetics and Breeding, 2(2).
  • Muellner, A. E., Buerstmayr, M., Eshonkulov, B., Hole, D., Michel, S., Hagenguth, J. F., ... & Buerstmayr, H. (2021). Comparative mapping and validation of multiple disease resistance QTL for simultaneously controlling common and dwarf bunt in bread wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134, 489-503.
  • Randhawa, H. S., Asif, M., Pozniak, C., Clarke, J. M., Graf, R. J., Fox, S. L., ... & Spaner, D. (2013). Application of molecular markers to wheat breeding in Canada. Plant Breeding, 132(5), 458-471.
  • Wang, R., Gordon, T., Hole, D., Zhao, W., Isham, K., Bonman, J. M., ... & Chen, J. (2019). Identification and assessment of two major QTLs for dwarf bunt resistance in winter wheat line ‘IDO835’. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132, 2755-2766.

Molecular screening of registered durum wheat (Triticum durum) varieties and landraces to common bunt disease in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 29 - 38, 25.03.2024


Common bunt caused by the basidiomycetes fungi Tilletia caries and Tilletia foetida is significant wheat disease, particularly following rust (Puccinia spp.) diseases. Seed treatment with fungicides has traditionally been the primary method for disease control. However recently its effectiveness has reduced. Growing resistant plant materials are therefore preferred to management of common bunt disease. In this regard, the current study was conducted to detect common bunt resistance genes (Bt8, Bt10, and Bt11) in a total of 61 registered durum wheat varieties and landraces using molecular techniques. In PCR assay, these plant materials were screened with SSR marker Xgwm114 to identify whether they carried any of the Bt resistance genes. According to the molecular results, most of the tested varieties and landraces were found in the Bt8 resistance gene (15 registered varieties and 5 landraces). Additionally, the results showed that none of the tested varieties and landraces had gene combinations. To sum up, this is the first molecular study to identify common bunt resistance genes in durum wheat varieties and landraces in Türkiye. Furthermore, these findings can be used in breeding programs to management with common bunt disease.


  • Aboukhaddour, R., Fetch, T., McCallum, B. D., Harding, M. W., Beres, B. L., & Graf, R. J. (2020). Wheat diseases on the prairies: A Canadian story. Plant Pathology, 69(3), 418-432.
  • Akçura, M., & Akan, K. (2018). Assessment of the reactions of pure lines selected from Turkish bread wheat landraces against bunt disease (Tilletia foetida) with the GGE-biplot method. Plant Genetic Resources, 16(4), 325-333.
  • Amangeldikyzy, Z., Galymbek, K., Gabdulov, M., Amangeldi, N., Irkitbay, A., Suleimanova, G., & Sapakhova, Z. (2023). Identification of new sources of wheat stem rust resistance genes. Research on Crops, 24(1), 15-27.
  • Ataç, A., & Çetin, V. (1995). Investigations on the reactions of some wheat varieties and lines against the physiologic races of common bunt disease of wheat [Tilletia foetida (wallr.) Liro., T. caries (dc) tul.] determined in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin, 35(3-4), 177-189.
  • Finci, S. (1981). Studies on the Pathogenic Races of Tilletia foetida and Tilletia caries and their Pathogenicity on Some Wheat Varieties in Turkey. EPPO Bulletin,11(2), 77-82.
  • Goates, B. J. (1996). Bunt and Smut Diseases of Wheat. Mexico: CIMMYT.
  • Goates, B. J. (2012). Identification of new pathogenic races of common bunt and dwarf bunt fungi, and evaluation of known races using an expanded set of differential wheat lines. Plant disease, 96(3), 361-369.
  • Goates, B. J., & Mercier, J. (2009). Effect of biofumigation with volatiles from Muscodor albus on the viability of Tilletia spp. teliospores. Canadian journal of microbiology, 55(2), 203-206.
  • Hagenguth, J. F. (2016). Breeding for organic agriculture: Evaluation of common bunt resistance in three winter wheat populations derived from M822123, PI178383 and PI560841-bcl (Doctoral dissertation, PhD Thesis. Vienna, 2016. 135).
  • Knox R, Fernandez M, Brûlé A, DePauw R. (1998). Inheritance of common bunt resistance in androgenetically derived doubled haploid and random inbred populations of wheat. Crop Science, 38, 1119-24.
  • Madenova, A. K., Atishova, M. N., Kokhmetova, A. M., Galymbek, K., & Yernazarova, G. I. (2019). Identification of carriers of resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries) of winter wheat. Research on Crops, 20(4), 782-790.
  • Madenova, A., Sapakhova, Z., Bakirov, S., Galymbek, K., Yernazarova, G., Kokhmetova, A., & Keishilov, Z. (2021). Screening of wheat genotypes for the presence of common bunt resistance genes. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(5), 2816-2823.
  • Mamluk, O. F. (1998). Bunts and smuts of wheat in North Africa and the Near East. Euphytica, 100, 45-50.
  • Mamluk, O. F., & Nachit, M. M. (1994). Sources of resistance to common bunt (Tilletia foetida and T. caries) in durum wheat. Journal of Phytopathology, 142(2), 122-130.
  • Mamluk, O. F., Çetin, L., Braun, H. J., Bolat, N., Bertschinger, L., Makkouk, K. M., & Düsünceli, F. (1997). Current status of wheat and barley diseases in the Central Anatolian Plateau of Turkey. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 167-181.
  • Matanguihan, J. B., Murphy, K. M., & Jones, S. S. (2011). Control of common bunt in organic wheat. Plant disease, 95(2), 92-103.
  • Menzies, J. G., Knox, R. E., Popovic, Z., & Procunier, J. D. (2006). Common bunt resistance gene Bt10 located on wheat chromosome 6D. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 86 (Special Issue), 1409-1412.
  • Morgounov, A., Abugalieva, A., Akan, K., Akın, B., Baenziger, S., Bhatta, M., ... & Zelenskiy, Y. (2018). High-yielding winter synthetic hexaploid wheats resistant to multiple diseases and pests. Plant Genetic Resources, 16(3), 273-278.
  • Mourad, A. M. I., Morgounov, A., Baenziger, P. S., & Esmail, S. M. (2023). Genetic variation in common bunt resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheat. Plants, 12(1), 2.
  • Mourad, A., Mahdy, E., Bakheit, B. R., Abo-Elwafaa, A., & Baenziger, P. S. (2018). Effect of common bunt infection on agronomic traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Plant Genetics and Breeding, 2(2).
  • Muellner, A. E., Buerstmayr, M., Eshonkulov, B., Hole, D., Michel, S., Hagenguth, J. F., ... & Buerstmayr, H. (2021). Comparative mapping and validation of multiple disease resistance QTL for simultaneously controlling common and dwarf bunt in bread wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134, 489-503.
  • Randhawa, H. S., Asif, M., Pozniak, C., Clarke, J. M., Graf, R. J., Fox, S. L., ... & Spaner, D. (2013). Application of molecular markers to wheat breeding in Canada. Plant Breeding, 132(5), 458-471.
  • Wang, R., Gordon, T., Hole, D., Zhao, W., Isham, K., Bonman, J. M., ... & Chen, J. (2019). Identification and assessment of two major QTLs for dwarf bunt resistance in winter wheat line ‘IDO835’. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132, 2755-2766.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Çat 0000-0002-5638-0319

Early Pub Date March 25, 2024
Publication Date March 25, 2024
Submission Date August 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Çat, A. (2024). Molecular screening of registered durum wheat (Triticum durum) varieties and landraces to common bunt disease in Türkiye. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 29-38.

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