Research Article
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Chemical Characteristics and Feed Value of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Plant

Year 2024, , 37 - 48, 08.07.2024


Objective: The experiment was conducted to determine chemical compositions of different parts of Moringa oleifera [leaves, stalks and whole (leaves + stalks).
Material and Methods: For this purpose, Moringa oleifera was harvested 3 times with 1 month of intervals starting from the first flowering period at 5 months old. Dry matter, organic matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract, starch, sugar, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, hemicellulose, cellulose, relative feed value, in vitro metabolic energy for ruminant and poultry of different parts of Moringa oleifera , also antioxidant activity, phenolic substance and total flavonoid of leaves were analysed,
Results: There were significant differences among harvests in all parameters in the leaves except for organic matter and ash, stalks and whole (leaves + stalks) (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Consequently, it is concluded that Moringa oleifera can be recommended as an
alternative source of forages considering nutrients content and feed value.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera, nutrients, feed value

Ethical Statement

The authors declare that an ethics committee is not required for this article.

Supporting Institution

This study was financially supported by Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP, Project No; FYL-2020-21280.). The authors thank the financial support

Project Number



This research was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination of Ege University [Grant No. FYL-2020-21280]. The authors would like to thank Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination for datas collection facilities in performing the paper


  • Abbas TE. 2013. The use of Moringa oleifera in poultry diets. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 37: 492-496.
  • Aderinola TA, Fagbemi TN, Enujiugha VN, Alashi AM, Aluko RE. 2018. Amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera seed protein isolate and enzymatic hydroly-sates. Heliyon, 4, 10 (Oct. 2018), e00877.
  • Afuang W, Siddhuraju P, Becker K. 2003. Comparative nutritional evaluation of raw, methanol extracted residues and methanol extracts of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves on growth performance and feed utilization in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L). Aquaculture Research, 34: 1147-59.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists (15th ed.) Arlington, Virginia 22201, USA, Kenneth Helrich (Ed.)
  • Aregheore EM. 2002. Intake and digestibility of Moringa oleifera–batiki grass mixtures by growing goats. Small Ruminant Research, 46: 23-28.
  • Ayerza R. 2011. Seed yield components, oil content, and fatty acid composition of two cultivars of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) growing in the arid Chaco of Argentina. Industrial Crops and Products, 33: 389-394.
  • Ayssiwede SB, Zanmenou JC, Issa Y, Hane MB, Dieng A, Chrysostome CAAM, Houinato MR, Hornick JL, Missohou A. 2011. Nutrient composition of some unconventional and local feed resources available in Senegal and recoverable in indigenous chickens or animal feeding. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10: 707-717.
  • Canbolat O, Kamalak A, Ozkan CO, Erol A, Sahin M, Karakas E, Ozkose E. 2006. Prediction of relative feed value of alfalfa hays harvested at different maturity stages using in vitro gas production. Livestock Research for Rural Development 18 (2) Article 27,
  • Canbolat Ö, Karaman G. 2009. Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some legume forages. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15: 188-195. (In Turkish).
  • Coz-Bolanos X, Campos-Vega R, Reynoso-Camacho R, Ramos-Gómez M, Loarca-Piña GF, GuzmánMaldonado SH. 2018. Moringa infusion (Moringa oleifera) rich in phenolic compounds and high antioxidant capacity attenuate nitric oxide pro-inflammatory mediator in vitro. Industrial Crops and Products, 118, 95-101.
  • Cattan Y, Patil D, Vaknin Y, Rytwo G, Lakemond C, Benjamin O. 2022. Characterization of Moringa oleifera leaf and seed protein extract functionality in emulsion model system. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 75, Article 102903
  • Chodur GM, Olson ME, Wade KL, Stephenson KK, Garima W N, Fahey, JW. 2018. Wild and domesticated Moringa oleifera differ in taste, glucosinolate composition, and antioxidant potential, but not myrosinase activity or protein content. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 7995. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26059-3.
  • Du QH, Wu YH, Xue S, Fu Z. 2022. Extraction concentration of NaCl on structural, physicochemical and functional properties of Moringa oleifera seeds protein LWT Food Science and Technology, 155, Article 112988.
  • Elghandour MMY, Vallejo LH, Salem AZM, Mellado M, Camacho LM, Cipriano M, Olafadehan OA, Olivares J, Rojas S. 2017. Moringa oleifera leaf meal as an environmental friendly protein source for ruminants: Biomethane and carbon dioxide production, and fermentation characteristics. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 165, 1229-1238.
  • Foidl N, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2001. Potentiel de Moringa oleifera en agriculture et dans l’industrie, Potentiel de développement des produits du moringa Dar es Salaam, Tanzanie. Available online: MORINGA.pdf [Accessed 29 June 2019].
  • Garcia, A.M.N., Moumen, A., Ruiz, D.Y., Alcaide, E.M., 2003. Chemical composition and nutrients availability for goats and sheep of two-stage olive cake and olive leaves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 107, 61-74.
  • Gebregiorgis F, Negesse T, Nurfeta A. 2012. Feed intake and utilization in sheep fed graded levels of dried Moringa (Moringa stenopetala) leaf as a supplement to rhodes grass hay. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44: 511-517.
  • Ghazali HM, Mohammed AS. 2011. Chapter 93-Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Seed Oil Composition, Nutritional Aspects, and Health Attributes. In: Preedy, V.R., Watson, R.R. and Patel, V.B., Eds., Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, Academic Press, San Diego, 787-793.
  • Giuberti G, Rocchetti G, Montesano D, Lucini L. 2021. The potential of Moringa oleifera in food formulation: A promising source of functional compounds with health-promoting properties Current Opinion in Food Science, 42: 257-269.
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  • Hassanein AMA. 2018. Nutritional, chemical and molecular characterisation of Moringa oleifera Lam. and Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori genotypes. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93: 500-509.
  • Khan, A., M. Tahir, I. Alhidary, A. Abdelrahman, A. A. Swelum and R. U. Khan. 2022. Role of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf extract on productive parameters, humoral immunity and lipid peroxidation in broiler chicks. Animal Biotechnology, 33:6, 1353-1358.
  • Kwena Mokoboki H, Nthabiseng Sebola A, Emmanuel Ravhuhali K, Nhlane L. 2019. Chemical composition, in vitro ruminal dry matter degradability and dry matter intake of some selected browse plants. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, 5: 1587811: 1-10.
  • Laouali Manzo M, Halidou D, Hallarou M, Illo A, Rabani A, Donnen P, Dramaix M. 2016. Composition de la poudre des feuilles sèches de Moringa oleifera dans trois régions du Niger. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16: 11432-11442.
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  • Lin H, Zhu H, Tan J, Wang H, Wang Z, Li P, Zhao C, Liu J. 2019. Comparative analysis of chemical constituents of Moringa oleifera leaves from china and India by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Molecules, 7; 24(5): 942, doi: 10.3390/molecules24050942.
  • Lin M, Zhang J, Chen X. 2018. Bioactive flavonoids in Moringa oleifera and their health- promoting properties. Journal of Functional Foods, 47, 469-479.
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  • Mabapa MP, Ayisi KK, Mariga IK. 2017. Effect of planting density and harvest interval on the leaf yield and quality of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) under diverse agroecological conditions of northern South Africa. International Journal of Agronomy, 1: 1-9.
  • Magalhães ERB, Menezes NNF, Silva FL, Garrido JWA, Sousa MASB, Santos ES. 2021. Effect of oil extraction on the composition, structure, and coagulant effect of Moringa oleifera seeds. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123902,
  • Makkar HPS, Becker K. 1997. Nutrients and antiquality factors in different morphological parts of the Moringa oleifera tree. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 128: 311-322.
  • Mendieta-Araica B, Sporndly R, Sanchez NR, Sporndly E. 2011. Moringa (Moringa oleifera ) leaf meal as a source of protein in locally produced concentrates for dairy cows fed low protein diets in tropical areas. Livestock Science, 137: 10-17.
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Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Bitkinin Kimyasal Özellikleri ve Yem Degeri

Year 2024, , 37 - 48, 08.07.2024


Amaç: Bu araştırmada; Moringa oleifera bitkisinin farklı kısımlarının (yapraklar, saplar ve tüm bitkinin (yapraklar + saplar) kimyasal bileşimlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu amaçla Moringa oleifera 5 aylık yaştaki ilk çiçeklenme döneminden başlayarak 1 ay aralıklarla 3 kez hasat edilmiştir. Moringa oleifera 'nın farklı kısımlarında kuru madde, organik madde, kül, ham protein, ham yağ, ham selüloz, nitrojensiz öz maddeler, nişasta, şeker, nötr deterjan lifi, asit deterjan lifi, asit deterjan lignini, hemiselüloz, selüloz, nispi yem değeri, geviş getiren hayvanlar ve kümes hayvanları için in vitro metabolik enerji, ayrıca yaprakta antioksidan aktivite, fenolik madde ve toplam flavonoid analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Organik madde ve ham kül hariç yapraklarda, saplarda ve bütünde (yaprak + sap) tüm parametrelerde hasatlar arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur (P<0.05).
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, Moringa oleifera' nın besin maddeleri içeriği ve yem değeri dikkate alındığında alternatif bir kaba yem kaynağı olarak önerilebileceği kanısına varılmıştır.
Anahtar sözcükler: Moringa oleifera, besin maddeleri, yem değeri

Ethical Statement

Etik kurul onayı gerekmemektedir.

Supporting Institution

Ege Üniversitesi

Project Number



This research was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination of Ege University [Grant No. FYL-2020-21280]. The authors would like to thank Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination for data collection facilities in performing the paper.


  • Abbas TE. 2013. The use of Moringa oleifera in poultry diets. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 37: 492-496.
  • Aderinola TA, Fagbemi TN, Enujiugha VN, Alashi AM, Aluko RE. 2018. Amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera seed protein isolate and enzymatic hydroly-sates. Heliyon, 4, 10 (Oct. 2018), e00877.
  • Afuang W, Siddhuraju P, Becker K. 2003. Comparative nutritional evaluation of raw, methanol extracted residues and methanol extracts of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves on growth performance and feed utilization in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L). Aquaculture Research, 34: 1147-59.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists (15th ed.) Arlington, Virginia 22201, USA, Kenneth Helrich (Ed.)
  • Aregheore EM. 2002. Intake and digestibility of Moringa oleifera–batiki grass mixtures by growing goats. Small Ruminant Research, 46: 23-28.
  • Ayerza R. 2011. Seed yield components, oil content, and fatty acid composition of two cultivars of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) growing in the arid Chaco of Argentina. Industrial Crops and Products, 33: 389-394.
  • Ayssiwede SB, Zanmenou JC, Issa Y, Hane MB, Dieng A, Chrysostome CAAM, Houinato MR, Hornick JL, Missohou A. 2011. Nutrient composition of some unconventional and local feed resources available in Senegal and recoverable in indigenous chickens or animal feeding. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10: 707-717.
  • Canbolat O, Kamalak A, Ozkan CO, Erol A, Sahin M, Karakas E, Ozkose E. 2006. Prediction of relative feed value of alfalfa hays harvested at different maturity stages using in vitro gas production. Livestock Research for Rural Development 18 (2) Article 27,
  • Canbolat Ö, Karaman G. 2009. Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some legume forages. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15: 188-195. (In Turkish).
  • Coz-Bolanos X, Campos-Vega R, Reynoso-Camacho R, Ramos-Gómez M, Loarca-Piña GF, GuzmánMaldonado SH. 2018. Moringa infusion (Moringa oleifera) rich in phenolic compounds and high antioxidant capacity attenuate nitric oxide pro-inflammatory mediator in vitro. Industrial Crops and Products, 118, 95-101.
  • Cattan Y, Patil D, Vaknin Y, Rytwo G, Lakemond C, Benjamin O. 2022. Characterization of Moringa oleifera leaf and seed protein extract functionality in emulsion model system. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 75, Article 102903
  • Chodur GM, Olson ME, Wade KL, Stephenson KK, Garima W N, Fahey, JW. 2018. Wild and domesticated Moringa oleifera differ in taste, glucosinolate composition, and antioxidant potential, but not myrosinase activity or protein content. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 7995. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26059-3.
  • Du QH, Wu YH, Xue S, Fu Z. 2022. Extraction concentration of NaCl on structural, physicochemical and functional properties of Moringa oleifera seeds protein LWT Food Science and Technology, 155, Article 112988.
  • Elghandour MMY, Vallejo LH, Salem AZM, Mellado M, Camacho LM, Cipriano M, Olafadehan OA, Olivares J, Rojas S. 2017. Moringa oleifera leaf meal as an environmental friendly protein source for ruminants: Biomethane and carbon dioxide production, and fermentation characteristics. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 165, 1229-1238.
  • Foidl N, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2001. Potentiel de Moringa oleifera en agriculture et dans l’industrie, Potentiel de développement des produits du moringa Dar es Salaam, Tanzanie. Available online: MORINGA.pdf [Accessed 29 June 2019].
  • Garcia, A.M.N., Moumen, A., Ruiz, D.Y., Alcaide, E.M., 2003. Chemical composition and nutrients availability for goats and sheep of two-stage olive cake and olive leaves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 107, 61-74.
  • Gebregiorgis F, Negesse T, Nurfeta A. 2012. Feed intake and utilization in sheep fed graded levels of dried Moringa (Moringa stenopetala) leaf as a supplement to rhodes grass hay. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44: 511-517.
  • Ghazali HM, Mohammed AS. 2011. Chapter 93-Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Seed Oil Composition, Nutritional Aspects, and Health Attributes. In: Preedy, V.R., Watson, R.R. and Patel, V.B., Eds., Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, Academic Press, San Diego, 787-793.
  • Giuberti G, Rocchetti G, Montesano D, Lucini L. 2021. The potential of Moringa oleifera in food formulation: A promising source of functional compounds with health-promoting properties Current Opinion in Food Science, 42: 257-269.
  • Goering HK, Van Soest PJ. 1970. Forage fiber analyses, Agriculture Handbook, No: 379, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Gupta K, Barat GK, Wagle DS, Chawla HKL (1989). Nutrient contents and antinutritional factors in convectional and non-conventional leafy vegetables. Food Chemistry, 31: 105-116.
  • Hassanein AMA. 2018. Nutritional, chemical and molecular characterisation of Moringa oleifera Lam. and Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori genotypes. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93: 500-509.
  • Khan, A., M. Tahir, I. Alhidary, A. Abdelrahman, A. A. Swelum and R. U. Khan. 2022. Role of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf extract on productive parameters, humoral immunity and lipid peroxidation in broiler chicks. Animal Biotechnology, 33:6, 1353-1358.
  • Kwena Mokoboki H, Nthabiseng Sebola A, Emmanuel Ravhuhali K, Nhlane L. 2019. Chemical composition, in vitro ruminal dry matter degradability and dry matter intake of some selected browse plants. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, 5: 1587811: 1-10.
  • Laouali Manzo M, Halidou D, Hallarou M, Illo A, Rabani A, Donnen P, Dramaix M. 2016. Composition de la poudre des feuilles sèches de Moringa oleifera dans trois régions du Niger. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16: 11432-11442.
  • Liang L, Wang C, Li S, Chu X, Sun K. 2019. Nutritional compositions of Indian Moringa oleifera seed and antioxidant activity of its polypeptides. Food Science and Nutrition ,7: 1754-1760.
  • Lin H, Zhu H, Tan J, Wang H, Wang Z, Li P, Zhao C, Liu J. 2019. Comparative analysis of chemical constituents of Moringa oleifera leaves from china and India by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Molecules, 7; 24(5): 942, doi: 10.3390/molecules24050942.
  • Lin M, Zhang J, Chen X. 2018. Bioactive flavonoids in Moringa oleifera and their health- promoting properties. Journal of Functional Foods, 47, 469-479.
  • Liu Y, Wang X, Wei X, Gao Z, Han J. 2018. Values, properties and utility of different parts of Moringa oleifera: An overview. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 10: 371-378.
  • Ma ZF, Ahmad J, Zhang H, Khan I, Muhammad S. 2020. Evaluation of phytochemical and medicinal properties of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) as a potential functional food. South African Journal of Botany, 129, 40-46.
  • Mabapa MP, Ayisi KK, Mariga IK. 2017. Effect of planting density and harvest interval on the leaf yield and quality of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) under diverse agroecological conditions of northern South Africa. International Journal of Agronomy, 1: 1-9.
  • Magalhães ERB, Menezes NNF, Silva FL, Garrido JWA, Sousa MASB, Santos ES. 2021. Effect of oil extraction on the composition, structure, and coagulant effect of Moringa oleifera seeds. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123902,
  • Makkar HPS, Becker K. 1997. Nutrients and antiquality factors in different morphological parts of the Moringa oleifera tree. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 128: 311-322.
  • Mendieta-Araica B, Sporndly R, Sanchez NR, Sporndly E. 2011. Moringa (Moringa oleifera ) leaf meal as a source of protein in locally produced concentrates for dairy cows fed low protein diets in tropical areas. Livestock Science, 137: 10-17.
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There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Animal Feeding
Journal Section Research Article

Foudelou Issaka Ibrahıma 0000-0003-0286-0410

Figen Kırkpınar 0000-0002-2018-755X

Project Number FYL-2020-21280
Early Pub Date July 5, 2024
Publication Date July 8, 2024
Submission Date June 14, 2024
Acceptance Date July 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Issaka Ibrahıma, F., & Kırkpınar, F. (2024). Chemical Characteristics and Feed Value of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Plant. Journal of Animal Production, 65(1), 37-48.


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