Selma Rıza, known as one of the first Turkish female novelists, was born in 1872 in Istanbul. She had her novel Uhuvvet- the novel she wrote when she was just 20- edited, transcribed and copied in 1897 in case it was lost, just before she escaped to her brother Ahmet Rıza who was among the outstanding members of the Young Turks. She returned to Istanbul after the declaration of the second Constitution; however, due to her occupations and tense changing literary atmosphere, she didn’t or couldn’t publish her book. The novel was left forgotten for long years till Nebil Fazıl Alsan found it inside a scrape pile and simplified and published it along with the Ministry of Culture’s publications in 1999. Following his death in a fire in 2009, the original copy was lost or burnt. Another original author copy found inside the collection of IBB Ataturk Library by a lucky coincidence.
In this text, Selma Rıza’s Uhuvvet, Nebil Fazıl Aslan’s edition and the copy found in the Ataturk Library will be analyzed in terms of fiction and topic, thus studying fictional differences and their reasons. This way the complexity and the versatility in the creation process of a literary work will be put forward.