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Bursa Koşullarında Batarya Kafeste Yumurtacı Tavuklarda Sıcaklık Stresinin Sıcaklık-Nem İndeksiyle Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, , 401 - 410, 28.09.2024


Artan küresel ısınmayla birlikte ısı stresi kanatlı endüstrisi için daha ciddi bir tehdit haline gelmiştir. Kümes hayvanları diğer çiftlik hayvanlarına kıyasla çevresel koşullardan daha çabuk etkilenen hassas hayvanlardır. Bundan dolayı daha kolay ısı stresine girmektedirler. Yüksek sıcaklık ve bağıl nem, ısı stresine neden olarak hayvanın büyümesini, verimliliğini ve refahını etkileyen başlıca çevresel faktörlerdir. Isı stresine giren yumurta tavuklarında yumurta verimi düşer, yem tüketimi azalır, yemden yararlanma oranı azalır ve yumurta iç dış kalitesinde bozulmalar meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Bursa bölgesinde batarya tipi kafeste ticari yumurta üretimi yapılan bir işletmede, yumurta tavuklarında görülen ısı stresinin sıcaklık-nem (THI) indeksiyle belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma sonucuna göre, en yüksek THI değerleri yaz aylarında meydana gelmiştir ve Temmuz (26.0) ve Ağustos (24.8) ayında tavuklar için kritik seviyededir. İlkbahar, yaz ve sonbahar aylarında elde edilen yumurta verimleri ile hesaplanan sıcaklık-nem indeksi değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamaktadır. Kümes iç ortam sıcaklığı ile yumurta üretimi arasında ters bir ilişki vardır.


  • Akyuz, A., & Boyaci, S. (2010). Determination of heat and moisture balance for broiler house. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(14), 1899-1901. DOI:
  • Akyuz, A., Boyaci, S., & Cayli, A. (2010). Determination of critical period for dairy cows using temperature humidity index. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(13), 1824-1827. DOI:
  • Angelo, M. S. P. de, Nääs, I., & Vendrametto, O. (2014). Programa computacional para a estimativa de conforto térmico na produção intensiva de suínos e frangos de corte. Engenharia na Agricultura, (22),535-542. DOI:
  • Anonymous, 2023. Ensotek, Yaş Termometre Sıcaklığı Hesaplama. Retrieved from:
  • Behura, N. C., Kumar, F., Samal, L., Sethy, K., Behera, K., & Nayak, G. D. (2016). Use of Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) in energy modeling for broiler breeder pullets in hot and humid climatic conditions. Journal of Livestock Science, 7, 75-83.
  • Bohmanova, J., Misztal, I., & Cole, J. B. (2007). Temperature-humidity indices as indicators of milk production losses due to heat stress. Journal of dairy science, 90(4), 1947-1956. DOI:
  • Cunha, G. C. D. A., Lopes, J. P., Furtado, D. A., Borges, V. P., Freire, E. A., & Nascimento, J. W. D. (2019). Diagnosis and validation by computational fluid dynamics of poultry house with negative pressure ventilation. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 23(10), 761-767. DOI:
  • Donkoh, A. (1989). Ambient temperature: a factor affecting performance and physiological response of broiler hens. International Journal of Biometeorology, 33(4), 259-265. DOI:
  • Gates, R. S., Zhang, H., Colliver, D. G., & Overhults, D. G. (1995). Regional variation in temperature humidity index for poultry housing. Transactions of the ASAE, 38(1), 197-205. DOI:
  • Herbut, P., Angrecka, S., & Walczak, J. (2018). Environmental parameters to assessing of heat stress in dairy cattle—a review. International Journal of Biometeorology, 62(12), 2089-2097. DOI:
  • Jongbo, A. O. (2020). Evaluation of the environmental parameters of battery-caged poultry house in the humid tropical climate. Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal-RECIA, 12(2), e753. DOI:
  • Kumari, K. N. R., & Nath, D. N. (2018). Ameliorative measures to counter heat stress in poultry. World's Poultry Science Journal, 74(1), 117-130. DOI:
  • Narmilan, A., Puvanitha, N., Ahamed, A. S., & Santhirakumar, S. (2021). Relationship between temperature-humidity index and milk production of dairy cows in tropical climate. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 40(3), 246-252. DOI:
  • NFACC, 2013. The National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep. (Accesed on 22 May 2024).
  • Purswell, J. L., Dozier III, W. A., Olanrewaju, H. A., Davis, J. D., Xin, H., & Gates, R. S. (2012). Effect of temperature-humidity index on live performance in broiler chickens grown from 49 to 63 days of age. In 2012 IX International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES IX) (p. 3), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • Şentürk, Y. E., Şekeroğlu, A., & Duman, M. (2020). The Effect of Heat Stress on Egg Quality Properties: A Review. International Journal of Poultry-Ornamental Birds Science and Technology, 1(1), 30-33.
  • Tao, X., & Xin, H. (2003). Acute synergistic effects of air temperature, humidity, and velocity on homeostasis of market–size broilers. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(2), 491. DOI:
  • Wasti, S., Sah, N., & Mishra, B. (2020). Impact of heat stress on poultry health and performances, and potential mitigation strategies. Animals, 10(8), 1266. DOI: ttps://
  • Yayli, B., & Kilic, I., (2023). Determination of Heat Stress by Temperature-Humidity Index in Enriched Cage System Laying Hens: A Bursa Case Study. V. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey.
  • Zulovich, J. M., & DeShazer, J. A. (1990). Estimating egg production declines at high environmental temperatures and humidities. Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers, (90-4021).

Evaluation of heat stress using temperature-humidity index in laying hens in battery cages under Bursa conditions

Year 2024, , 401 - 410, 28.09.2024


Heat stress has become a more severe threat to the poultry industry with increasing global warming. Poultry is a sensitive animal affected more quickly by environmental conditions than other farm animals. Therefore, they are more easily exposed to heat stress. High temperature and relative humidity are significant environmental factors affecting animal growth, productivity, and welfare by causing heat stress. In laying hens under heat stress, egg production decreases, feed consumption increases, feed efficiency decreases, and deterioration in egg quality occurs. This study aims to determine the heat stress of laying hens using the temperature-humidity index (THI) in a farm where commercial egg production is conducted in battery cages in the Bursa region. According to the study results, the highest THI values occurred in the summer months and were at a critical level for chickens in July (26.0) and August (24.8). There is no statistically significant relationship between egg yields obtained in spring, summer, and autumn and the calculated temperature humidity index values. There is an inverse relationship between indoor temperature and egg production.


  • Akyuz, A., & Boyaci, S. (2010). Determination of heat and moisture balance for broiler house. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(14), 1899-1901. DOI:
  • Akyuz, A., Boyaci, S., & Cayli, A. (2010). Determination of critical period for dairy cows using temperature humidity index. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(13), 1824-1827. DOI:
  • Angelo, M. S. P. de, Nääs, I., & Vendrametto, O. (2014). Programa computacional para a estimativa de conforto térmico na produção intensiva de suínos e frangos de corte. Engenharia na Agricultura, (22),535-542. DOI:
  • Anonymous, 2023. Ensotek, Yaş Termometre Sıcaklığı Hesaplama. Retrieved from:
  • Behura, N. C., Kumar, F., Samal, L., Sethy, K., Behera, K., & Nayak, G. D. (2016). Use of Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) in energy modeling for broiler breeder pullets in hot and humid climatic conditions. Journal of Livestock Science, 7, 75-83.
  • Bohmanova, J., Misztal, I., & Cole, J. B. (2007). Temperature-humidity indices as indicators of milk production losses due to heat stress. Journal of dairy science, 90(4), 1947-1956. DOI:
  • Cunha, G. C. D. A., Lopes, J. P., Furtado, D. A., Borges, V. P., Freire, E. A., & Nascimento, J. W. D. (2019). Diagnosis and validation by computational fluid dynamics of poultry house with negative pressure ventilation. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 23(10), 761-767. DOI:
  • Donkoh, A. (1989). Ambient temperature: a factor affecting performance and physiological response of broiler hens. International Journal of Biometeorology, 33(4), 259-265. DOI:
  • Gates, R. S., Zhang, H., Colliver, D. G., & Overhults, D. G. (1995). Regional variation in temperature humidity index for poultry housing. Transactions of the ASAE, 38(1), 197-205. DOI:
  • Herbut, P., Angrecka, S., & Walczak, J. (2018). Environmental parameters to assessing of heat stress in dairy cattle—a review. International Journal of Biometeorology, 62(12), 2089-2097. DOI:
  • Jongbo, A. O. (2020). Evaluation of the environmental parameters of battery-caged poultry house in the humid tropical climate. Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal-RECIA, 12(2), e753. DOI:
  • Kumari, K. N. R., & Nath, D. N. (2018). Ameliorative measures to counter heat stress in poultry. World's Poultry Science Journal, 74(1), 117-130. DOI:
  • Narmilan, A., Puvanitha, N., Ahamed, A. S., & Santhirakumar, S. (2021). Relationship between temperature-humidity index and milk production of dairy cows in tropical climate. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 40(3), 246-252. DOI:
  • NFACC, 2013. The National Farm Animal Care Council, Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep. (Accesed on 22 May 2024).
  • Purswell, J. L., Dozier III, W. A., Olanrewaju, H. A., Davis, J. D., Xin, H., & Gates, R. S. (2012). Effect of temperature-humidity index on live performance in broiler chickens grown from 49 to 63 days of age. In 2012 IX International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES IX) (p. 3), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • Şentürk, Y. E., Şekeroğlu, A., & Duman, M. (2020). The Effect of Heat Stress on Egg Quality Properties: A Review. International Journal of Poultry-Ornamental Birds Science and Technology, 1(1), 30-33.
  • Tao, X., & Xin, H. (2003). Acute synergistic effects of air temperature, humidity, and velocity on homeostasis of market–size broilers. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(2), 491. DOI:
  • Wasti, S., Sah, N., & Mishra, B. (2020). Impact of heat stress on poultry health and performances, and potential mitigation strategies. Animals, 10(8), 1266. DOI: ttps://
  • Yayli, B., & Kilic, I., (2023). Determination of Heat Stress by Temperature-Humidity Index in Enriched Cage System Laying Hens: A Bursa Case Study. V. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey.
  • Zulovich, J. M., & DeShazer, J. A. (1990). Estimating egg production declines at high environmental temperatures and humidities. Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers, (90-4021).
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Structures
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

İlker Kılıç 0000-0003-0087-6718

Büşra Yaylı 0000-0002-0198-3550

Early Pub Date September 28, 2024
Publication Date September 28, 2024
Submission Date February 23, 2024
Acceptance Date July 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kılıç, İ., & Yaylı, B. (2024). Evaluation of heat stress using temperature-humidity index in laying hens in battery cages under Bursa conditions. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(3), 401-410.

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