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Pamukta (G. hirsutum L.) Farklı Priming Uygulamalarının Çimlenme ve Fide Gelişim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 343 - 356, 27.09.2017


Ülkemiz için önemli bir ürün olan
pamuğun üretim artışında, yüksek verim potansiyeline sahip genetik potansiyeli
iyi olan çeşitlerin yetiştirilmesinin yanında, yetiştirme koşullarının optimize
edilmesi de önem taşıyan diğer bir faktördür. Bu faktörlerden biri de son
yıllarda üzerinde yoğunlaşılan bir konu olan priming (ekim öncesi tohum
uygulamaları) giderek önem taşımaktadır. Pamukta farklı priming uygulamalarının
tohumun çimlenme özellikleri ile fide gelişimi ve bitki kök ve toprak üstü kuru
madde miktarına etkisinin araştırıldığı bu çalışma,
Çukurova Üniversitesi, Biyoteknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi
laboratuvarları ile araştırma-deneme seralarında 2013 ve 2014 yıllarında
yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, Çukurova koşullarında yaygın olarak yetiştirilen ve
bazı bitkisel karakterler yönünden birbirinden farklılık taşıyan SG 125 ve
Flash pamuk çeşitlerinin delinte edilmiş tohumları;
1) %3’lük Potasyumnitrat (KNO3), 2) %10’luk Polietilenglikol
(PEG-8000) 3) Mannitol, 4) %2’lik Potasyum klorür (KCl) ve 5) Saf su priming
uygulamalarına tabi tutulmuş, 6) priming uygulamasız tohumlar ise kontrol olarak

Elde edilen sonuçlar, hem laboratuvar hem de saksı koşullarında
genel olarak Flash çeşidinin çimlenme özelliklerinin SG-125 çeşidine göre daha
iyi olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda hem petri koşullarında hem de toprak
koşullarında saptanan çimlenme hızı ve gücü ile sürme hızı ve gücü değerleri
Flash çeşidinde, SG-125 çeşidine kıyasla önemli oranda daha yüksek
saptanmıştır. Priming uygulamaları içerisinde, özellikle Saf su ve Mannitol
uygulamalarının çimlenme ve fide gelişimi yönünden kontrol uygulamaları ve
diğer uygulamalara kıyasla avantajlar sağladığı, bu nedenle bu uygulamaların
pamuk tarımı yönünden avantaj sağlayabileceği ve bu uygulamalarla ilgili tarla
koşullarını da içeren daha detaylı araştırmalar yapılması gerektiği sonucuna


  • Abandani, R.R., Ramezani, M., 2012. The Physiological Effects on Some Traits of Osmopriming Germination of Maize (Zea mays L.), Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Cucumber (Cucumissativus L). International Journal of Agronomy, 4(2): 132-148.
  • Ahmadvand, G., Soleymani, F., Saadatian, B., Pouya, M., 2012. Effects of Seed Priming on Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence of Cotton Under Salinity Stress. World Applied Sciences Journal, 20 (11): 1453-1458.
  • Bagher, M., Asl, A., Taheri, G., 2012. Survey the Effect of Seed Priming on Germination and Physiological Indices of Cotton Khordad Cultivar. Annals of Biological Research, 3 (2): 1003-1009.
  • Bradford, K.J, 1986. Manipulation of Seed Water Relations Via Osmotic Priming to Improve Germination Under Stress Conditions. Horticultural Science, 21: 1105–1112.
  • Bradow, J.M., Bauer, P.J., 2010. Germination and Seedling Development. “Alınmıştır: Physiology of Cotton, J. McD. Stewart ve ark.2010”.
  • Buxton, D.R., Sprenger, P.J., 1976. Genetic Variability for Cottonseed Germination at Favorable and Low Temperatures. Crop Science, 16: 243-246.
  • Caseiro, R., Bennett, M.A. and J. Marcos-Filho., 2004. Comparison of Three Priming Techniques for Onion Seed Lots Differing Initial Seed Quality. Seed Science and Technology, 32: 365-375.
  • Cheng, Z., Bradford, K.J., 1999. Hydrothermal Time Analysis of Tomato Seed Germination Responses to Priming Treatments. Journal of Experimental Botany, 33: 89-99.
  • De Villiers, A.J., Van Rooyen, M.V., Theron, G.K., Van De Venter, H.A., 1994. Germination of Three Namaqualand Pioneer Species, As Influenced By Salinity, Temperature and Light. Seed Science & Technology, 22(3): 427-433.
  • Demir, I. and H. A. Van de Venter., 1999. The Effect of Priming Treatments on The Performance of Watermelon (Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) Seeds Under Temperature Andosmotic Stress. Seed Science and Technology, 27(3): 871-875.
  • Fujikura, Y., Kraak, H.L., Basra, A.S., Karssen, C.M., 1993. Seed and Technology. 21: 639-642.
  • Ghasemi-Golezani, K., Aliloo, A.A., Valizadeh, M., Moghaddam, M., 2008. Effects of Hydro and Osmo-Priming on Seed Germination and Field Emergence Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 36(1): 29-33.
  • Giri, G.S. and Schillinger, W.F., 2003. Seed Priming Winter Wheat for Germination, Emergence, and Yield. Crop Science, 43: 2135-2141.
  • Gummerson, R. J., 1986. The Effect of Constant Temperatures and Osmotic Potentials on the Germination of Sugar Beet. Journal of Experimental Botany, 37: 729-741.
  • Harris, D., Joshi, A., Khan, P.A., Gothkar, P., Sodhi, P.S., 1999. On Farm Seed Priming in Semi-Arid Agriculture Development and Evaluation in Maire, Rice And Chickpea in India Using Participatory Methods. Experimental Agriculture, 35: 15-29.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Arif, M., Yunas, M., 2005. Alleviating Micronutrient Deficiencies in Alkaline Soils of The North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan: On-Farm Seed Priming With Zinc in Wheat and Chickpea. In: Andersen, Tuladhar P,Karki JK, Maskey KB. S.L. (Eds) Micronutrients in South and South East Asia, pp 143-151. Kathmandu: ICIMOD.
  • Hur, S.N., 1991. Effect of Osmoconditioning on The Productivity of Italian Ryegrass and Sorghum Under Suboptimal Conditions. Korean Journal of Animal Science, 33: 101-105.
  • McDonalds, M. B., 2000. Seed Priming. In “Seed Technology and Its Biological Bases” (M. Black and J.D. Bewley, Eds.) pp. 287-325. Sheffield Academic Press Ltd. Sheffield.
  • Murungu, F.S. , Nyamugafata, P. , Chiduza, C., Clark, L.J., Whalley, W.R., 2005. Effects of Seed Priming and Water Potential on Germination of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Maize (Zea mays L.) in Laboratory Assays. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 22(1): 64-70.
  • Nazir, M.S., Saad, A., Anjum, Y., Ahmad, W., 2014. Possibility of Seed Priming for Good Germination of Cotton Seed Under Salinity Stress, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 4(8): 66-68.
  • Papastylianou, P.T., Karamanos, A.J., 2012. Effect of Osmopriming Treatments With Mannitol on Cottonseed Germination Performance Under Suboptimal Conditions. Seed Science and Technology, 40: 248-258.
  • Parera, A.C., Cantliffe, D.J., 1994. Pre-sowing Seed Priming. Horticultural Reviews, 16: 109-148.
  • Rezaee, S., Moghaddam, M.R.R., Bazrgar, A.B., 2015. Cotton Seed Germination as Affected by Salinity and Priming. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(1): 312-318.
  • Shafiq, F., Batool, H., Raza, S.H., Hameed, M., 2015. Effect of Potassium Nitrate Seed Priming on Allometry of Drought-Stressed Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 18(3): 195-204.
  • Shakila, A., Venkatesan, S., Babu, D., 2005. Influence of Osmopriming Agents on Seedling Performance in Chilli. Conservation & Recycling, 18: 147-155.
  • Taylor, A. G., Harman, G. E., 1990. Concepts and Technologies of Selected Seed Treatments. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 28: 321–339.
  • Thanos, C.A., Georghiou, K., and Passam, H.C., 1989. Osmoconditioning and Ageing of Pepper Seeds During Storage. Annals of Botany, 63: 65-69.
  • Toselli, M.E., Casenave, E.C., 2014. Is the Enhancement Produced By Priming in Cottonseeds Maintained During Storage?, Bragantia, Campinas, 73(4): 372-376.

Effects of Different Priming Treatments on Germination and Seedling Growth Properties of Cotton (G. hirsutum L.)

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 343 - 356, 27.09.2017


Cotton is an important fiber crop for Turkey and to increase cotton production it is important to optimize cultivation conditions as well as use of good varieties of genetic potential with high yield potency. Among these factors priming (pre-sowing seed treatments) treatments to the seeds getting importance last decade. This investigation, which  is aimed to search the effects of different priming treatments on germination, seedling growth properties, root and shoot growth of cotton was conducted at Çukurova University, Research Laboratory and Greenhauses of Biotechnology Research and Application Center, during 2013-2014 for two years. In this study, delinted seeds of SG-125 and Flash cotton varieties, which were widely grown in Cukurova conditions and differ from each other in terms of some plant characters, used as seed materials. The seeds were treated with priming agents as; 1) 3% Potassium nitrate (KNO3) , 2) 10% polyethyleneglycol (PEG-8000) 3) Mannitol, 4) 2% Potassium chloride (KCl) 5) distilled water and 6) Control (non treated seeds).

The results showed that germination properties of Flash variety was superior compared to SG-125 under laboratory and pot conditions. By this context, under the petri and soil conditions germination percentage and seedling emergence percentage were higher in Flash cotton variety than the SG-125. Distilled water and Mannitol treatments to the cotton seeds provided advantages compared to non primed seeds (control) and remaining of the priming agents so, detailed research must be conducted under field conditions to get certain results.


  • Abandani, R.R., Ramezani, M., 2012. The Physiological Effects on Some Traits of Osmopriming Germination of Maize (Zea mays L.), Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Cucumber (Cucumissativus L). International Journal of Agronomy, 4(2): 132-148.
  • Ahmadvand, G., Soleymani, F., Saadatian, B., Pouya, M., 2012. Effects of Seed Priming on Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence of Cotton Under Salinity Stress. World Applied Sciences Journal, 20 (11): 1453-1458.
  • Bagher, M., Asl, A., Taheri, G., 2012. Survey the Effect of Seed Priming on Germination and Physiological Indices of Cotton Khordad Cultivar. Annals of Biological Research, 3 (2): 1003-1009.
  • Bradford, K.J, 1986. Manipulation of Seed Water Relations Via Osmotic Priming to Improve Germination Under Stress Conditions. Horticultural Science, 21: 1105–1112.
  • Bradow, J.M., Bauer, P.J., 2010. Germination and Seedling Development. “Alınmıştır: Physiology of Cotton, J. McD. Stewart ve ark.2010”.
  • Buxton, D.R., Sprenger, P.J., 1976. Genetic Variability for Cottonseed Germination at Favorable and Low Temperatures. Crop Science, 16: 243-246.
  • Caseiro, R., Bennett, M.A. and J. Marcos-Filho., 2004. Comparison of Three Priming Techniques for Onion Seed Lots Differing Initial Seed Quality. Seed Science and Technology, 32: 365-375.
  • Cheng, Z., Bradford, K.J., 1999. Hydrothermal Time Analysis of Tomato Seed Germination Responses to Priming Treatments. Journal of Experimental Botany, 33: 89-99.
  • De Villiers, A.J., Van Rooyen, M.V., Theron, G.K., Van De Venter, H.A., 1994. Germination of Three Namaqualand Pioneer Species, As Influenced By Salinity, Temperature and Light. Seed Science & Technology, 22(3): 427-433.
  • Demir, I. and H. A. Van de Venter., 1999. The Effect of Priming Treatments on The Performance of Watermelon (Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) Seeds Under Temperature Andosmotic Stress. Seed Science and Technology, 27(3): 871-875.
  • Fujikura, Y., Kraak, H.L., Basra, A.S., Karssen, C.M., 1993. Seed and Technology. 21: 639-642.
  • Ghasemi-Golezani, K., Aliloo, A.A., Valizadeh, M., Moghaddam, M., 2008. Effects of Hydro and Osmo-Priming on Seed Germination and Field Emergence Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 36(1): 29-33.
  • Giri, G.S. and Schillinger, W.F., 2003. Seed Priming Winter Wheat for Germination, Emergence, and Yield. Crop Science, 43: 2135-2141.
  • Gummerson, R. J., 1986. The Effect of Constant Temperatures and Osmotic Potentials on the Germination of Sugar Beet. Journal of Experimental Botany, 37: 729-741.
  • Harris, D., Joshi, A., Khan, P.A., Gothkar, P., Sodhi, P.S., 1999. On Farm Seed Priming in Semi-Arid Agriculture Development and Evaluation in Maire, Rice And Chickpea in India Using Participatory Methods. Experimental Agriculture, 35: 15-29.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Arif, M., Yunas, M., 2005. Alleviating Micronutrient Deficiencies in Alkaline Soils of The North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan: On-Farm Seed Priming With Zinc in Wheat and Chickpea. In: Andersen, Tuladhar P,Karki JK, Maskey KB. S.L. (Eds) Micronutrients in South and South East Asia, pp 143-151. Kathmandu: ICIMOD.
  • Hur, S.N., 1991. Effect of Osmoconditioning on The Productivity of Italian Ryegrass and Sorghum Under Suboptimal Conditions. Korean Journal of Animal Science, 33: 101-105.
  • McDonalds, M. B., 2000. Seed Priming. In “Seed Technology and Its Biological Bases” (M. Black and J.D. Bewley, Eds.) pp. 287-325. Sheffield Academic Press Ltd. Sheffield.
  • Murungu, F.S. , Nyamugafata, P. , Chiduza, C., Clark, L.J., Whalley, W.R., 2005. Effects of Seed Priming and Water Potential on Germination of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Maize (Zea mays L.) in Laboratory Assays. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 22(1): 64-70.
  • Nazir, M.S., Saad, A., Anjum, Y., Ahmad, W., 2014. Possibility of Seed Priming for Good Germination of Cotton Seed Under Salinity Stress, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 4(8): 66-68.
  • Papastylianou, P.T., Karamanos, A.J., 2012. Effect of Osmopriming Treatments With Mannitol on Cottonseed Germination Performance Under Suboptimal Conditions. Seed Science and Technology, 40: 248-258.
  • Parera, A.C., Cantliffe, D.J., 1994. Pre-sowing Seed Priming. Horticultural Reviews, 16: 109-148.
  • Rezaee, S., Moghaddam, M.R.R., Bazrgar, A.B., 2015. Cotton Seed Germination as Affected by Salinity and Priming. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(1): 312-318.
  • Shafiq, F., Batool, H., Raza, S.H., Hameed, M., 2015. Effect of Potassium Nitrate Seed Priming on Allometry of Drought-Stressed Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 18(3): 195-204.
  • Shakila, A., Venkatesan, S., Babu, D., 2005. Influence of Osmopriming Agents on Seedling Performance in Chilli. Conservation & Recycling, 18: 147-155.
  • Taylor, A. G., Harman, G. E., 1990. Concepts and Technologies of Selected Seed Treatments. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 28: 321–339.
  • Thanos, C.A., Georghiou, K., and Passam, H.C., 1989. Osmoconditioning and Ageing of Pepper Seeds During Storage. Annals of Botany, 63: 65-69.
  • Toselli, M.E., Casenave, E.C., 2014. Is the Enhancement Produced By Priming in Cottonseeds Maintained During Storage?, Bragantia, Campinas, 73(4): 372-376.
There are 28 citations in total.


Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section dp

Petek Toklu

Publication Date September 27, 2017
Submission Date September 22, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Toklu, P. (2017). Pamukta (G. hirsutum L.) Farklı Priming Uygulamalarının Çimlenme ve Fide Gelişim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(3), 343-356.

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