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Effect of Clove Oil Treatment on in vitro Dry Matter Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy Value of Wheat Straw

Year 2019, , 9 - 13, 28.06.2019


Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of clove oil on in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) values of wheat straw. ,

Material and Methods: In the research, clove oil (66.6% eugenol) was treated with wheat straw at different doses (0, 50, 100, 200 ppm) and hours (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12). Firstly, in vitro cellulase method was applied in the study. In the application of the method, pepsin (2000 FIP-U/g) and also the cellulase enzyme obtained from Trichoderma viride (Onozuka R-10, 1 U/mg activity) were used. Then from obtained values, the DMD value of the feed and the amount of organic matter soluble in the enzyme (ELOS) were found and the in vitro ME values were calculated.

Results: Clove etheric oil depending on the increasing dose was increased DMD, ELOS and ME values of wheat straw (P<0.01). Accordingly, clove oil treatment, increased the DMD, ELOS and ME values of the straw from 37.17% to 53.92%, from 22.31% to 39.45% and from 7.53 MJ/kg to 8.13 MJ/kg, respectively (P<0.01). The highest values for these parameters were obtained at 200 ppm dose and 5 hours (P<0.01, P<0.05).

Conclusion: As a result, clove oil treatment in wheat straw has an important potential effect in increasing the in vitro digestion and energy value of feed. However, the results of the study should be supported by more detailed studies, especially in vivo studies.


  • AOAC 1990. Official method of analysis, 15 th Ed, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc., Virginia, USA, 770-771.Benchaar C, Calsamiglia S, Chaves AV, Fraser GR, Colombatto D, McAllister TA, Beauchemin KA. 2008. A review of plant derived essential oils in ruminant nutrition and production. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 145, 209–228.Benchaar C, Duynisveld JL, Charmley E. 2006. Effects of monensin and increasing dose levels of a mixture of essential oil compounds on intake, digestion and growth performance of beef cattle. Can J Anim Sci, 86, 91-96.Bergvist TP. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils. Master thesis in Pharmacy, Göteburg University, 10p.Brenes A, Roura, E. 2010. Essensial oils in poultry nutrition: Main effects and modes of action. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 158, 1–14.Burt S. 2004. Essential oils: their antibacterial properties an potential application in foods. A review: Int. J Food Microbiol. 94, 223-253.Calsamiglia S, Busquet M, Cardozo PW, Castillejos L, Ferret A. 2007. Invited review: essential oils as modifiers of rumen microbial fermentation. J Dairy Sci. 90, 2580–2595.Chamdit S, Siripermpool P. 2012. Antimicrobial effect of clove and lemongrass oils againts planktonic cells and biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus. Mahidol Uni, J Pharmaceutical Sci, 39 (2), 28-36.Canbolat Ö. 2012. Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some cereal forages. J of Faculty of Vet Med, University of Kafkas, 18 (4), 571-577.Canbolat Ö, Kalkan H, Karaman Ş, Filya İ. 2011. Esansiyel yağların sindirim, rumen fermantasyonu ve mikrobiyal protein üretimi üzerine etkileri, Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17 (4), 557-565.Canbolat Ö, Karaman Ş, Filya İ. 2010. Farklı kekik yağı dozlarının mısır silajının sindirimi ve rumen fermantasyonu üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (6), 933-939.Castillejos L, Calsamiglia S, Ferret A, Losa R. 2007. Effects of dose and adaptation time of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 132: 186–201.Demirtaş A, Öztürk H, Pişkin İ, Demirkiran D, Salgirli Y. 2011. Biberiye ve adaçayı ekstraktlarının ruminal fermantasyon üzerine etkilerinin rumen simülasyon tekniği (RUSITEC) ile araştırılması. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 37 (2), 127–134.GfE 1998. Ausschuss für Bedarfsnormen der Gesellschaft für Ernahrungsphysiologie. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol, 7, 141-149. Hart, KJ, Y´a˜nez-Ruiz, DR., Duval, SM., McEwan, NR., Newbold, CJ. 2008. Plant extracts to manipulate rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147, 8–35.Isman, MB. 2000. Plant essential oils for pest and disease management. Crop Prod, 19: 603-608.Kamalak, A, Canbolat, Ö, Özkan, O, Atalay, AI. 2011. Effect of thymol on in vitro gas production, digestibility and metabolisable energy content of alfalfa hay. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 17 (2), 211-216.Machado, M, Dinis, AM, Salgueiro, L, Custódio, José BA, Cavaleiro, C, Sousa, MC. 2011. Anti-Giardia activity of Syzygium aromaticum essential oil and eugenol: Effects on growth, viability, adherence and ultrastructure. Experimental Parasitology, 127, 732–739Newbold, CJ., McIntosh, FM., Williams, P, Losa, R, Wallace, RJ. 2004. Effects of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 114, 105–112.Patra, A.K., Kamra, D.N., Agarwal, N. 2006. Effect of plant extracts on in vitro methanogenesis, enzyme activities and fermentation of feed in rumen liquor of buffalo. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 128 (3-4), 276-291.Rofiq, MN., Görgülü, M., Boğa, M. 2012a. Karanfil uçucu yağının (Clove oil) ruminantlarda in vitro gerçek KM ve NDF sindirilebilirliği ve yemin enerji içeriğine etkileri. 8. Ulusal Zootekni Öğrenci Kong, 127-129s.Rofiq, M.N., Martono, S., Görgülü, M., Boğa, M. 2012b. Combination effect of clove and cinnamon oil on in vitro rumen gas and methane production, Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry, 717p.Sallam, S.M.A., Bueno, I.C.S., Brigide, P., Godoy, P.B., Vitti, D.M.S.S., Abdalla, A.L. 2009. Investigation of potential new opportunities for plant extract on rumen microbial fermentation in vitro. Options Méditerrannées, 85, 255-260. SPSS Inc. Released 2009, PASW Statistics for Windows, version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.Stokłosa A., Matraszek R., Isman M.B. and Upadhyaya M.K. 2012. Phytotoxic activity of clove oil, its constituents, and its modification by light intensity in broccoli and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), Weed Science, 60:607–611.Şahan, Z., Boğa, M., Çelik, L., Görgülü, M. 2009. Nane (Mentha longifolia), kişniş (Coriandrum sativum), defne (Laurus nobilis), biberiye (Rosmarinus officinalis) uçucu yağlarının buğday samanı, sfk ve arpanın in vitro gerçek sindirilebilirliklerine etkileri. 6. Ulusal Zootekni Kong., Erzurum, 24-26 Haziran, 141-145.Şayan, Y., Özkul, H., Alçiçek, A., Akbaş, Y., Coşkuntuna, L., Önenç, S., Polat, C., Çapçı, T., Kılıç, A., Özkan, K. 2003. Bazı kaba yemlerin yem değerlerinin farklı analiz teknikleri ile belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK (VHAG-1491) Sonuç Raporu, İzmir, 60s.Tilley, J.M.A., Terry, R.A. 1963. A two stage technique for the in vitro digestion of forage crops. J The British Garssland Society, (18), 104-111.Ünlü, H.B., Erkek, R., Özdoğan, M., Mert, S. 2013. Buzağı beslemede doğal yem katkı maddelerinin kullanımı. Hayvansal Üretim, 54 (2), 36-42. Yang, W.Z., Benchaarb, C., Ametajc, B.N., Beauchemin, K.A. 2010. Dose response to eugenol supplementation in growing beef cattle: ruminal fermentation and intestinal digestion. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 158 (1-2), 57–64.Yılmaz, Y. 2009. Kekik (Origanum vulgare) ve çörekotu (Nigella sativa) yağı ile arpa, soya fasulyesi küspesi ve buğday samanının gerçek kuru madde, organik madde ve NDF sindirilebilirliğine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniv Zootekni ABD., 39s.

Buğday Samanının Karanfil Eterik Yağı ile Muamelesinin in vitro Kuru Madde Sindirilebilirliği ve Metabolik Enerji Değerine Etkisi

Year 2019, , 9 - 13, 28.06.2019


Bu çalışmada, karanfil eterik yağının buğday samanının in vitro KMS ve ME değerlerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

ve Metot
: Araştırmada, karanfil yağı (%66.6 eugenol), farklı
doz (0, 50, 100, 200 ppm) ve saatlerde (1,3,5,7,9,12) buğday samanı ile muamele
edilmiştir. Çalışmada, öncelikle in vitro Selülaz yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Yöntemin uygulanmasında Trichoderma
viride’ den
(Onozuka R-10, 1 U/mg aktivite) elde edilen Selülaz enzimi ile
Pepsin (2000 FIP-U/g) kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra elde edilen değerlerden, yemin
KMS değeri ile enzimde çözünebilen organik madde (ELOS) miktarı bulunmuş ve in
ME değerleri hesaplanmıştır.

eterik yağı artan doza bağlı olarak, buğday samanının KMS, ELOS ve ME değerlerini
artırmıştır (P<0.05). Buna göre, karanfil yağı muamelesi, samanın KMS, ELOS
ve ME değerlerini sırasıyla %37.17 den %53.92 ye, %22.31 den %39.45 e ve 7.53
MJ/kg dan 8.13 MJ/kg a yükseltmiştir (P<0.05). Bu parametrelere ait en
yüksek değerler, 200 ppm doz ve 5. saatte elde edilmiştir.

Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, buğday samanına karanfil yağı
muamelesi, yemin in vitro sindirimini
ve enerji değerini arttırmada önemli potansiyel etkiye sahiptir. Ancak çalışma
sonuçları daha detaylı çalışmalarla ve özellikle in vivo çalışmalarla desteklenmelidir.


  • AOAC 1990. Official method of analysis, 15 th Ed, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc., Virginia, USA, 770-771.Benchaar C, Calsamiglia S, Chaves AV, Fraser GR, Colombatto D, McAllister TA, Beauchemin KA. 2008. A review of plant derived essential oils in ruminant nutrition and production. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 145, 209–228.Benchaar C, Duynisveld JL, Charmley E. 2006. Effects of monensin and increasing dose levels of a mixture of essential oil compounds on intake, digestion and growth performance of beef cattle. Can J Anim Sci, 86, 91-96.Bergvist TP. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of four volatile essential oils. Master thesis in Pharmacy, Göteburg University, 10p.Brenes A, Roura, E. 2010. Essensial oils in poultry nutrition: Main effects and modes of action. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 158, 1–14.Burt S. 2004. Essential oils: their antibacterial properties an potential application in foods. A review: Int. J Food Microbiol. 94, 223-253.Calsamiglia S, Busquet M, Cardozo PW, Castillejos L, Ferret A. 2007. Invited review: essential oils as modifiers of rumen microbial fermentation. J Dairy Sci. 90, 2580–2595.Chamdit S, Siripermpool P. 2012. Antimicrobial effect of clove and lemongrass oils againts planktonic cells and biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus. Mahidol Uni, J Pharmaceutical Sci, 39 (2), 28-36.Canbolat Ö. 2012. Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some cereal forages. J of Faculty of Vet Med, University of Kafkas, 18 (4), 571-577.Canbolat Ö, Kalkan H, Karaman Ş, Filya İ. 2011. Esansiyel yağların sindirim, rumen fermantasyonu ve mikrobiyal protein üretimi üzerine etkileri, Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17 (4), 557-565.Canbolat Ö, Karaman Ş, Filya İ. 2010. Farklı kekik yağı dozlarının mısır silajının sindirimi ve rumen fermantasyonu üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (6), 933-939.Castillejos L, Calsamiglia S, Ferret A, Losa R. 2007. Effects of dose and adaptation time of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 132: 186–201.Demirtaş A, Öztürk H, Pişkin İ, Demirkiran D, Salgirli Y. 2011. Biberiye ve adaçayı ekstraktlarının ruminal fermantasyon üzerine etkilerinin rumen simülasyon tekniği (RUSITEC) ile araştırılması. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 37 (2), 127–134.GfE 1998. Ausschuss für Bedarfsnormen der Gesellschaft für Ernahrungsphysiologie. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol, 7, 141-149. Hart, KJ, Y´a˜nez-Ruiz, DR., Duval, SM., McEwan, NR., Newbold, CJ. 2008. Plant extracts to manipulate rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147, 8–35.Isman, MB. 2000. Plant essential oils for pest and disease management. Crop Prod, 19: 603-608.Kamalak, A, Canbolat, Ö, Özkan, O, Atalay, AI. 2011. Effect of thymol on in vitro gas production, digestibility and metabolisable energy content of alfalfa hay. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 17 (2), 211-216.Machado, M, Dinis, AM, Salgueiro, L, Custódio, José BA, Cavaleiro, C, Sousa, MC. 2011. Anti-Giardia activity of Syzygium aromaticum essential oil and eugenol: Effects on growth, viability, adherence and ultrastructure. Experimental Parasitology, 127, 732–739Newbold, CJ., McIntosh, FM., Williams, P, Losa, R, Wallace, RJ. 2004. Effects of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 114, 105–112.Patra, A.K., Kamra, D.N., Agarwal, N. 2006. Effect of plant extracts on in vitro methanogenesis, enzyme activities and fermentation of feed in rumen liquor of buffalo. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 128 (3-4), 276-291.Rofiq, MN., Görgülü, M., Boğa, M. 2012a. Karanfil uçucu yağının (Clove oil) ruminantlarda in vitro gerçek KM ve NDF sindirilebilirliği ve yemin enerji içeriğine etkileri. 8. Ulusal Zootekni Öğrenci Kong, 127-129s.Rofiq, M.N., Martono, S., Görgülü, M., Boğa, M. 2012b. Combination effect of clove and cinnamon oil on in vitro rumen gas and methane production, Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry, 717p.Sallam, S.M.A., Bueno, I.C.S., Brigide, P., Godoy, P.B., Vitti, D.M.S.S., Abdalla, A.L. 2009. Investigation of potential new opportunities for plant extract on rumen microbial fermentation in vitro. Options Méditerrannées, 85, 255-260. SPSS Inc. Released 2009, PASW Statistics for Windows, version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.Stokłosa A., Matraszek R., Isman M.B. and Upadhyaya M.K. 2012. Phytotoxic activity of clove oil, its constituents, and its modification by light intensity in broccoli and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), Weed Science, 60:607–611.Şahan, Z., Boğa, M., Çelik, L., Görgülü, M. 2009. Nane (Mentha longifolia), kişniş (Coriandrum sativum), defne (Laurus nobilis), biberiye (Rosmarinus officinalis) uçucu yağlarının buğday samanı, sfk ve arpanın in vitro gerçek sindirilebilirliklerine etkileri. 6. Ulusal Zootekni Kong., Erzurum, 24-26 Haziran, 141-145.Şayan, Y., Özkul, H., Alçiçek, A., Akbaş, Y., Coşkuntuna, L., Önenç, S., Polat, C., Çapçı, T., Kılıç, A., Özkan, K. 2003. Bazı kaba yemlerin yem değerlerinin farklı analiz teknikleri ile belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK (VHAG-1491) Sonuç Raporu, İzmir, 60s.Tilley, J.M.A., Terry, R.A. 1963. A two stage technique for the in vitro digestion of forage crops. J The British Garssland Society, (18), 104-111.Ünlü, H.B., Erkek, R., Özdoğan, M., Mert, S. 2013. Buzağı beslemede doğal yem katkı maddelerinin kullanımı. Hayvansal Üretim, 54 (2), 36-42. Yang, W.Z., Benchaarb, C., Ametajc, B.N., Beauchemin, K.A. 2010. Dose response to eugenol supplementation in growing beef cattle: ruminal fermentation and intestinal digestion. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 158 (1-2), 57–64.Yılmaz, Y. 2009. Kekik (Origanum vulgare) ve çörekotu (Nigella sativa) yağı ile arpa, soya fasulyesi küspesi ve buğday samanının gerçek kuru madde, organik madde ve NDF sindirilebilirliğine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniv Zootekni ABD., 39s.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Hülya Özelçam 0000-0002-2071-9296

Sema Özüretmen This is me 0000-0001-6270-0334

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Submission Date November 19, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özelçam, H., & Özüretmen, S. (2019). Buğday Samanının Karanfil Eterik Yağı ile Muamelesinin in vitro Kuru Madde Sindirilebilirliği ve Metabolik Enerji Değerine Etkisi. Journal of Animal Production, 60(1), 9-13.


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